1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 #include "kallsyms.h"
18 #include <inttypes.h>
20 #include <string>
22 #include <android-base/file.h>
23 #include <android-base/logging.h>
24 #include <android-base/properties.h>
26 #include "environment.h"
27 #include "read_elf.h"
28 #include "utils.h"
30 namespace simpleperf {
32 #if defined(__linux__)
34 namespace {
36 const char kKallsymsPath[] = "/proc/kallsyms";
37 const char kProcModulesPath[] = "/proc/modules";
38 const char kPtrRestrictPath[] = "/proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict";
39 const char kLowerPtrRestrictAndroidProp[] = "security.lower_kptr_restrict";
40 const unsigned int kMinLineTestNonNullSymbols = 10;
42 // Tries to read the kernel symbol file and ensure that at least some symbol
43 // addresses are non-null.
CanReadKernelSymbolAddresses()44 bool CanReadKernelSymbolAddresses() {
45   LineReader reader(kKallsymsPath);
46   if (!reader.Ok()) {
47     LOG(DEBUG) << "Failed to read " << kKallsymsPath;
48     return false;
49   }
50   auto symbol_callback = [&](const KernelSymbol& symbol) { return (symbol.addr != 0u); };
51   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kMinLineTestNonNullSymbols; i++) {
52     std::string* line = reader.ReadLine();
53     if (line == nullptr) {
54       return false;
55     }
56     if (ProcessKernelSymbols(*line, symbol_callback)) {
57       return true;
58     }
59   }
60   return false;
61 }
63 // Define a scope in which access to kallsyms is possible.
64 // This is based on the Perfetto implementation.
65 class ScopedKptrUnrestrict {
66  public:
67   ScopedKptrUnrestrict();   // Lowers kptr_restrict if necessary.
68   ~ScopedKptrUnrestrict();  // Restores the initial kptr_restrict.
70   // Indicates if access to kallsyms should be successful.
KallsymsAvailable()71   bool KallsymsAvailable() { return kallsyms_available_; }
ResetWarning()73   static void ResetWarning() { kernel_address_warning_printed_ = false; }
75  private:
76   bool WriteKptrRestrict(const std::string& value);
77   void PrintWarning();
79   bool restore_property_ = false;
80   bool restore_restrict_value_ = false;
81   std::string saved_restrict_value_;
82   bool kallsyms_available_ = false;
84   static bool kernel_address_warning_printed_;
85 };
87 bool ScopedKptrUnrestrict::kernel_address_warning_printed_ = false;
ScopedKptrUnrestrict()89 ScopedKptrUnrestrict::ScopedKptrUnrestrict() {
90   if (CanReadKernelSymbolAddresses()) {
91     // Everything seems to work (e.g., we are running as root and kptr_restrict
92     // is < 2). Don't touching anything.
93     kallsyms_available_ = true;
94     return;
95   }
97   if (GetAndroidVersion() >= 12 && IsRoot()) {
98     // Enable kernel addresses by setting property.
99     if (!android::base::SetProperty(kLowerPtrRestrictAndroidProp, "1")) {
100       LOG(DEBUG) << "Unable to set " << kLowerPtrRestrictAndroidProp << " to 1.";
101       PrintWarning();
102       return;
103     }
104     restore_property_ = true;
105     // Init takes some time to react to the property change.
106     // Unfortunately, we cannot read kptr_restrict because of SELinux. Instead,
107     // we detect this by reading the initial lines of kallsyms and checking
108     // that they are non-zero. This loop waits for at most 250ms (50 * 5ms).
109     for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= 50; ++attempt) {
110       usleep(5000);
111       if (CanReadKernelSymbolAddresses()) {
112         kallsyms_available_ = true;
113         return;
114       }
115     }
116     LOG(DEBUG) << "kallsyms addresses are still masked after setting "
117                << kLowerPtrRestrictAndroidProp;
118     PrintWarning();
119     return;
120   }
122   // Otherwise, read the kptr_restrict value and lower it if needed.
123   if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(kPtrRestrictPath, &saved_restrict_value_)) {
124     LOG(DEBUG) << "Failed to read " << kPtrRestrictPath;
125     PrintWarning();
126     return;
127   }
129   // Progressively lower kptr_restrict until we can read kallsyms.
