1 // Copyright 2022 Google LLC
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 //! Command Line Interface for Netsim
17 mod args;
18 mod browser;
19 mod display;
20 mod ffi;
21 mod file_handler;
22 mod requests;
23 mod response;
25 use netsim_common::util::os_utils::{get_instance, get_server_address};
26 use netsim_proto::frontend::{DeleteChipRequest, ListDeviceResponse};
27 use protobuf::Message;
28 use std::env;
29 use std::fs::File;
30 use std::path::PathBuf;
31 use tracing::error;
33 use crate::ffi::frontend_client_ffi::{
34 new_frontend_client, ClientResult, FrontendClient, GrpcMethod,
35 };
36 use crate::ffi::ClientResponseReader;
37 use args::{BinaryProtobuf, GetCapture, NetsimArgs};
38 use clap::Parser;
39 use cxx::{let_cxx_string, UniquePtr};
40 use file_handler::FileHandler;
41 use netsim_common::util::netsim_logger;
43 // helper function to process streaming Grpc request
perform_streaming_request( client: &cxx::UniquePtr<FrontendClient>, cmd: &mut GetCapture, req: &BinaryProtobuf, filename: &str, ) -> UniquePtr<ClientResult>44 fn perform_streaming_request(
45 client: &cxx::UniquePtr<FrontendClient>,
46 cmd: &mut GetCapture,
47 req: &BinaryProtobuf,
48 filename: &str,
49 ) -> UniquePtr<ClientResult> {
50 let dir = if cmd.location.is_some() {
51 PathBuf::from(cmd.location.to_owned().unwrap())
52 } else {
53 env::current_dir().unwrap()
54 };
55 let output_file = dir.join(filename);
56 cmd.current_file = output_file.display().to_string();
57 client.get_capture(
58 req,
59 &ClientResponseReader {
60 handler: Box::new(FileHandler {
61 file: File::create(&output_file).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
62 panic!("Failed to create file: {}", &output_file.display())
63 }),
64 path: output_file,
65 }),
66 },
67 )
68 }
70 /// helper function to send the Grpc request(s) and handle the response(s) per the given command
perform_command( command: &mut args::Command, client: cxx::UniquePtr<FrontendClient>, grpc_method: GrpcMethod, verbose: bool, ) -> Result<(), String>71 fn perform_command(
72 command: &mut args::Command,
73 client: cxx::UniquePtr<FrontendClient>,
74 grpc_method: GrpcMethod,
75 verbose: bool,
76 ) -> Result<(), String> {
77 // Get command's gRPC request(s)
78 let requests = match command {
79 args::Command::Capture(args::Capture::Patch(_) | args::Capture::Get(_)) => {
80 command.get_requests(&client)
81 }
82 args::Command::Beacon(args::Beacon::Remove(_)) => {
83 vec![args::Command::Devices(args::Devices { continuous: false }).get_request_bytes()]
84 }
85 _ => vec![command.get_request_bytes()],
86 };
87 let mut process_error = false;
88 // Process each request
89 for (i, req) in requests.iter().enumerate() {
90 let result = match command {
91 // Continuous option sends the gRPC call every second
92 args::Command::Devices(ref cmd) if cmd.continuous => {
93 continuous_perform_command(command, &client, grpc_method, req, verbose)?
94 }
95 args::Command::Capture(args::Capture::List(ref cmd)) if cmd.continuous => {
96 continuous_perform_command(command, &client, grpc_method, req, verbose)?
