1# Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15import argparse
16import dataclasses
17import functools
18import logging
19import os
20import re
21import sys
22import textwrap
23from pathlib import Path
24from typing import Optional
26import cuj_catalog
27import util
28from util import BuildType
32class UserInput:
33    build_types: tuple[BuildType, ...]
34    chosen_cujgroups: tuple[int, ...]
35    tag: Optional[str]
36    log_dir: Path
37    no_warmup: bool
38    targets: tuple[str, ...]
39    ci_mode: bool
43def get_user_input() -> UserInput:
44    cujgroups = cuj_catalog.get_cujgroups()
46    def validate_cujgroups(input_str: str) -> list[int]:
47        if input_str.isnumeric():
48            i = int(input_str)
49            if 0 <= i < len(cujgroups):
50                return [i]
51            logging.critical(
52                f"Invalid input: {input_str}. "
53                f"Expected an index between 1 and {len(cujgroups)}. "
54                "Try --help to view the list of available CUJs"
55            )
56            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError()
57        else:
58            pattern = re.compile(input_str)
59            matching_cuj_groups = [
60                i
61                for i, cujgroup in enumerate(cujgroups)
62                if pattern.search(cujgroup.description)
63            ]
64            if len(matching_cuj_groups):
65                return matching_cuj_groups
66            logging.critical(
67                f'Invalid input: "{input_str}" does not match any CUJ. '
68                "Try --help to view the list of available CUJs"
69            )
70            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError()
72    # importing locally here to avoid chances of cyclic import
73    import incremental_build
75    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(
76        formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
77        description=""
78        + textwrap.dedent(incremental_build.__doc__)
79        + textwrap.dedent(incremental_build.main.__doc__),
80    )
82    cuj_list = "\n".join(
83        [f"{i:2}: {cujgroup.description}" for i, cujgroup in enumerate(cujgroups)]
84    )
85    p.add_argument(
86        "-c",
87        "--cujs",
88        nargs="*",
89        type=validate_cujgroups,
90        help="Index number(s) for the CUJ(s) from the following list. "
91        "Or substring matches for the CUJ description."
92        f"Note the ordering will be respected:\n{cuj_list}",
93    )
94    p.add_argument(
95        "--no-warmup",
96        default=False,
97        action="store_true",
98        help="skip warmup builds; this can skew your results for the first CUJ you run.",
99    )
100    p.add_argument(
101        "-t",
102        "--tag",
103        type=str,
104        default="",
105        help="Any additional tag for this set of builds, this helps "
106        "distinguish the new data from previously collected data, "
107        "useful for comparative analysis",
108    )
110    log_levels = dict(getattr(logging, "_levelToName")).values()
111    p.add_argument(
112        "-v",
113        "--verbosity",
114        choices=log_levels,
115        default="INFO",
116        help="Log level. Defaults to %(default)s",
117    )
118    default_log_dir = util.get_default_log_dir()
119    p.add_argument(
120        "-l",
121        "--log-dir",
122        type=Path,
123        default=default_log_dir,
124        help=textwrap.dedent(
125            """\
126                Directory for timing logs. Defaults to %(default)s
127                TIPS:
128                  1 Specify a directory outside of the source tree
129                  2 To view key metrics in metrics.csv:
130                {}
131                  3 To view column headers:
132                {}
133            """
134        ).format(
135            textwrap.indent(
136                util.get_cmd_to_display_tabulated_metrics(default_log_dir, False),
137                " " * 4,
138            ),
139            textwrap.indent(util.get_csv_columns_cmd(default_log_dir), " " * 4),
140        ),
141    )
142    def_build_types = [
143        BuildType.SOONG_ONLY,
144    ]
145    p.add_argument(
146        "-b",
147        "--build-types",
148        nargs="+",
149        type=BuildType.from_flag,
150        default=[def_build_types],
151        help=f"Defaults to {[b.to_flag() for b in def_build_types]}. "
152        f"Choose from {[e.name.lower() for e in BuildType]}",
153    )
154    p.add_argument(
