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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18Builds output_image from the given input_directory, properties_file,
19and writes the image to target_output_directory.
21Usage:  build_image input_directory properties_file output_image \\
22            target_output_directory
25import datetime
27import argparse
28import glob
29import logging
30import os
31import os.path
32import re
33import shlex
34import shutil
35import sys
36import uuid
37import tempfile
39import common
40import verity_utils
43logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
47BYTES_IN_MB = 1024 * 1024
49# Use a fixed timestamp (01/01/2009 00:00:00 UTC) for files when packaging
50# images. (b/24377993, b/80600931)
52    datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, None) -
53    datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds())
56class BuildImageError(Exception):
57  """An Exception raised during image building."""
59  def __init__(self, message):
60    Exception.__init__(self, message)
63def GetDiskUsage(path):
64  """Returns the number of bytes that "path" occupies on host.
66  Args:
67    path: The directory or file to calculate size on.
69  Returns:
70    The number of bytes based on a 1K block_size.
71  """
72  cmd = ["du", "-b", "-k", "-s", path]
73  output = common.RunAndCheckOutput(cmd, verbose=False)
74  return int(output.split()[0]) * 1024
77def GetInodeUsage(path):
78  """Returns the number of inodes that "path" occupies on host.
80  Args:
81    path: The directory or file to calculate inode number on.
83  Returns:
84    The number of inodes used.
85  """
86  cmd = ["find", path, "-print"]
87  output = common.RunAndCheckOutput(cmd, verbose=False)
88  # increase by > 6% as number of files and directories is not whole picture.
89  inodes = output.count('\n')
90  spare_inodes = inodes * 6 // 100
91  min_spare_inodes = 12
92  if spare_inodes < min_spare_inodes:
93    spare_inodes = min_spare_inodes
94  return inodes + spare_inodes
97def GetFilesystemCharacteristics(fs_type, image_path, sparse_image=True):
98  """Returns various filesystem characteristics of "image_path".
100  Args:
101    image_path: The file to analyze.
102    sparse_image: Image is sparse
104  Returns:
105    The characteristics dictionary.
106  """
107  unsparse_image_path = image_path
108  if sparse_image:
109    unsparse_image_path = UnsparseImage(image_path, replace=False)
111  if fs_type.startswith("ext"):
112    cmd = ["tune2fs", "-l", unsparse_image_path]
113  elif fs_type.startswith("f2fs"):
114    cmd = ["fsck.f2fs", "-l", unsparse_image_path]
116  try:
117    output = common.RunAndCheckOutput(cmd, verbose=False)
118  finally:
119    if sparse_image:
120      os.remove(unsparse_image_path)
121  fs_dict = {}
122  for line in output.splitlines():
123    fields = line.split(":")
124    if len(fields) == 2:
125      fs_dict[fields[0].strip()] = fields[1].strip()
126  return fs_dict
129def UnsparseImage(sparse_image_path, replace=True):
130  img_dir = os.path.dirname(sparse_image_path)
131  unsparse_image_path = "unsparse_" + os.path.basename(sparse_image_path)
132  unsparse_image_path = os.path.join(img_dir, unsparse_image_path)
133  if os.path.exists(unsparse_image_path):
134    if replace:
135      os.unlink(unsparse_image_path)
136    else:
137      return unsparse_image_path
138  inflate_command = ["simg2img", sparse_image_path, unsparse_image_path]
139  try:
140    common.RunAndCheckOutput(inflate_command)
141  except:
142    os.remove(unsparse_image_path)
143    raise
144  return unsparse_image_path
147def ConvertBlockMapToBaseFs(block_map_file):
148  base_fs_file = common.MakeTempFile(prefix="script_gen_", suffix=".base_fs")
149  convert_command = ["blk_alloc_to_base_fs", block_map_file, base_fs_file]
150  common.RunAndCheckOutput(convert_command)
151  return base_fs_file
154def SetUpInDirAndFsConfig(origin_in, prop_dict):
155  """Returns the in_dir and fs_config that should be used for image building.
157  When building system.img for all targets, it creates and returns a staged dir
158  that combines the contents of /system (i.e. in the given in_dir) and root.
160  Args:
161    origin_in: Path to the input directory.
162    prop_dict: A property dict that contains info like partition size. Values
163        may be updated.
165  Returns:
166    A tuple of in_dir and fs_config that should be used to build the image.
167  """
168  fs_config = prop_dict.get("fs_config")
170  if prop_dict["mount_point"] == "system_other":
171    prop_dict["mount_point"] = "system"
172    return origin_in, fs_config
174  if prop_dict["mount_point"] != "system":
175    return origin_in, fs_config
177  if "first_pass" in prop_dict:
178    prop_dict["mount_point"] = "/"
179    return prop_dict["first_pass"]
181  # Construct a staging directory of the root file system.
182  in_dir = common.MakeTempDir()
183  root_dir = prop_dict.get("root_dir")
184  if root_dir:
185    shutil.rmtree(in_dir)
186    shutil.copytree(root_dir, in_dir, symlinks=True)
187  in_dir_system = os.path.join(in_dir, "system")
188  shutil.rmtree(in_dir_system, ignore_errors=True)
189  shutil.copytree(origin_in, in_dir_system, symlinks=True)
191  # Change the mount point to "/".
