1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "fs_avb/fs_avb.h"
19 #include <fcntl.h>
20 #include <libgen.h>
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
23 #include <sys/types.h>
25 #include <algorithm>
26 #include <sstream>
27 #include <string>
28 #include <vector>
30 #include <android-base/file.h>
31 #include <android-base/parseint.h>
32 #include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
33 #include <android-base/strings.h>
34 #include <libavb/libavb.h>
35 #include <libdm/dm.h>
36 #include <libgsi/libgsi.h>
38 #include "avb_ops.h"
39 #include "avb_util.h"
40 #include "fs_avb/fs_avb_util.h"
41 #include "sha.h"
42 #include "util.h"
44 using android::base::Basename;
45 using android::base::ParseUint;
46 using android::base::ReadFileToString;
47 using android::base::Split;
48 using android::base::StringPrintf;
50 namespace android {
51 namespace fs_mgr {
53 template <typename Hasher>
VerifyVbmetaDigest(const std::vector<VBMetaData> & vbmeta_images,const uint8_t * expected_digest)54 std::pair<size_t, bool> VerifyVbmetaDigest(const std::vector<VBMetaData>& vbmeta_images,
55                                            const uint8_t* expected_digest) {
56     size_t total_size = 0;
57     Hasher hasher;
58     for (const auto& vbmeta : vbmeta_images) {
59         hasher.update(vbmeta.data(), vbmeta.size());
60         total_size += vbmeta.size();
61     }
63     bool matched = (memcmp(hasher.finalize(), expected_digest, Hasher::DIGEST_SIZE) == 0);
65     return std::make_pair(total_size, matched);
66 }
68 template <typename Hasher>
CalculateVbmetaDigest(const std::vector<VBMetaData> & vbmeta_images)69 std::pair<std::string, size_t> CalculateVbmetaDigest(const std::vector<VBMetaData>& vbmeta_images) {
70     std::string digest;
71     size_t total_size = 0;
73     Hasher hasher;
74     for (const auto& vbmeta : vbmeta_images) {
75         hasher.update(vbmeta.data(), vbmeta.size());
76         total_size += vbmeta.size();
77     }
79     // Converts digest bytes to a hex string.
80     digest = BytesToHex(hasher.finalize(), Hasher::DIGEST_SIZE);
81     return std::make_pair(digest, total_size);
82 }
84 // class AvbVerifier
85 // -----------------
86 // Reads the following values from kernel cmdline and provides the
87 // VerifyVbmetaImages() to verify AvbSlotVerifyData.
88 //   - androidboot.vbmeta.hash_alg
89 //   - androidboot.vbmeta.size
90 //   - androidboot.vbmeta.digest
91 class AvbVerifier {
92   public:
93     // The factory method to return a unique_ptr<AvbVerifier>
94     static std::unique_ptr<AvbVerifier> Create();
95     bool VerifyVbmetaImages(const std::vector<VBMetaData>& vbmeta_images);
97   protected:
98     AvbVerifier() = default;
100   private:
101     HashAlgorithm hash_alg_;
102     uint8_t digest_[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
103     size_t vbmeta_size_;
104 };
Create()106 std::unique_ptr<AvbVerifier> AvbVerifier::Create() {
107     std::unique_ptr<AvbVerifier> avb_verifier(new AvbVerifier());
108     if (!avb_verifier) {
109         LERROR << "Failed to create unique_ptr<AvbVerifier>";
110         return nullptr;
111     }
113     std::string value;
114     if (!fs_mgr_get_boot_config("vbmeta.size", &value) ||
115         !ParseUint(value.c_str(), &avb_verifier->vbmeta_size_)) {
116         LERROR << "Invalid hash size: " << value.c_str();
117         return nullptr;
118     }
120     // Reads hash algorithm.
121     size_t expected_digest_size = 0;
122     std::string hash_alg;
123     fs_mgr_get_boot_config("vbmeta.hash_alg", &hash_alg);
124     if (hash_alg == "sha256") {
125         expected_digest_size = SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2;
126         avb_verifier->hash_alg_ = HashAlgorithm::kSHA256;
127     } else if (hash_alg == "sha512") {
128         expected_digest_size = SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2;
129         avb_verifier->hash_alg_ = HashAlgorithm::kSHA512;
130     } else {
131         LERROR << "Unknown hash algorithm: " << hash_alg.c_str();
132         return nullptr;
133     }
135     // Reads digest.
