1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2019, The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #define LOG_TAG "credstore"
19 #include <android-base/logging.h>
20 #include <android/binder_manager.h>
21 #include <android/hardware/identity/support/IdentityCredentialSupport.h>
23 #include <android/security/identity/ICredentialStore.h>
25 #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
26 #include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
27 #include <keymasterV4_0/keymaster_utils.h>
29 #include <cppbor.h>
30 #include <cppbor_parse.h>
31 #include <future>
32 #include <tuple>
34 #include <aidl/android/hardware/security/keymint/HardwareAuthToken.h>
35 #include <aidl/android/hardware/security/secureclock/TimeStampToken.h>
36 #include <aidl/android/security/authorization/AuthorizationTokens.h>
37 #include <aidl/android/security/authorization/IKeystoreAuthorization.h>
39 #include "Credential.h"
40 #include "CredentialData.h"
41 #include "Util.h"
42 #include "WritableCredential.h"
44 namespace android {
45 namespace security {
46 namespace identity {
48 using std::optional;
49 using std::promise;
50 using std::tuple;
52 using ::android::hardware::identity::IWritableIdentityCredential;
54 using ::android::hardware::identity::support::ecKeyPairGetPkcs12;
55 using ::android::hardware::identity::support::ecKeyPairGetPrivateKey;
56 using ::android::hardware::identity::support::ecKeyPairGetPublicKey;
57 using ::android::hardware::identity::support::sha256;
59 using android::hardware::keymaster::SecurityLevel;
60 using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::HardwareAuthToken;
61 using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::VerificationToken;
62 using AidlHardwareAuthToken = android::hardware::keymaster::HardwareAuthToken;
63 using AidlVerificationToken = android::hardware::keymaster::VerificationToken;
65 using KeyMintAuthToken = ::aidl::android::hardware::security::keymint::HardwareAuthToken;
66 using ::aidl::android::hardware::security::secureclock::TimeStampToken;
67 using ::aidl::android::security::authorization::AuthorizationTokens;
68 using ::aidl::android::security::authorization::IKeystoreAuthorization;
Credential(CipherSuite cipherSuite,const std::string & dataPath,const std::string & credentialName,uid_t callingUid,HardwareInformation hwInfo,sp<IIdentityCredentialStore> halStoreBinder,sp<IPresentationSession> halSessionBinder,int halApiVersion)70 Credential::Credential(CipherSuite cipherSuite, const std::string& dataPath,
71 const std::string& credentialName, uid_t callingUid,
72 HardwareInformation hwInfo, sp<IIdentityCredentialStore> halStoreBinder,
73 sp<IPresentationSession> halSessionBinder, int halApiVersion)
74 : cipherSuite_(cipherSuite), dataPath_(dataPath), credentialName_(credentialName),
75 callingUid_(callingUid), hwInfo_(std::move(hwInfo)), halStoreBinder_(halStoreBinder),
76 halSessionBinder_(halSessionBinder), halApiVersion_(halApiVersion) {}
~Credential()78 Credential::~Credential() {}
ensureOrReplaceHalBinder()80 Status Credential::ensureOrReplaceHalBinder() {
81 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
82 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
83 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
84 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
85 "Error loading data for credential");
86 }
88 // If we're in a session we explicitly don't get the binder to IIdentityCredential until
89 // it's used in getEntries() which is the only method call allowed for sessions.
90 //
91 // Why? This is because we want to throw the IIdentityCredential object away as soon as it's
92 // used because the HAL only guarantees a single IIdentityCredential object alive at a time
93 // and in a session there may be multiple credentials in play and we want to do multiple
94 // getEntries() calls on all of them.
95 //
97 if (!halSessionBinder_) {
98 sp<IIdentityCredential> halBinder;
99 Status status =
100 halStoreBinder_->getCredential(cipherSuite_, data->getCredentialData(), &halBinder);
101 if (!status.isOk() && status.exceptionCode() == binder::Status::EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC) {
102 int code = status.serviceSpecificErrorCode();
103 if (code == IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_CIPHER_SUITE_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
104 return halStatusToError(status, ICredentialStore::ERROR_CIPHER_SUITE_NOT_SUPPORTED);
105 }
106 }
107 if (!status.isOk()) {
108 LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting HAL binder";
109 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC);
110 }
111 halBinder_ = halBinder;
112 }
114 return Status::ok();
115 }
getCredentialKeyCertificateChain(std::vector<uint8_t> * _aidl_return)117 Status Credential::getCredentialKeyCertificateChain(std::vector<uint8_t>* _aidl_return) {
118 if (halSessionBinder_) {
119 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
120 "Cannot be used with session");
121 }
122 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
123 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
124 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
125 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
126 "Error loading data for credential");
127 }
128 *_aidl_return = data->getAttestationCertificate();
129 return Status::ok();
130 }
132 // Returns operation handle
selectAuthKey(bool allowUsingExhaustedKeys,bool allowUsingExpiredKeys,bool incrementUsageCount,int64_t * _aidl_return)133 Status Credential::selectAuthKey(bool allowUsingExhaustedKeys, bool allowUsingExpiredKeys,
134 bool incrementUsageCount, int64_t* _aidl_return) {
135 if (halSessionBinder_) {
136 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
137 "Cannot be used with session");
138 }
139 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
140 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
141 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
142 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
143 "Error loading data for credential");
144 }
146 // We just check if a key is available, we actually don't store it since we
147 // don't keep CredentialData around between binder calls.
