1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <type_traits>
21 #include <utility>
23 #include "chre/util/dynamic_vector.h"
24 #include "chre/util/non_copyable.h"
25 #include "chre/util/raw_storage.h"
26 #include "chre/util/unique_ptr.h"
28 namespace chre {
29 /**
30  * Data structure that is similar to chre::ArrayQueue but with the ability to
31  * expand dynamically. Also has segmented data storage to prevent heap
32  * fragmentation.
33  *
34  * Note that this data structure allocates storage dynamically and might need
35  * to move elements around during push_back(). It is important for ElementType
36  * to have a efficient move operator
37  *
38  * @tparam ElementType: The type of element for this SegmentedQueue to store.
39  * @tparam kBlockSize: The size of one block.
40  */
41 template <typename ElementType, size_t kBlockSize>
42 class SegmentedQueue : public NonCopyable {
43   using Block = ::chre::RawStorage<ElementType, kBlockSize>;
44   using BlockPtr = UniquePtr<Block>;
45   static_assert(kBlockSize > 0);
47  public:
48   /**
49    * Construct a new Segmented Queue object.
50    *
51    * @param maxBlockCount: The maximum number of block that this queue can hold.
52    * @param staticBlockCount the number of blocks that will be allocate in the
53    * constructor and will only be deallocate by the destructor. Needs to be
54    * bigger than zero to avoid thrashing
55    */
56   SegmentedQueue(size_t maxBlockCount, size_t staticBlockCount = 1);
58   ~SegmentedQueue();
60   /**
61    * @return size_t: Number of elements that this segmented queue holds.
62    */
size()63   size_t size() {
64     return mSize;
65   }
67   /**
68    * @return size_t: How many blocks does this segmented queue contains.
69    */
block_count()70   size_t block_count() {
71     return mRawStoragePtrs.size();
72   }
74   /**
75    * @return size_t: Number of items that this queue can store without pushing
76    * new blocks.
77    */
capacity()78   size_t capacity() {
79     return mRawStoragePtrs.size() * kBlockSize;
80   }
82   /**
83    * @return true: Return true if the segmented queue cannot accept new element.
84    */
full()85   bool full() {
86     return mSize == kMaxBlockCount * kBlockSize;
87   }
89   /**
90    * @return true: Return true if this segmented queue does not have any element
91    * stored.
92    */
empty()93   bool empty() const {
94     return mSize == 0;
95   }
97   /**
98    * Push a element to the end of the segmented queue.
99    *
100    * @param element: The element that will be push to the back of the queue.
101    * @return false: Return false if the queue is full.
102    */
103   bool push_back(const ElementType &element);
104   bool push_back(ElementType &&element);
106   /**
107    * Provide the same push API like std::queue/chre::ArrayQueue that do
108    * push_back().
109    *
110    * @param element: The element that will be push to the back of the queue.
111    * @return false: Return false if the queue is full.
112    */
113   bool push(const ElementType &element);
114   bool push(ElementType &&element);
116   /**
117    * Constructs an element onto the back of the segmented queue.
118    *
119    * @param Arguments to the constructor of ElementType.
120    * @return: Return true if the element is constructed successfully.
121    */
122   template <typename... Args>
123   bool emplace_back(Args &&...args);
125   /**
126    * Obtains an element of the queue by its index.
127    * It is illegal to use a index that is bigger or equal to the size of the
128    * queue.
129    *
130    * @param index: Requested index in range [0, size()-1].
131    * @return ElementType&: Reference to the element.
132    */
133   ElementType &operator[](size_t index);
134   const ElementType &operator[](size_t index) const;
136   /**
137    * Obtain the last element in the queue.
138    * It is illegal to call this function when empty() == true.
139    *
140    * @return ElementType&: Reference to the last element.
141    */
142   ElementType &back();
143   const ElementType &back() const;
145   /**
146    * Obtain the first element in the queue.
147    * It is illegal to call this function when empty() == true.
148    *
149    * @return ElementType&: Reference to the first element.
150    */
151   ElementType &front();
152   const ElementType &front() const;
154   /**
155    * Remove the first element from the queue.
156    * It is illegal to call this function when empty() == true.
157    */
158   void pop_front();
160   /**
161    * Provide the same pop API like std::queue/chre::ArrayQueue that do
162    * pop_front(). It is illegal to call this function when empty() == true.
163    */
164   void pop();
166   /**
167    * Removes an element from the queue by given index.
168    *
169    * @param index: Index of the item that will be removed.
170    * @return false: Returns false if index >= size().
