1 // Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 use android_hardware_security_secretkeeper::aidl::android::hardware::security::secretkeeper::{
16 ISecretkeeper::ISecretkeeper, SecretId::SecretId,
17 };
18 use android_system_virtualizationmaintenance::aidl::android::system::virtualizationmaintenance;
19 use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
20 use binder::Strong;
21 use log::{error, info, warn};
22 use virtualizationmaintenance::IVirtualizationReconciliationCallback::IVirtualizationReconciliationCallback;
24 mod vmdb;
25 use vmdb::{VmId, VmIdDb};
27 /// Interface name for the Secretkeeper HAL.
28 const SECRETKEEPER_SERVICE: &str = "android.hardware.security.secretkeeper.ISecretkeeper/default";
30 /// Directory in which to write persistent state.
31 const PERSISTENT_DIRECTORY: &str = "/data/misc/apexdata/com.android.virt";
33 /// Maximum number of VM IDs to delete at once. Needs to be smaller than both the maximum
34 /// number of SQLite parameters (999) and also small enough that an ISecretkeeper::deleteIds
35 /// parcel fits within max AIDL message size.
36 const DELETE_MAX_BATCH_SIZE: usize = 100;
38 /// Maximum number of VM IDs that a single app can have.
39 const MAX_VM_IDS_PER_APP: usize = 400;
41 /// State related to VM secrets.
42 pub struct State {
43 /// The real state, lazily created when we first need it.
44 inner: Option<InnerState>,
45 }
47 struct InnerState {
48 sk: binder::Strong<dyn ISecretkeeper>,
49 /// Database of VM IDs,
50 vm_id_db: VmIdDb,
51 batch_size: usize,
52 }
54 impl State {
new() -> Option<Self>55 pub fn new() -> Option<Self> {
56 if is_sk_present() {
57 // Don't instantiate the inner state yet, that will happen when it is needed.
58 Some(Self { inner: None })
59 } else {
60 // If the Secretkeeper HAL doesn't exist, there's never any point in trying to
61 // handle maintenance for it.
62 info!("Failed to find a Secretkeeper instance; skipping secret management");
63 None
64 }
65 }
67 /// Return the existing inner state, or create one if there isn't one.
68 /// This is done on demand as in early boot (before we need Secretkeeper) it may not be
69 /// available to connect to. See b/331417880.
get_inner(&mut self) -> Result<&mut InnerState>70 fn get_inner(&mut self) -> Result<&mut InnerState> {
71 if self.inner.is_none() {
72 self.inner = Some(InnerState::new()?);
73 }
74 Ok(self.inner.as_mut().unwrap())
75 }
77 /// Record a new VM ID. If there is an existing owner (user_id, app_id) for the VM ID,
78 /// it will be replaced.
add_id(&mut self, vm_id: &VmId, user_id: u32, app_id: u32) -> Result<()>79 pub fn add_id(&mut self, vm_id: &VmId, user_id: u32, app_id: u32) -> Result<()> {
80 self.get_inner()?.add_id(vm_id, user_id, app_id)
81 }
83 /// Delete the VM IDs associated with Android user ID `user_id`.
delete_ids_for_user(&mut self, user_id: i32) -> Result<()>84 pub fn delete_ids_for_user(&mut self, user_id: i32) -> Result<()> {
85 self.get_inner()?.delete_ids_for_user(user_id)
86 }
88 /// Delete the VM IDs associated with `(user_id, app_id)`.
delete_ids_for_app(&mut self, user_id: i32, app_id: i32) -> Result<()>89 pub fn delete_ids_for_app(&mut self, user_id: i32, app_id: i32) -> Result<()> {
90 self.get_inner()?.delete_ids_for_app(user_id, app_id)
91 }
93 /// Delete the provided VM ID associated with `(user_id, app_id)` from both Secretkeeper and
94 /// the database.
