1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3#   Copyright 2017 - The Android Open Source Project
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
17Sanity tests for voice tests in telephony
19import time
21from acts.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
22from acts.controllers.anritsu_lib._anritsu_utils import AnritsuError
23from acts.controllers.anritsu_lib.md8475a import MD8475A
24from acts.controllers.anritsu_lib.md8475a import BtsServiceState
25from acts.controllers.anritsu_lib.md8475a import BtsPacketRate
26from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.TelephonyBaseTest import TelephonyBaseTest
27from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import set_system_model_lte_wcdma
28from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import set_usim_parameters
29from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.anritsu_utils import set_post_sim_params
30from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import NETWORK_MODE_LTE_GSM_WCDMA
31from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import RAT_FAMILY_LTE
32from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_logging_utils import start_qxdm_loggers
33from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import ensure_network_rat
34from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_phone_setup_utils import ensure_phones_idle
35from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import toggle_airplane_mode
36from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import toggle_cell_data_roaming
37from acts_contrib.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import set_preferred_apn_by_adb
38from acts.utils import adb_shell_ping
40PING_DURATION = 5  # Number of packets to ping
41PING_TARGET = ""  # Set to Eth0 IP address of MD8475A
42TIME_TO_WAIT_BEFORE_PING = 10  # Time(sec) to wait before ping
45class TelLabDataRoamingTest(TelephonyBaseTest):
46    def setup_class(self):
47        super().setup_class()
48        self.ad = self.android_devices[0]
49        self.ad.sim_card = getattr(self.ad, "sim_card", None)
50        self.md8475a_ip_address = self.user_params[
51            "anritsu_md8475a_ip_address"]
52        self.wlan_option = self.user_params.get("anritsu_wlan_option", False)
53        self.md8475_version = self.user_params.get("md8475", "A")
54        if self.ad.sim_card == "VzW12349":
55            set_preferred_apn_by_adb(self.ad, "VZWINTERNET")
57        try:
58            self.anritsu = MD8475A(self.md8475a_ip_address, self.wlan_option,
59                                   self.md8475_version)
60        except AnritsuError:
61            self.log.error("Error in connecting to Anritsu Simulator")
62            return False
63        return True
65    def setup_test(self):
66        if getattr(self, "qxdm_log", True):
67            start_qxdm_loggers(self.log, self.android_devices)
68        ensure_phones_idle(self.log, self.android_devices)
69        toggle_airplane_mode(self.log, self.ad, True)
70        self.ad.adb.shell(
71            "setprop net.lte.ims.volte.provisioned 1", ignore_status=True)
72        return True
74    def teardown_test(self):
75        self.log.info("Stopping Simulation")
76        self.anritsu.stop_simulation()
77        toggle_airplane_mode(self.log, self.ad, True)
78        return True
80    def teardown_class(self):
81        self.anritsu.disconnect()
82        return True
84    def phone_setup_data_roaming(self):
85        return ensure_network_rat(
86            self.log,
87            self.ad,
89            RAT_FAMILY_LTE,
90            toggle_apm_after_setting=True)
92    def LTE_WCDMA_data_roaming(self, mcc, mnc, lte_band, wcdma_band):
93        try:
94            [self.bts1, self.bts2] = set_system_model_lte_wcdma(
95                self.anritsu, self.user_params, self.ad.sim_card)
96            set_usim_parameters(self.anritsu, self.ad.sim_card)
97            set_post_sim_params(self.anritsu, self.user_params,
98                                self.ad.sim_card)
99            self.bts1.mcc = mcc
100            self.bts1.mnc = mnc
101            self.bts2.mcc = mcc
102            self.bts2.mnc = mnc
103            self.bts1.band = lte_band
104            self.bts2.band = wcdma_band
105            self.bts2.packet_rate = BtsPacketRate.WCDMA_DLHSAUTO_REL8_ULHSAUTO
106            self.anritsu.start_simulation()
107            self.bts2.service_state = BtsServiceState.SERVICE_STATE_OUT
108            self.log.info("Toggle Mobile Data On")
109            self.ad.droid.telephonyToggleDataConnection(True)
111            if not self.phone_setup_data_roaming():
112                self.log.warning("phone_setup_func failed. Rebooting UE")
113                self.ad.reboot()
114                time.sleep(30)
115                if self.ad.sim_card == "VzW12349":
116                    set_preferred_apn_by_adb(self.ad, "VZWINTERNET")
117                if not self.phone_setup_data_roaming():
118                    self.log.error(
119                        "Failed to set rat family {}, preferred network:{}".
