1; Configuration Descriptor used in the DICE node that describes the payload of a Microdroid virtual
2; machine.
4; See the Open DICE specification
5; https://pigweed.googlesource.com/open-dice/+/HEAD/docs/specification.md,
6; and the Android Profile for DICE
7; https://pigweed.googlesource.com/open-dice/+/HEAD/docs/android.md.
9; CDDL for the normal Configuration Descriptor can be found at
10; https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/main/+/main:hardware/interfaces/security/rkp/aidl/android/hardware/security/keymint/generateCertificateRequestV2.cddl
12; The configuration descriptor node for a Microdroid VM, with extensions to describe the contents
13; of the VM payload.
14; The subcomponents describe the APKs and then the APEXes that are part of the VM. The main APK
15; is first, followed by any extra APKs in the order they are specified in the VM config.
16; The APEXes are listed in the order specified when the VM is created, which is normally alphabetic
17; order by name.
18VmConfigDescriptor = {
19    -70002 : "Microdroid payload",      ; Component name
20    (? -71000: tstr //                  ; Path to the payload config file
21    ? -71001: PayloadConfig),
22    ? -71002: [+ SubcomponentDescriptor],
25PayloadConfig = {
26    1: tstr                             ; Path to the binary file where payload execution starts
29; Describes a unit of code (e.g. an APK or an APEX) present inside the VM.
31; For an APK, the fields are as follows:
32; - Component name: The string "apk:" followed by the package name.
33; - Security version: The long version code from the APK manifest
34;   (https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/pm/PackageInfo#getLongVersionCode()).
35; - Code hash: This is the root hash of a Merkle tree computed over all bytes of the APK, as used
36;   in the APK Signature Scheme v4 (https://source.android.com/docs/security/features/apksigning/v4)
37;   with empty salt and using SHA-256 as the hash algorithm.
38; - Authority hash: The SHA-512 hash of the DER representation of the X.509 certificate for the
39;   public key used to sign the APK.
41; For an APEX, they are as follows:
42; - Component name: The string "apex:" followed by the APEX name as specified in the APEX Manifest
43;   (see https://source.android.com/docs/core/ota/apex).
44; - Security version: The version number from the APEX Manifest.
45; - Code hash: The root hash of the apex_payload.img file within the APEX, taken from the first
46;   hashtree descriptor in the VBMeta image
47;   (see https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/avb/+/master/README.md).
48; - Authority hash: The SHA-512 hash of the public key used to sign the file system image in the
49;   APEX (as stored in the apex_pubkey file). The format is as described for AvbRSAPublicKeyHeader
50;   in https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/main/+/main:external/avb/libavb/avb_crypto.h.
51SubcomponentDescriptor = {
52  1: tstr,                              ; Component name
53  2: uint,                              ; Security version
54  3: bstr,                              ; Code hash
55  4: bstr,                              ; Authority hash