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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "java/JavaClassGenerator.h"
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <ostream>
21 #include <set>
22 #include <sstream>
23 #include <tuple>
25 #include "android-base/errors.h"
26 #include "android-base/logging.h"
27 #include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
28 #include "androidfw/StringPiece.h"
30 #include "NameMangler.h"
31 #include "Resource.h"
32 #include "ResourceTable.h"
33 #include "ResourceValues.h"
34 #include "SdkConstants.h"
35 #include "ValueVisitor.h"
36 #include "java/AnnotationProcessor.h"
37 #include "java/ClassDefinition.h"
38 #include "process/SymbolTable.h"
40 using ::aapt::text::Printer;
41 using ::android::OutputStream;
42 using ::android::StringPiece;
43 using ::android::base::StringPrintf;
45 namespace aapt {
47 static const std::set<StringPiece> sJavaIdentifiers = {
48     "abstract",   "assert",       "boolean",   "break",      "byte",
49     "case",       "catch",        "char",      "class",      "const",
50     "continue",   "default",      "do",        "double",     "else",
51     "enum",       "extends",      "final",     "finally",    "float",
52     "for",        "goto",         "if",        "implements", "import",
53     "instanceof", "int",          "interface", "long",       "native",
54     "new",        "package",      "private",   "protected",  "public",
55     "return",     "short",        "static",    "strictfp",   "super",
56     "switch",     "synchronized", "this",      "throw",      "throws",
57     "transient",  "try",          "void",      "volatile",   "while",
58     "true",       "false",        "null"};
IsValidSymbol(StringPiece symbol)60 static bool IsValidSymbol(StringPiece symbol) {
61   return sJavaIdentifiers.find(symbol) == sJavaIdentifiers.end();
62 }
64 // Java symbols can not contain . or -, but those are valid in a resource name.
65 // Replace those with '_'.
TransformToFieldName(StringPiece symbol)66 std::string JavaClassGenerator::TransformToFieldName(StringPiece symbol) {
67   std::string output(symbol);
68   for (char& c : output) {
69     if (c == '.' || c == '-') {
70       c = '_';
71     }
72   }
73   return output;
74 }
76 // Transforms an attribute in a styleable to the Java field name:
77 //
78 // <declare-styleable name="Foo">
79 //   <attr name="android:bar" />
80 //   <attr name="bar" />
81 // </declare-styleable>
82 //
83 // Foo_android_bar
84 // Foo_bar
TransformNestedAttr(const ResourceNameRef & attr_name,const std::string & styleable_class_name,StringPiece package_name_to_generate)85 static std::string TransformNestedAttr(const ResourceNameRef& attr_name,
86                                        const std::string& styleable_class_name,
87                                        StringPiece package_name_to_generate) {
88   std::string output = styleable_class_name;
90   // We may reference IDs from other packages, so prefix the entry name with
91   // the package.