192  prop_dict["mount_point"] = "/"
193  if fs_config:
194    # We need to merge the fs_config files of system and root.
195    merged_fs_config = common.MakeTempFile(
196        prefix="merged_fs_config", suffix=".txt")
197    with open(merged_fs_config, "w") as fw:
198      if "root_fs_config" in prop_dict:
199        with open(prop_dict["root_fs_config"]) as fr:
200          fw.writelines(fr.readlines())
201      with open(fs_config) as fr:
202        fw.writelines(fr.readlines())
203    fs_config = merged_fs_config
204  prop_dict["first_pass"] = (in_dir, fs_config)
205  return in_dir, fs_config
208def CheckHeadroom(ext4fs_output, prop_dict):
209  """Checks if there's enough headroom space available.
211  Headroom is the reserved space on system image (via PRODUCT_SYSTEM_HEADROOM),
212  which is useful for devices with low disk space that have system image
213  variation between builds. The 'partition_headroom' in prop_dict is the size
214  in bytes, while the numbers in 'ext4fs_output' are for 4K-blocks.
216  Args:
217    ext4fs_output: The output string from mke2fs command.
218    prop_dict: The property dict.
220  Raises:
221    AssertionError: On invalid input.
222    BuildImageError: On check failure.
223  """
224  assert ext4fs_output is not None
225  assert prop_dict.get('fs_type', '').startswith('ext4')
226  assert 'partition_headroom' in prop_dict
227  assert 'mount_point' in prop_dict
229  ext4fs_stats = re.compile(
230      r'Created filesystem with .* (?P<used_blocks>[0-9]+)/'
231      r'(?P<total_blocks>[0-9]+) blocks')
232  last_line = ext4fs_output.strip().split('\n')[-1]
233  m = ext4fs_stats.match(last_line)
234  used_blocks = int(m.groupdict().get('used_blocks'))
235  total_blocks = int(m.groupdict().get('total_blocks'))
236  headroom_blocks = int(prop_dict['partition_headroom']) // BLOCK_SIZE
237  adjusted_blocks = total_blocks - headroom_blocks
238  if used_blocks > adjusted_blocks:
239    mount_point = prop_dict["mount_point"]
240    raise BuildImageError(
241        "Error: Not enough room on {} (total: {} blocks, used: {} blocks, "
242        "headroom: {} blocks, available: {} blocks)".format(
243            mount_point, total_blocks, used_blocks, headroom_blocks,
244            adjusted_blocks))
247def CalculateSizeAndReserved(prop_dict, size):
248  fs_type = prop_dict.get("fs_type", "")
249  partition_headroom = int(prop_dict.get("partition_headroom", 0))
250  # If not specified, give us 16MB margin for GetDiskUsage error ...
251  reserved_size = int(prop_dict.get(
252      "partition_reserved_size", BYTES_IN_MB * 16))
254  if fs_type == "erofs":
255    reserved_size = int(prop_dict.get("partition_reserved_size", 0))
256    if reserved_size == 0:
257      # give .3% margin or a minimum size for AVB footer
258      return max(size * 1003 // 1000, 256 * 1024)
260  if fs_type.startswith("ext4") and partition_headroom > reserved_size:
261    reserved_size = partition_headroom
263  return int(size * 1.1) + reserved_size
266def BuildImageMkfs(in_dir, prop_dict, out_file, target_out, fs_config):
267  """Builds a pure image for the files under in_dir and writes it to out_file.
269  Args:
270    in_dir: Path to input directory.
271    prop_dict: A property dict that contains info like partition size. Values
272        will be updated with computed values.
273    out_file: The output image file.
274    target_out: Path to the TARGET_OUT directory as in Makefile. It actually
275        points to the /system directory under PRODUCT_OUT. fs_config (the one
276        under system/core/libcutils) reads device specific FS config files from
277        there.
278    fs_config: The fs_config file that drives the prototype
280  Raises:
281    BuildImageError: On build image failures.
282  """
283  build_command = []
284  fs_type = prop_dict.get("fs_type", "")
285  run_fsck = None
286  needs_projid = prop_dict.get("needs_projid", 0)
287  needs_casefold = prop_dict.get("needs_casefold", 0)
288  needs_compress = prop_dict.get("needs_compress", 0)
290  disable_sparse = "disable_sparse" in prop_dict
291  manual_sparse = False
293  if fs_type.startswith("ext"):
294    build_command = [prop_dict["ext_mkuserimg"]]
295    if "extfs_sparse_flag" in prop_dict and not disable_sparse:
296      build_command.append(prop_dict["extfs_sparse_flag"])
297      run_fsck = RunE2fsck
298    build_command.extend([in_dir, out_file, fs_type,
299                          prop_dict["mount_point"]])
300    build_command.append(prop_dict["image_size"])
301    if "journal_size" in prop_dict:
302      build_command.extend(["-j", prop_dict["journal_size"]])
303    if "timestamp" in prop_dict:
304      build_command.extend(["-T", str(prop_dict["timestamp"])])
305    if fs_config:
306      build_command.extend(["-C", fs_config])
307    if target_out:
308      build_command.extend(["-D", target_out])
309    if "block_list" in prop_dict:
310      build_command.extend(["-B", prop_dict["block_list"]])
311    if "base_fs_file" in prop_dict:
312      base_fs_file = ConvertBlockMapToBaseFs(prop_dict["base_fs_file"])
313      build_command.extend(["-d", base_fs_file])
314    build_command.extend(["-L", prop_dict["mount_point"]])
315    if "extfs_inode_count" in prop_dict:
316      build_command.extend(["-i", prop_dict["extfs_inode_count"]])
317    if "extfs_rsv_pct" in prop_dict:
318      build_command.extend(["-M", prop_dict["extfs_rsv_pct"]])
319    if "flash_erase_block_size" in prop_dict:
320      build_command.extend(["-e", prop_dict["flash_erase_block_size"]])
321    if "flash_logical_block_size" in prop_dict:
322      build_command.extend(["-o", prop_dict["flash_logical_block_size"]])
323    # Specify UUID and hash_seed if using mke2fs.
