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2# Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
16"""Log processing utilities"""
18import errno
19import os
20import pty
21import re
22import time
23import shutil
24import threading
26class ModuleQueue:
27    """Class representing a queue of modules being built
29    There are 2 types of log messages coming from the
30    underlying build subprocess:
31    - 'start' message determining that some task for the module
32        is started
33    - 'done' message determining that some task for the module
34        is finished
36    Then 'start' message comes, the task is stored in ModuleStatus
37    pending tasks set of the corresponding module in 'active' map.
39    The module itself is also pushed to front in 'queued'.
41    Module's status message is updated to the new started task name.
43    Then 'done' message comes, it is looked up in corresponding module
44    pending tasks set and popped out.
46    If it was the last task of the module, its name is displayed
47    as a status message of the module with 'done' mark. Otherwise,
48    next pending task is displayed as a status message.
50    Some messages can be 'start' and 'done' at the same time
51    (e.g. checkpoint messages). They are popped out immediately,
52    but update the status message.
54    """
56    class ModuleStatus:
57        """Class representing module build status
59        Used to store a set of pending tasks for each module
60        and displaying it as a pinned status lines in colored build
61        log.
63        message: the message displayed as module status
64        pending: map of pending (unfinished) tasks for the module,
65                 if there are no pending tasks for a module,
66                 it is treated as done
67        """
68        def __init__(self):
69            self.message = ""
70            self.pending = {}
72        def done(self):
73            return not self.pending
75    def __init__(self):
76        self.queued = []
77        self.active = {}
79    def len(self):
80        diagnostic = "lengths of queued and active should be always equal"
81        assert len(self.queued) == len(self.active), diagnostic
82        return len(self.queued)
84    def insert(self, key, val: tuple[str, bool]):
85        """Insert/update a task in module status"""
86        if key in self.active:
87            # remove elem from the queue to bring it to the top
88            self.queued.remove(key)
89        else:
90            # allocate new module status entry
91            self.active[key] = self.ModuleStatus()
92        self.queued.append(key)
94        message, done = val
95        active_entry = self.active[key]
97        if done:
98            done_time = 0
100            if not message:
101                # consider all pending tasks done
102                active_entry.pending.clear()
103            elif message in active_entry.pending:
104                # remove from pending
105                done_time = time.time() - active_entry.pending[message]
106                active_entry.pending.pop(message)
108            # update module status message
109            if active_entry.done():
110                # show last done message if done
111                active_entry.message = message, done_time, done
112            else:
113                # show first pending message if any
114                message, start_time = list(active_entry.pending.items())[0]
115                active_entry.message = message, start_time, False
116        else:
117            start_time = time.time()
118            # add task to pending (record its start time)
119            active_entry.pending[message] = start_time
120            active_entry.message = message, start_time, done
122    def pop_front(self):
123        """Finds a done module to pop from the queue"""
124        # find first done entry
125        pop = None
126        for m in self.queued:
127            if self.active[m].done():
128                pop = m
129                self.queued.remove(m)
130                break
132        if pop is None:
133            # pops nothing if all remaining modules
134            # are still building (have at least one pending task)
135            return None, None
137        ret = pop, self.active[pop].message
139        # remove also from the dict
140        self.active.pop(pop)
142        return ret
144class LogProcessor(threading.Thread):
145    """Thread for processing build output
147    log_*: markers inserted by build system that help
148        parsing the log, should be the same as defined in
149        extern/lk/make/macro.mk
150    pinned_num: number of pinned status lines in build output
151    stream: build output stream to process
152    err: Determines which build output stream is attached
153        True for stderr, False for stdout
154    pinned: set of ModuleStatus objects that are currently processed
155    lock: lock to dispatch output from 2 pipe threads (stdout/stderr)
156    colored: a flag for colored output
157    log_file: optional file handle to duplicate the output
158    ansi_escape: regular expression to apply on output before
159        putting it to the log file (removes clang/rustc colors)
161    """
163    log_prefix = "@log@"
