/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/doze/ |
D | DozeLogger.kt | 40 bool1 = isWithinVibrationThreshold in logPickupWakeup() 42 "PickupWakeup withinVibrationThreshold=$bool1" in logPickupWakeup() 64 bool1 = isDozing in logDozing() 66 "Dozing=$bool1" in logDozing() 72 bool1 = isDozing in logDozingChanged() 74 "Dozing changed dozing=$bool1" in logDozingChanged() 80 bool1 = powerSaveActive in logPowerSaveChanged() 83 "Power save active=$bool1 nextState=$str1" in logPowerSaveChanged() 89 bool1 = isAodSuppressed in logAlwaysOnSuppressedChange() 92 "Always on (AOD) suppressed changed, suppressed=$bool1 nextState=$str1" in logAlwaysOnSuppressedChange() [all …]
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/dreams/ |
D | DreamLogger.kt | 25 d({ "Dream overlay enabled: $bool1" }) { bool1 = enabled } in logDreamOverlayEnabled() 45 fun logOverlayActive(active: Boolean) = d({ "Dream overlay active: $bool1" }) { bool1 = active } in <lambda>() 48 d({ "Low light mode active: $bool1" }) { bool1 = active } in logLowLightActive() 51 d({ "Dream overlay has Assistant attention: $bool1" }) { bool1 = hasAttention } in logHasAssistantAttention() 54 d({ "Dream overlay status bar visible: $bool1" }) { bool1 = visible } in logStatusBarVisible() 60 d({ "Dream overlay should show complications: $bool1" }) { bool1 = showComplications } in logShouldShowComplications() 64 bool1 = show
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/keyguard/logging/ |
D | TrustRepositoryLogger.kt | 47 bool1 = enabled in onTrustChanged() 54 "onTrustChanged enabled: $bool1, newlyUnlocked: $bool2, " + in onTrustChanged() 74 bool1 = value.isTrusted in trustModelEmitted() 76 { "trustModel emitted: userId: $int1 isTrusted: $bool1" } in trustModelEmitted() 86 bool1 = value.isRunning in activeUnlockModelEmitted() 88 { "activeUnlockModel emitted: userId: $int1 isRunning: $bool1" } in activeUnlockModelEmitted() 96 { bool1 = isCurrentUserTrusted }, in isCurrentUserTrusted() 97 { "isCurrentUserTrusted emitted: $bool1" } in isCurrentUserTrusted() 105 { bool1 = isCurrentUserActiveUnlockRunning }, in isCurrentUserActiveUnlockRunning() 106 { "isCurrentUserActiveUnlockRunning emitted: $bool1" } in isCurrentUserActiveUnlockRunning() [all …]
D | KeyguardUpdateMonitorLogger.kt | 83 logBuffer.log(TAG, DEBUG, { bool1 = active }, { "onAuthInterruptDetected($bool1)" }) in logAuthInterruptDetected() 94 { bool1 = deviceProvisioned }, in logDeviceProvisionedState() 95 { "DEVICE_PROVISIONED state = $bool1" } in logDeviceProvisionedState() 170 bool1 = isStrongBiometric in logFingerprintSuccess() 172 { "Fingerprint auth successful: userId: $int1, isStrongBiometric: $bool1" } in logFingerprintSuccess() 182 bool1 = isStrongBiometric in logFaceDetected() 184 { "Face detected: userId: $int1, isStrongBiometric: $bool1" } in logFaceDetected() 194 bool1 = isStrongBiometric in logFingerprintDetected() 196 { "Fingerprint detected: userId: $int1, isStrongBiometric: $bool1" } in logFingerprintDetected() 229 bool1 = primaryBouncerIsOrWillBeShowing in logPrimaryKeyguardBouncerChanged() [all …]