324    if os.path.basename(prop_dict["ext_mkuserimg"]) == "mkuserimg_mke2fs":
325      if "uuid" in prop_dict:
326        build_command.extend(["-U", prop_dict["uuid"]])
327      if "hash_seed" in prop_dict:
328        build_command.extend(["-S", prop_dict["hash_seed"]])
329    if prop_dict.get("ext4_share_dup_blocks") == "true":
330      build_command.append("-c")
331    if (needs_projid):
332      build_command.extend(["--inode_size", "512"])
333    else:
334      build_command.extend(["--inode_size", "256"])
335    if "selinux_fc" in prop_dict:
336      build_command.append(prop_dict["selinux_fc"])
337  elif fs_type.startswith("erofs"):
338    build_command = ["mkfs.erofs"]
340    compressor = None
341    if "erofs_default_compressor" in prop_dict:
342      compressor = prop_dict["erofs_default_compressor"]
343    if "erofs_compressor" in prop_dict:
344      compressor = prop_dict["erofs_compressor"]
345    if compressor and compressor != "none":
346      build_command.extend(["-z", compressor])
348    compress_hints = None
349    if "erofs_default_compress_hints" in prop_dict:
350      compress_hints = prop_dict["erofs_default_compress_hints"]
351    if "erofs_compress_hints" in prop_dict:
352      compress_hints = prop_dict["erofs_compress_hints"]
353    if compress_hints:
354      build_command.extend(["--compress-hints", compress_hints])
356    build_command.extend(["-b", prop_dict.get("erofs_blocksize", "4096")])
358    build_command.extend(["--mount-point", prop_dict["mount_point"]])
359    if target_out:
360      build_command.extend(["--product-out", target_out])
361    if fs_config:
362      build_command.extend(["--fs-config-file", fs_config])
363    if "selinux_fc" in prop_dict:
364      build_command.extend(["--file-contexts", prop_dict["selinux_fc"]])
365    if "timestamp" in prop_dict:
366      build_command.extend(["-T", str(prop_dict["timestamp"])])
367    if "uuid" in prop_dict:
368      build_command.extend(["-U", prop_dict["uuid"]])
369    if "block_list" in prop_dict:
370      build_command.extend(["--block-list-file", prop_dict["block_list"]])
371    if "erofs_pcluster_size" in prop_dict:
372      build_command.extend(["-C", prop_dict["erofs_pcluster_size"]])
373    if "erofs_share_dup_blocks" in prop_dict:
374      build_command.extend(["--chunksize", "4096"])
375    if "erofs_use_legacy_compression" in prop_dict:
376      build_command.extend(["-E", "legacy-compress"])
378    build_command.extend([out_file, in_dir])
379    if "erofs_sparse_flag" in prop_dict and not disable_sparse:
380      manual_sparse = True
382    run_fsck = RunErofsFsck
383  elif fs_type.startswith("squash"):
384    build_command = ["mksquashfsimage"]
385    build_command.extend([in_dir, out_file])
386    if "squashfs_sparse_flag" in prop_dict and not disable_sparse:
387      build_command.extend([prop_dict["squashfs_sparse_flag"]])
388    build_command.extend(["-m", prop_dict["mount_point"]])
389    if target_out:
390      build_command.extend(["-d", target_out])
391    if fs_config:
392      build_command.extend(["-C", fs_config])
393    if "selinux_fc" in prop_dict:
394      build_command.extend(["-c", prop_dict["selinux_fc"]])
395    if "block_list" in prop_dict:
396      build_command.extend(["-B", prop_dict["block_list"]])
397    if "squashfs_block_size" in prop_dict:
398      build_command.extend(["-b", prop_dict["squashfs_block_size"]])
399    if "squashfs_compressor" in prop_dict:
400      build_command.extend(["-z", prop_dict["squashfs_compressor"]])
401    if "squashfs_compressor_opt" in prop_dict:
402      build_command.extend(["-zo", prop_dict["squashfs_compressor_opt"]])
403    if prop_dict.get("squashfs_disable_4k_align") == "true":
404      build_command.extend(["-a"])
405  elif fs_type.startswith("f2fs"):
406    build_command = ["mkf2fsuserimg"]
407    build_command.extend([out_file, prop_dict["image_size"]])
408    if "f2fs_sparse_flag" in prop_dict and not disable_sparse:
409      build_command.extend([prop_dict["f2fs_sparse_flag"]])
410    if fs_config:
411      build_command.extend(["-C", fs_config])
412    build_command.extend(["-f", in_dir])
413    if target_out:
414      build_command.extend(["-D", target_out])
415    if "selinux_fc" in prop_dict:
416      build_command.extend(["-s", prop_dict["selinux_fc"]])
417    build_command.extend(["-t", prop_dict["mount_point"]])
418    if "timestamp" in prop_dict:
419      build_command.extend(["-T", str(prop_dict["timestamp"])])
420    if "block_list" in prop_dict:
421      build_command.extend(["-B", prop_dict["block_list"]])
422    build_command.extend(["-L", prop_dict["mount_point"]])
423    if (needs_projid):
424      build_command.append("--prjquota")
425    if (needs_casefold):
426      build_command.append("--casefold")
427    if (needs_compress or prop_dict.get("f2fs_compress") == "true"):