164    log_done = "@done@"
165    log_sdone = "@sdone@"
166    log_print = "@print@"
167    log_separator = "@:@"
169    pinned_num = 10
171    class color:
172        """ANSI escape codes for colored output"""
173        red = "\x1b[31;20m"
174        bold_red = "\x1b[31;1m"
175        green = "\x1b[32;20m"
176        bold_green = "\x1b[32;1m"
177        yellow = "\x1b[33;20m"
178        bold_yellow = "\x1b[33;1m"
179        magenta = "\x1b[35;20m"
180        bold_magenta = "\x1b[35;1m"
181        cyan = "\x1b[36;20m"
182        bold_cyan = "\x1b[36;1m"
183        white = "\x1b[37;20m"
184        bold_white = "\x1b[37;1m"
185        grey = "\x1b[38;20m"
186        bold = "\x1b[1m"
187        reset = "\x1b[0m"
189    def __init__(self, stream, err, pinned, lock, colored, log_file):
190        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
192        self.stream = stream
193        self.err = err
194        self.pinned = pinned
195        self.lock = lock
196        self.colored = colored
197        self.log_file = log_file
198        self.ansi_escape = re.compile(r'(\x9B|\x1B\[)[0-?]*[ -\/]*[@-~]')
200        self.daemon = False
202    def colorize(self, string, color):
203        """Adds color to a string"""
204        return color + string + self.color.reset if self.colored else string
206    def display(self, module_status, entry, pinned):
207        """Displays a message on terminal"""
208        module, status = module_status
209        message, start_time, done = entry
211        if pinned:
212            # know actual terminal size, so can adjust status line length
213            term_width, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 24))
215            # make sure whole line fits into a limit (max_total_width)
216            max_module_width = term_width // 2
217            if len(module) > max_module_width:
218                module = "..." + module[-max_module_width + 3:]
220            mwidth = term_width - len(module) - len(status) - 5 - 10
221            if mwidth - 3 <= 0:
222                # too small terminal window?
223                message = ""
224                status = status[:mwidth]
225            elif len(message) > mwidth:
226                message = "..." + message[-mwidth + 3:]
228            # color the message
229            module = self.colorize(module, self.color.bold_green)
230            status = self.colorize(status, self.color.green)
231            if done:
232                message += " " + self.colorize(
233                    f'{start_time:3.1f}s done', self.color.green)
234            else:
235                running_time = time.time() - start_time
236                message += ' ' + self.colorize(
237                    f'{running_time:3.1f}s', self.color.yellow)
239        print(f'{module}: {status} {message}')
241    def erase_pinned(self):
242        """Erases pinned status lines from the terminal"""
243        # scroll back to the beginning of pinned messages
244        # so, next message will print over
245        nerase = self.pinned_num
246        print(f'\033[{nerase}A', end = '')
248        # erase pinned messages before printing new stuff over
249        print('\033[0J', end = '')
251    def print_pinned(self):
252        """Prints self.pinned_num pinned messages to the terminal"""
254        # drop some old entries if it is too long
255        while self.pinned.len() > self.pinned_num:
256            # pop old done entries from pinned list
257            module_status, _ = self.pinned.pop_front()
258            if module_status is None:
259                # no more entries to pop, leave it as is
260                break
262        i = 0
263        for mstatus in self.pinned.queued:
264            if i == self.pinned_num:
265                break
266            self.display(mstatus, self.pinned.active[mstatus].message, True)
267            i = i + 1
269        if i < self.pinned_num:
270            # padd with empty lines
271            for i in range(self.pinned_num - self.pinned.len()):
272                print("")
274    def process(self, long_line, error):
275        """Processes a log message from the build system"""
276        self.lock.acquire()
278        # look for a special marker in output
279        marker_index = long_line.find(self.log_prefix)
280        if marker_index != -1:
281            # sometimes multiple log lines are glued together
282            # for some reason, split it here
283            lines = long_line[marker_index:].split(self.log_prefix)
284            for line in lines:
285                if line[:len(self.log_print)] == self.log_print:
286                    line = line[len(self.log_print):]
287                    # print marker, print immediately
288                    if self.log_file is not None:
289                        self.log_file.write(line)
291                    line = self.colorize(line, self.color.bold_cyan)
292                    self.erase_pinned()
293                    print(line, end = "")
294                    self.print_pinned()
295                    continue
297                line = line.strip()
299                if not line:
300                    continue
302                # check if a done marker inserted
303                done = False
304                silent = False