97 }
98 // Get Capture use streaming gRPC reader request
99 args::Command::Capture(args::Capture::Get(ref mut cmd)) => {
100 perform_streaming_request(&client, cmd, req, &cmd.filenames[i].to_owned())
101 }
102 args::Command::Beacon(args::Beacon::Remove(ref cmd)) => {
103 let devices = client.send_grpc(&GrpcMethod::ListDevice, req);
104 let id = find_id_for_remove(devices.byte_vec().as_slice(), cmd)?;
105 let req = &DeleteChipRequest { id, ..Default::default() }
106 .write_to_bytes()
107 .map_err(|err| format!("{err}"))?;
109 client.send_grpc(&grpc_method, req)
110 }
111 // All other commands use a single gRPC call
112 _ => client.send_grpc(&grpc_method, req),
113 };
114 if let Err(e) = process_result(command, result, verbose) {
115 error!("{}", e);
116 process_error = true;
117 };
118 }
119 if process_error {
120 return Err("Not all requests were processed successfully.".to_string());
121 }
122 Ok(())
123 }
find_id_for_remove(response: &[u8], cmd: &args::BeaconRemove) -> Result<u32, String>125 fn find_id_for_remove(response: &[u8], cmd: &args::BeaconRemove) -> Result<u32, String> {
126 let devices = ListDeviceResponse::parse_from_bytes(response).unwrap().devices;
127 let id = devices
128 .iter()
129 .find(|device| device.name == cmd.device_name)
130 .and_then(|device| cmd.chip_name.as_ref().map_or(
131 (device.chips.len() == 1).then_some(&device.chips[0]),
132 |chip_name| device.chips.iter().find(|chip| &chip.name == chip_name)
133 ))
134 .ok_or(cmd.chip_name.as_ref().map_or(
135 format!("failed to delete chip: device '{}' has multiple possible candidates, please specify a chip name", cmd.device_name),
136 |chip_name| format!("failed to delete chip: could not find chip '{}' on device '{}'", chip_name, cmd.device_name))
137 )?
138 .id;
140 Ok(id)
141 }
143 /// Check and handle the gRPC call result
continuous_perform_command( command: &args::Command, client: &cxx::UniquePtr<FrontendClient>, grpc_method: GrpcMethod, request: &Vec<u8>, verbose: bool, ) -> Result<UniquePtr<ClientResult>, String>144 fn continuous_perform_command(
145 command: &args::Command,
146 client: &cxx::UniquePtr<FrontendClient>,
147 grpc_method: GrpcMethod,
148 request: &Vec<u8>,
149 verbose: bool,
150 ) -> Result<UniquePtr<ClientResult>, String> {
151 loop {
152 process_result(command, client.send_grpc(&grpc_method, request), verbose)?;
153 std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1));
154 }
155 }
156 /// Check and handle the gRPC call result
process_result( command: &args::Command, result: UniquePtr<ClientResult>, verbose: bool, ) -> Result<(), String>157 fn process_result(
158 command: &args::Command,
159 result: UniquePtr<ClientResult>,
160 verbose: bool,
161 ) -> Result<(), String> {
162 if result.is_ok() {
163 command.print_response(result.byte_vec().as_slice(), verbose);
164 } else {
165 return Err(format!("Grpc call error: {}", result.err()));
166 }
167 Ok(())
168 }
169 #[no_mangle]
170 /// main Rust netsim CLI function to be called by C wrapper netsim.cc
rust_main()171 pub extern "C" fn rust_main() {
172 let mut args = NetsimArgs::parse();
173 netsim_logger::init("netsim", args.verbose);
174 if matches!(args.command, args::Command::Gui) {
175 println!("Opening netsim web UI on default web browser");
176 browser::open("http://localhost:7681/");
177 return;
178 } else if matches!(args.command, args::Command::Artifact) {
179 let artifact_dir = netsim_common::system::netsimd_temp_dir();
180 println!("netsim artifact directory: {}", artifact_dir.display());
181 browser::open(artifact_dir);
182 return;
183 } else if matches!(args.command, args::Command::Bumble) {
184 println!("Opening Bumble Hive on default web browser");
185 browser::open("https://google.github.io/bumble/hive/index.html");
186 return;
187 }
188 let grpc_method = args.command.grpc_method();
189 let server = match (args.vsock, args.port) {