428      build_command.append("--compression")
429    if "ro_mount_point" in prop_dict:
430      build_command.append("--readonly")
431    if (prop_dict.get("f2fs_compress") == "true"):
432      build_command.append("--sldc")
433      if (prop_dict.get("f2fs_sldc_flags") == None):
434        build_command.append(str(0))
435      else:
436        sldc_flags_str = prop_dict.get("f2fs_sldc_flags")
437        sldc_flags = sldc_flags_str.split()
438        build_command.append(str(len(sldc_flags)))
439        build_command.extend(sldc_flags)
440    f2fs_blocksize = prop_dict.get("f2fs_blocksize", "4096")
441    build_command.extend(["-b", f2fs_blocksize])
442  else:
443    raise BuildImageError(
444        "Error: unknown filesystem type: {}".format(fs_type))
446  try:
447    mkfs_output = common.RunAndCheckOutput(build_command)
448  except:
449    try:
450      du = GetDiskUsage(in_dir)
451      du_str = "{} bytes ({} MB)".format(du, du // BYTES_IN_MB)
452    # Suppress any errors from GetDiskUsage() to avoid hiding the real errors
453    # from common.RunAndCheckOutput().
454    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
455      logger.exception("Failed to compute disk usage with du")
456      du_str = "unknown"
457    print(
458        "Out of space? Out of inodes? The tree size of {} is {}, "
459        "with reserved space of {} bytes ({} MB).".format(
460            in_dir, du_str,
461            int(prop_dict.get("partition_reserved_size", 0)),
462            int(prop_dict.get("partition_reserved_size", 0)) // BYTES_IN_MB))
463    if ("image_size" in prop_dict and "partition_size" in prop_dict):
464      print(
465          "The max image size for filesystem files is {} bytes ({} MB), "
466          "out of a total partition size of {} bytes ({} MB).".format(
467              int(prop_dict["image_size"]),
468              int(prop_dict["image_size"]) // BYTES_IN_MB,
469              int(prop_dict["partition_size"]),
470              int(prop_dict["partition_size"]) // BYTES_IN_MB))
471    raise
473  if run_fsck and prop_dict.get("skip_fsck") != "true":
474    run_fsck(out_file)
476  if manual_sparse:
477    temp_file = out_file + ".sparse"
478    img2simg_argv = ["img2simg", out_file, temp_file]
479    common.RunAndCheckOutput(img2simg_argv)
480    os.rename(temp_file, out_file)
482  return mkfs_output
485def RunE2fsck(out_file):
486  unsparse_image = UnsparseImage(out_file, replace=False)
488  # Run e2fsck on the inflated image file
489  e2fsck_command = ["e2fsck", "-f", "-n", unsparse_image]
490  try:
491    common.RunAndCheckOutput(e2fsck_command)
492  finally:
493    os.remove(unsparse_image)
496def RunErofsFsck(out_file):
497  fsck_command = ["fsck.erofs", "--extract", out_file]
498  try:
499    common.RunAndCheckOutput(fsck_command)
500  except:
501    print("Check failed for EROFS image {}".format(out_file))
502    raise
505def SetUUIDIfNotExist(image_props):
507  # Use repeatable ext4 FS UUID and hash_seed UUID (based on partition name and
508  # build fingerprint). Also use the legacy build id, because the vbmeta digest
509  # isn't available at this point.
510  what = image_props["mount_point"]
511  fingerprint = image_props.get("fingerprint", "")
512  uuid_seed = what + "-" + fingerprint
513  logger.info("Using fingerprint %s for partition %s", fingerprint, what)
514  image_props["uuid"] = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, uuid_seed))
515  hash_seed = "hash_seed-" + uuid_seed
516  image_props["hash_seed"] = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, hash_seed))
519def BuildImage(in_dir, prop_dict, out_file, target_out=None):
520  """Builds an image for the files under in_dir and writes it to out_file.
522  Args:
523    in_dir: Path to input directory.
524    prop_dict: A property dict that contains info like partition size. Values
525        will be updated with computed values.
526    out_file: The output image file.
527    target_out: Path to the TARGET_OUT directory as in Makefile. It actually
528        points to the /system directory under PRODUCT_OUT. fs_config (the one
529        under system/core/libcutils) reads device specific FS config files from
530        there.
532  Raises:
533    BuildImageError: On build image failures.
534  """
535  in_dir, fs_config = SetUpInDirAndFsConfig(in_dir, prop_dict)
536  SetUUIDIfNotExist(prop_dict)
538  build_command = []
539  fs_type = prop_dict.get("fs_type", "")
541  fs_spans_partition = True
542  if fs_type.startswith("squash") or fs_type.startswith("erofs"):
543    fs_spans_partition = False
544  elif fs_type.startswith("f2fs") and prop_dict.get("f2fs_compress") == "true":
545    fs_spans_partition = False
547  # Get a builder for creating an image that's to be verified by Verified Boot,
548  # or None if not applicable.
