1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16 package android.platform.test.rule
18 import android.os.Build
19 import android.platform.test.rule.DeviceProduct.CF_PHONE
20 import android.platform.test.rule.DeviceProduct.CF_TABLET
21 import android.util.Log
22 import androidx.test.platform.app.InstrumentationRegistry
23 import kotlin.annotation.AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME
24 import kotlin.annotation.AnnotationTarget.CLASS
25 import kotlin.annotation.AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION
26 import org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException
27 import org.junit.rules.TestRule
28 import org.junit.runner.Description
29 import org.junit.runners.model.Statement
31 /** Limits the test to run on devices specified by [allowed], */
32 @Retention(RUNTIME)
34 annotation class AllowedDevices(vararg val allowed: DeviceProduct)
36 /** Does not run the test on device specified by [denied], */
37 @Retention(RUNTIME)
39 annotation class DeniedDevices(vararg val denied: DeviceProduct)
41 /** Limits the test on default screenshot devices, or [allowed] devices if specified. */
42 @Retention(RUNTIME)
44 annotation class ScreenshotTestDevices(vararg val allowed: DeviceProduct = [CF_PHONE, CF_TABLET])
46 /**
47 * Only runs the test on [flakyProducts] if this configuration is running flaky tests (see
48 * runningFlakyTests parameter on [LimitDevicesRule] constructor Runs it normally on all other
49 * devices.
50 */
51 @Retention(RUNTIME)
53 annotation class FlakyDevices(vararg val flaky: DeviceProduct)
55 /**
56 * Ignore LimitDevicesRule constraints when [ignoreLimit] is true. Main use case is to allow local
57 * builds to bypass [LimitDevicesRule] and be able to run on any devices.
58 */
59 @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(FUNCTION, CLASS) annotation class IgnoreLimit(val ignoreLimit: Boolean)
61 /**
62 * Limits a test to run specified devices.
63 *
64 * Devices are specified by [AllowedDevices], [DeniedDevices], [ScreenshotTestDevices], and
65 * [FlakyDevices] annotations. Only one annotation on class or one per test is supported. Values are
66 * matched against [thisDevice].
67 *
68 * To read the instrumentation args to determine whether to run on [FlakyDevices] (recommended), use
69 * [readParamsFromInstrumentation] to construct the rule
70 *
71 * NOTE: It's not encouraged to use this to filter if it's possible to filter based on other device
72 * characteristics. For example, to run a test only only on large screens or foldable,
73 * [DeviceTypeRule] is encouraged. This rule should **never** be used to avoid running a test on a
74 * tablet when the test is broken.
75 */
76 class LimitDevicesRule(
77 private val thisDevice: String = Build.PRODUCT,
78 private val runningFlakyTests: Boolean = false
79 ) : TestRule {
applynull80 override fun apply(base: Statement, description: Description): Statement {
81 if (description.ignoreLimit()) {
82 return base
83 }
85 val limitDevicesAnnotations = description.limitDevicesAnnotation()
86 if (limitDevicesAnnotations.count() > 1) {
87 return makeAssumptionViolatedStatement(
88 "Only one LimitDeviceRule annotation is supported. Found $limitDevicesAnnotations"
89 )
90 }
91 val deniedDevices = description.deniedDevices()
92 if (thisDevice in deniedDevices) {
93 return makeAssumptionViolatedStatement(
94 "Skipping test as $thisDevice is in $deniedDevices"
95 )
96 }
98 val flakyDevices = description.flakyDevices()
99 if (thisDevice in flakyDevices) {
100 if (!runningFlakyTests) {
101 return makeAssumptionViolatedStatement(
102 "Skipping test as $thisDevice is flaky and this config excludes fakes"
103 )
104 }
105 }
107 val allowedDevices = description.allowedDevices()
108 if (allowedDevices.isEmpty() || thisDevice in allowedDevices) {
109 return base
110 }
111 return makeAssumptionViolatedStatement(
112 "Skipping test as $thisDevice in not in $allowedDevices"
113 )
114 }
allowedDevicesnull116 private fun Description.allowedDevices(): List<String> =
117 listOf(
118 getMostSpecificAnnotation<AllowedDevices>()?.allowed,
119 getMostSpecificAnnotation<ScreenshotTestDevices>()?.allowed
120 )
121 .collectProducts()
123 private fun Description.deniedDevices(): List<String> =
124 listOf(getMostSpecificAnnotation<DeniedDevices>()?.denied).collectProducts()
126 private fun Description.flakyDevices(): List<String> =
127 listOf(getMostSpecificAnnotation<FlakyDevices>()?.flaky).collectProducts()
129 private fun Description.limitDevicesAnnotation(): Set<Annotation> =
130 listOfNotNull(
131 getMostSpecificAnnotation<AllowedDevices>(),
132 getMostSpecificAnnotation<DeniedDevices>(),
133 getMostSpecificAnnotation<ScreenshotTestDevices>(),
134 getMostSpecificAnnotation<FlakyDevices>()
135 )
136 .toSet()
138 private fun Description.ignoreLimit(): Boolean =
139 getAnnotation(IgnoreLimit::class.java)?.ignoreLimit == true ||
140 testClass?.getClassAnnotation<IgnoreLimit>()?.ignoreLimit == true
142 private inline fun <reified T : Annotation> Description.getMostSpecificAnnotation(): T? {
143 getAnnotation(T::class.java)?.let {
144 return it
145 }
146 return testClass?.getClassAnnotation<T>()
147 }
getClassAnnotationnull149 private inline fun <reified T : Annotation> Class<*>.getClassAnnotation() =
150 getLowestAncestorClassAnnotation(this, T::class.java)
152 private fun List<Array<out DeviceProduct>?>.collectProducts() =
153 filterNotNull().flatMap { it.toList() }.map { it.product }
155 companion object {
isRunningFlakyTestsnull156 private fun isRunningFlakyTests(): Boolean {
157 val args = InstrumentationRegistry.getArguments()
158 val isRunning = args.getString(RUNNING_FLAKY_TESTS_KEY, "false").toBoolean()
159 if (isRunning) {
160 Log.d(TAG, "Running on flaky devices, due to $RUNNING_FLAKY_TESTS_KEY param.")
161 }
162 return isRunning
163 }
readParamsFromInstrumentationnull165 fun readParamsFromInstrumentation(thisDevice: String = Build.PRODUCT) =
166 LimitDevicesRule(thisDevice, isRunningFlakyTests())
168 private const val RUNNING_FLAKY_TESTS_KEY = "running-flaky-tests"
169 private const val TAG = "LimitDevicesRule"
170 }
171 }
173 enum class DeviceProduct(val product: String) {
174 CF_PHONE("cf_x86_64_phone"),
175 CF_TABLET("cf_x86_64_tablet"),
176 CF_FOLDABLE("cf_x86_64_foldable"),
177 CF_AUTO("cf_x86_64_auto"),
178 TANGORPRO("tangorpro"),
179 FELIX("felix"),
180 ROBOLECTRIC("robolectric"),
181 }
makeAssumptionViolatedStatementnull183 private fun makeAssumptionViolatedStatement(errorMessage: String): Statement =
184 object : Statement() {
185 override fun evaluate() {
186 throw AssumptionViolatedException(errorMessage)
187 }
188 }