D | KeyguardLogger.kt | 93 bool1 = fpEngaged in delayShowingTrustAgentError() 96 { "Delay showing trustAgentError:$str1. fpEngaged:$bool1 faceRunning:$bool2 " } in delayShowingTrustAgentError() 109 bool1 = animate in logUpdateDeviceEntryIndication() 113 { "updateDeviceEntryIndication animate:$bool1 visible:$bool2 dozing $bool3" } in logUpdateDeviceEntryIndication() 127 bool1 = userUnlocked in logUpdateLockScreenUserLockedMsg() 132 "userUnlocked:$bool1 encryptedOrLockdown:$bool2" in logUpdateLockScreenUserLockedMsg() 161 bool1 = pluggedIn in logUpdateBatteryIndication() 163 { "updateBatteryIndication powerIndication:$str1 pluggedIn:$bool1" } in logUpdateBatteryIndication() 192 bool1 = isChargingOrFull in logRefreshBatteryInfo() 198 "refreshBatteryInfo isChargingOrFull:$bool1 powerPluggedIn:$bool2" + in logRefreshBatteryInfo() [all …]
D | BiometricUnlockLogger.kt | 73 bool1 = deviceInteractive in logCalculateModeForFingerprintUnlockingAllowed() 79 " deviceInteractive=$bool1 isKeyguardShowing=$bool2" + in logCalculateModeForFingerprintUnlockingAllowed() 97 bool1 = strongBiometric in logCalculateModeForFingerprintUnlockingNotAllowed() 104 " strongBiometric=$bool1 strongAuthFlags=$int1" + in logCalculateModeForFingerprintUnlockingNotAllowed() 121 bool1 = deviceInteractive in logCalculateModeForPassiveAuthUnlockingAllowed() 128 " deviceInteractive=$bool1 isKeyguardShowing=$bool2" + in logCalculateModeForPassiveAuthUnlockingAllowed() 148 bool1 = nonStrongBiometricAllowed in logCalculateModeForPassiveAuthUnlockingNotAllowed() 156 " strongAuthFlags=$int2 nonStrongBiometricAllowed=$bool1" + in logCalculateModeForPassiveAuthUnlockingNotAllowed()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/shade/ |
D | ShadeLogger.kt | 68 bool1 = qsExpanded in logQsTrackingNotStarted() 75 "slop=$double1,qsExpanded=$bool1,keyguardShowing=$bool2,qsExpansion=$bool3" in logQsTrackingNotStarted() 155 bool1 = expanded in logExpansionChanged() 160 "$str1 fraction=$double1,expanded=$bool1," + in logExpansionChanged() 171 bool1 = hasVibratedOnOpen in logHasVibrated() 174 { "hasVibratedOnOpen=$bool1, expansionFraction=$double1" } in logHasVibrated() 183 bool1 = newValue in logQsExpandImmediateChanged() 185 { "qsExpandImmediate=$bool1" } in logQsExpandImmediateChanged() 203 bool1 = qsExpanded in logQsExpansionChanged() 212 "$str1 qsExpanded=$bool1,qsMinExpansionHeight=$int1,qsMaxExpansionHeight=$int2," + in logQsExpansionChanged() [all …]
D | ShadeWindowLogger.kt | 54 { bool1 = visible }, in <lambda>() 55 { "Updating visibility, should be visible : $bool1" }) in <lambda>() 75 bool1 = forceWindowCollapsed in <lambda>() 85 { "Setting isExpanded to $str1: forceWindowCollapsed $bool1, " + in <lambda>() 97 { bool1 = visible }, in <lambda>() 98 { "Updating shade, should be visible and focusable: $bool1" } in <lambda>() 106 { bool1 = focusable }, in <lambda>() 107 { "Updating shade, should be focusable : $bool1" } in <lambda>()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/log/ |
D | FaceAuthenticationLogger.kt | 69 bool1 = faceManager == null in detectionNotSupported() 75 "faceManager isNull: $bool1, " + in detectionNotSupported() 87 bool1 = isAuthRunning in skippingDetection() 91 "Skipping running detection: isAuthRunning: $bool1, " + in skippingDetection() 115 bool1 = isAuthRunning in cancelSignalNotReceived() 123 "isAuthRunning: $bool1, " + in cancelSignalNotReceived() 151 bool1 = lockoutError in authenticationError() 157 "isLockoutError: $bool1, " + in authenticationError() 169 bool1 = result.isStrongBiometric in faceAuthSuccess() 171 { "Face authenticated successfully: userId: $int1, isStrongBiometric: $bool1" } in faceAuthSuccess() [all …]