136     std::string digest;
137     fs_mgr_get_boot_config("vbmeta.digest", &digest);
138     if (digest.size() != expected_digest_size) {
139         LERROR << "Unexpected digest size: " << digest.size()
140                << " (expected: " << expected_digest_size << ")";
141         return nullptr;
142     }
144     if (!HexToBytes(avb_verifier->digest_, sizeof(avb_verifier->digest_), digest)) {
145         LERROR << "Hash digest contains non-hexidecimal character: " << digest.c_str();
146         return nullptr;
147     }
149     return avb_verifier;
150 }
VerifyVbmetaImages(const std::vector<VBMetaData> & vbmeta_images)152 bool AvbVerifier::VerifyVbmetaImages(const std::vector<VBMetaData>& vbmeta_images) {
153     if (vbmeta_images.empty()) {
154         LERROR << "No vbmeta images";
155         return false;
156     }
158     size_t total_size = 0;
159     bool digest_matched = false;
161     if (hash_alg_ == HashAlgorithm::kSHA256) {
162         std::tie(total_size, digest_matched) =
163                 VerifyVbmetaDigest<SHA256Hasher>(vbmeta_images, digest_);
164     } else if (hash_alg_ == HashAlgorithm::kSHA512) {
165         std::tie(total_size, digest_matched) =
166                 VerifyVbmetaDigest<SHA512Hasher>(vbmeta_images, digest_);
167     }
169     if (total_size != vbmeta_size_) {
170         LERROR << "total vbmeta size mismatch: " << total_size << " (expected: " << vbmeta_size_
171                << ")";
172         return false;
173     }
175     if (!digest_matched) {
176         LERROR << "vbmeta digest mismatch";
177         return false;
178     }
180     return true;
181 }
183 // class AvbHandle
184 // ---------------
AvbHandle()185 AvbHandle::AvbHandle() : status_(AvbHandleStatus::kUninitialized) {
186     slot_suffix_ = fs_mgr_get_slot_suffix();
187     other_slot_suffix_ = fs_mgr_get_other_slot_suffix();
188 }
LoadAndVerifyVbmeta(const std::string & partition_name,const std::string & ab_suffix,const std::string & ab_other_suffix,const std::string & expected_public_key_path,const HashAlgorithm & hash_algorithm,bool allow_verification_error,bool load_chained_vbmeta,bool rollback_protection,std::function<std::string (const std::string &)> custom_device_path)190 AvbUniquePtr AvbHandle::LoadAndVerifyVbmeta(
191         const std::string& partition_name, const std::string& ab_suffix,
192         const std::string& ab_other_suffix, const std::string& expected_public_key_path,
193         const HashAlgorithm& hash_algorithm, bool allow_verification_error,
194         bool load_chained_vbmeta, bool rollback_protection,
195         std::function<std::string(const std::string&)> custom_device_path) {
196     AvbUniquePtr avb_handle(new AvbHandle());
197     if (!avb_handle) {
198         LERROR << "Failed to allocate AvbHandle";
199         return nullptr;
200     }
202     avb_handle->slot_suffix_ = ab_suffix;
203     avb_handle->other_slot_suffix_ = ab_other_suffix;
205     std::string expected_key_blob;
206     if (!expected_public_key_path.empty()) {
207         if (access(expected_public_key_path.c_str(), F_OK) != 0) {
208             LERROR << "Expected public key path doesn't exist: " << expected_public_key_path;
209             return nullptr;
210         } else if (!ReadFileToString(expected_public_key_path, &expected_key_blob)) {
211             LERROR << "Failed to load: " << expected_public_key_path;
212             return nullptr;
213         }
214     }
216     auto android_by_name_symlink = [](const std::string& partition_name_with_ab) {
217         return "/dev/block/by-name/" + partition_name_with_ab;
218     };
220     auto device_path = custom_device_path ? custom_device_path : android_by_name_symlink;
222     auto verify_result = LoadAndVerifyVbmetaByPartition(
223         partition_name, ab_suffix, ab_other_suffix, expected_key_blob, allow_verification_error,
224         load_chained_vbmeta, rollback_protection, device_path, false,
225         /* is_chained_vbmeta */ &avb_handle->vbmeta_images_);
226     switch (verify_result) {
227         case VBMetaVerifyResult::kSuccess:
228             avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kSuccess;
229             break;
230         case VBMetaVerifyResult::kErrorVerification:
231             avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kVerificationError;
232             break;
233         default:
234             LERROR << "LoadAndVerifyVbmetaByPartition failed, result: " << verify_result;
235             return nullptr;
236     }
238     // Validity check here because we have to use vbmeta_images_[0] below.