92   if (!attr_name.package.empty() &&
93       package_name_to_generate != attr_name.package) {
94     output += "_" + JavaClassGenerator::TransformToFieldName(attr_name.package);
95   }
96   output += "_" + JavaClassGenerator::TransformToFieldName(attr_name.entry);
97   return output;
98 }
AddAttributeFormatDoc(AnnotationProcessor * processor,Attribute * attr)100 static void AddAttributeFormatDoc(AnnotationProcessor* processor, Attribute* attr) {
101   const uint32_t type_mask = attr->type_mask;
102   if (type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE) {
103     processor->AppendComment(
104         "<p>May be a reference to another resource, in the form\n"
105         "\"<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>/<i>name</i></code>\" or a "
106         "theme\n"
107         "attribute in the form\n"
108         "\"<code>?[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>/<i>name</i></code>\".");
109   }
111   if (type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING) {
112     processor->AppendComment(
113         "<p>May be a string value, using '\\\\;' to escape characters such as\n"
114         "'\\\\n' or '\\\\uxxxx' for a unicode character;");
115   }
117   if (type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_INTEGER) {
118     processor->AppendComment(
119         "<p>May be an integer value, such as \"<code>100</code>\".");
120   }
122   if (type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
123     processor->AppendComment(
124         "<p>May be a boolean value, such as \"<code>true</code>\" or\n"
125         "\"<code>false</code>\".");
126   }
128   if (type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_COLOR) {
129     processor->AppendComment(
130         "<p>May be a color value, in the form of "
131         "\"<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>\",\n"
132         "\"<code>#<i>argb</i></code>\", \"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>\", or \n"
133         "\"<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>\".");
134   }
136   if (type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLOAT) {
137     processor->AppendComment(
138         "<p>May be a floating point value, such as \"<code>1.2</code>\".");
139   }
141   if (type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION) {
142     processor->AppendComment(
143         "<p>May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number "
144         "appended with a\n"
145         "unit such as \"<code>14.5sp</code>\".\n"
146         "Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels),\n"
147         "sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and\n"
148         "mm (millimeters).");
149   }
151   if (type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FRACTION) {
152     processor->AppendComment(
153         "<p>May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number "
154         "appended with\n"
155         "either % or %p, such as \"<code>14.5%</code>\".\n"
156         "The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size;\n"
157         "the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to some parent "
158         "container.");
159   }
161   if (type_mask &
162       (android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS | android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM)) {
163     if (type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS) {
164       processor->AppendComment(
165           "<p>Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following "
166           "constant values.</p>");
167     } else {
168       processor->AppendComment(
169           "<p>Must be one of the following constant values.</p>");
170     }
172     processor->AppendComment(
173         "<table>\n<colgroup align=\"left\" />\n"
174         "<colgroup align=\"left\" />\n"
175         "<colgroup align=\"left\" />\n"
176         "<tr><th>Constant</th><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr>\n");
177     for (const Attribute::Symbol& symbol : attr->symbols) {
178       std::stringstream line;
179       line << "<tr><td>" << symbol.symbol.name.value().entry << "</td>"
180            << "<td>" << std::hex << symbol.value << std::dec << "</td>"
181            << "<td>" << util::TrimWhitespace(symbol.symbol.GetComment())
182            << "</td></tr>";
183       // add_api_annotations is false since we don't want any annotations
184       // (e.g., "@deprecated")/ found in the enum/flag values to be propagated
185       // up to the attribute.
186       processor->AppendComment(line.str(), /*add_api_annotations=*/false);
187     }
188     processor->AppendComment("</table>");
189   }
190 }
JavaClassGenerator(IAaptContext * context,ResourceTable * table,const JavaClassGeneratorOptions & options)192 JavaClassGenerator::JavaClassGenerator(IAaptContext* context,
193                                        ResourceTable* table,
194                                        const JavaClassGeneratorOptions& options)
195     : context_(context), table_(table), options_(options) {}
SkipSymbol(Visibility::Level level)197 bool JavaClassGenerator::SkipSymbol(Visibility::Level level) {
198   switch (options_.types) {
199     case JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kAll:
200       return false;
201     case JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublicPrivate:
202       return level == Visibility::Level::kUndefined;
203     case JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublic:
204       return level != Visibility::Level::kPublic;
205   }
206   return true;
207 }
209 // Whether or not to skip writing this symbol.
