1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <android/binder_status.h>
18 #include "status_internal.h"
20 using ::android::status_t;
21 using ::android::statusToString;
22 using ::android::binder::Status;
AStatus_newOk()24 AStatus* AStatus_newOk() {
25     static AStatus status = AStatus();
26     return &status;
27 }
AStatus_fromExceptionCode(binder_exception_t exception)29 AStatus* AStatus_fromExceptionCode(binder_exception_t exception) {
30     return new AStatus(Status::fromExceptionCode(PruneException(exception)));
31 }
AStatus_fromExceptionCodeWithMessage(binder_exception_t exception,const char * message)33 AStatus* AStatus_fromExceptionCodeWithMessage(binder_exception_t exception, const char* message) {
34     return new AStatus(Status::fromExceptionCode(PruneException(exception), message));
35 }
AStatus_fromServiceSpecificError(int32_t serviceSpecific)37 AStatus* AStatus_fromServiceSpecificError(int32_t serviceSpecific) {
38     return new AStatus(Status::fromServiceSpecificError(serviceSpecific));
39 }
AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(int32_t serviceSpecific,const char * message)41 AStatus* AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(int32_t serviceSpecific, const char* message) {
42     return new AStatus(Status::fromServiceSpecificError(serviceSpecific, message));
43 }
AStatus_fromStatus(binder_status_t status)45 AStatus* AStatus_fromStatus(binder_status_t status) {
46     return new AStatus(Status::fromStatusT(PruneStatusT(status)));
47 }
AStatus_isOk(const AStatus * status)49 bool AStatus_isOk(const AStatus* status) {
50     return status->get().isOk();
51 }
AStatus_getExceptionCode(const AStatus * status)53 binder_exception_t AStatus_getExceptionCode(const AStatus* status) {
54     return PruneException(status->get().exceptionCode());
55 }
AStatus_getServiceSpecificError(const AStatus * status)57 int32_t AStatus_getServiceSpecificError(const AStatus* status) {
58     return status->get().serviceSpecificErrorCode();
59 }
AStatus_getStatus(const AStatus * status)61 binder_status_t AStatus_getStatus(const AStatus* status) {
62     return PruneStatusT(status->get().transactionError());
63 }
AStatus_getMessage(const AStatus * status)65 const char* AStatus_getMessage(const AStatus* status) {
66     return status->get().exceptionMessage().c_str();
67 }
AStatus_getDescription(const AStatus * status)69 const char* AStatus_getDescription(const AStatus* status) {
70     android::String8 description = status->get().toString8();
71     char* cStr = new char[description.size() + 1];
72     memcpy(cStr, description.c_str(), description.size() + 1);
73     return cStr;
74 }
AStatus_deleteDescription(const char * description)76 void AStatus_deleteDescription(const char* description) {
77     delete[] const_cast<char*>(description);
78 }
AStatus_delete(AStatus * status)80 void AStatus_delete(AStatus* status) {
81     if (status != AStatus_newOk()) {
82         delete status;
83     }
84 }
PruneStatusT(status_t status)86 binder_status_t PruneStatusT(status_t status) {
87     switch (status) {
88         case ::android::OK:
89             return STATUS_OK;
90         case ::android::NO_MEMORY:
91             return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
92         case ::android::INVALID_OPERATION:
93             return STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION;
94         case ::android::BAD_VALUE:
95             return STATUS_BAD_VALUE;
96         case ::android::BAD_TYPE:
97             return STATUS_BAD_TYPE;
98         case ::android::NAME_NOT_FOUND:
99             return STATUS_NAME_NOT_FOUND;
100         case ::android::PERMISSION_DENIED:
101             return STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED;
102         case ::android::NO_INIT:
103             return STATUS_NO_INIT;
104         case ::android::ALREADY_EXISTS:
105             return STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS;
106         case ::android::DEAD_OBJECT:
107             return STATUS_DEAD_OBJECT;
108         case ::android::FAILED_TRANSACTION:
109             return STATUS_FAILED_TRANSACTION;
110         case ::android::BAD_INDEX:
111             return STATUS_BAD_INDEX;
112         case ::android::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA:
113             return STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA;
114         case ::android::WOULD_BLOCK:
115             return STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK;
116         case ::android::TIMED_OUT:
117             return STATUS_TIMED_OUT;
118         case ::android::UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION:
119             return STATUS_UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION;
120         case ::android::FDS_NOT_ALLOWED:
121             return STATUS_FDS_NOT_ALLOWED;
122         case ::android::UNEXPECTED_NULL:
123             return STATUS_UNEXPECTED_NULL;
124         case ::android::UNKNOWN_ERROR:
125             return STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
127         default:
128             ALOGW("%s: Unknown status_t (%s) pruned into STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR", __func__,
129                   statusToString(status).c_str());
130             return STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
131     }
132 }
PruneException(int32_t exception)134 binder_exception_t PruneException(int32_t exception) {
135     switch (exception) {
136         case Status::EX_NONE:
137             return EX_NONE;
138         case Status::EX_SECURITY:
139             return EX_SECURITY;
140         case Status::EX_BAD_PARCELABLE:
141             return EX_BAD_PARCELABLE;
142         case Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT:
143             return EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
144         case Status::EX_NULL_POINTER:
145             return EX_NULL_POINTER;
146         case Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE:
147             return EX_ILLEGAL_STATE;
148         case Status::EX_NETWORK_MAIN_THREAD:
149             return EX_NETWORK_MAIN_THREAD;
150         case Status::EX_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION:
151             return EX_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION;
152         case Status::EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC:
153             return EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC;
154         case Status::EX_PARCELABLE:
155             return EX_PARCELABLE;
156         case Status::EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED:
157             return EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED;
159         default:
160             ALOGW("%s: Unknown binder exception (%d) pruned into EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED", __func__,
161                   exception);
162             return EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED;
163     }
164 }