239     if (avb_handle->vbmeta_images_.size() < 1) {
240         LERROR << "LoadAndVerifyVbmetaByPartition failed, no vbmeta loaded";
241         return nullptr;
242     }
244     // Sets the MAJOR.MINOR for init to set it into "ro.boot.avb_version".
245     avb_handle->avb_version_ = StringPrintf("%d.%d", AVB_VERSION_MAJOR, AVB_VERSION_MINOR);
247     // Checks any disabled flag is set.
248     std::unique_ptr<AvbVBMetaImageHeader> vbmeta_header =
249             avb_handle->vbmeta_images_[0].GetVBMetaHeader();
250     bool verification_disabled = ((AvbVBMetaImageFlags)vbmeta_header->flags &
251                                   AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_FLAGS_VERIFICATION_DISABLED);
252     bool hashtree_disabled =
253             ((AvbVBMetaImageFlags)vbmeta_header->flags & AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_FLAGS_HASHTREE_DISABLED);
254     if (verification_disabled) {
255         avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kVerificationDisabled;
256     } else if (hashtree_disabled) {
257         avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kHashtreeDisabled;
258     }
260     // Calculates the summary info for all vbmeta_images_;
261     std::string digest;
262     size_t total_size;
263     if (hash_algorithm == HashAlgorithm::kSHA256) {
264         std::tie(digest, total_size) =
265                 CalculateVbmetaDigest<SHA256Hasher>(avb_handle->vbmeta_images_);
266     } else if (hash_algorithm == HashAlgorithm::kSHA512) {
267         std::tie(digest, total_size) =
268                 CalculateVbmetaDigest<SHA512Hasher>(avb_handle->vbmeta_images_);
269     } else {
270         LERROR << "Invalid hash algorithm";
271         return nullptr;
272     }
273     avb_handle->vbmeta_info_ = VBMetaInfo(digest, hash_algorithm, total_size);
275     LINFO << "Returning avb_handle with status: " << avb_handle->status_;
276     return avb_handle;
277 }
IsAvbPermissive()279 static bool IsAvbPermissive() {
280     if (IsDeviceUnlocked()) {
281         // Manually putting a file under metadata partition can enforce AVB verification.
282         if (!access(DSU_METADATA_PREFIX "avb_enforce", F_OK)) {
283             LINFO << "Enforcing AVB verification when the device is unlocked";
284             return false;
285         }
286         return true;
287     }
288     return false;
289 }
IsPublicKeyMatching(const FstabEntry & fstab_entry,const std::string & public_key_data,const std::vector<std::string> & preload_avb_key_blobs)291 bool IsPublicKeyMatching(const FstabEntry& fstab_entry, const std::string& public_key_data,
292                          const std::vector<std::string>& preload_avb_key_blobs) {
293     // At least one of the following should be provided for public key matching.
294     if (preload_avb_key_blobs.empty() && fstab_entry.avb_keys.empty()) {
295         LERROR << "avb_keys=/path/to/key(s) is missing for " << fstab_entry.mount_point;
296         return false;
297     }
299     // Expected key shouldn't be empty.
300     if (public_key_data.empty()) {
301         LERROR << "public key data shouldn't be empty for " << fstab_entry.mount_point;
302         return false;
303     }
305     // Performs key matching for preload_avb_key_blobs first, if it is present.
306     if (!preload_avb_key_blobs.empty()) {
307         if (std::find(preload_avb_key_blobs.begin(), preload_avb_key_blobs.end(),
308                       public_key_data) != preload_avb_key_blobs.end()) {
309             return true;
310         }
311     }
313     // Performs key matching for fstab_entry.avb_keys if necessary.
314     // Note that it is intentional to match both preload_avb_key_blobs and fstab_entry.avb_keys.
315     // Some keys might only be available before init chroots into /system, e.g., /avb/key1
316     // in the first-stage ramdisk, while other keys might only be available after the chroot,
317     // e.g., /system/etc/avb/key2.
318     // fstab_entry.avb_keys might be either a directory containing multiple keys,
319     // or a string indicating multiple keys separated by ':'.