549  verity_image_builder = verity_utils.CreateVerityImageBuilder(prop_dict)
551  disable_sparse = "disable_sparse" in prop_dict
552  mkfs_output = None
553  if (prop_dict.get("use_dynamic_partition_size") == "true" and
554          "partition_size" not in prop_dict):
555    # If partition_size is not defined, use output of `du' + reserved_size.
556    # For compressed file system, it's better to use the compressed size to avoid wasting space.
557    if fs_type.startswith("erofs"):
558      mkfs_output = BuildImageMkfs(
559          in_dir, prop_dict, out_file, target_out, fs_config)
560      if "erofs_sparse_flag" in prop_dict and not disable_sparse:
561        image_path = UnsparseImage(out_file, replace=False)
562        size = GetDiskUsage(image_path)
563        os.remove(image_path)
564      else:
565        size = GetDiskUsage(out_file)
566    else:
567      size = GetDiskUsage(in_dir)
568    logger.info(
569        "The tree size of %s is %d MB.", in_dir, size // BYTES_IN_MB)
570    size = CalculateSizeAndReserved(prop_dict, size)
571    # Round this up to a multiple of 4K so that avbtool works
572    size = common.RoundUpTo4K(size)
573    if fs_type.startswith("ext"):
574      prop_dict["partition_size"] = str(size)
575      prop_dict["image_size"] = str(size)
576      if "extfs_inode_count" not in prop_dict:
577        prop_dict["extfs_inode_count"] = str(GetInodeUsage(in_dir))
578      logger.info(
579          "First Pass based on estimates of %d MB and %s inodes.",
580          size // BYTES_IN_MB, prop_dict["extfs_inode_count"])
581      BuildImageMkfs(in_dir, prop_dict, out_file, target_out, fs_config)
582      sparse_image = False
583      if "extfs_sparse_flag" in prop_dict and not disable_sparse:
584        sparse_image = True
585      fs_dict = GetFilesystemCharacteristics(fs_type, out_file, sparse_image)
586      os.remove(out_file)
587      block_size = int(fs_dict.get("Block size", "4096"))
588      free_size = int(fs_dict.get("Free blocks", "0")) * block_size
589      reserved_size = int(prop_dict.get("partition_reserved_size", 0))
590      partition_headroom = int(fs_dict.get("partition_headroom", 0))
591      if fs_type.startswith("ext4") and partition_headroom > reserved_size:
592        reserved_size = partition_headroom
593      if free_size <= reserved_size:
594        logger.info(
595            "Not worth reducing image %d <= %d.", free_size, reserved_size)
596      else:
597        size -= free_size
598        size += reserved_size
599        if reserved_size == 0:
600          # add .3% margin
601          size = size * 1003 // 1000
602        # Use a minimum size, otherwise we will fail to calculate an AVB footer
603        # or fail to construct an ext4 image.
604        size = max(size, 256 * 1024)
605        if block_size <= 4096:
606          size = common.RoundUpTo4K(size)
607        else:
608          size = ((size + block_size - 1) // block_size) * block_size
609      extfs_inode_count = prop_dict["extfs_inode_count"]
610      inodes = int(fs_dict.get("Inode count", extfs_inode_count))
611      inodes -= int(fs_dict.get("Free inodes", "0"))
612      # add .2% margin or 1 inode, whichever is greater
613      spare_inodes = inodes * 2 // 1000
614      min_spare_inodes = 1
615      if spare_inodes < min_spare_inodes:
616        spare_inodes = min_spare_inodes
617      inodes += spare_inodes
618      prop_dict["extfs_inode_count"] = str(inodes)
619      prop_dict["partition_size"] = str(size)
620      logger.info(
621          "Allocating %d Inodes for %s.", inodes, out_file)
622    elif fs_type.startswith("f2fs") and prop_dict.get("f2fs_compress") == "true":
623      prop_dict["partition_size"] = str(size)
624      prop_dict["image_size"] = str(size)
625      BuildImageMkfs(in_dir, prop_dict, out_file, target_out, fs_config)
626      sparse_image = False
627      if "f2fs_sparse_flag" in prop_dict and not disable_sparse:
628        sparse_image = True
629      fs_dict = GetFilesystemCharacteristics(fs_type, out_file, sparse_image)
630      os.remove(out_file)
631      block_count = int(fs_dict.get("block_count", "0"))
632      log_blocksize = int(fs_dict.get("log_blocksize", "12"))
633      size = block_count << log_blocksize
634      prop_dict["partition_size"] = str(size)
635    if verity_image_builder:
636      size = verity_image_builder.CalculateDynamicPartitionSize(size)
637    prop_dict["partition_size"] = str(size)
638    logger.info(
639        "Allocating %d MB for %s", size // BYTES_IN_MB, out_file)
641  prop_dict["image_size"] = prop_dict["partition_size"]
643  # Adjust the image size to make room for the hashes if this is to be verified.
