1 package com.android.systemui.statusbar.window
3 import android.view.LayoutInflater
4 import com.android.systemui.res.R
5 import com.android.systemui.dagger.SysUISingleton
6 import dagger.Module
7 import dagger.Provides
8 import javax.inject.Qualifier
10 /** Module providing dependencies related to the status bar window. */
11 @Module
12 abstract class StatusBarWindowModule {
13     /**
14      * Provides a [StatusBarWindowView].
15      *
16      * Only [StatusBarWindowController] should inject the view.
17      */
18     @Module
19     companion object {
20         @JvmStatic
21         @Provides
22         @SysUISingleton
23         @InternalWindowView
providesStatusBarWindowViewnull24         fun providesStatusBarWindowView(layoutInflater: LayoutInflater): StatusBarWindowView {
25             return layoutInflater.inflate(
26                 R.layout.super_status_bar,
27                 /* root= */null
28             ) as StatusBarWindowView?
29                 ?: throw IllegalStateException(
30                     "R.layout.super_status_bar could not be properly inflated"
31                 )
32         }
33     }
35     /**
36      * We want [StatusBarWindowView] to be provided to [StatusBarWindowController]'s constructor via
37      * dagger so that we can provide a fake window view when testing the controller. However, we wan
38      * want *only* the controller to be able to inject the window view.
39      *
40      * This protected qualifier annotation achieves this. [StatusBarWindowView] can only be injected
41      * if it's annotated with [InternalWindowView], and only classes inside this [statusbar.window]
42      * package can access the annotation.
43      */
44     @Retention(AnnotationRetention.BINARY)
45     @Qualifier
46     protected annotation class InternalWindowView
47 }