D | SideFpsLogger.kt | 49 bool1 = visible in sfpsProgressBarStateChanged() 57 "SFPS progress bar state changed: visible: $bool1, " + in sfpsProgressBarStateChanged() 83 { bool1 = enabled }, in isProlongedTouchRequiredForAuthenticationChanged() 84 { "isProlongedTouchRequiredForAuthentication: $bool1" } in isProlongedTouchRequiredForAuthenticationChanged() 101 bool1 = isSensorVerticalInDefaultOrientation in sensorLocationStateChanged() 107 "sensorVerticalInDefaultOrientation: $bool1" in sensorLocationStateChanged() 125 { bool1 = enabled }, in restToUnlockSettingEnabledChanged() 126 { "restToUnlockSettingEnabled: $bool1" } in restToUnlockSettingEnabledChanged()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/media/controls/ui/controller/ |
D | MediaCarouselControllerLogger.kt | 51 bool1 = active in logMediaLoaded() 53 { "add player $str1, active: $bool1" } in <lambda>() 62 bool1 = userInitiated in logMediaRemoved() 64 { "removing player $str1, by user $bool1" } in <lambda>() 73 bool1 = isActive in logRecommendationLoaded() 75 { "add recommendation $str1, active $bool1" } in <lambda>() 84 bool1 = immediately in logRecommendationRemoved() 86 { "removing recommendation $str1, immediate=$bool1" } in <lambda>()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/pipeline/mobile/data/ |
D | MobileInputLogger.kt | 45 bool1 = serviceState.isEmergencyOnly in logOnServiceStateChanged() 50 "onServiceStateChanged: subId=$int1 emergencyOnly=$bool1 roaming=$bool2" + in logOnServiceStateChanged() 62 bool1 = serviceState.isEmergencyOnly in logTopLevelServiceStateBroadcastEmergencyOnly() 64 { "ACTION_SERVICE_STATE for subId=$int1. ServiceState.isEmergencyOnly=$bool1" } in logTopLevelServiceStateBroadcastEmergencyOnly() 120 bool1 = active in logOnCarrierNetworkChange() 122 { "onCarrierNetworkChange: subId=$int1 active=$bool1" }, in logOnCarrierNetworkChange() 130 { bool1 = active }, in logOnCarrierRoamingNtnModeChanged() 131 { "onCarrierRoamingNtnModeChanged: $bool1" } in logOnCarrierRoamingNtnModeChanged() 142 bool1 = displayInfo.isRoaming in logOnDisplayInfoChanged() 144 { "onDisplayInfoChanged: subId=$int1 displayInfo=$str1 isRoaming=$bool1" }, in logOnDisplayInfoChanged() [all …]
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy/ |
D | HeadsUpManagerLogger.kt | 128 bool1 = isWaiting in logRemoveEntryRequest() 138 bool1 = isWaiting in logRemoveEntry() 163 bool1 = releaseImmediately in logRemoveNotification() 166 "remove notification $str1 releaseImmediately: $bool1 isWaiting: $bool2" in logRemoveNotification() 181 bool1 = alert in logUpdateNotificationRequest() 184 "request: update notification $str1 alert: $bool1 hasEntry: $bool2" in logUpdateNotificationRequest() 191 bool1 = alert in logUpdateNotification() 194 "update notification $str1 alert: $bool1 hasEntry: $bool2" in logUpdateNotification() 201 bool1 = updatePostTime in logUpdateEntry() 204 "update entry $str1 updatePostTime: $bool1 reason: $str2" in logUpdateEntry() [all …]