320     std::vector<std::string> allowed_avb_keys;
321     auto list_avb_keys_in_dir = ListFiles(fstab_entry.avb_keys);
322     if (list_avb_keys_in_dir.ok()) {
323         std::sort(list_avb_keys_in_dir->begin(), list_avb_keys_in_dir->end());
324         allowed_avb_keys = *list_avb_keys_in_dir;
325     } else {
326         allowed_avb_keys = Split(fstab_entry.avb_keys, ":");
327     }
328     return ValidatePublicKeyBlob(public_key_data, allowed_avb_keys);
329 }
IsHashtreeDescriptorRootDigestMatching(const FstabEntry & fstab_entry,const std::vector<VBMetaData> & vbmeta_images,const std::string & ab_suffix,const std::string & ab_other_suffix)331 bool IsHashtreeDescriptorRootDigestMatching(const FstabEntry& fstab_entry,
332                                             const std::vector<VBMetaData>& vbmeta_images,
333                                             const std::string& ab_suffix,
334                                             const std::string& ab_other_suffix) {
335     // Read expected value of hashtree descriptor root digest from fstab_entry.
336     std::string root_digest_expected;
337     if (!ReadFileToString(fstab_entry.avb_hashtree_digest, &root_digest_expected)) {
338         LERROR << "Failed to load expected root digest for " << fstab_entry.mount_point;
339         return false;
340     }
342     // Read actual hashtree descriptor from vbmeta image.
343     std::string partition_name = DeriveAvbPartitionName(fstab_entry, ab_suffix, ab_other_suffix);
344     if (partition_name.empty()) {
345         LERROR << "Failed to find partition name for " << fstab_entry.mount_point;
346         return false;
347     }
348     std::unique_ptr<FsAvbHashtreeDescriptor> hashtree_descriptor =
349             android::fs_mgr::GetHashtreeDescriptor(partition_name, vbmeta_images);
350     if (!hashtree_descriptor) {
351         LERROR << "Not found hashtree descriptor for " << fstab_entry.mount_point;
352         return false;
353     }
355     // Performs hashtree descriptor root digest matching.
356     if (hashtree_descriptor->root_digest != root_digest_expected) {
357         LERROR << "root digest (" << hashtree_descriptor->root_digest
358                << ") is different from expected value (" << root_digest_expected << ")";
359         return false;
360     }
362     return true;
363 }
LoadAndVerifyVbmeta(const FstabEntry & fstab_entry,const std::vector<std::string> & preload_avb_key_blobs)365 AvbUniquePtr AvbHandle::LoadAndVerifyVbmeta(const FstabEntry& fstab_entry,
366                                             const std::vector<std::string>& preload_avb_key_blobs) {
367     // Binds allow_verification_error and rollback_protection to device unlock state.
368     bool allow_verification_error = IsAvbPermissive();
369     bool rollback_protection = !allow_verification_error;
371     std::string public_key_data;
372     bool verification_disabled = false;
373     VBMetaVerifyResult verify_result = VBMetaVerifyResult::kError;
374     std::unique_ptr<VBMetaData> vbmeta = LoadAndVerifyVbmetaByPath(
375             fstab_entry.blk_device, "" /* partition_name, no need for a standalone path */,
376             "" /* expected_public_key_blob, */, allow_verification_error, rollback_protection,
377             false /* not is_chained_vbmeta */, &public_key_data, &verification_disabled,
378             &verify_result);
380     if (!vbmeta) {
381         LERROR << "Failed to load vbmeta: " << fstab_entry.blk_device;
382         return nullptr;
383     }
385     AvbUniquePtr avb_handle(new AvbHandle());
386     if (!avb_handle) {
387         LERROR << "Failed to allocate AvbHandle";
388         return nullptr;
389     }
390     avb_handle->vbmeta_images_.emplace_back(std::move(*vbmeta));
392     switch (verify_result) {
393         case VBMetaVerifyResult::kSuccess:
394             avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kSuccess;
395             break;
396         case VBMetaVerifyResult::kErrorVerification:
397             avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kVerificationError;
398             break;
399         default:
400             LERROR << "LoadAndVerifyVbmetaByPath failed, result: " << verify_result;
401             return nullptr;
402     }
404     // Verify vbmeta image checking by either public key or hashtree descriptor root digest.