130   for (int value = atoi(saved_restrict_value_.c_str()); value > 0; --value) {
131     if (!WriteKptrRestrict(std::to_string(value))) {
132       break;
133     }
134     restore_restrict_value_ = true;
135     if (CanReadKernelSymbolAddresses()) {
136       kallsyms_available_ = true;
137       return;
138     }
139   }
140   PrintWarning();
141 }
~ScopedKptrUnrestrict()143 ScopedKptrUnrestrict::~ScopedKptrUnrestrict() {
144   if (restore_property_) {
145     android::base::SetProperty(kLowerPtrRestrictAndroidProp, "0");
146   }
147   if (restore_restrict_value_) {
148     WriteKptrRestrict(saved_restrict_value_);
149   }
150 }
WriteKptrRestrict(const std::string & value)152 bool ScopedKptrUnrestrict::WriteKptrRestrict(const std::string& value) {
153   if (!android::base::WriteStringToFile(value, kPtrRestrictPath)) {
154     LOG(DEBUG) << "Failed to set " << kPtrRestrictPath << " to " << value;
155     return false;
156   }
157   return true;
158 }
PrintWarning()160 void ScopedKptrUnrestrict::PrintWarning() {
161   if (!kernel_address_warning_printed_) {
162     kernel_address_warning_printed_ = true;
163     LOG(WARNING) << "Access to kernel symbol addresses is restricted. If "
164                  << "possible, please do `echo 0 >/proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict` "
165                  << "to fix this.";
166   }
167 }
169 }  // namespace
GetLoadedModules()171 std::vector<KernelMmap> GetLoadedModules() {
172   ScopedKptrUnrestrict kptr_unrestrict;
173   if (!kptr_unrestrict.KallsymsAvailable()) return {};
174   std::vector<KernelMmap> result;
175   LineReader reader(kProcModulesPath);
176   if (!reader.Ok()) {
177     // There is no /proc/modules on Android devices, so we don't print error if failed to open it.
178     PLOG(DEBUG) << "failed to open file /proc/modules";
179     return result;
180   }
181   std::string* line;
182   std::string name_buf;
183   while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != nullptr) {
184     // Parse line like: nf_defrag_ipv6 34768 1 nf_conntrack_ipv6, Live 0xffffffffa0fe5000
185     name_buf.resize(line->size());
186     char* name = name_buf.data();
187     uint64_t addr;
188     uint64_t len;
189     if (sscanf(line->data(), "%s%" PRIu64 "%*u%*s%*s 0x%" PRIx64, name, &len, &addr) == 3) {
190       KernelMmap map;
191       map.name = name;
192       map.start_addr = addr;
193       map.len = len;
194       result.push_back(map);
195     }
196   }
197   bool all_zero = true;
198   for (const auto& map : result) {
199     if (map.start_addr != 0) {
200       all_zero = false;
201     }
202   }
203   if (all_zero) {
204     LOG(DEBUG) << "addresses in /proc/modules are all zero, so ignore kernel modules";
205     return std::vector<KernelMmap>();
206   }
207   return result;
208 }
GetKernelStartAddress()210 uint64_t GetKernelStartAddress() {
211   ScopedKptrUnrestrict kptr_unrestrict;
212   if (!kptr_unrestrict.KallsymsAvailable()) return 0;
213   LineReader reader(kKallsymsPath);
214   if (!reader.Ok()) {
215     return 0;
216   }
217   std::string* line;
218   while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != nullptr) {
219     if (strstr(line->data(), "_stext") != nullptr) {
220       uint64_t addr;
221       if (sscanf(line->data(), "%" PRIx64, &addr) == 1) {
222         return addr;
223       }
224     }
225   }
226   return 0;
227 }
LoadKernelSymbols(std::string * kallsyms)229 bool LoadKernelSymbols(std::string* kallsyms) {
230   ScopedKptrUnrestrict kptr_unrestrict;
231   if (kptr_unrestrict.KallsymsAvailable()) {
232     return android::base::ReadFileToString(kKallsymsPath, kallsyms);
233   }
234   return false;
235 }
ResetKernelAddressWarning()237 void ResetKernelAddressWarning() {
238   ScopedKptrUnrestrict::ResetWarning();
239 }
241 #endif  // defined(__linux__)
ProcessKernelSymbols(std::string & symbol_data,const std::function<bool (const KernelSymbol &)> & callback)243 bool ProcessKernelSymbols(std::string& symbol_data,
244                           const std::function<bool(const KernelSymbol&)>& callback) {
245   char* p = &symbol_data[0];
246   char* data_end = p + symbol_data.size();
247   while (p < data_end) {
248     char* line_end = strchr(p, '\n');
249     if (line_end != nullptr) {
250       *line_end = '\0';
251     }
252     size_t line_size = (line_end != nullptr) ? (line_end - p) : (data_end - p);
253     // Parse line like: ffffffffa005c4e4 d __warned.41698       [libsas]
254     char name[line_size];
255     char module[line_size];
256     strcpy(module, "");
258     KernelSymbol symbol;
259     int ret = sscanf(p, "%" PRIx64 " %c %s%s", &symbol.addr, &symbol.type, name, module);
260     if (line_end != nullptr) {
261       *line_end = '\n';
262       p = line_end + 1;
263     } else {
264       p = data_end;
265     }
266     if (ret >= 3) {
267       if (IsArmMappingSymbol(name)) {
268         continue;
269       }
271       symbol.name = name;
272       size_t module_len = strlen(module);
273       if (module_len > 2 && module[0] == '[' && module[module_len - 1] == ']') {
274         module[module_len - 1] = '\0';
275         symbol.module = &module[1];
276       } else {
277         symbol.module = nullptr;
278       }
280       if (callback(symbol)) {
281         return true;
282       }
283     }
284   }
285   return false;
286 }
288 }  // namespace simpleperf