644  if verity_image_builder:
645    max_image_size = verity_image_builder.CalculateMaxImageSize()
646    prop_dict["image_size"] = str(max_image_size)
648  if not mkfs_output:
649    mkfs_output = BuildImageMkfs(
650        in_dir, prop_dict, out_file, target_out, fs_config)
652  # Update the image (eg filesystem size). This can be different eg if mkfs
653  # rounds the requested size down due to alignment.
654  prop_dict["image_size"] = common.sparse_img.GetImagePartitionSize(out_file)
656  # Check if there's enough headroom space available for ext4 image.
657  if "partition_headroom" in prop_dict and fs_type.startswith("ext4"):
658    CheckHeadroom(mkfs_output, prop_dict)
660  if not fs_spans_partition and verity_image_builder:
661    verity_image_builder.PadSparseImage(out_file)
663  # Create the verified image if this is to be verified.
664  if verity_image_builder:
665    verity_image_builder.Build(out_file)
668def TryParseFingerprint(glob_dict: dict):
669  for (key, val) in glob_dict.items():
670    if not key.endswith("_add_hashtree_footer_args") and not key.endswith("_add_hash_footer_args"):
671      continue
672    for arg in shlex.split(val):
673      m = re.match(r"^com\.android\.build\.\w+\.fingerprint:", arg)
674      if m is None:
675        continue
676      fingerprint = arg[len(m.group()):]
677      glob_dict["fingerprint"] = fingerprint
678      return
681def ImagePropFromGlobalDict(glob_dict, mount_point):
682  """Build an image property dictionary from the global dictionary.
684  Args:
685    glob_dict: the global dictionary from the build system.
686    mount_point: such as "system", "data" etc.
687  """
688  d = {}
689  TryParseFingerprint(glob_dict)
691  # Set fixed timestamp for building the OTA package.
692  if "use_fixed_timestamp" in glob_dict:
693    d["timestamp"] = FIXED_FILE_TIMESTAMP
694  if "build.prop" in glob_dict:
695    timestamp = glob_dict["build.prop"].GetProp("ro.build.date.utc")
696    if timestamp:
697      d["timestamp"] = timestamp
699  def copy_prop(src_p, dest_p):
700    """Copy a property from the global dictionary.
702    Args:
703      src_p: The source property in the global dictionary.
704      dest_p: The destination property.
705    Returns:
706      True if property was found and copied, False otherwise.
707    """
708    if src_p in glob_dict:
709      d[dest_p] = str(glob_dict[src_p])
710      return True
711    return False
713  common_props = (
714      "extfs_sparse_flag",
715      "erofs_default_compressor",
716      "erofs_default_compress_hints",
717      "erofs_pcluster_size",
718      "erofs_blocksize",
719      "erofs_share_dup_blocks",
720      "erofs_sparse_flag",
721      "erofs_use_legacy_compression",
722      "squashfs_sparse_flag",
723      "system_f2fs_compress",
724      "system_f2fs_sldc_flags",
725      "f2fs_sparse_flag",
726      "f2fs_blocksize",
727      "skip_fsck",
728      "ext_mkuserimg",
729      "avb_enable",
730      "avb_avbtool",
731      "use_dynamic_partition_size",
732      "fingerprint",
733  )
734  for p in common_props:
735    copy_prop(p, p)
737  ro_mount_points = set([
738      "odm",
739      "odm_dlkm",
740      "oem",
741      "product",
742      "system",
743      "system_dlkm",
744      "system_ext",
745      "system_other",
746      "vendor",
747      "vendor_dlkm",
748  ])
750  # Tuple layout: (readonly, specific prop, general prop)
751  fmt_props = (
752      # Generic first, then specific file type.
753      (False, "fs_type", "fs_type"),
754      (False, "{}_fs_type", "fs_type"),
756      # Ordering for these doesn't matter.
757      (False, "{}_selinux_fc", "selinux_fc"),
758      (False, "{}_size", "partition_size"),
759      (True, "avb_{}_add_hashtree_footer_args", "avb_add_hashtree_footer_args"),
760      (True, "avb_{}_algorithm", "avb_algorithm"),
761      (True, "avb_{}_hashtree_enable", "avb_hashtree_enable"),
762      (True, "avb_{}_key_path", "avb_key_path"),
763      (True, "avb_{}_salt", "avb_salt"),
764      (True, "erofs_use_legacy_compression", "erofs_use_legacy_compression"),
765      (True, "ext4_share_dup_blocks", "ext4_share_dup_blocks"),
766      (True, "{}_base_fs_file", "base_fs_file"),
767      (True, "{}_disable_sparse", "disable_sparse"),
768      (True, "{}_erofs_compressor", "erofs_compressor"),
769      (True, "{}_erofs_compress_hints", "erofs_compress_hints"),
770      (True, "{}_erofs_pcluster_size", "erofs_pcluster_size"),
771      (True, "{}_erofs_blocksize", "erofs_blocksize"),
772      (True, "{}_erofs_share_dup_blocks", "erofs_share_dup_blocks"),
773      (True, "{}_extfs_inode_count", "extfs_inode_count"),
774      (True, "{}_f2fs_compress", "f2fs_compress"),
775      (True, "{}_f2fs_sldc_flags", "f2fs_sldc_flags"),
776      (True, "{}_f2fs_blocksize", "f2fs_block_size"),
777      (True, "{}_reserved_size", "partition_reserved_size"),
778      (True, "{}_squashfs_block_size", "squashfs_block_size"),
779      (True, "{}_squashfs_compressor", "squashfs_compressor"),
780      (True, "{}_squashfs_compressor_opt", "squashfs_compressor_opt"),
781      (True, "{}_squashfs_disable_4k_align", "squashfs_disable_4k_align"),
782      (True, "{}_verity_block_device", "verity_block_device"),
783  )
785  # Translate prefixed properties into generic ones.