405     if (!preload_avb_key_blobs.empty() || !fstab_entry.avb_keys.empty()) {
406         if (!IsPublicKeyMatching(fstab_entry, public_key_data, preload_avb_key_blobs)) {
407             avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kVerificationError;
408             LWARNING << "Found unknown public key used to sign " << fstab_entry.mount_point;
409             if (!allow_verification_error) {
410                 LERROR << "Unknown public key is not allowed";
411                 return nullptr;
412             }
413         }
414     } else if (!IsHashtreeDescriptorRootDigestMatching(fstab_entry, avb_handle->vbmeta_images_,
415                                                        avb_handle->slot_suffix_,
416                                                        avb_handle->other_slot_suffix_)) {
417         avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kVerificationError;
418         LWARNING << "Found unknown hashtree descriptor root digest used on "
419                  << fstab_entry.mount_point;
420         if (!allow_verification_error) {
421             LERROR << "Verification based on root digest failed. Vbmeta image is not allowed.";
422             return nullptr;
423         }
424     }
426     if (verification_disabled) {
427         LINFO << "AVB verification disabled on: " << fstab_entry.mount_point;
428         avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kVerificationDisabled;
429     }
431     LINFO << "Returning avb_handle for '" << fstab_entry.mount_point
432           << "' with status: " << avb_handle->status_;
433     return avb_handle;
434 }
LoadAndVerifyVbmeta(const std::string & slot_suffix)436 AvbUniquePtr AvbHandle::LoadAndVerifyVbmeta(const std::string& slot_suffix) {
437     // Loads inline vbmeta images, starting from /vbmeta.
438     auto suffix = slot_suffix;
439     if (suffix.empty()) {
440         suffix = fs_mgr_get_slot_suffix();
441     }
442     auto other_suffix = android::fs_mgr::OtherSlotSuffix(suffix);
443     return LoadAndVerifyVbmeta("vbmeta", suffix, other_suffix,
444                                {} /* expected_public_key, already checked by bootloader */,
445                                HashAlgorithm::kSHA256,
446                                IsAvbPermissive(), /* allow_verification_error */
447                                true,              /* load_chained_vbmeta */
448                                false, /* rollback_protection, already checked by bootloader */
449                                nullptr /* custom_device_path */);
450 }
452 // TODO(b/128807537): removes this function.
Open()453 AvbUniquePtr AvbHandle::Open() {
454     bool allow_verification_error = IsAvbPermissive();
456     AvbUniquePtr avb_handle(new AvbHandle());
457     if (!avb_handle) {
458         LERROR << "Failed to allocate AvbHandle";
459         return nullptr;
460     }
462     FsManagerAvbOps avb_ops;
463     AvbSlotVerifyFlags flags = allow_verification_error
464                                        ? AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_FLAGS_ALLOW_VERIFICATION_ERROR
465                                        : AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_FLAGS_NONE;
466     AvbSlotVerifyResult verify_result =
467             avb_ops.AvbSlotVerify(avb_handle->slot_suffix_, flags, &avb_handle->vbmeta_images_);
469     // Only allow the following verify results:
472     //     Might occur in either the top-level vbmeta or a chained vbmeta.
474     //     Could only occur in a chained vbmeta. Because we have *no-op* operations in
475     //     FsManagerAvbOps such that avb_ops->validate_vbmeta_public_key() used to validate
476     //     the public key of the top-level vbmeta always pass in userspace here.
477     //
478     // The following verify result won't happen, because the *no-op* operation
479     // avb_ops->read_rollback_index() always returns the minimum value zero. So rollbacked
480     // vbmeta images, which should be caught in the bootloader stage, won't be detected here.
482     switch (verify_result) {
483         case AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_OK:
484             avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kSuccess;
485             break;
488             if (!allow_verification_error) {
489                 LERROR << "ERROR_VERIFICATION / PUBLIC_KEY_REJECTED isn't allowed ";
490                 return nullptr;
491             }
492             avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kVerificationError;
493             break;
494         default:
495             LERROR << "avb_slot_verify failed, result: " << verify_result;
496             return nullptr;
497     }
499     // Sets the MAJOR.MINOR for init to set it into "ro.boot.avb_version".
500     avb_handle->avb_version_ = StringPrintf("%d.%d", AVB_VERSION_MAJOR, AVB_VERSION_MINOR);
502     // Verifies vbmeta structs against the digest passed from bootloader in kernel cmdline.
503     std::unique_ptr<AvbVerifier> avb_verifier = AvbVerifier::Create();
504     if (!avb_verifier || !avb_verifier->VerifyVbmetaImages(avb_handle->vbmeta_images_)) {
505         LERROR << "Failed to verify vbmeta digest";
506         if (!allow_verification_error) {
507             LERROR << "vbmeta digest error isn't allowed ";
508             return nullptr;
509         }
510     }
512     // Checks whether FLAGS_VERIFICATION_DISABLED is set:
513     //   - Only the top-level vbmeta struct is read.