305                if line[:len(self.log_done)] == self.log_done:
306                    line = line[len(self.log_done):]
307                    done = True
308                if line[:len(self.log_sdone)] == self.log_sdone:
309                    line = line[len(self.log_sdone):]
310                    done = True
311                    silent = True
313                parsed = line.split(self.log_separator, 2)
315                if len(parsed) != 3:
316                    # malformed message
317                    continue
319                module, status, message = parsed
320                if not module:
321                    # log stream corrupted? Assign to 'root' module
322                    module = "root"
324                self.pinned.insert((module, status), (message, done))
326                if self.log_file is not None:
327                    # put all messages to the log file as they go
328                    if not silent:
329                        self.log_file.write(f'{module}: {status} {message}\n')
330        else: # no markers
331            line = long_line
332            if error:
333                # put additional colors on error stream messages
334                if self.ansi_escape.search(line) is not None:
335                    # if output is from clang or rustc and has colors already,
336                    # keep it as is
337                    pass
338                elif (pos := line.lower().find('error')) != -1:
339                    line = self.colorize(line[:pos], self.color.bold) + \
340                           self.colorize('error', self.color.bold_red) + \
341                           self.colorize(line[pos + len('error'):],
342                                         self.color.bold)
343                elif (pos := line.lower().find('warning')) != -1:
344                    line = self.colorize(line[:pos], self.color.bold) + \
345                           self.colorize('warning', self.color.bold_magenta) + \
346                           self.colorize(line[pos + len('warning'):],
347                                         self.color.bold)
348                else:
349                    line = self.colorize(line, self.color.bold)
351            self.erase_pinned()
352            print(line, end = "")
353            self.print_pinned()
355            if self.log_file is not None:
356                # just print the message as is
357                # make sure no escape (color) characters go to the log file
358                line = self.ansi_escape.sub('', line)
359                self.log_file.write(line)
361        self.lock.release()
363    def refresh(self):
364        """Reprints pinned messages"""
365        self.lock.acquire()
366        self.erase_pinned()
367        self.print_pinned()
368        self.lock.release()
370    def run(self):
371        try:
372            with open(self.stream, encoding="utf-8") as stream:
373                for line in stream:
374                    if not line:
375                        break
376                    self.process(line, self.err)
377        except OSError as e:
378            if errno.EIO == e.errno:
379                # EIO also means EOF, maybe just the pipe is closed
380                # on the other side
381                pass
382            else:
383                raise
385class LogEngine():
386    """Log processing engine"""
388    class RepeatTimer(threading.Timer):
389        """Thread for repeatedly refreshing pinned messages"""
390        def run(self):
391            while not self.finished.wait(self.interval):
392                self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
394    def __init__(self, log_file, colored=True):
395        # a queue where all pinned log lines are stored
396        pinned = ModuleQueue()
398        # lock to sync output between threads (stdout and stderr)
399        lock = threading.Lock()
401        self.log_file = log_file
403        # create pty buffers to capture output from the subprocess
404        # this is necessary to keep clang and rustc colored output
405        master_err, self.stderr = pty.openpty()
406        master_out, self.stdout = pty.openpty()
408        self.outThread = LogProcessor(stream=master_out, err=False,
409            pinned=pinned, lock=lock, colored=colored, log_file=self.log_file)
410        self.errThread = LogProcessor(stream=master_err, err=True,
411            pinned=pinned, lock=lock, colored=colored, log_file=self.log_file)
413        self.refresher = self.RepeatTimer(0.1, self.outThread.refresh)
415    def __enter__(self):
416        # no pinned entries yet, but print it now to allocate space
417        self.outThread.print_pinned()
419        self.outThread.start()
420        self.errThread.start()
422        # launch a pinned messages refreshing task
423        self.refresher.start()
424        return self
426    def __exit__(self, exception_type, value, traceback):
427        # stop log processor and refresher threads
428        self.refresher.cancel()
430        # make sure the latest pinned messages are printed
431        self.outThread.refresh()
433        # close remaining pipe ports
434        os.close(self.stdout)
435        os.close(self.stderr)
437        self.outThread.join()
438        self.errThread.join()