120                        format(RAT_FAMILY_LTE, NETWORK_MODE_LTE_GSM_WCDMA))
121                    return False
123            toggle_cell_data_roaming(self.ad, True)
124            self.anritsu.wait_for_registration_state(1)  # for BTS1 LTE
126            time.sleep(TIME_TO_WAIT_BEFORE_PING)
127            for i in range(3):
128                self.ad.log.info("Verify internet connection - attempt %d",
129                                 i + 1)
130                result = adb_shell_ping(self.ad, PING_DURATION, PING_TARGET)
131                if result:
132                    self.ad.log.info("PING SUCCESS")
133                    break
134                elif i == 2:
135                    self.log.error(
136                        "Test Fail: Phone {} can not ping {} with Data Roaming On"
137                        .format(self.ad.serial, PING_TARGET))
138                    return False
140            toggle_cell_data_roaming(self.ad, False)
141            time.sleep(TIME_TO_WAIT_BEFORE_PING)
142            if adb_shell_ping(self.ad, PING_DURATION, PING_TARGET):
143                self.log.error(
144                    "Test Fail: Phone {} can ping {} with Data Roaming Off"
145                    .format(self.ad.serial, PING_TARGET))
146                return False
148            toggle_airplane_mode(self.log, self.ad, True)
149            time.sleep(2)
150            self.bts2.service_state = BtsServiceState.SERVICE_STATE_IN
151            self.bts1.service_state = BtsServiceState.SERVICE_STATE_OUT
153            toggle_airplane_mode(self.log, self.ad, False)
154            toggle_cell_data_roaming(self.ad, True)
155            self.anritsu.wait_for_registration_state(2)  # for BTS2 WCDMA
157            time.sleep(TIME_TO_WAIT_BEFORE_PING)
158            for i in range(3):
159                self.ad.log.info("Verify internet connection - attempt %d",
160                                 i + 1)
161                result = adb_shell_ping(self.ad, PING_DURATION, PING_TARGET)
162                if result:
163                    self.ad.log.info("PING SUCCESS")
164                    break
165                elif i == 2:
166                    self.log.error(
167                        "Test Fail: Phone {} can not ping {} with Data Roaming On"
168                        .format(self.ad.serial, PING_TARGET))
169                    return False
171            toggle_cell_data_roaming(self.ad, False)
172            time.sleep(TIME_TO_WAIT_BEFORE_PING)
173            if adb_shell_ping(self.ad, PING_DURATION, PING_TARGET):
174                self.log.error(
175                    "Test Fail: Phone {} can ping {} with Data Roaming Off"
176                    .format(self.ad.serial, PING_TARGET))
177                return False
179        except AnritsuError as e:
180            self.log.error("Error in connection with Anritsu Simulator: " +
181                           str(e))
182            return False
183        except Exception as e:
184            self.log.error("Exception during data roaming: " + str(e))
185            return False
186        return True
188    """ Tests Begin """
190    @test_tracker_info(uuid="46d49bff-9671-4ab0-a90d-b49d870af6f0")
191    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
192    def test_data_roaming_optus(self):
193        """Data roaming test for Optus LTE and WCDMA networks
195        Tests if data roaming enabled/disabled work correctly with
196        Optus(Australia) LTE and WCDMA networks
198        Steps:
199        1. Setup Optus LTE network and make sure UE registers
200        2. Turn on data roaming, and check if Ping succeeds
201        3. Turn off data roaming, and check if Ping fails
202        4. Turn Airplane Mode On in UE
203        5. Setup Optus WCDMA network and make sure UE registers
204        6. Turn on data roaming, and check if Ping succeeds
205        7. Turn off data roaming, and check if Ping fails
207        Expected Result:
208        Ping succeeds when data roaming is turned on,
209        and Ping fails when data roaming is turned off
211        Returns:
212            True if pass; False if fail
213        """
214        return self.LTE_WCDMA_data_roaming(
215            mcc="505", mnc="02F", lte_band="3", wcdma_band="1")
217    @test_tracker_info(uuid="68a6313c-d95a-4cae-8e35-2fdf3c94df56")
218    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
219    def test_data_roaming_telus(self):
220        """Data roaming test for Telus LTE and WCDMA networks
222        Tests if data roaming enabled/disabled work correctly with
223        Telus(Canada) LTE and WCDMA networks
225        Steps:
226        1. Setup Telus LTE network and make sure UE registers
227        2. Turn on data roaming, and check if Ping succeeds
228        3. Turn off data roaming, and check if Ping fails
229        4. Turn Airplane Mode On in UE
230        5. Setup Telus WCDMA network and make sure UE registers