786  if mount_point == "data":
787    prefix = "userdata"
788  else:
789    prefix = mount_point
791  for readonly, src_prop, dest_prop in fmt_props:
792    if readonly and mount_point not in ro_mount_points:
793      continue
795    if src_prop == "fs_type":
796      # This property is legacy and only used on a few partitions. b/202600377
797      allowed_partitions = set(["system", "system_other", "data", "oem"])
798      if mount_point not in allowed_partitions:
799        continue
801    if (mount_point == "system_other") and (dest_prop != "partition_size"):
802      # Propagate system properties to system_other. They'll get overridden
803      # after as needed.
804      copy_prop(src_prop.format("system"), dest_prop)
806    copy_prop(src_prop.format(prefix), dest_prop)
808  # Set prefixed properties that need a default value.
809  if mount_point in ro_mount_points:
810    prop = "{}_journal_size".format(prefix)
811    if not copy_prop(prop, "journal_size"):
812      d["journal_size"] = "0"
814    prop = "{}_extfs_rsv_pct".format(prefix)
815    if not copy_prop(prop, "extfs_rsv_pct"):
816      d["extfs_rsv_pct"] = "0"
818    d["ro_mount_point"] = "1"
820  # Copy partition-specific properties.
821  d["mount_point"] = mount_point
822  if mount_point == "system":
823    copy_prop("system_headroom", "partition_headroom")
824    copy_prop("root_dir", "root_dir")
825    copy_prop("root_fs_config", "root_fs_config")
826  elif mount_point == "data":
827    # Copy the generic fs type first, override with specific one if available.
828    copy_prop("flash_logical_block_size", "flash_logical_block_size")
829    copy_prop("flash_erase_block_size", "flash_erase_block_size")
830    copy_prop("needs_casefold", "needs_casefold")
831    copy_prop("needs_projid", "needs_projid")
832    copy_prop("needs_compress", "needs_compress")
833  d["partition_name"] = mount_point
834  return d
837def LoadGlobalDict(filename):
838  """Load "name=value" pairs from filename"""
839  d = {}
840  f = open(filename)
841  for line in f:
842    line = line.strip()
843    if not line or line.startswith("#"):
844      continue
845    k, v = line.split("=", 1)
846    d[k] = v
847  f.close()
848  return d
851def GlobalDictFromImageProp(image_prop, mount_point):
852  d = {}
854  def copy_prop(src_p, dest_p):
855    if src_p in image_prop:
856      d[dest_p] = image_prop[src_p]
857      return True
858    return False
860  if mount_point == "system":
861    copy_prop("partition_size", "system_size")
862  elif mount_point == "system_other":
863    copy_prop("partition_size", "system_other_size")
864  elif mount_point == "vendor":
865    copy_prop("partition_size", "vendor_size")
866  elif mount_point == "odm":
867    copy_prop("partition_size", "odm_size")
868  elif mount_point == "vendor_dlkm":
869    copy_prop("partition_size", "vendor_dlkm_size")
870  elif mount_point == "odm_dlkm":
871    copy_prop("partition_size", "odm_dlkm_size")
872  elif mount_point == "system_dlkm":
873    copy_prop("partition_size", "system_dlkm_size")
874  elif mount_point == "product":
875    copy_prop("partition_size", "product_size")
876  elif mount_point == "system_ext":
877    copy_prop("partition_size", "system_ext_size")
878  return d
881def BuildVBMeta(in_dir, glob_dict, output_path):
882  """Creates a VBMeta image.
884  It generates the requested VBMeta image. The requested image could be for
885  top-level or chained VBMeta image, which is determined based on the name.
887  Args:
888    output_path: Path to generated vbmeta.img
889    partitions: A dict that's keyed by partition names with image paths as
890        values. Only valid partition names are accepted, as partitions listed
891        in common.AVB_PARTITIONS and custom partitions listed in
892        OPTIONS.info_dict.get("avb_custom_images_partition_list")
893    name: Name of the VBMeta partition, e.g. 'vbmeta', 'vbmeta_system'.
894    needed_partitions: Partitions whose descriptors should be included into the
895        generated VBMeta image.