SkipSymbol(const std::optional<SymbolTable::Symbol> & symbol)210 bool JavaClassGenerator::SkipSymbol(const std::optional<SymbolTable::Symbol>& symbol) {
211   return !symbol || (options_.types == JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublic &&
212                      !symbol.value().is_public);
213 }
215 struct StyleableAttr {
216   const Reference* attr_ref = nullptr;
217   std::string field_name;
218   std::optional<SymbolTable::Symbol> symbol;
219 };
operator <(const StyleableAttr & lhs,const StyleableAttr & rhs)221 static bool operator<(const StyleableAttr& lhs, const StyleableAttr& rhs) {
222   const ResourceId lhs_id = lhs.attr_ref->id.value_or(ResourceId(0));
223   const ResourceId rhs_id = rhs.attr_ref->id.value_or(ResourceId(0));
224   if (lhs_id == rhs_id) {
225     return lhs.attr_ref->name.value() < rhs.attr_ref->name.value();
226   }
227   return cmp_ids_dynamic_after_framework(lhs_id, rhs_id);
228 }
GetRFieldReference(const ResourceName & name,StringPiece fallback_package_name)230 static FieldReference GetRFieldReference(const ResourceName& name,
231                                          StringPiece fallback_package_name) {
232   const std::string_view package_name = name.package.empty() ? fallback_package_name : name.package;
233   const std::string entry = JavaClassGenerator::TransformToFieldName(name.entry);
234   return FieldReference(
235       StringPrintf("%s.R.%s.%s", package_name.data(), name.type.to_string().data(), entry.c_str()));
236 }
ProcessStyleable(const ResourceNameRef & name,const ResourceId & id,const Styleable & styleable,StringPiece package_name_to_generate,ClassDefinition * out_class_def,MethodDefinition * out_rewrite_method,Printer * r_txt_printer)238 bool JavaClassGenerator::ProcessStyleable(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId& id,
239                                           const Styleable& styleable,
240                                           StringPiece package_name_to_generate,
241                                           ClassDefinition* out_class_def,
242                                           MethodDefinition* out_rewrite_method,
243                                           Printer* r_txt_printer) {
244   const std::string array_field_name = TransformToFieldName(name.entry);
245   std::unique_ptr<ResourceArrayMember> array_def =
246       util::make_unique<ResourceArrayMember>(array_field_name);
248   // The array must be sorted by resource ID.
249   std::vector<StyleableAttr> sorted_attributes;
250   sorted_attributes.reserve(styleable.entries.size());
251   for (const auto& attr : styleable.entries) {
252     // If we are not encoding final attributes, the styleable entry may have no
253     // ID if we are building a static library.
254     CHECK(!options_.use_final || attr.id) << "no ID set for Styleable entry";
255     CHECK(bool(attr.name)) << "no name set for Styleable entry";
257     // We will need the unmangled, transformed name in the comments and the field,
258     // so create it once and cache it in this StyleableAttr data structure.
259     StyleableAttr styleable_attr;
260     styleable_attr.attr_ref = &attr;
262     // The field name for this attribute is prefixed by the name of this styleable and
263     // the package it comes from.
264     styleable_attr.field_name =
265         TransformNestedAttr(attr.name.value(), array_field_name, package_name_to_generate);
267     Reference ref = attr;
268     if (attr.name.value().package.empty()) {
270       // If the resource does not have a package name, set the package to the unmangled package name
271       // of the styleable declaration because attributes without package names would have been
272       // declared in the same package as the styleable.
273       ref.name = ResourceName(package_name_to_generate, ref.name.value().type,
274                               ref.name.value().entry);
275     }
277     // Look up the symbol so that we can write out in the comments what are possible legal values
278     // for this attribute.
279     const SymbolTable::Symbol* symbol = context_->GetExternalSymbols()->FindByReference(ref);
281     if (symbol && symbol->attribute) {
282       // Copy the symbol data structure because the returned instance can be destroyed.
283       styleable_attr.symbol = *symbol;
284     }
285     sorted_attributes.push_back(std::move(styleable_attr));
286   }
288   // Sort the attributes by ID.
289   std::sort(sorted_attributes.begin(), sorted_attributes.end());
291   // Build the JavaDoc comment for the Styleable array. This has references to child attributes
292   // and what possible values can be used for them.
293   const size_t attr_count = sorted_attributes.size();
294   if (out_class_def != nullptr && attr_count > 0) {
295     std::stringstream styleable_comment;
296     if (!styleable.GetComment().empty()) {
297       styleable_comment << styleable.GetComment() << "\n";
298     } else {
299       // Apply a default intro comment if the styleable has no comments of its own.
