1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
16import dataclasses
17import datetime
18import glob
19import json
20import logging
21import os
22import pathlib
23import re
24import shutil
25import subprocess
26import textwrap
27from pathlib import Path
28from typing import Iterable
30from bp2build_metrics_proto.bp2build_metrics_pb2 import Bp2BuildMetrics
31from metrics_proto.metrics_pb2 import MetricsBase
32from metrics_proto.metrics_pb2 import PerfInfo
33from metrics_proto.metrics_pb2 import SoongBuildMetrics
35import util
39class PerfInfoOrEvent:
40    """
41    A duck-typed union of `soong_build_metrics.PerfInfo` and
42    `soong_build_bp2build_metrics.Event` protobuf message types
43    """
45    id: str
46    real_time: datetime.timedelta
47    start_time: datetime.datetime
49    def __post_init__(self):
50        if isinstance(self.real_time, int):
51            self.real_time = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=self.real_time / 1000)
52        if isinstance(self.start_time, int):
53            epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
54            self.start_time = epoch + datetime.timedelta(
55                microseconds=self.start_time / 1000
56            )
59BP2BUILD_PB = "bp2build_metrics.pb"
60BUILD_TRACE_GZ = "build.trace.gz"
61CRITICAL_PATH = "soong.log"
62SOONG_BUILD_PB = "soong_build_metrics.pb"
63SOONG_PB = "soong_metrics"
65def _convert_pprof_to_human_readable_format(pprof: Path, output_type: str = 'pdf'):
66    output = pprof.with_suffix("." + output_type).name
67    subprocess.run(
68        f"go tool pprof -{output_type} -output {output} {pprof.name}",
69        shell=True,
70        cwd=pprof.parent
71    )
73def _archive_pprof(envvar: str, d:Path):
74    if envvar not in os.environ:
75        return
76    pprof_prefix = pathlib.Path(os.environ[envvar])
77    if not pprof_prefix.is_absolute():
78        logging.warning(
79            "Ignoring pprof files; please use an absolute path, e.g. "
80            f"{envvar}={util.get_out_dir().joinpath('pprof')}"
81        )
82        return
83    for profile in os.listdir(str(pprof_prefix.parent)):
84        if profile.startswith(f"{pprof_prefix.name}."):
85            shutil.move(pprof_prefix.with_name(profile), d)
86            _convert_pprof_to_human_readable_format(d.joinpath(profile))
89def archive_run(d: Path, build_info: util.BuildInfo):
90    with open(d.joinpath(util.BUILD_INFO_JSON), "w") as f:
91        json.dump(build_info, f, indent=True, cls=util.CustomEncoder)
92    metrics_to_copy = [
93        BP2BUILD_PB,
94        BUILD_TRACE_GZ,
95        CRITICAL_PATH,
96        SOONG_BUILD_PB,
97        SOONG_PB,
98    ]
99    for metric_name in metrics_to_copy:
100        metric = util.get_out_dir().joinpath(metric_name)
101        if metric.exists():
102            shutil.copy(metric, d.joinpath(metric_name))
103    _archive_pprof("SOONG_PROFILE_CPU", d)
104    _archive_pprof("SOONG_PROFILE_MEM", d)
107def read_pbs(d: Path) -> tuple[dict[str, any], list[PerfInfoOrEvent]]:
108    """
109    Reads metrics data from pb files and archives the file by copying
110    them under the log_dir.
111    Soong_build event names may contain "mixed_build" event. To normalize the
112    event names between mixed builds and soong-only build, convert
113      `soong_build/soong_build.xyz` and `soong_build/soong_build.mixed_build.xyz`
114    both to simply `soong_build/*.xyz`
115    """
116    soong_pb = d.joinpath(SOONG_PB)
117    soong_build_pb = d.joinpath(SOONG_BUILD_PB)
118    bp2build_pb = d.joinpath(BP2BUILD_PB)
120    events: list[PerfInfoOrEvent] = []
122    def gen_id(name: str, desc: str) -> str:
123        # Bp2BuildMetrics#Event doesn't have description
124        normalized = re.sub(r"^(?:soong_build|mixed_build)", "*", desc)
125        return f"{name}/{normalized}"
127    def extract_perf_info(root_obj):
128        for field_name in dir(root_obj):
129            if field_name.startswith("__"):
130                continue
131            field_value = getattr(root_obj, field_name)
132            if isinstance(field_value, Iterable):
133                for item in field_value:
134                    if not isinstance(item, PerfInfo):
135                        break
136                    events.append(
137                        PerfInfoOrEvent(
138                            gen_id(item.name, item.description),
139                            item.real_time,
140                            item.start_time,
141                        )
142                    )
144    if soong_pb.exists():
145        metrics_base = MetricsBase()
146        with open(soong_pb, "rb") as f:
147            metrics_base.ParseFromString(f.read())
148        extract_perf_info(metrics_base)
150    soong_build_metrics = SoongBuildMetrics()
151    if soong_build_pb.exists():
152        with open(soong_build_pb, "rb") as f:
153            soong_build_metrics.ParseFromString(f.read())
154        extract_perf_info(soong_build_metrics)
156    if bp2build_pb.exists():
157        bp2build_metrics = Bp2BuildMetrics()
158        with open(bp2build_pb, "rb") as f:
159            bp2build_metrics.ParseFromString(f.read())
160        for event in bp2build_metrics.events:
161            events.append(
162                PerfInfoOrEvent(event.name, event.real_time, event.start_time)
163            )
165    events.sort(key=lambda e: e.start_time)
167    retval = {}
168    if soong_build_metrics.mixed_builds_info:
169        ms = soong_build_metrics.mixed_builds_info.mixed_build_enabled_modules
170        retval["modules"] = soong_build_metrics.modules
171        retval["variants"] = soong_build_metrics.variants
172        if ms:
173            retval["mixed.enabled"] = len(ms)
174            with open(d.joinpath("mixed.enabled.txt"), "w") as f:
175                for m in ms:
176                    print(m, file=f)
177        ms = soong_build_metrics.mixed_builds_info.mixed_build_disabled_modules
178        if ms:
179            retval["mixed.disabled"] = len(ms)
180    if bp2build_pb.exists():
181        retval["generatedModuleCount"] = bp2build_metrics.generatedModuleCount
182        retval["unconvertedModuleCount"] = bp2build_metrics.unconvertedModuleCount
183    return retval, events
186Row = dict[str, any]
189def _get_column_headers(rows: list[Row], allow_cycles: bool) -> list[str]:
190    """
191    Basically a topological sort or column headers. For each Row, the column order
192    can be thought of as a partial view of a chain of events in chronological
193    order. It's a partial view because not all events may have needed to occur for
194    a build.