897  Returns:
898    Path to the created image.
900  Raises:
901    AssertionError: On invalid input args.
902  """
903  vbmeta_partitions = common.AVB_PARTITIONS[:]
904  name = os.path.basename(output_path).rstrip(".img")
905  vbmeta_system = glob_dict.get("avb_vbmeta_system", "").strip()
906  vbmeta_vendor = glob_dict.get("avb_vbmeta_vendor", "").strip()
907  if "vbmeta_system" in name:
908    vbmeta_partitions = vbmeta_system.split()
909  elif "vbmeta_vendor" in name:
910    vbmeta_partitions = vbmeta_vendor.split()
911  else:
912    if vbmeta_system:
913      vbmeta_partitions = [
914          item for item in vbmeta_partitions
915          if item not in vbmeta_system.split()]
916      vbmeta_partitions.append("vbmeta_system")
918    if vbmeta_vendor:
919      vbmeta_partitions = [
920          item for item in vbmeta_partitions
921          if item not in vbmeta_vendor.split()]
922      vbmeta_partitions.append("vbmeta_vendor")
924  partitions = {part: os.path.join(in_dir, part + ".img")
925                for part in vbmeta_partitions}
926  partitions = {part: path for (part, path) in partitions.items() if os.path.exists(path)}
927  common.BuildVBMeta(output_path, partitions, name, vbmeta_partitions)
930def BuildImageOrVBMeta(input_directory, target_out, glob_dict, image_properties, out_file):
931  try:
932    if "vbmeta" in os.path.basename(out_file):
933      OPTIONS.info_dict = glob_dict
934      BuildVBMeta(input_directory, glob_dict, out_file)
935    else:
936      BuildImage(input_directory, image_properties, out_file, target_out)
937  except:
938    logger.error("Failed to build %s from %s", out_file, input_directory)
939    raise
942def CopyInputDirectory(src, dst, filter_file):
943  with open(filter_file, 'r') as f:
944    for line in f:
945      line = line.strip()
946      if not line:
947        return
948      if line != os.path.normpath(line):
949        sys.exit(f"{line}: not normalized")
950      if line.startswith("../") or line.startswith('/'):
951        sys.exit(f"{line}: escapes staging directory by starting with ../ or /")
952      full_src = os.path.join(src, line)
953      full_dst = os.path.join(dst, line)
954      if os.path.isdir(full_src):
955        os.makedirs(full_dst, exist_ok=True)
956      else:
957        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(full_dst), exist_ok=True)
958        os.link(full_src, full_dst, follow_symlinks=False)
961def main(argv):
962  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
963    description="Builds output_image from the given input_directory and properties_file, and "
964    "writes the image to target_output_directory.")
965  parser.add_argument("--input-directory-filter-file",
966    help="the path to a file that contains a list of all files in the input_directory. If this "
967    "option is provided, all files under the input_directory that are not listed in this file will "
968    "be deleted before building the image. This is to work around the fact that building a module "
969    "will install in by default, so there could be files in the input_directory that are not "
970    "actually supposed to be part of the partition. The paths in this file must be relative to "
971    "input_directory.")
972  parser.add_argument("input_directory",
973    help="the staging directory to be converted to an image file")
974  parser.add_argument("properties_file",
975    help="a file containing the 'global dictionary' of properties that affect how the image is "
976    "built")
977  parser.add_argument("out_file",
978    help="the output file to write")
979  parser.add_argument("target_out",
980    help="the path to $(TARGET_OUT). Certain tools will use this to look through multiple staging "
981    "directories for fs config files.")
982  parser.add_argument("-v", action="store_true",
983                      help="Enable verbose logging", dest="verbose")
984  args = parser.parse_args()
985  if args.verbose:
986    OPTIONS.verbose = True
988  common.InitLogging()
990  glob_dict = LoadGlobalDict(args.properties_file)
991  if "mount_point" in glob_dict:
992    # The caller knows the mount point and provides a dictionary needed by
993    # BuildImage().
994    image_properties = glob_dict
995  else:
996    image_filename = os.path.basename(args.out_file)
997    mount_point = ""
998    if image_filename == "system.img":
999      mount_point = "system"
1000    elif image_filename == "system_other.img":
1001      mount_point = "system_other"
1002    elif image_filename == "userdata.img":
1003      mount_point = "data"
1004    elif image_filename == "cache.img":
1005      mount_point = "cache"
1006    elif image_filename == "vendor.img":
1007      mount_point = "vendor"
1008    elif image_filename == "odm.img":
1009      mount_point = "odm"
1010    elif image_filename == "vendor_dlkm.img":
1011      mount_point = "vendor_dlkm"
1012    elif image_filename == "odm_dlkm.img":
1013      mount_point = "odm_dlkm"
1014    elif image_filename == "system_dlkm.img":
1015      mount_point = "system_dlkm"
1016    elif image_filename == "oem.img":
1017      mount_point = "oem"
1018    elif image_filename == "product.img":
1019      mount_point = "product"
1020    elif image_filename == "system_ext.img":
1021      mount_point = "system_ext"
1022    elif "vbmeta" in image_filename:
1023      mount_point = "vbmeta"
1024    else:
1025      logger.error("Unknown image file name %s", image_filename)
1026      sys.exit(1)
1028    if "vbmeta" != mount_point:
1029      image_properties = ImagePropFromGlobalDict(glob_dict, mount_point)
1031  if args.input_directory_filter_file and not os.environ.get("BUILD_BROKEN_INCORRECT_PARTITION_IMAGES"):
1032    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=os.path.dirname(args.input_directory)) as new_input_directory:
1033      CopyInputDirectory(args.input_directory, new_input_directory, args.input_directory_filter_file)
1034      BuildImageOrVBMeta(new_input_directory, args.target_out, glob_dict, image_properties, args.out_file)
1035  else:
1036    BuildImageOrVBMeta(args.input_directory, args.target_out, glob_dict, image_properties, args.out_file)
1039if __name__ == '__main__':
1040  try:
1041    main(sys.argv[1:])
1042  finally:
1043    common.Cleanup()