300       styleable_comment << "Attributes that can be used with a " << array_field_name << ".\n";
301     }
303     styleable_comment << "<p>Includes the following attributes:</p>\n"
304                          "<table>\n"
305                          "<colgroup align=\"left\" />\n"
306                          "<colgroup align=\"left\" />\n"
307                          "<tr><th>Attribute</th><th>Description</th></tr>\n";
309     // Removed and hidden attributes are public but hidden from the documentation, so don't emit
310     // them as part of the class documentation.
311     std::vector<StyleableAttr> documentation_attrs = sorted_attributes;
312     auto documentation_remove_iter = std::remove_if(documentation_attrs.begin(),
313                                                     documentation_attrs.end(),
314                                                     [&](StyleableAttr entry) -> bool {
315       if (SkipSymbol(entry.symbol)) {
316         return true;
317       }
318       const StringPiece attr_comment_line = entry.symbol.value().attribute->GetComment();
319       return attr_comment_line.find("@removed") != std::string::npos ||
320              attr_comment_line.find("@hide") != std::string::npos;
321     });
322     documentation_attrs.erase(documentation_remove_iter, documentation_attrs.end());
324     // Build the table of attributes with their links and names.
325     for (const StyleableAttr& entry : documentation_attrs) {
326       const ResourceName& attr_name = entry.attr_ref->name.value();
327       styleable_comment << "<tr><td><code>{@link #" << entry.field_name << " "
328                         << (!attr_name.package.empty() ? attr_name.package
329                                                        : package_name_to_generate)
330                         << ":" << attr_name.entry << "}</code></td>";
332       // Only use the comment up until the first '.'. This is to stay compatible with
333       // the way old AAPT did it (presumably to keep it short and to avoid including
334       // annotations like @hide which would affect this Styleable).
335       StringPiece attr_comment_line = entry.symbol.value().attribute->GetComment();
336       styleable_comment << "<td>" << AnnotationProcessor::ExtractFirstSentence(attr_comment_line)
337                         << "</td></tr>\n";
338     }
339     styleable_comment << "</table>\n";
341     // Generate the @see lines for each attribute.
342     for (const StyleableAttr& entry : documentation_attrs) {
343       styleable_comment << "@see #" << entry.field_name << "\n";
344     }
346     array_def->GetCommentBuilder()->AppendComment(styleable_comment.str());
347   }
349   if (r_txt_printer != nullptr) {
350     r_txt_printer->Print("int[] styleable ").Print(array_field_name).Print(" {");
351   }
353   // Add the ResourceIds to the array member.
354   for (size_t i = 0; i < attr_count; i++) {
355     const StyleableAttr& attr = sorted_attributes[i];
356     std::string r_txt_contents;
357     if (attr.symbol && attr.symbol.value().is_dynamic) {
358       if (!attr.attr_ref->name) {
359         error_ = "unable to determine R.java field name of dynamic resource";
360         return false;
361       }
363       const FieldReference field_name =
364           GetRFieldReference(attr.attr_ref->name.value(), package_name_to_generate);
365       array_def->AddElement(field_name);
366       r_txt_contents = field_name.ref;
367     } else {
368       const ResourceId attr_id = attr.attr_ref->id.value_or(ResourceId(0));
369       array_def->AddElement(attr_id);
370       r_txt_contents = to_string(attr_id);
371     }
373     if (r_txt_printer != nullptr) {
374       if (i != 0) {
375         r_txt_printer->Print(",");
376       }
377       r_txt_printer->Print(" ").Print(r_txt_contents);
378     }
379   }
381   if (r_txt_printer != nullptr) {
382     r_txt_printer->Println(" }");
383   }
385   // Add the Styleable array to the Styleable class.
386   if (out_class_def != nullptr) {
387     out_class_def->AddMember(std::move(array_def));
388   }
390   // Now we emit the indices into the array.
391   for (size_t i = 0; i < attr_count; i++) {
392     const StyleableAttr& styleable_attr = sorted_attributes[i];
393     if (SkipSymbol(styleable_attr.symbol)) {
394       continue;
395     }
397     if (out_class_def != nullptr) {
398       StringPiece comment = styleable_attr.attr_ref->GetComment();
399       if (styleable_attr.symbol.value().attribute && comment.empty()) {
400         comment = styleable_attr.symbol.value().attribute->GetComment();
401       }
403       if (comment.find("@removed") != std::string::npos) {
404         // Removed attributes are public but hidden from the documentation, so
405         // don't emit them as part of the class documentation.
