1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 package com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.command;
18 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.build.CompatibilityBuildHelper;
19 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.build.CompatibilityBuildProvider;
20 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.result.SubPlanHelper;
21 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.result.suite.CertificationResultXml;
22 import com.android.compatibility.common.tradefed.testtype.suite.CompatibilityTestSuite;
23 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.ResultHandler;
24 import com.android.tradefed.build.BuildRetrievalError;
25 import com.android.tradefed.build.IBuildInfo;
26 import com.android.tradefed.command.Console;
27 import com.android.tradefed.config.ArgsOptionParser;
28 import com.android.tradefed.config.ConfigurationException;
29 import com.android.tradefed.config.ConfigurationFactory;
30 import com.android.tradefed.config.IConfiguration;
31 import com.android.tradefed.config.IConfigurationFactory;
32 import com.android.tradefed.log.LogUtil.CLog;
33 import com.android.tradefed.result.suite.SuiteResultHolder;
34 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.Abi;
35 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.IAbi;
36 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.IRemoteTest;
37 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.IRuntimeHintProvider;
38 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.suite.ITestSuite;
39 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.suite.SuiteModuleLoader;
40 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.suite.TestSuiteInfo;
41 import com.android.tradefed.testtype.suite.params.ModuleParameters;
42 import com.android.tradefed.util.AbiUtils;
43 import com.android.tradefed.util.FileUtil;
44 import com.android.tradefed.util.MultiMap;
45 import com.android.tradefed.util.Pair;
46 import com.android.tradefed.util.RegexTrie;
47 import com.android.tradefed.util.TableFormatter;
48 import com.android.tradefed.util.TimeUtil;
49 import com.android.tradefed.util.VersionParser;
51 import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
53 import java.io.File;
54 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
55 import java.io.IOException;
56 import java.io.PrintWriter;
57 import java.util.ArrayList;
58 import java.util.Arrays;
59 import java.util.Collections;
60 import java.util.Comparator;
61 import java.util.HashSet;
62 import java.util.Iterator;
63 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
64 import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
65 import java.util.List;
66 import java.util.Map;
67 import java.util.Set;
69 /**
70  * An extension of Tradefed's console which adds features specific to compatibility testing.
71  */
72 public class CompatibilityConsole extends Console {
74     /**
75      * Hard coded list of modules to be excluded from manual module sharding
76      * @see #splitModules(int)
77      */
78     private final static Set<String> MODULE_SPLIT_EXCLUSIONS = new HashSet<>();
79     static {
80         MODULE_SPLIT_EXCLUSIONS.add("CtsDeqpTestCases");
81     }
82     private final static String ADD_PATTERN = "a(?:dd)?";
83     private static final String LATEST_RESULT_DIR = "latest";
84     private CompatibilityBuildHelper mBuildHelper;
85     private IBuildInfo mBuildInfo;
87     /**
88      * {@inheritDoc}
89      */
90     @Override
run()91     public void run() {
92         String buildNumber = TestSuiteInfo.getInstance().getBuildNumber();
93         String versionFile = VersionParser.fetchVersion();
94         if (versionFile != null) {
95             buildNumber = versionFile;
96         }
97         printLine(
98                 String.format(
99                         "Android %s %s (%s)",
100                         TestSuiteInfo.getInstance().getFullName(),
101                         TestSuiteInfo.getInstance().getVersion(),
102                         buildNumber));
103         printLine("Use \"help\" or \"help all\" to get more information on running commands.");
104         super.run();
105     }
107     /**
108      * Adds the 'list plans', 'list modules' and 'list results' commands
109      */
110     @Override
setCustomCommands(RegexTrie<Runnable> trie, List<String> genericHelp, Map<String, String> commandHelp)111     protected void setCustomCommands(RegexTrie<Runnable> trie, List<String> genericHelp,
112             Map<String, String> commandHelp) {
114         genericHelp.add("Enter 'help add'        for help with 'add subplan' commands");
115         genericHelp.add("\t----- " + TestSuiteInfo.getInstance().getFullName() + " usage ----- ");
116         genericHelp.add("Usage: run <plan> [--module <module name>] [ options ]");
117         genericHelp.add("Example: run cts --module CtsGestureTestCases --bugreport-on-failure");