171    */
172   bool remove(size_t index);
174   /**
175    * Function used to decide if an element in the queue matches a certain
176    * condition.
177    *
178    * @see removeMatchesFromBack and searchMatches.
179    */
180   using MatchingFunction =
181       typename std::conditional<std::is_pointer<ElementType>::value ||
182                                     std::is_fundamental<ElementType>::value,
183                                 bool(ElementType, void *, void *),
184                                 bool(ElementType &, void *, void *)>::type;
186   using FreeFunction =
187       typename std::conditional<std::is_pointer<ElementType>::value ||
188                                     std::is_fundamental<ElementType>::value,
189                                 void(ElementType, void *),
190                                 void(ElementType &, void *)>::type;
191   /**
192    * Removes maxNumOfElementsRemoved of elements that satisfies matchFunc.
193    *
194    * If the queue has fewer items that matches the condition than
195    * maxNumOfElementsRemoved, it will remove all matching items and return the
196    * number of items that it actually removed.
197    *
198    * @param matchFunc                Function used to decide if an item should
199    *                                 be removed. Should return true if this
200    *                                 item needs to be removed.
201    * @param data                     The data to be passed to the matchFunc.
202    * @param extraData                The extra data to be passed to the
203    *                                 matchFunc.
204    * @param maxNumOfElementsRemoved  Number of elements to remove, also the
205    *                                 size of removedElements. It is not
206    *                                 guaranteed that the actual number of items
207    *                                 removed will equal to this parameter since
208    *                                 it will depend on the number of items that
209    *                                 matches the condition.
210    * @param freeFunction             Function to execute before the matched item
211    *                                 is removed. If not supplied, the destructor
212    *                                 of the element will be invoked.
213    * @param extraDataForFreeFunction Additional data that freeFunction will
214    *                                 need.
215    *
216    * @return                         The number of pointers that is passed
217    *                                 out. Returns SIZE_MAX if removedElement is
218    *                                 a nullptr as error.
219    */
220   size_t removeMatchedFromBack(MatchingFunction *matchFunction, void *data,
221                                void *extraData, size_t maxNumOfElementsRemoved,
222                                FreeFunction *freeFunction = nullptr,
223                                void *extraDataForFreeFunction = nullptr);
225  private:
226   /**
227    * Push a new block to the end of storage to add storage space.
228    * The total block count after push cannot exceed kMaxBlockCount.
229    *
230    * @return true: Return true if a new block can be added.
231    */
232   bool pushOneBlock();
234   /**
235    * Insert one block to the underlying storage.
236    * The total block count after push cannot exceed kMaxBlockCount.
237    *
238    * @param blockIndex: The index to insert a block at.
239    * @return true: Return true if a new block can be added.
240    */
241   bool insertBlock(size_t blockIndex);
243   /**
244    * Move count number of elements from srcIndex to destIndex.
245    * Note that index here refers to absolute index that starts from the head of
246    * the DynamicVector.
247    *
248    * @param srcIndex: The index of the first element to be moved.
249    * @param destIndex: The index of the destination to place the first moved
250    * element, absoluteIndexToRelative(srcIndex) needs to be bigger than
251    * absoluteIndexToRelative(destIndex).
252    * @param count: Number of element to move, it is illegal to call with count >
253    * size.
254    */
256   void moveElements(size_t srcIndex, size_t destIndex, size_t count);
258   /**
259    * Clear the element in gapIndex, pull all elements behind forward
260    * to fill the gap and update mTail accordingly.
261    *
262    * @param gapIndex relative index of the gap.
263    */
264   void pullForward(size_t gapIndex);
266   /**
267    * Clear the element in gapIndex, pull all elements before backward
268    * to fill the gap and update mHead accordingly.
269    *
270    * @param gapIndex relative index of the gap.
271    */
272   void pullBackward(size_t gapIndex);
274   /**
275    * Move a movable item from srcIndex to destIndex. Note that index here refers
276    * to absolute index that starts from the head of the DynamicVector.
277    *
278    * @param srcIndex: Index to the block that has the source element.
279    * @param destIndex: Index to the start of the destination block.
280    */
281   void doMove(size_t srcIndex, size_t destIndex, std::true_type);
283   /**
284    * Move a non-movable item from srcIndex to destIndex. Note that index here
285    * refers to absolute index that starts from the head of the DynamicVector.
286    *
287    * @param srcIndex: Index to the block that has the source element.
288    * @param destIndex: Index to the start of the destination block.
289    */
290   void doMove(size_t srcIndex, size_t destIndex, std::false_type);
292   /**
293    * Calculate the index with respect to mHead to absolute index with respect to
294    * the start of the storage dynamic vector.