406         continue;
407       }
409       const ResourceName& attr_name = styleable_attr.attr_ref->name.value();
411       StringPiece package_name = attr_name.package;
412       if (package_name.empty()) {
413         package_name = package_name_to_generate;
414       }
416       std::unique_ptr<IntMember> index_member =
417           util::make_unique<IntMember>(sorted_attributes[i].field_name, static_cast<uint32_t>(i));
419       AnnotationProcessor* attr_processor = index_member->GetCommentBuilder();
421       if (!comment.empty()) {
422         attr_processor->AppendComment("<p>\n@attr description");
423         attr_processor->AppendComment(comment);
424       } else {
425         std::stringstream default_comment;
426         default_comment << "<p>This symbol is the offset where the "
427                         << "{@link " << package_name << ".R.attr#"
428                         << TransformToFieldName(attr_name.entry) << "}\n"
429                         << "attribute's value can be found in the "
430                         << "{@link #" << array_field_name << "} array.";
431         attr_processor->AppendComment(default_comment.str());
432       }
434       attr_processor->AppendNewLine();
435       AddAttributeFormatDoc(attr_processor, styleable_attr.symbol.value().attribute.get());
436       attr_processor->AppendNewLine();
437       attr_processor->AppendComment(
438           StringPrintf("@attr name %s:%s", package_name.data(), attr_name.entry.data()));
440       out_class_def->AddMember(std::move(index_member));
441     }
443     if (r_txt_printer != nullptr) {
444       r_txt_printer->Println(
445           StringPrintf("int styleable %s %zd", sorted_attributes[i].field_name.c_str(), i));
446     }
447   }
449   return true;
450 }
ProcessResource(const ResourceNameRef & name,const ResourceId & id,const ResourceEntry & entry,ClassDefinition * out_class_def,MethodDefinition * out_rewrite_method,text::Printer * r_txt_printer)452 void JavaClassGenerator::ProcessResource(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId& id,
453                                          const ResourceEntry& entry, ClassDefinition* out_class_def,
454                                          MethodDefinition* out_rewrite_method,
455                                          text::Printer* r_txt_printer) {
456   ResourceId real_id = id;
457   if (context_->GetMinSdkVersion() < SDK_O && name.type.type == ResourceType::kId &&
458       id.package_id() > kAppPackageId) {
459     // Workaround for feature splits using package IDs > 0x7F.
460     // See b/37498913.
461     real_id = ResourceId(kAppPackageId, id.package_id(), id.entry_id());
462   }
464   const std::string field_name = TransformToFieldName(name.entry);
465   if (out_class_def != nullptr) {
466     auto resource_member =
467         util::make_unique<ResourceMember>(field_name, real_id, entry.visibility.staged_api);
469     // Build the comments and annotations for this entry.
470     AnnotationProcessor* processor = resource_member->GetCommentBuilder();
472     // Add the comments from any <public> tags.
473     if (entry.visibility.level != Visibility::Level::kUndefined) {
474       processor->AppendComment(entry.visibility.comment);
475     }
477     // Add the comments from all configurations of this entry.
478     for (const auto& config_value : entry.values) {
479       processor->AppendComment(config_value->value->GetComment());
480     }
482     // If this is an Attribute, append the format Javadoc.
483     if (!entry.values.empty()) {
484       if (Attribute* attr = ValueCast<Attribute>(entry.values.front()->value.get())) {
485         // We list out the available values for the given attribute.