118         genericHelp.add("");
120         trie.put(new Runnable() {
121             @Override
122             public void run() {
123                 listPlans();
124             }
125         }, LIST_PATTERN, "p(?:lans)?");
126         trie.put(
127                 new Runnable() {
128                     @Override
129                     public void run() {
130                         listModules(null);
131                     }
132                 },
133                 LIST_PATTERN,
134                 "m(?:odules)?");
135         trie.put(
136                 new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {
137                     @Override
138                     public void run(CaptureList args) {
139                         String parameter = args.get(2).get(0);
140                         listModules(parameter);
141                     }
142                 },
143                 LIST_PATTERN,
144                 "m(?:odules)?",
145                 "(.*)");
146         trie.put(new Runnable() {
147             @Override
148             public void run() {
149                 listResults();
150             }
151         }, LIST_PATTERN, "r(?:esults)?");
152         trie.put(new Runnable() {
153             @Override
154             public void run() {
155                 listSubPlans();
156             }
157         }, LIST_PATTERN, "s(?:ubplans)?");
158         trie.put(new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {
159             @Override
160             public void run(CaptureList args) {
161                 // Skip 2 tokens to get past split and modules pattern
162                 String arg = args.get(2).get(0);
163                 int shards = Integer.parseInt(arg);
164                 if (shards <= 1) {
165                     printLine("number of shards should be more than 1");
166                     return;
167                 }
168                 splitModules(shards);
169             }
170         }, "split", "m(?:odules)?", "(\\d+)");
171         trie.put(new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {
172             @Override
173             public void run(CaptureList args) {
174                 // Skip 2 tokens to get past "add" and "subplan"
175                 String[] flatArgs = new String[args.size() - 2];
176                 for (int i = 2; i < args.size(); i++) {
177                     flatArgs[i - 2] = args.get(i).get(0);
178                 }
179                 addSubPlan(flatArgs);
180             }
181         }, ADD_PATTERN, "s(?:ubplan)?", null);
182         trie.put(new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {
183             @Override
184             public void run(CaptureList args) {
185                 printLine("'add subplan' requires parameters, use 'help add' to get more details");
186             }
187         }, ADD_PATTERN, "s(?:ubplan)?");
188         trie.put(new Runnable() {
189             @Override
190             public void run() {
191                 printLine(String.format("Android %s %s (%s)",
192                         TestSuiteInfo.getInstance().getFullName(),
193                         TestSuiteInfo.getInstance().getVersion(),
194                         TestSuiteInfo.getInstance().getBuildNumber()));
195             }
196         }, "version"); // override tradefed 'version' command to print test suite name and version
198         // find existing help for 'LIST_PATTERN' commands, and append these commands help
199         String listHelp = commandHelp.get(LIST_PATTERN);
200         if (listHelp == null) {
201             // no help? Unexpected, but soldier on
202             listHelp = new String();
203         }
204         String combinedHelp =
205                 listHelp
206                         + LINE_SEPARATOR
207                         + "\t----- "
208                         + TestSuiteInfo.getInstance().getFullName()
209                         + " specific options ----- "
210                         + LINE_SEPARATOR
211                         + "\tp[lans]               List all plans available"
212                         + LINE_SEPARATOR
213                         + "\tm[odules]             List all modules available"
214                         + LINE_SEPARATOR
215                         + String.format(
216                                 "\tm[odules] [module parameter] List all modules matching the "
217                                         + "parameter. (available params: %s)",
218                                 Arrays.asList(ModuleParameters.values()))
219                         + LINE_SEPARATOR
220                         + "\tr[esults]             List all results"
221                         + LINE_SEPARATOR;
222         commandHelp.put(LIST_PATTERN, combinedHelp);
224         // Update existing RUN_PATTERN with CTS specific extra run possibilities.