D | DeviceStateRotationLockSettingControllerLogger.kt | 41 logBuffer.log(TAG, VERBOSE, { bool1 = listening }, { "setListening: $bool1" }) in logListeningChange() 54 bool1 = newRotationLocked in logRotationLockStateChanged() 60 "newRotationLocked=$bool1, " + in logRotationLockStateChanged() 71 bool1 = isRotationLocked in logSaveNewRotationLockSetting() 74 { "saveNewRotationLockSetting: isRotationLocked=$bool1, state=$int1" } in logSaveNewRotationLockSetting() 108 bool1 = shouldBeLocked in readPersistedSetting() 116 "shouldBeLocked=$bool1, " + in readPersistedSetting()
D | BatteryControllerLogger.kt | 48 bool1 = hasReceivedBattery in logBatteryControllerInit() 50 { "BatteryController INIT (${Integer.toHexString(int1)}) hasReceivedBattery=$bool1" } in logBatteryControllerInit() 98 bool1 = plugged in logBatteryLevelChangedCallback() 103 "with level=$int1, plugged=$bool1, charging=$bool2" in logBatteryLevelChangedCallback() 112 { bool1 = isPowerSave }, in logPowerSaveChangedCallback() 113 { "Sending onPowerSaveChanged callback with powerSave=$bool1" } in logPowerSaveChangedCallback()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/notification/stack/ |
D | StackStateLogger.kt | 52 bool1 = isHeadsUp in processAnimationEventsRemoval() 56 "changingViewVisibility: ${visibilityString(int1)}, isHeadsUp: $bool1" in processAnimationEventsRemoval() 71 bool1 = isFullySwipedOut in processAnimationEventsRemoveSwipeOut() 76 "isFullySwipedOut: $bool1, isHeadsUp: $bool2" in processAnimationEventsRemoveSwipeOut() 88 bool1 = isHeadsUp in animationStart() 90 { "Animation Start, type: $str2, notif key: $str1, isHeadsUp: $bool1" } in animationStart() 101 bool1 = isHeadsUp in animationEnd() 103 { "Animation End, type: $str2, notif key: $str1, isHeadsUp: $bool1" } in animationEnd()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/notification/ |
D | NotificationWakeUpCoordinatorLogger.kt | 71 bool1 = changed in logUpdateDozeAmount() 76 " state=${StatusBarState.toString(int1)} changed=$bool1" in logUpdateDozeAmount() 86 bool1 = dozing in logSetDozeAmountOverride() 89 { "setDozeAmountOverride(dozing=$bool1, source=\"$str1\")" } in logSetDozeAmountOverride() 165 { bool1 = alreadyRunning }, in logStartDelayedDozeAmountAnimation() 166 { "startDelayedDozeAmountAnimation() alreadyRunning=$bool1" } in logStartDelayedDozeAmountAnimation() 190 bool1 = wakingUp in logSetWakingUp() 193 { "setWakingUp(wakingUp=$bool1, requestDelayedAnimation=$bool2)" } in logSetWakingUp() 201 { bool1 = delayingAnimation }, in logDelayingClockWakeUpAnimation() 202 { "logDelayingClockWakeUpAnimation($bool1)" } in logDelayingClockWakeUpAnimation()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/media/controls/domain/pipeline/ |
D | MediaLoadingLogger.kt | 36 bool1 = active in logMediaLoaded() 39 { "add media $str1, active: $bool1, reason: $str2" } in logMediaLoaded() 61 bool1 = isActive in logRecommendationLoaded() 64 { "add recommendation $str1, active $bool1, reason: $str2" } in logRecommendationLoaded() 74 bool1 = immediately in logRecommendationRemoved() 77 { "removing recommendation $str1, immediate=$bool1, reason: $str2" } in logRecommendationRemoved()
D | MediaTimeoutLogger.kt | 43 bool1 = hadListener in logMigrateListener() 45 { "migrate from $str1 to $str2, had listener? $bool1" } in <lambda>() 54 bool1 = wasPlaying in logUpdateListener() 56 { "updating $str1, was playing? $bool1" } in <lambda>() 90 bool1 = playing in logScheduleTimeout() 93 { "schedule timeout $str1, playing=$bool1 resumption=$bool2" } in <lambda>()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/events/ |