delete_id(&mut self, vm_id: &VmId, user_id: u32, app_id: u32)95 pub fn delete_id(&mut self, vm_id: &VmId, user_id: u32, app_id: u32) {
96 let Ok(inner) = self.get_inner() else {
97 warn!("No Secretkeeper available, not deleting secrets");
98 return;
99 };
101 inner.delete_id_for_app(vm_id, user_id, app_id)
102 }
104 /// Perform reconciliation to allow for possibly missed notifications of user or app removal.
reconcile( &mut self, callback: &Strong<dyn IVirtualizationReconciliationCallback>, ) -> Result<()>105 pub fn reconcile(
106 &mut self,
107 callback: &Strong<dyn IVirtualizationReconciliationCallback>,
108 ) -> Result<()> {
109 self.get_inner()?.reconcile(callback)
110 }
111 }
113 impl InnerState {
new() -> Result<Self>114 fn new() -> Result<Self> {
115 info!("Connecting to {SECRETKEEPER_SERVICE}");
116 let sk = binder::wait_for_interface::<dyn ISecretkeeper>(SECRETKEEPER_SERVICE)
117 .context("Connecting to {SECRETKEEPER_SERVICE}")?;
118 let (vm_id_db, created) = VmIdDb::new(PERSISTENT_DIRECTORY)
119 .context("Connecting to secret management database")?;
120 if created {
121 // If the database did not previously exist, then this appears to be the first run of
122 // `virtualizationservice` since device setup or factory reset. In case of the latter,
123 // delete any secrets that may be left over from before reset, thus ensuring that the
124 // local database state matches that of the TA (i.e. empty).
125 warn!("no existing VM ID DB; clearing any previous secrets to match fresh DB");
126 if let Err(e) = sk.deleteAll() {
127 error!("failed to delete previous secrets, dropping database: {e:?}");
128 vm_id_db.delete_db_file(PERSISTENT_DIRECTORY);
129 return Err(e.into());
130 }
131 } else {
132 info!("re-using existing VM ID DB");
133 }
134 Ok(Self { sk, vm_id_db, batch_size: DELETE_MAX_BATCH_SIZE })
135 }
add_id(&mut self, vm_id: &VmId, user_id: u32, app_id: u32) -> Result<()>137 fn add_id(&mut self, vm_id: &VmId, user_id: u32, app_id: u32) -> Result<()> {
138 let user_id: i32 = user_id.try_into().context(format!("user_id {user_id} out of range"))?;
139 let app_id: i32 = app_id.try_into().context(format!("app_id {app_id} out of range"))?;
141 // To prevent unbounded growth of VM IDs (and the associated state) for an app, limit the
142 // number of VM IDs per app.
143 let count = self
144 .vm_id_db
145 .count_vm_ids_for_app(user_id, app_id)
146 .context("failed to determine VM count")?;
147 if count >= MAX_VM_IDS_PER_APP {
148 // The owner has too many VM IDs, so delete the oldest IDs so that the new VM ID
149 // creation can progress/succeed.