190 (Some(vsock), _) => format!("vsock:{vsock}"),
191 (_, Some(port)) => format!("localhost:{port}"),
192 _ => get_server_address(get_instance(args.instance)).unwrap_or_default(),
193 };
194 let_cxx_string!(server = server);
195 let client = new_frontend_client(&server);
196 if client.is_null() {
197 if !server.is_empty() {
198 error!("Unable to create frontend client. Please ensure netsimd is running and listening on {server:?}.");
199 } else {
200 error!("Unable to create frontend client. Please ensure netsimd is running.");
201 }
202 return;
203 }
204 if let Err(e) = perform_command(&mut args.command, client, grpc_method, args.verbose) {
205 error!("{e}");
206 }
207 }
209 #[cfg(test)]
210 mod tests {
211 use crate::args::BeaconRemove;
212 use netsim_proto::{
213 frontend::ListDeviceResponse,
214 model::{Chip as ChipProto, Device as DeviceProto},
215 };
216 use protobuf::Message;
218 use crate::find_id_for_remove;
220 #[test]
test_remove_device()221 fn test_remove_device() {
222 let device_name = String::from("a-device");
223 let chip_id = 7;
225 let cmd = &BeaconRemove { device_name: device_name.clone(), chip_name: None };
227 let response = ListDeviceResponse {
228 devices: vec![DeviceProto {
229 id: 0,
230 name: device_name,
231 chips: vec![ChipProto { id: chip_id, ..Default::default() }],
232 ..Default::default()
233 }],
234 ..Default::default()
235 };
237 let id = find_id_for_remove(response.write_to_bytes().unwrap().as_slice(), cmd);
238 assert!(id.is_ok(), "{}", id.unwrap_err());
239 let id = id.unwrap();
241 assert_eq!(chip_id, id);
242 }
244 #[test]
test_remove_chip()245 fn test_remove_chip() {
246 let device_name = String::from("a-device");
247 let chip_name = String::from("should-be-deleted");
248 let device_id = 4;
249 let chip_id = 2;
251 let cmd =
252 &BeaconRemove { device_name: device_name.clone(), chip_name: Some(chip_name.clone()) };
254 let response = ListDeviceResponse {
255 devices: vec![DeviceProto {
256 id: device_id,
257 name: device_name,
258 chips: vec![
259 ChipProto { id: chip_id, name: chip_name, ..Default::default() },
260 ChipProto {
261 id: chip_id + 1,
262 name: String::from("shouldnt-be-deleted"),
263 ..Default::default()
264 },
265 ],
266 ..Default::default()
267 }],
268 ..Default::default()
269 };
271 let id = find_id_for_remove(response.write_to_bytes().unwrap().as_slice(), cmd);
272 assert!(id.is_ok(), "{}", id.unwrap_err());
273 let id = id.unwrap();
275 assert_eq!(chip_id, id);
276 }
278 #[test]
test_remove_multiple_chips_fails()279 fn test_remove_multiple_chips_fails() {
280 let device_name = String::from("a-device");
281 let device_id = 3;
283 let cmd = &BeaconRemove { device_name: device_name.clone(), chip_name: None };
285 let response = ListDeviceResponse {
286 devices: vec![DeviceProto {
287 id: device_id,
288 name: device_name,
289 chips: vec![
290 ChipProto { id: 1, name: String::from("chip-1"), ..Default::default() },
291 ChipProto { id: 2, name: String::from("chip-2"), ..Default::default() },
292 ],
293 ..Default::default()
294 }],
295 ..Default::default()
296 };
298 let id = find_id_for_remove(response.write_to_bytes().unwrap().as_slice(), cmd);
299 assert!(id.is_err());
300 }
302 #[test]
test_remove_nonexistent_chip_fails()303 fn test_remove_nonexistent_chip_fails() {
304 let device_name = String::from("a-device");
305 let device_id = 1;
307 let cmd = &BeaconRemove {
308 device_name: device_name.clone(),
309 chip_name: Some(String::from("nonexistent-chip")),
310 };
312 let response = ListDeviceResponse {
313 devices: vec![DeviceProto {
314 id: device_id,
315 name: device_name,
316 chips: vec![ChipProto {
317 id: 1,
318 name: String::from("this-chip-exists"),
319 ..Default::default()
320 }],
321 ..Default::default()
322 }],
323 ..Default::default()
324 };
326 let id = find_id_for_remove(response.write_to_bytes().unwrap().as_slice(), cmd);
327 assert!(id.is_err());
328 }
329 }