225         String runHelp = commandHelp.get(RUN_PATTERN);
226         if (runHelp == null) {
227             runHelp = new String();
228         }
229         String combinedRunHelp = runHelp +
230                 LINE_SEPARATOR +
231                 "\t----- " + TestSuiteInfo.getInstance().getFullName()
232                 + " specific options ----- " + LINE_SEPARATOR +
233                 "\t<plan> --module/-m <module>       Run a test module" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
234                 "\t<plan> --module/-m <module> --test/-t <test_name>    Run a specific test from" +
235                 " the module. Test name can be <package>.<class>, <package>.<class>#<method> or "
236                 + "<native_binary_name>" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
237                 "\t\tAvailable Options:" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
238                 "\t\t\t--serial/-s <device_id>: The device to run the test on" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
239                 "\t\t\t--abi/-a <abi>         : The ABI to run the test against" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
240                 "\t\t\t--logcat-on-failure    : Capture logcat when a test fails"
241                 + LINE_SEPARATOR +
242                 "\t\t\t--bugreport-on-failure : Capture a bugreport when a test fails"
243                 + LINE_SEPARATOR +
244                 "\t\t\t--screenshot-on-failure: Capture a screenshot when a test fails"
245                 + LINE_SEPARATOR +
246                 "\t\t\t--shard-count <shards>: Shards a run into the given number of independent " +
247                 "chunks, to run on multiple devices in parallel." + LINE_SEPARATOR +
248                 "\t ----- In order to retry a previous run -----" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
249                 "\tretry --retry <session id to retry> [--retry-type <FAILED | NOT_EXECUTED>]"
250                 + LINE_SEPARATOR +
251                 "\t\tWithout --retry-type, retry will run both FAIL and NOT_EXECUTED tests"
252                 + LINE_SEPARATOR;
253         commandHelp.put(RUN_PATTERN, combinedRunHelp);
255         commandHelp.put(ADD_PATTERN, String.format(
256                 "%s help:" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
257                 "\tadd s[ubplan]: create a subplan from a previous session" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
258                 "\t\tAvailable Options:" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
259                 "\t\t\t--session <session_id>: The session used to create a subplan"
260                 + LINE_SEPARATOR +
261                 "\t\t\t--name/-n <subplan_name>: The name of the new subplan" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
262                 "\t\t\t--result-type <status>: Which results to include in the subplan. "
263                 + "One of passed, failed, not_executed. Repeatable" + LINE_SEPARATOR,
264                 ADD_PATTERN));
265     }
267     /**
268      * {@inheritDoc}
269      */
270     @Override
getConsolePrompt()271     protected String getConsolePrompt() {
272         return String.format("%s-tf > ", TestSuiteInfo.getInstance().getName().toLowerCase());
273     }
275     /**
276      * List all the modules available in the suite, if a specific parameter is requested, only
277      * display that one.
278      *
279      * @param moduleParameter The parameter requested to be displayed. Null if all should be shown.
280      */
listModules(String moduleParameter)281     private void listModules(String moduleParameter) {
282         CompatibilityTestSuite test = new CompatibilityTestSuite();
283         Set<String> abiStrings = ITestSuite.getAbisForBuildTargetArchFromSuite();
284         Set<IAbi> abis = new LinkedHashSet<>();
285         for (String abi : abiStrings) {
286             if (AbiUtils.isAbiSupportedByCompatibility(abi)) {
287                 abis.add(new Abi(abi, AbiUtils.getBitness(abi)));
288             }
289         }
290         test.setAbis(abis);
291         if (getBuild() != null) {
292             test.setEnableParameterizedModules(true);
293             test.setEnableOptionalParameterizedModules(true);
294             if (moduleParameter != null) {
295                 test.setModuleParameter(ModuleParameters.valueOf(moduleParameter.toUpperCase()));
296             }
297             test.setBuild(getBuild());
298             LinkedHashMap<String, IConfiguration> configs = test.loadTests();
299             printLine(String.format("%s", Joiner.on("\n").join(configs.keySet())));
300         } else {
301             printLine("Error fetching information about modules.");
302         }
303     }
listPlans()305     private void listPlans() {
306         printLine("Available plans include:");
307         ConfigurationFactory.getInstance().printHelp(System.out);
308     }
splitModules(int shards)310     private void splitModules(int shards) {
311         File[] files = null;
312         try {