150 let purge = 1 + count - MAX_VM_IDS_PER_APP;
151 let old_vm_ids = self
152 .vm_id_db
153 .oldest_vm_ids_for_app(user_id, app_id, purge)
154 .context("failed to find oldest VM IDs")?;
155 error!("Deleting {purge} of {count} VM IDs for user_id={user_id}, app_id={app_id}");
156 self.delete_ids(&old_vm_ids);
157 }
158 self.vm_id_db.add_vm_id(vm_id, user_id, app_id)
159 }
delete_id_for_app(&mut self, vm_id: &VmId, user_id: u32, app_id: u32)161 fn delete_id_for_app(&mut self, vm_id: &VmId, user_id: u32, app_id: u32) {
162 if !self.vm_id_db.is_vm_id_for_app(vm_id, user_id, app_id).unwrap_or(false) {
163 info!(
164 "delete_id_for_app - VM id not associated with user_id={user_id}, app_id={app_id}"
165 );
166 return;
167 }
168 self.delete_ids(&[*vm_id])
169 }
delete_ids_for_user(&mut self, user_id: i32) -> Result<()>171 fn delete_ids_for_user(&mut self, user_id: i32) -> Result<()> {
172 let vm_ids = self.vm_id_db.vm_ids_for_user(user_id)?;
173 info!(
174 "delete_ids_for_user(user_id={user_id}) triggers deletion of {} secrets",
175 vm_ids.len()
176 );
177 self.delete_ids(&vm_ids);
178 Ok(())
179 }
delete_ids_for_app(&mut self, user_id: i32, app_id: i32) -> Result<()>181 fn delete_ids_for_app(&mut self, user_id: i32, app_id: i32) -> Result<()> {
182 let vm_ids = self.vm_id_db.vm_ids_for_app(user_id, app_id)?;
183 info!(
184 "delete_ids_for_app(user_id={user_id}, app_id={app_id}) removes {} secrets",
185 vm_ids.len()
186 );
187 self.delete_ids(&vm_ids);
188 Ok(())
189 }
delete_ids(&mut self, mut vm_ids: &[VmId])191 fn delete_ids(&mut self, mut vm_ids: &[VmId]) {
192 while !vm_ids.is_empty() {
193 let len = std::cmp::min(vm_ids.len(), self.batch_size);
194 let batch = &vm_ids[..len];
195 self.delete_ids_batch(batch);
196 vm_ids = &vm_ids[len..];
197 }
198 }
200 /// Delete a batch of VM IDs from both Secretkeeper and the database. The batch is assumed
201 /// to be smaller than both:
202 /// - the corresponding limit for number of database parameters
203 /// - the corresponding limit for maximum size of a single AIDL message for `ISecretkeeper`.
delete_ids_batch(&mut self, vm_ids: &[VmId])204 fn delete_ids_batch(&mut self, vm_ids: &[VmId]) {
205 let secret_ids: Vec<SecretId> = vm_ids.iter().map(|id| SecretId { id: *id }).collect();
206 if let Err(e) = self.sk.deleteIds(&secret_ids) {
207 error!("failed to delete all secrets from Secretkeeper: {e:?}");
208 }
209 if let Err(e) = self.vm_id_db.delete_vm_ids(vm_ids) {
210 error!("failed to remove secret IDs from database: {e:?}");
211 }
212 }
reconcile( &mut self, callback: &Strong<dyn IVirtualizationReconciliationCallback>, ) -> Result<()>214 fn reconcile(
215 &mut self,
216 callback: &Strong<dyn IVirtualizationReconciliationCallback>,
217 ) -> Result<()> {
218 // First, retrieve all (user_id, app_id) pairs that own a VM.
219 let owners = self.vm_id_db.get_all_owners().context("failed to retrieve owners from DB")?;
220 if owners.is_empty() {
221 info!("no VM owners, nothing to do");
222 return Ok(());
223 }
225 // Look for absent users.
226 let mut users: Vec<i32> = owners.iter().map(|(u, _a)| *u).collect();
227 users.sort();
228 users.dedup();
229 let users_exist = callback
230 .doUsersExist(&users)
231 .context(format!("failed to determine if {} users exist", users.len()))?;
232 if users_exist.len() != users.len() {
233 error!("callback returned {} bools for {} inputs!", users_exist.len(), users.len());
234 return Err(anyhow!("unexpected number of results from callback"));
235 }
237 for (user_id, present) in users.into_iter().zip(users_exist.into_iter()) {
238 if present {
239 // User is still present, but are all of the associated apps?