514     //   - vbmeta struct in other partitions are NOT processed, including AVB HASH descriptor(s)
515     //     and AVB HASHTREE descriptor(s).
516     AvbVBMetaImageHeader vbmeta_header;
517     avb_vbmeta_image_header_to_host_byte_order(
518             (AvbVBMetaImageHeader*)avb_handle->vbmeta_images_[0].data(), &vbmeta_header);
519     bool verification_disabled = ((AvbVBMetaImageFlags)vbmeta_header.flags &
520                                   AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_FLAGS_VERIFICATION_DISABLED);
522     // Checks whether FLAGS_HASHTREE_DISABLED is set.
523     //   - vbmeta struct in all partitions are still processed, just disable
524     //     dm-verity in the user space.
525     bool hashtree_disabled =
526             ((AvbVBMetaImageFlags)vbmeta_header.flags & AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_FLAGS_HASHTREE_DISABLED);
528     if (verification_disabled) {
529         avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kVerificationDisabled;
530     } else if (hashtree_disabled) {
531         avb_handle->status_ = AvbHandleStatus::kHashtreeDisabled;
532     }
534     LINFO << "Returning avb_handle with status: " << avb_handle->status_;
535     return avb_handle;
536 }
SetUpStandaloneAvbHashtree(FstabEntry * fstab_entry,bool wait_for_verity_dev)538 AvbHashtreeResult AvbHandle::SetUpStandaloneAvbHashtree(FstabEntry* fstab_entry,
539                                                         bool wait_for_verity_dev) {
540     auto avb_handle = LoadAndVerifyVbmeta(*fstab_entry);
541     if (!avb_handle) {
542         return AvbHashtreeResult::kFail;
543     }
545     return avb_handle->SetUpAvbHashtree(fstab_entry, wait_for_verity_dev);
546 }
SetUpAvbHashtree(FstabEntry * fstab_entry,bool wait_for_verity_dev)548 AvbHashtreeResult AvbHandle::SetUpAvbHashtree(FstabEntry* fstab_entry, bool wait_for_verity_dev) {
549     if (!fstab_entry || status_ == AvbHandleStatus::kUninitialized || vbmeta_images_.size() < 1) {
550         return AvbHashtreeResult::kFail;
551     }
553     if (status_ == AvbHandleStatus::kHashtreeDisabled ||
554         status_ == AvbHandleStatus::kVerificationDisabled) {
555         LINFO << "AVB HASHTREE disabled on: " << fstab_entry->mount_point;
556         return AvbHashtreeResult::kDisabled;
557     }
559     if (!LoadAvbHashtreeToEnableVerity(fstab_entry, wait_for_verity_dev, vbmeta_images_,
560                                        slot_suffix_, other_slot_suffix_)) {
561         return AvbHashtreeResult::kFail;
562     }
564     return AvbHashtreeResult::kSuccess;
565 }
TearDownAvbHashtree(FstabEntry * fstab_entry,bool wait)567 bool AvbHandle::TearDownAvbHashtree(FstabEntry* fstab_entry, bool wait) {
568     if (!fstab_entry) {
569         return false;
570     }
572     const std::string device_name(GetVerityDeviceName(*fstab_entry));
574     // TODO: remove duplicated code with UnmapDevice()
575     android::dm::DeviceMapper& dm = android::dm::DeviceMapper::Instance();
576     std::string path;
577     if (wait) {
578         dm.GetDmDevicePathByName(device_name, &path);
579     }
580     if (!dm.DeleteDevice(device_name)) {
581         return false;
582     }
583     if (!path.empty() && !WaitForFile(path, 1000ms, FileWaitMode::DoesNotExist)) {
584         return false;
585     }
587     return true;
588 }
GetSecurityPatchLevel(const FstabEntry & fstab_entry) const590 std::string AvbHandle::GetSecurityPatchLevel(const FstabEntry& fstab_entry) const {
591     if (vbmeta_images_.size() < 1) {
592         return "";
593     }
594     std::string avb_partition_name =
595             DeriveAvbPartitionName(fstab_entry, slot_suffix_, other_slot_suffix_);
596     auto avb_prop_name = "com.android.build." + avb_partition_name + ".security_patch";
597     return GetAvbPropertyDescriptor(avb_prop_name, vbmeta_images_);
598 }
IsDeviceUnlocked()600 bool AvbHandle::IsDeviceUnlocked() {
601     return android::fs_mgr::IsDeviceUnlocked();
602 }
604 }  // namespace fs_mgr
605 }  // namespace android