313             files = getBuildHelper().getTestsDir().listFiles(new SuiteModuleLoader.ConfigFilter());
314         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
315             printLine(e.getMessage());
316             e.printStackTrace();
317         }
318         // parse through all config files to get runtime hints
319         if (files != null && files.length > 0) {
320             IConfigurationFactory configFactory = ConfigurationFactory.getInstance();
321             List<Pair<String, Long>> moduleRuntime = new ArrayList<>();
322             // parse through all config files to calculate module execution time
323             for (File file : files) {
324                 IConfiguration config = null;
325                 String moduleName = file.getName().split("\\.")[0];
326                 if (MODULE_SPLIT_EXCLUSIONS.contains(moduleName)) {
327                     continue;
328                 }
329                 try {
330                     config = configFactory.createConfigurationFromArgs(new String[]{
331                             file.getAbsolutePath(),
332                     });
333                 } catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
334                     printLine("Error loading config file: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
335                     CLog.e(ce);
336                     continue;
337                 }
338                 long runtime = 0;
339                 for (IRemoteTest test : config.getTests()) {
340                     if (test instanceof IRuntimeHintProvider) {
341                         runtime += ((IRuntimeHintProvider) test).getRuntimeHint();
342                     } else {
343                         CLog.w("Using default 1m runtime estimation for test type %s",
344                                 test.getClass().getSimpleName());
345                         runtime += 60 * 1000;
346                     }
347                 }
348                 moduleRuntime.add(new Pair<String, Long>(moduleName, runtime));
349             }
350             // sort list modules in descending order of runtime hint
351             Collections.sort(moduleRuntime, new Comparator<Pair<String, Long>>() {
352                 @Override
353                 public int compare(Pair<String, Long> o1, Pair<String, Long> o2) {
354                     return o2.second.compareTo(o1.second);
355                 }
356             });
357             // partition list of modules based on the runtime hint
358             List<List<Pair<String, Long>>> splittedModules = new ArrayList<>();
359             for (int i = 0; i < shards; i++) {
360                 splittedModules.add(new ArrayList<>());
361             }
362             int shardIndex = 0;
363             int increment = 1;
364             long[] shardTimes = new long[shards];
365             // go through the sorted list, distribute modules into shards in zig-zag pattern to get
366             // an even execution time among shards
367             for (Pair<String, Long> module : moduleRuntime) {
368                 splittedModules.get(shardIndex).add(module);
369                 // also collect total runtime per shard
370                 shardTimes[shardIndex] += module.second;
371                 shardIndex += increment;
372                 // zig-zagging: first distribute modules from shard 0 to N, then N down to 0, repeat
373                 if (shardIndex == shards) {
374                     increment = -1;
375                     shardIndex = shards - 1;
376                 }
377                 if (shardIndex == -1) {
378                     increment = 1;
379                     shardIndex = 0;
380                 }
381             }
382             shardIndex = 0;
383             // print the final shared lists
384             for (List<Pair<String, Long>> shardedModules : splittedModules) {
385                 StringBuilder lineBuffer = new StringBuilder();
386                 lineBuffer.append(String.format("shard #%d (%s):",
387                         shardIndex, TimeUtil.formatElapsedTime(shardTimes[shardIndex])));
388                 Iterator<Pair<String, Long>> itr = shardedModules.iterator();
389                 lineBuffer.append(itr.next().first);
390                 while (itr.hasNext()) {
391                     lineBuffer.append(',');
392                     lineBuffer.append(itr.next().first);
393                 }
394                 shardIndex++;
395                 printLine(lineBuffer.toString());
396             }
397         } else {
398             printLine("No modules found");
399         }
400     }
listResults()402     private void listResults() {
403         TableFormatter tableFormatter = new TableFormatter();
404         List<List<String>> table = new ArrayList<>();
406         List<File> resultDirs = null;
407         Map<SuiteResultHolder, File> holders = new LinkedHashMap<>();
408         try {
409             resultDirs = getResults(getBuildHelper().getResultsDir());
410         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
411             throw new RuntimeException("Error while parsing results directory", e);