240 let mut apps: Vec<i32> = owners
241 .iter()
242 .filter_map(|(u, a)| if *u == user_id { Some(*a) } else { None })
243 .collect();
244 apps.sort();
245 apps.dedup();
247 let apps_exist = callback
248 .doAppsExist(user_id, &apps)
249 .context(format!("failed to check apps for user {user_id}"))?;
250 if apps_exist.len() != apps.len() {
251 error!(
252 "callback returned {} bools for {} inputs!",
253 apps_exist.len(),
254 apps.len()
255 );
256 return Err(anyhow!("unexpected number of results from callback"));
257 }
259 let missing_apps: Vec<i32> = apps
260 .iter()
261 .zip(apps_exist.into_iter())
262 .filter_map(|(app_id, present)| if present { None } else { Some(*app_id) })
263 .collect();
265 for app_id in missing_apps {
266 if core_app_id(app_id) {
267 info!("Skipping deletion for core app {app_id} for user {user_id}");
268 continue;
269 }
270 info!("App {app_id} for user {user_id} absent, deleting associated VM IDs");
271 if let Err(err) = self.delete_ids_for_app(user_id, app_id) {
272 error!("Failed to delete VM ID for user {user_id} app {app_id}: {err:?}");
273 }
274 }
275 } else {
276 info!("user {user_id} no longer present, deleting associated VM IDs");
277 if let Err(err) = self.delete_ids_for_user(user_id) {
278 error!("Failed to delete VM IDs for user {user_id} : {err:?}");
279 }
280 }
281 }
283 Ok(())
284 }
285 }
287 /// Indicate whether an app ID belongs to a system core component.
core_app_id(app_id: i32) -> bool288 fn core_app_id(app_id: i32) -> bool {
289 app_id < 10000
290 }
is_sk_present() -> bool292 fn is_sk_present() -> bool {
293 matches!(binder::is_declared(SECRETKEEPER_SERVICE), Ok(true))
294 }
296 #[cfg(test)]
297 mod tests {
298 use super::*;
299 use android_hardware_security_authgraph::aidl::android::hardware::security::authgraph;
300 use android_hardware_security_secretkeeper::aidl::android::hardware::security::secretkeeper;
301 use authgraph::IAuthGraphKeyExchange::IAuthGraphKeyExchange;
302 use secretkeeper::ISecretkeeper::BnSecretkeeper;
303 use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
304 use virtualizationmaintenance::IVirtualizationReconciliationCallback::BnVirtualizationReconciliationCallback;
306 /// Fake implementation of Secretkeeper that keeps a history of what operations were invoked.
307 #[derive(Default)]
308 struct FakeSk {
309 history: Arc<Mutex<Vec<SkOp>>>,
310 }
312 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
313 enum SkOp {
314 Management,
315 DeleteIds(Vec<VmId>),
316 DeleteAll,
317 }
319 impl ISecretkeeper for FakeSk {
processSecretManagementRequest(&self, _req: &[u8]) -> binder::Result<Vec<u8>>320 fn processSecretManagementRequest(&self, _req: &[u8]) -> binder::Result<Vec<u8>> {
321 self.history.lock().unwrap().push(SkOp::Management);
322 Ok(vec![])
323 }
getAuthGraphKe(&self) -> binder::Result<binder::Strong<dyn IAuthGraphKeyExchange>>325 fn getAuthGraphKe(&self) -> binder::Result<binder::Strong<dyn IAuthGraphKeyExchange>> {
326 unimplemented!()
327 }
deleteIds(&self, ids: &[SecretId]) -> binder::Result<()>329 fn deleteIds(&self, ids: &[SecretId]) -> binder::Result<()> {
330 self.history.lock().unwrap().push(SkOp::DeleteIds(ids.iter().map(|s| s.id).collect()));
331 Ok(())
332 }
deleteAll(&self) -> binder::Result<()>334 fn deleteAll(&self) -> binder::Result<()> {
335 self.history.lock().unwrap().push(SkOp::DeleteAll);
336 Ok(())
337 }
338 }