295    *
296    * @param index: Relative index in the range [0, mSize - 1].
297    * @return size_t: The offset index in range [0, capacity() - 1].
298    */
299   size_t relativeIndexToAbsolute(size_t index);
301   /**
302    * Prepare push by pushing new blocks if needed and update mTail to point at
303    * the right index.
304    *
305    * @return false: Return false if the queue is already full.
306    */
307   bool prepareForPush();
309   /**
310    * Add 1 to the index if index is not at the end of the data storage. If so,
311    * wraps around to 0.
312    *
313    * @param index: Original index.
314    * @return size_t: New index after calculation.
315    */
316   size_t advanceOrWrapAround(size_t index);
318   /**
319    * Subtract k steps to the index and wrap around if needed.
320    *
321    * @param index Original index.
322    * @param steps Number of steps that it needs to be subtracted.
323    * @return      New index after calculation.
324    */
325   size_t subtractOrWrapAround(size_t index, size_t steps);
327   /**
328    * Locate the data reference by absolute index.
329    * Note that this function does not check if the address belongs to
330    * this queue.
331    *
332    * @param index: The absolute index to find that data.
333    * @return ElementType&: Reference to the data.
334    */
335   ElementType &locateDataAddress(size_t index);
337   /**
338    * Removes all the elements of the queue.
339    */
340   void clear();
342   /**
343    * Remove and destroy an object by the given index.
344    * Note that this function does not change any pointer nor fill the gap
345    * after removing.
346    *
347    * @param index: The absolute index for the item that will be removed.
348    */
349   void doRemove(size_t index);
351   /**
352    * Calculate the index with respect to the start of the storage to relevant
353    * index with respect to mHead.
354    *
355    * @param index: Absolute index in the range [0, capacity() - 1].
356    * @return size_t: Relative index in the range [0, mSize - 1].
357    */
358   size_t absoluteIndexToRelative(size_t index);
360   /**
361    * Resets the current queue to its initial state if the queue is empty.
362    * It is illegal to call this function if the queue is not empty.
363    */
364   void resetEmptyQueue();
366   /**
367    * Search the queue backwards to find foundIndicesLen of elements that matches
368    * a certain condition and return them by foundIndices. If the queue does not
369    * have enough elements, foundIndices will only be filled with the number that
370    * matches the condition.
371    *
372    * @param matchFunc          Function used to decide if an item should be
373    *                           returned. Should return true if this item need
374    *                           to be returned.
375    * @param data               The data to be passed to the matchFunc.
376    * @param extraData          The extra data to be passed to the matchFunc.
377    * @param foundIndicesLen    Length of foundIndices indicating how many index
378    *                           is targeted.
379    * @param foundIndices       Indices that contains the element that matches
380    *                           the condition. Note that the index is
381    *                           returned in reversed order, i.e. the first
382    *                           element will contain the index closest to the
383    *                           end.
384    * @return                   the number of element that matches.
385    */
386   size_t searchMatches(MatchingFunction *matchFunc, void *data, void *extraData,
387                        size_t foundIndicesLen, size_t foundIndices[]);
389   /**
390    * Move elements in this queue to fill the gaps.
391    *
392    * @param gapCount   Number of holes.
393    * @param gapIndices Indices that are empty. Need to be reverse order (first
394    *                   index is closest to the end of the queue).
395    */
396   void fillGaps(size_t gapCount, const size_t gapIndices[]);
398   // TODO(b/258771255): See if we can change the container to
399   // ArrayQueue<UniquePtr<Block>> to minimize block moving during push_back.
400   //! The data storage of this segmented queue.
401   DynamicVector<UniquePtr<Block>> mRawStoragePtrs;
403   //! Records how many items are in this queue.
404   size_t mSize = 0;
406   //! The maximum block count this queue can hold.
407   const size_t kMaxBlockCount;
409   //! How many blocks allocated in constructor.
410   const size_t kStaticBlockCount;
412   //! The offset of the first element of the queue starting from the start of
413   //! the DynamicVector.
414   size_t mHead = 0;
416   // TODO(b/258828257): Modify initialization logic to make it work when
417   // kStaticBlockCount = 0
418   //! The offset of the last element of the queue starting from the start of the
419   //! DynamicVector. Initialize it to the end of container for a easier
420   //! implementation of push_back().
421   size_t mTail = kBlockSize * kStaticBlockCount - 1;
422 };
424 }  // namespace chre
426 #include "chre/util/segmented_queue_impl.h"