D | SystemStatusAnimationSchedulerLogger.kt | 23 bool1 = event.forceVisible in logScheduleEvent() 26 { "Scheduling event: $str1(forceVisible=$bool1, priority=$int1, showAnimation=$bool2)" } in logScheduleEvent() 37 bool1 = event.forceVisible in logUpdateEvent() 42 "Updating current event from: $str1(forceVisible=$bool1, priority=$int1, " + in logUpdateEvent() 55 bool1 = event.forceVisible in logIgnoreEvent() 58 { "Ignore event: $str1(forceVisible=$bool1, priority=$int1, showAnimation=$bool2)" } in logIgnoreEvent()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/pipeline/mobile/ui/ |
D | VerboseMobileViewLogger.kt | 48 bool1 = visibility in logBinderReceivedVisibility() 50 { "Binder[subId=$int1, viewId=$str1] received visibility: $bool1" }, in logBinderReceivedVisibility() 62 bool1 = if (icon is SignalIconModel.Cellular) icon.showExclamationMark else false in logBinderReceivedSignalIcon() 66 "level=$int2 showExclamation=$bool1" in logBinderReceivedSignalIcon() 78 bool1 = icon != null in logBinderReceivedNetworkTypeIcon() 83 if (bool1) "resId=$int2" else "null" in logBinderReceivedNetworkTypeIcon()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/privacy/logging/ |
D | PrivacyLogger.kt | 42 bool1 = active in logUpdatedItemFromAppOps() 44 "App Op: $int1 for $str1($int2), active=$bool1" in logUpdatedItemFromAppOps() 52 bool1 = active in logUpdatedItemFromMediaProjection() 54 "MediaProjection: $str1($int1), active=$bool1" in logUpdatedItemFromMediaProjection() 94 bool1 = visible in logChipVisible() 96 "Chip visible: $bool1" in logChipVisible() 106 bool1 = showCamera in logStatusBarIconsVisible() 110 "Status bar icons visible: camera=$bool1, microphone=$bool2, location=$bool3" in logStatusBarIconsVisible()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/notification/interruption/ |
D | VisualInterruptionDecisionLogger.kt | 36 { bool1 = isEnabled }, in logHeadsUpFeatureChanged() 55 bool1 = decision.shouldInterrupt in logDecision() 60 val outcome = if (bool1) "allowed" else "suppressed" in logDecision() 75 bool1 = decision.shouldInterrupt in logFullScreenIntentDecision() 83 bool1 -> "allowed" in logFullScreenIntentDecision()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/media/muteawait/ |
D | MediaMuteAwaitLogger.kt | 22 bool1 = hasMediaUsage in logMutedDeviceAdded() 25 "Muted device added: address=$str1 name=$str2 hasMediaUsage=$bool1" in <lambda>() 41 bool1 = hasMediaUsage in logMutedDeviceRemoved() 46 "address=$str1 name=$str2 hasMediaUsage=$bool1 isMostRecentDevice=$bool2" in <lambda>()
/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/logging/ |
D | QSLogger.kt | 85 bool1 = listening in <lambda>() 88 { "[$str1] Tile listening=$bool1" } in <lambda>() 97 bool1 = listening in <lambda>() 101 { "Tiles listening=$bool1 in $str1. $str2" } in <lambda>() 215 bool1 = disabledByPolicy in <lambda>() 218 { "[$str1] state=$int1, disabledByPolicy=$bool1, color=$int2." } in <lambda>() 242 bool1 = expanded in <lambda>() 244 { "$str1 expanded=$bool1" } in <lambda>() 290 bool1 = oldShouldUseSplitShade in <lambda>() 299 "splitShade=$bool2 (was $bool1)" in <lambda>() [all …]