155        "--ignore-repo-diff",
156        default=False,
157        action="store_true",
158        help='Skip "repo status" check',
159    )
160    p.add_argument(
161        "--append-csv",
162        default=False,
163        action="store_true",
164        help="Add results to existing spreadsheet",
165    )
166    p.add_argument(
167        "targets",
168        nargs="*",
169        default=["nothing"],
170        help='Targets to run, e.g. "libc adbd". ' "Defaults to %(default)s",
171    )
172    p.add_argument(
173        "--ci-mode",
174        default=False,
175        action="store_true",
176        help="Only use it for CI runs.It will copy the "
177        "first metrics after warmup to the logs directory in CI",
178    )
180    options = p.parse_args()
182    if options.verbosity:
183        logging.root.setLevel(options.verbosity)
185    chosen_cujgroups: tuple[int, ...] = (
186        tuple(int(i) for sublist in options.cujs for i in sublist)
187        if options.cujs
188        else tuple()
189    )
191    bazel_labels: list[str] = [
192        target for target in options.targets if target.startswith("//")
193    ]
194    if 0 < len(bazel_labels) < len(options.targets):
195        logging.critical(
196            f"Don't mix bazel labels {bazel_labels} with soong targets "
197            f"{[t for t in options.targets if t not in bazel_labels]}"
198        )
199        sys.exit(1)
200    if os.getenv("BUILD_BROKEN_DISABLE_BAZEL") is not None:
201        raise RuntimeError(
202            f"use -b {BuildType.SOONG_ONLY.to_flag()} "
203            f"instead of BUILD_BROKEN_DISABLE_BAZEL"
204        )
205    build_types: tuple[BuildType, ...] = tuple(
206        BuildType(i) for sublist in options.build_types for i in sublist
207    )
208    if len(bazel_labels) > 0:
209        non_b = [
210            b.name for b in build_types if b != BuildType.B_BUILD and b != BuildType.B_ANDROID
211        ]
212        if len(non_b):
213            raise RuntimeError(f"bazel labels can not be used with {non_b}")
215    pretty_str = "\n".join(
216        [f"{i:2}: {cujgroups[i].description}" for i in chosen_cujgroups]
217    )
218    logging.info(f"%d CUJs chosen:\n%s", len(chosen_cujgroups), pretty_str)
220    if not options.ignore_repo_diff and util.has_uncommitted_changes():
221        error_message = (
222            "THERE ARE UNCOMMITTED CHANGES (TIP: repo status). "
223            "Use --ignore-repo-diff to skip this check."
224        )
225        if not util.is_interactive_shell():
226            logging.critical(error_message)
227            sys.exit(1)
228        logging.error(error_message)
229        response = input("Continue?[Y/n]")
230        if response.upper() != "Y":
231            sys.exit(1)
233    log_dir = Path(options.log_dir).resolve()
234    if not options.append_csv and log_dir.exists():
235        error_message = (
236            f"{log_dir} already exists. "
237            "Use --append-csv to skip this check."
238            "Consider --tag to your new runs"
239        )
240        if not util.is_interactive_shell():
241            logging.critical(error_message)
242            sys.exit(1)
243        logging.error(error_message)
244        response = input("Continue?[Y/n]")
245        if response.upper() != "Y":
246            sys.exit(1)
248    if log_dir.is_relative_to(util.get_top_dir()):
249        logging.critical(
250            f"choose a log_dir outside the source tree; "
251            f"'{options.log_dir}' resolves to {log_dir}"
252        )
253        sys.exit(1)
255    if options.ci_mode:
256        if len(chosen_cujgroups) > 1:
257            logging.critical(
258                "CI mode can only allow one cuj group. "
259                "Remove --ci-mode flag to skip this check."
260            )
261            sys.exit(1)
262        if len(build_types) > 1:
263            logging.critical(
264                "CI mode can only allow one build type. "
265                "Remove --ci-mode flag to skip this check."
266            )
267            sys.exit(1)
269    if options.no_warmup:
270        logging.warning(
271            "WARMUP runs will be skipped. Note this is not advised "
272            "as it gives unreliable results."
273        )
274    return UserInput(
275        build_types=build_types,
276        chosen_cujgroups=chosen_cujgroups,
277        tag=options.tag,
278        log_dir=Path(options.log_dir).resolve(),
279        no_warmup=options.no_warmup,
280        targets=options.targets,
281        ci_mode=options.ci_mode,
282    )