231        6. Turn on data roaming, and check if Ping succeeds
232        7. Turn off data roaming, and check if Ping fails
234        Expected Result:
235        Ping succeeds when data roaming is turned on,
236        and Ping fails when data roaming is turned off
238        Returns:
239            True if pass; False if fail
240        """
241        return self.LTE_WCDMA_data_roaming(
242            mcc="302", mnc="220", lte_band="4", wcdma_band="2")
244    @test_tracker_info(uuid="16de850a-6511-42d4-8d8f-d800477aba6b")
245    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
246    def test_data_roaming_vodafone(self):
247        """Data roaming test for Vodafone LTE and WCDMA networks
249        Tests if data roaming enabled/disabled work correctly with
250        Vodafone(UK) LTE and WCDMA networks
252        Steps:
253        1. Setup Vodafone LTE network and make sure UE registers
254        2. Turn on data roaming, and check if Ping succeeds
255        3. Turn off data roaming, and check if Ping fails
256        4. Turn Airplane Mode On in UE
257        5. Setup Vodafone WCDMA network and make sure UE registers
258        6. Turn on data roaming, and check if Ping succeeds
259        7. Turn off data roaming, and check if Ping fails
261        Expected Result:
262        Ping succeeds when data roaming is turned on,
263        and Ping fails when data roaming is turned off
265        Returns:
266            True if pass; False if fail
267        """
268        return self.LTE_WCDMA_data_roaming(
269            mcc="234", mnc="15F", lte_band="20", wcdma_band="1")
271    @test_tracker_info(uuid="e9050f3d-b53c-4a87-9363-b88a842a3479")
272    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
273    def test_data_roaming_o2(self):
274        """Data roaming test for O2 LTE and WCDMA networks
276        Tests if data roaming enabled/disabled work correctly with
277        O2(UK) LTE and WCDMA networks
279        Steps:
280        1. Setup O2 LTE network and make sure UE registers
281        2. Turn on data roaming, and check if Ping succeeds
282        3. Turn off data roaming, and check if Ping fails
283        4. Turn Airplane Mode On in UE
284        5. Setup O2 WCDMA network and make sure UE registers
285        6. Turn on data roaming, and check if Ping succeeds
286        7. Turn off data roaming, and check if Ping fails
288        Expected Result:
289        Ping succeeds when data roaming is turned on,
290        and Ping fails when data roaming is turned off
292        Returns:
293            True if pass; False if fail
294        """
295        return self.LTE_WCDMA_data_roaming(
296            mcc="234", mnc="02F", lte_band="20", wcdma_band="1")
298    @test_tracker_info(uuid="a3f56da1-6a51-45b0-8016-3a492661e1f4")
299    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
300    def test_data_roaming_orange(self):
301        """Data roaming test for Orange LTE and WCDMA networks
303        Tests if data roaming enabled/disabled work correctly with
304        Orange(UK) LTE and WCDMA networks
306        Steps:
307        1. Setup Orange LTE network and make sure UE registers
308        2. Turn on data roaming, and check if Ping succeeds
309        3. Turn off data roaming, and check if Ping fails
310        4. Turn Airplane Mode On in UE
311        5. Setup Orange WCDMA network and make sure UE registers
312        6. Turn on data roaming, and check if Ping succeeds
313        7. Turn off data roaming, and check if Ping fails
315        Expected Result:
316        Ping succeeds when data roaming is turned on,
317        and Ping fails when data roaming is turned off
319        Returns:
320            True if pass; False if fail
321        """
322        return self.LTE_WCDMA_data_roaming(
323            mcc="234", mnc="33F", lte_band="20", wcdma_band="1")
325    @test_tracker_info(uuid="dcde16c1-730c-41ee-ad29-286f4962c66f")
326    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
327    def test_data_roaming_idea(self):
328        """Data roaming test for Idea LTE and WCDMA networks
330        Tests if data roaming enabled/disabled work correctly with
331        Idea(India) LTE and WCDMA networks
333        Steps:
334        1. Setup Idea LTE network and make sure UE registers
335        2. Turn on data roaming, and check if Ping succeeds
336        3. Turn off data roaming, and check if Ping fails
337        4. Turn Airplane Mode On in UE
338        5. Setup Idea WCDMA network and make sure UE registers
339        6. Turn on data roaming, and check if Ping succeeds
340        7. Turn off data roaming, and check if Ping fails
342        Expected Result:
343        Ping succeeds when data roaming is turned on,
344        and Ping fails when data roaming is turned off
346        Returns:
347            True if pass; False if fail
348        """
349        return self.LTE_WCDMA_data_roaming(
350            mcc="404", mnc="24F", lte_band="3", wcdma_band="1")
352    """ Tests End """