486         AddAttributeFormatDoc(processor, attr);
487       }
488     }
490     out_class_def->AddMember(std::move(resource_member));
491   }
493   if (r_txt_printer != nullptr) {
494     r_txt_printer->Print("int ")
495         .Print(name.type.to_string())
496         .Print(" ")
497         .Print(field_name)
498         .Print(" ")
499         .Println(real_id.to_string());
500   }
502   if (out_rewrite_method != nullptr) {
503     const auto type_str = name.type.to_string();
504     out_rewrite_method->AppendStatement(
505         StringPrintf("%s.%s = (%s.%s & 0x00ffffff) | packageIdBits;", type_str.data(),
506                      field_name.data(), type_str.data(), field_name.data()));
507   }
508 }
UnmangleResource(StringPiece package_name,StringPiece package_name_to_generate,const ResourceEntry & entry)510 std::optional<std::string> JavaClassGenerator::UnmangleResource(
511     StringPiece package_name, StringPiece package_name_to_generate, const ResourceEntry& entry) {
512   if (SkipSymbol(entry.visibility.level)) {
513     return {};
514   }
516   std::string unmangled_package;
517   std::string unmangled_name = entry.name;
518   if (NameMangler::Unmangle(&unmangled_name, &unmangled_package)) {
519     // The entry name was mangled, and we successfully unmangled it.
520     // Check that we want to emit this symbol.
521     if (package_name_to_generate != unmangled_package) {
522       // Skip the entry if it doesn't belong to the package we're writing.
523       return {};
524     }
525   } else if (package_name_to_generate != package_name) {
526     // We are processing a mangled package name,
527     // but this is a non-mangled resource.
528     return {};
529   }
530   return {std::move(unmangled_name)};
531 }
ProcessType(StringPiece package_name_to_generate,const ResourceTablePackage & package,const ResourceTableType & type,ClassDefinition * out_type_class_def,MethodDefinition * out_rewrite_method_def,Printer * r_txt_printer)533 bool JavaClassGenerator::ProcessType(StringPiece package_name_to_generate,
534                                      const ResourceTablePackage& package,
535                                      const ResourceTableType& type,
536                                      ClassDefinition* out_type_class_def,
537                                      MethodDefinition* out_rewrite_method_def,
538                                      Printer* r_txt_printer) {
539   for (const auto& entry : type.entries) {
540     const std::optional<std::string> unmangled_name =
541         UnmangleResource(package.name, package_name_to_generate, *entry);
542     if (!unmangled_name) {
543       continue;
544     }
546     // Create an ID if there is one (static libraries don't need one).
547     ResourceId id;
548     if (entry->id) {
549       id = entry->id.value();
550     }
552     // We need to make sure we hide the fact that we are generating kAttrPrivate attributes.
553     const auto target_type = type.named_type.type == ResourceType::kAttrPrivate
554                                  ? ResourceNamedTypeWithDefaultName(ResourceType::kAttr)
555                                  : type.named_type;
556     const ResourceNameRef resource_name(package_name_to_generate, target_type,
557                                         unmangled_name.value());
559     // Check to see if the unmangled name is a valid Java name (not a keyword).
560     if (!IsValidSymbol(unmangled_name.value())) {
561       std::stringstream err;
562       err << "invalid symbol name '" << resource_name << "'";
563       error_ = err.str();
564       return false;
565     }
567     if (resource_name.type.type == ResourceType::kStyleable) {
568       CHECK(!entry->values.empty());
569       const auto styleable = reinterpret_cast<const Styleable*>(entry->values.front()->value.get());
570       if (!ProcessStyleable(resource_name, id, *styleable, package_name_to_generate,
571                             out_type_class_def, out_rewrite_method_def, r_txt_printer)) {
572         return false;
573       }
574     } else {
575       ProcessResource(resource_name, id, *entry, out_type_class_def, out_rewrite_method_def,
576                       r_txt_printer);
577     }
578   }
579   return true;
580 }
Generate(StringPiece package_name_to_generate,OutputStream * out,OutputStream * out_r_txt)582 bool JavaClassGenerator::Generate(StringPiece package_name_to_generate, OutputStream* out,
583                                   OutputStream* out_r_txt) {
584   return Generate(package_name_to_generate, package_name_to_generate, out, out_r_txt);
585 }
AppendJavaDocAnnotations(const std::vector<std::string> & annotations,AnnotationProcessor * processor)587 static void AppendJavaDocAnnotations(const std::vector<std::string>& annotations,
588                                      AnnotationProcessor* processor) {
589   for (const std::string& annotation : annotations) {
590     std::string proper_annotation = "@";
591     proper_annotation += annotation;
592     processor->AppendComment(proper_annotation);
593   }
594 }
Generate(StringPiece package_name_to_generate,StringPiece out_package_name,OutputStream * out,OutputStream * out_r_txt)596 bool JavaClassGenerator::Generate(StringPiece package_name_to_generate,
597                                   StringPiece out_package_name, OutputStream* out,
598                                   OutputStream* out_r_txt) {
599   ClassDefinition r_class("R", ClassQualifier::kNone, true);
600   std::unique_ptr<MethodDefinition> rewrite_method;
602   std::unique_ptr<Printer> r_txt_printer;
603   if (out_r_txt != nullptr) {
604     r_txt_printer = util::make_unique<Printer>(out_r_txt);
605   }
606   // Generate an onResourcesLoaded() callback if requested.