195    """
197    @dataclasses.dataclass
198    class Column:
199        header: str
200        indegree: int
201        nexts: set[str]
203        def __str__(self):
204            return f"#{self.indegree}->{self.header}->{self.nexts}"
206        def dfs(self, target: str, visited: set[str] = None) -> list[str]:
207            if not visited:
208                visited = set()
209            if target == self.header and self.header in visited:
210                return [self.header]
211            for n in self.nexts:
212                if n in visited:
213                    continue
214                visited.add(n)
215                next_col = all_cols[n]
216                path = next_col.dfs(target, visited)
217                if path:
218                    return [self.header, *path]
219            return []
221    all_cols: dict[str, Column] = {}
222    for row in rows:
223        prev_col = None
224        for col in row:
225            if col not in all_cols:
226                column = Column(col, 0, set())
227                all_cols[col] = column
228            if prev_col is not None and col not in prev_col.nexts:
229                all_cols[col].indegree += 1
230                prev_col.nexts.add(col)
231            prev_col = all_cols[col]
233    acc = []
234    entries = [c for c in all_cols.values()]
235    while len(entries) > 0:
236        # sorting alphabetically to break ties for concurrent events
237        entries.sort(key=lambda c: c.header, reverse=True)
238        entries.sort(key=lambda c: c.indegree, reverse=True)
239        entry = entries.pop()
240        # take only one to maintain alphabetical sort
241        if entry.indegree != 0:
242            cycle = "->".join(entry.dfs(entry.header))
243            s = f"event ordering has a cycle {cycle}"
244            logging.debug(s)
245            if not allow_cycles:
246                raise ValueError(s)
247        acc.append(entry.header)
248        for n in entry.nexts:
249            n = all_cols.get(n)
250            if n is not None:
251                n.indegree -= 1
252            else:
253                if not allow_cycles:
254                    raise ValueError(f"unexpected error for: {n}")
255    return acc
258def get_build_info(d: Path) -> dict[str, any]:
259    build_info_json = d.joinpath(util.BUILD_INFO_JSON)
260    if not build_info_json.exists():
261        return {}
262    with open(build_info_json, "r") as f:
263        logging.debug("reading %s", build_info_json)
264        build_info = json.load(f)
265        return build_info
268def _get_prefix_headers(prefix_rows: list[Row]) -> list[str]:
269    prefix_headers = []
270    seen: set[str] = set()
271    for prefix_row in prefix_rows:
272        for prefix_header in prefix_row.keys():
273            if prefix_header not in seen:
274                prefix_headers.append(prefix_header)
275                seen.add(prefix_header)
276    return prefix_headers
279def tabulate_metrics_csv(log_dir: Path):
280    prefix_rows: list[Row] = []
281    rows: list[Row] = []
282    dirs = glob.glob(f"{util.RUN_DIR_PREFIX}*", root_dir=log_dir)
283    dirs.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[1 + len(util.RUN_DIR_PREFIX) :]))
284    for d in dirs:
285        d = log_dir.joinpath(d)
286        prefix_row = get_build_info(d)
287        prefix_row["log"] = d.name
288        prefix_row["targets"] = " ".join(prefix_row.get("targets", []))
289        extra, events = read_pbs(d)
290        prefix_row = prefix_row | extra
291        row = {e.id: util.hhmmss(e.real_time) for e in events}
292        prefix_rows.append(prefix_row)
293        rows.append(row)
295    prefix_headers: list[str] = _get_prefix_headers(prefix_rows)
296    headers: list[str] = _get_column_headers(rows, allow_cycles=True)
298    def getcols(r, keys):
299        return [str(r.get(col, "")) for col in keys]
301    lines = [",".join(prefix_headers + headers)]
302    for i in range(len(rows)):
303        cols = getcols(prefix_rows[i], prefix_headers) + getcols(rows[i], headers)
304        lines.append(",".join(cols))
306    with open(log_dir.joinpath(util.METRICS_TABLE), mode="wt") as f:
307        f.writelines(f"{line}\n" for line in lines)
310def display_tabulated_metrics(log_dir: Path, ci_mode: bool):
311    cmd_str = util.get_cmd_to_display_tabulated_metrics(log_dir, ci_mode)
312    output = subprocess.check_output(cmd_str, shell=True, text=True)
313    logging.info(
314        textwrap.dedent(
315            f"""\
316            %s
317            %s
318            TIP to view column headers:
319              %s
320            """
321        ),
322        cmd_str,
323        output,
324        util.get_csv_columns_cmd(log_dir),
325    )