339 impl binder::Interface for FakeSk {}
new_test_state(history: Arc<Mutex<Vec<SkOp>>>, batch_size: usize) -> State341 fn new_test_state(history: Arc<Mutex<Vec<SkOp>>>, batch_size: usize) -> State {
342 let vm_id_db = vmdb::new_test_db();
343 let sk = FakeSk { history };
344 let sk = BnSecretkeeper::new_binder(sk, binder::BinderFeatures::default());
345 let inner = InnerState { sk, vm_id_db, batch_size };
346 State { inner: Some(inner) }
347 }
get_db(state: &mut State) -> &mut VmIdDb349 fn get_db(state: &mut State) -> &mut VmIdDb {
350 &mut state.inner.as_mut().unwrap().vm_id_db
351 }
353 struct Reconciliation {
354 gone_users: Vec<i32>,
355 gone_apps: Vec<i32>,
356 }
358 impl IVirtualizationReconciliationCallback for Reconciliation {
doUsersExist(&self, user_ids: &[i32]) -> binder::Result<Vec<bool>>359 fn doUsersExist(&self, user_ids: &[i32]) -> binder::Result<Vec<bool>> {
360 Ok(user_ids.iter().map(|user_id| !self.gone_users.contains(user_id)).collect())
361 }
doAppsExist(&self, _user_id: i32, app_ids: &[i32]) -> binder::Result<Vec<bool>>362 fn doAppsExist(&self, _user_id: i32, app_ids: &[i32]) -> binder::Result<Vec<bool>> {
363 Ok(app_ids.iter().map(|app_id| !self.gone_apps.contains(app_id)).collect())
364 }
365 }
366 impl binder::Interface for Reconciliation {}
368 const VM_ID1: VmId = [1u8; 64];
369 const VM_ID2: VmId = [2u8; 64];
370 const VM_ID3: VmId = [3u8; 64];
371 const VM_ID4: VmId = [4u8; 64];
372 const VM_ID5: VmId = [5u8; 64];
374 const USER1: i32 = 1;
375 const USER2: i32 = 2;
376 const USER3: i32 = 3;
377 const APP_A: i32 = 10050;
378 const APP_B: i32 = 10060;
379 const APP_C: i32 = 10070;
380 const CORE_APP_A: i32 = 45;
382 #[test]
test_sk_state_batching()383 fn test_sk_state_batching() {
384 let history = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
385 let sk_state = new_test_state(history.clone(), 2);
386 sk_state.inner.unwrap().delete_ids(&[VM_ID1, VM_ID2, VM_ID3, VM_ID4, VM_ID5]);
387 let got = (*history.lock().unwrap()).clone();
388 assert_eq!(
389 got,
390 vec![
391 SkOp::DeleteIds(vec![VM_ID1, VM_ID2]),
392 SkOp::DeleteIds(vec![VM_ID3, VM_ID4]),
393 SkOp::DeleteIds(vec![VM_ID5]),
394 ]
395 );
396 }
398 #[test]
test_sk_state_no_batching()399 fn test_sk_state_no_batching() {
400 let history = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
401 let sk_state = new_test_state(history.clone(), 6);
402 sk_state.inner.unwrap().delete_ids(&[VM_ID1, VM_ID2, VM_ID3, VM_ID4, VM_ID5]);
403 let got = (*history.lock().unwrap()).clone();
404 assert_eq!(got, vec![SkOp::DeleteIds(vec![VM_ID1, VM_ID2, VM_ID3, VM_ID4, VM_ID5])]);
405 }
407 #[test]
test_sk_state()408 fn test_sk_state() {
409 let history = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
410 let mut sk_state = new_test_state(history.clone(), 2);
412 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID1, USER1, APP_A).unwrap();
413 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID2, USER1, APP_A).unwrap();
414 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID3, USER2, APP_B).unwrap();
415 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID4, USER3, APP_A).unwrap();
416 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID5, USER3, APP_C).unwrap();
417 assert_eq!((*history.lock().unwrap()).clone(), vec![]);
419 sk_state.delete_ids_for_app(USER2, APP_B).unwrap();