412         }
413         CertificationResultXml xmlParser = new CertificationResultXml();
414         for (File resultDir : resultDirs) {
415             if (LATEST_RESULT_DIR.equals(resultDir.getName())) {
416                 continue;
417             }
418             try {
419                 holders.put(xmlParser.parseResults(resultDir, true), resultDir);
420             } catch (IOException e) {
421                 e.printStackTrace();
422             }
423         }
425         if (holders.isEmpty()) {
426             printLine(String.format("No results found"));
427             return;
428         }
429         int i = 0;
430         for (SuiteResultHolder holder : holders.keySet()) {
431             String moduleProgress = String.format("%d of %d",
432                     holder.completeModules, holder.totalModules);
434             table.add(
435                     Arrays.asList(
436                             Integer.toString(i),
437                             Long.toString(holder.passedTests),
438                             Long.toString(holder.failedTests),
439                             moduleProgress,
440                             holders.get(holder).getName(),
441                             holder.context
442                                     .getAttributes()
443                                     .get(CertificationResultXml.SUITE_PLAN_ATTR)
444                                     .get(0),
445                             Joiner.on(", ").join(holder.context.getShardsSerials().values()),
446                             printAttributes(holder.context.getAttributes(), "build_id"),
447                             printAttributes(holder.context.getAttributes(), "build_product")));
448             i++;
449         }
451         // add the table header to the beginning of the list
452         table.add(0, Arrays.asList("Session", "Pass", "Fail", "Modules Complete",
453                 "Result Directory", "Test Plan", "Device serial(s)", "Build ID", "Product"));
454         tableFormatter.displayTable(table, new PrintWriter(System.out, true));
455     }
printAttributes(MultiMap<String, String> map, String key)457     private String printAttributes(MultiMap<String, String> map, String key) {
458         if (map.get(key) == null) {
459             return "unknown";
460         }
461         return map.get(key).get(0);
462     }
464     /**
465      * Returns the list of all results directories.
466      */
getResults(File resultsDir)467     private List<File> getResults(File resultsDir) {
468         return ResultHandler.getResultDirectories(resultsDir);
469     }
listSubPlans()471     private void listSubPlans() {
472         File[] files = null;
473         try {
474             files = getBuildHelper().getSubPlansDir().listFiles();
475         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
476             printLine(e.getMessage());
477             e.printStackTrace();
478         }
479         if (files != null && files.length > 0) {
480             List<String> subPlans = new ArrayList<>();
481             for (File subPlanFile : files) {
482                 subPlans.add(FileUtil.getBaseName(subPlanFile.getName()));
483             }
484             Collections.sort(subPlans);
485             for (String subPlan : subPlans) {
486                 printLine(subPlan);
487             }
488         } else {
489             printLine("No subplans found");
490         }
491     }
addSubPlan(String[] flatArgs)493     private void addSubPlan(String[] flatArgs) {
494         SubPlanHelper creator = new SubPlanHelper();
495         try {
496             ArgsOptionParser optionParser = new ArgsOptionParser(creator);
497             optionParser.parse(Arrays.asList(flatArgs));
498             creator.createAndSerializeSubPlan(getBuildHelper());
499         } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
500             printLine("Error: " + e.getMessage());
501             printLine(ArgsOptionParser.getOptionHelp(false, creator));
502         }
504     }
getBuildHelper()506     private CompatibilityBuildHelper getBuildHelper() {
507         if (mBuildHelper == null) {
508             IBuildInfo build = getBuild();
509             if (build == null) {
510                 return null;
511             }
512             mBuildHelper = new CompatibilityBuildHelper(build);
513         }
514         return mBuildHelper;
515     }
getBuild()517     private IBuildInfo getBuild() {
518         if (mBuildInfo == null) {
519             try {
520                 CompatibilityBuildProvider buildProvider = new CompatibilityBuildProvider();
521                 mBuildInfo = buildProvider.getBuild();
522             } catch (BuildRetrievalError e) {
523                 e.printStackTrace();
524             }
525         }
526         return mBuildInfo;
527     }
main(String[] args)529     public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, ConfigurationException {
530         Console console = new CompatibilityConsole();
531         Console.startConsole(console, args);
532     }
533 }