607   if (out != nullptr && options_.rewrite_callback_options) {
608     rewrite_method =
609         util::make_unique<MethodDefinition>("public static void onResourcesLoaded(int p)");
610     for (const std::string& package_to_callback :
611          options_.rewrite_callback_options.value().packages_to_callback) {
612       rewrite_method->AppendStatement(
613           StringPrintf("%s.R.onResourcesLoaded(p);", package_to_callback.data()));
614     }
615     rewrite_method->AppendStatement("final int packageIdBits = p << 24;");
616   }
618   const bool is_public = (options_.types == JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublic);
620   for (const auto& package : table_->packages) {
621     for (const auto& type : package->types) {
622       if (type->named_type.type == ResourceType::kAttrPrivate ||
623           type->named_type.type == ResourceType::kMacro) {
624         // We generate kAttrPrivate as part of the kAttr type, so skip them here.
625         // Macros are not actual resources, so skip them as well.
626         continue;
627       }
629       // Stay consistent with AAPT and generate an empty type class if the R class is public.
630       const bool force_creation_if_empty = is_public;
632       std::unique_ptr<ClassDefinition> class_def;
633       if (out != nullptr) {
634         class_def = util::make_unique<ClassDefinition>(
635             to_string(type->named_type.type), ClassQualifier::kStatic, force_creation_if_empty);
636       }
638       if (!ProcessType(package_name_to_generate, *package, *type, class_def.get(),
639                        rewrite_method.get(), r_txt_printer.get())) {
640         return false;
641       }
643       if (type->named_type.type == ResourceType::kAttr) {
644         // Also include private attributes in this same class.
645         if (const ResourceTableType* priv_type =
646                 package->FindTypeWithDefaultName(ResourceType::kAttrPrivate)) {
647           if (!ProcessType(package_name_to_generate, *package, *priv_type, class_def.get(),
648                            rewrite_method.get(), r_txt_printer.get())) {
649             return false;
650           }
651         }
652       }
654       if (out != nullptr && type->named_type.type == ResourceType::kStyleable && is_public) {
655         // When generating a public R class, we don't want Styleable to be part
656         // of the API. It is only emitted for documentation purposes.
657         class_def->GetCommentBuilder()->AppendComment("@doconly");
658       }
660       if (out != nullptr) {
661         AppendJavaDocAnnotations(options_.javadoc_annotations, class_def->GetCommentBuilder());
662         r_class.AddMember(std::move(class_def));
663       }
664     }
665   }
667   if (rewrite_method != nullptr) {
668     r_class.AddMember(std::move(rewrite_method));
669   }
671   if (out != nullptr) {
672     AppendJavaDocAnnotations(options_.javadoc_annotations, r_class.GetCommentBuilder());
673     ClassDefinition::WriteJavaFile(&r_class, out_package_name, options_.use_final, !is_public, out);
674   }
675   return true;
676 }
678 }  // namespace aapt