420 assert_eq!((*history.lock().unwrap()).clone(), vec![SkOp::DeleteIds(vec![VM_ID3])]);
422 sk_state.delete_ids_for_user(USER3).unwrap();
423 assert_eq!(
424 (*history.lock().unwrap()).clone(),
425 vec![SkOp::DeleteIds(vec![VM_ID3]), SkOp::DeleteIds(vec![VM_ID4, VM_ID5]),]
426 );
428 assert_eq!(vec![VM_ID1, VM_ID2], get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_user(USER1).unwrap());
429 assert_eq!(
430 vec![VM_ID1, VM_ID2],
431 get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_app(USER1, APP_A).unwrap()
432 );
433 let empty: Vec<VmId> = Vec::new();
434 assert_eq!(empty, get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_app(USER2, APP_B).unwrap());
435 assert_eq!(empty, get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_user(USER3).unwrap());
436 }
438 #[test]
test_sk_state_delete_id()439 fn test_sk_state_delete_id() {
440 let history = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
441 let mut sk_state = new_test_state(history.clone(), 2);
443 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID1, USER1, APP_A).unwrap();
444 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID2, USER1, APP_A).unwrap();
445 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID3, USER2, APP_B).unwrap();
446 assert_eq!((*history.lock().unwrap()).clone(), vec![]);
448 // A VM ID that doesn't exist anywhere - no delete
449 sk_state.delete_id(&VM_ID4, USER1 as u32, APP_A as u32);
450 assert_eq!((*history.lock().unwrap()).clone(), vec![]);
452 // Wrong app ID - no delete
453 sk_state.delete_id(&VM_ID1, USER1 as u32, APP_B as u32);
454 assert_eq!((*history.lock().unwrap()).clone(), vec![]);
456 // Wrong user ID - no delete
457 sk_state.delete_id(&VM_ID1, USER2 as u32, APP_A as u32);
458 assert_eq!((*history.lock().unwrap()).clone(), vec![]);
460 // This porridge is just right.
461 sk_state.delete_id(&VM_ID1, USER1 as u32, APP_A as u32);
462 assert_eq!((*history.lock().unwrap()).clone(), vec![SkOp::DeleteIds(vec![VM_ID1])]);
464 assert_eq!(vec![VM_ID2], get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_user(USER1).unwrap());
465 assert_eq!(vec![VM_ID3], get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_user(USER2).unwrap());
466 }
468 #[test]
test_sk_state_reconcile()469 fn test_sk_state_reconcile() {
470 let history = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
471 let mut sk_state = new_test_state(history.clone(), 20);
473 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID1, USER1, APP_A).unwrap();
474 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID2, USER1, APP_A).unwrap();
475 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID3, USER2, APP_B).unwrap();
476 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID4, USER2, CORE_APP_A).unwrap();
477 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID5, USER3, APP_C).unwrap();
479 assert_eq!(vec![VM_ID1, VM_ID2], get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_user(USER1).unwrap());
480 assert_eq!(
481 vec![VM_ID1, VM_ID2],
482 get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_app(USER1, APP_A).unwrap()
483 );
484 assert_eq!(vec![VM_ID3], get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_app(USER2, APP_B).unwrap());
485 assert_eq!(vec![VM_ID5], get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_user(USER3).unwrap());
487 // Perform a reconciliation and pretend that USER1 and [CORE_APP_A, APP_B] are gone.
488 let reconciliation =
489 Reconciliation { gone_users: vec![USER1], gone_apps: vec![CORE_APP_A, APP_B] };
490 let callback = BnVirtualizationReconciliationCallback::new_binder(
491 reconciliation,
492 binder::BinderFeatures::default(),
493 );
494 sk_state.reconcile(&callback).unwrap();
496 let empty: Vec<VmId> = Vec::new();
497 assert_eq!(empty, get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_user(USER1).unwrap());
498 assert_eq!(empty, get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_app(USER1, APP_A).unwrap());
499 // VM for core app stays even though it's reported as absent.
500 assert_eq!(vec![VM_ID4], get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_user(USER2).unwrap());
501 assert_eq!(empty, get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_app(USER2, APP_B).unwrap());
502 assert_eq!(vec![VM_ID5], get_db(&mut sk_state).vm_ids_for_user(USER3).unwrap());
503 }
505 #[test]
test_sk_state_too_many_vms()506 fn test_sk_state_too_many_vms() {
507 let history = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
508 let mut sk_state = new_test_state(history.clone(), 20);
510 // Every VM ID added up to the limit is kept.
511 for idx in 0..MAX_VM_IDS_PER_APP {
512 let mut vm_id = [0u8; 64];
513 vm_id[0..8].copy_from_slice(&(idx as u64).to_be_bytes());
514 sk_state.add_id(&vm_id, USER1 as u32, APP_A as u32).unwrap();
515 assert_eq!(idx + 1, get_db(&mut sk_state).count_vm_ids_for_app(USER1, APP_A).unwrap());
516 }
517 assert_eq!(
519 get_db(&mut sk_state).count_vm_ids_for_app(USER1, APP_A).unwrap()
520 );
522 // Beyond the limit it's one in, one out.
523 for idx in MAX_VM_IDS_PER_APP..MAX_VM_IDS_PER_APP + 10 {
524 let mut vm_id = [0u8; 64];
525 vm_id[0..8].copy_from_slice(&(idx as u64).to_be_bytes());
526 sk_state.add_id(&vm_id, USER1 as u32, APP_A as u32).unwrap();
527 assert_eq!(
529 get_db(&mut sk_state).count_vm_ids_for_app(USER1, APP_A).unwrap()
530 );
531 }
532 assert_eq!(
534 get_db(&mut sk_state).count_vm_ids_for_app(USER1, APP_A).unwrap()
535 );
536 }
538 struct Irreconcilable;
540 impl IVirtualizationReconciliationCallback for Irreconcilable {
doUsersExist(&self, user_ids: &[i32]) -> binder::Result<Vec<bool>>541 fn doUsersExist(&self, user_ids: &[i32]) -> binder::Result<Vec<bool>> {
542 panic!("doUsersExist called with {user_ids:?}");
543 }
doAppsExist(&self, user_id: i32, app_ids: &[i32]) -> binder::Result<Vec<bool>>544 fn doAppsExist(&self, user_id: i32, app_ids: &[i32]) -> binder::Result<Vec<bool>> {
545 panic!("doAppsExist called with {user_id:?}, {app_ids:?}");
546 }
547 }
548 impl binder::Interface for Irreconcilable {}
550 #[test]
test_sk_state_reconcile_not_needed()551 fn test_sk_state_reconcile_not_needed() {
552 let history = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
553 let mut sk_state = new_test_state(history.clone(), 20);
555 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID1, USER1, APP_A).unwrap();
556 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID2, USER1, APP_A).unwrap();
557 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID3, USER2, APP_B).unwrap();
558 get_db(&mut sk_state).add_vm_id(&VM_ID5, USER3, APP_C).unwrap();
559 sk_state.delete_ids_for_user(USER1).unwrap();
560 sk_state.delete_ids_for_user(USER2).unwrap();
561 sk_state.delete_ids_for_user(USER3).unwrap();
563 // No extant secrets, so reconciliation should not trigger the callback.
564 let callback = BnVirtualizationReconciliationCallback::new_binder(
565 Irreconcilable,
566 binder::BinderFeatures::default(),
567 );
568 sk_state.reconcile(&callback).unwrap();
569 }
570 }