148 const AuthKeyData* authKey =
149 data->selectAuthKey(allowUsingExhaustedKeys, allowUsingExpiredKeys, incrementUsageCount);
150 if (authKey == nullptr) {
151 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(
153 "No suitable authentication key available");
154 }
156 if (!ensureChallenge()) {
157 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
158 "Error getting challenge (bug in HAL or TA)");
159 }
160 *_aidl_return = selectedChallenge_;
161 return Status::ok();
162 }
ensureChallenge()164 bool Credential::ensureChallenge() {
165 if (selectedChallenge_ != 0) {
166 return true;
167 }
169 int64_t challenge;
170 // If we're in a session, the challenge is selected by the session
171 if (halSessionBinder_) {
172 Status status = halSessionBinder_->getAuthChallenge(&challenge);
173 if (!status.isOk()) {
174 LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting challenge from session: " << status.exceptionMessage();
175 return false;
176 }
177 } else {
178 Status status = halBinder_->createAuthChallenge(&challenge);
179 if (!status.isOk()) {
180 LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting challenge: " << status.exceptionMessage();
181 return false;
182 }
183 }
184 if (challenge == 0) {
185 LOG(ERROR) << "Returned challenge is 0 (bug in HAL or TA)";
186 return false;
187 }
189 selectedChallenge_ = challenge;
190 return true;
191 }
193 // Returns false if an error occurred communicating with keystore.
194 //
getTokensFromKeystore2(uint64_t challenge,uint64_t secureUserId,unsigned int authTokenMaxAgeMillis,AidlHardwareAuthToken & aidlAuthToken,AidlVerificationToken & aidlVerificationToken)195 bool getTokensFromKeystore2(uint64_t challenge, uint64_t secureUserId,
196 unsigned int authTokenMaxAgeMillis,
197 AidlHardwareAuthToken& aidlAuthToken,
198 AidlVerificationToken& aidlVerificationToken) {
199 // try to connect to IKeystoreAuthorization AIDL service first.
200 AIBinder* authzAIBinder = AServiceManager_checkService("android.security.authorization");
201 ::ndk::SpAIBinder authzBinder(authzAIBinder);
202 auto authzService = IKeystoreAuthorization::fromBinder(authzBinder);
203 if (authzService) {
204 AuthorizationTokens authzTokens;
205 auto result = authzService->getAuthTokensForCredStore(challenge, secureUserId,
206 authTokenMaxAgeMillis, &authzTokens);
207 // Convert KeyMint auth token to KeyMaster authtoken, only if tokens are
208 // returned
209 if (result.isOk()) {
210 KeyMintAuthToken keymintAuthToken = authzTokens.authToken;
211 aidlAuthToken.challenge = keymintAuthToken.challenge;
212 aidlAuthToken.userId = keymintAuthToken.userId;
213 aidlAuthToken.authenticatorId = keymintAuthToken.authenticatorId;
214 aidlAuthToken.authenticatorType =
215 ::android::hardware::keymaster::HardwareAuthenticatorType(
216 int32_t(keymintAuthToken.authenticatorType));
217 aidlAuthToken.timestamp.milliSeconds = keymintAuthToken.timestamp.milliSeconds;
218 aidlAuthToken.mac = keymintAuthToken.mac;
220 // Convert timestamp token to KeyMaster verification token
221 TimeStampToken timestampToken = authzTokens.timestampToken;
222 aidlVerificationToken.challenge = timestampToken.challenge;
223 aidlVerificationToken.timestamp.milliSeconds = timestampToken.timestamp.milliSeconds;
224 // Legacy verification tokens were always minted by TEE.
225 aidlVerificationToken.securityLevel = SecurityLevel::TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT;
226 aidlVerificationToken.mac = timestampToken.mac;
227 } else {
228 if (result.getServiceSpecificError() == 0) {
229 // Here we differentiate the errors occurred during communication
230 // from the service specific errors.
231 LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting tokens from keystore2: " << result.getDescription();
232 return false;
233 } else {
234 // Log the reason for not receiving auth tokens from keystore2.
235 LOG(INFO) << "Auth tokens were not received due to: " << result.getDescription();
236 }
237 }
238 return true;
239 } else {
240 LOG(ERROR) << "Error connecting to IKeystoreAuthorization service";
241 return false;
242 }
243 }
getEntries(const vector<uint8_t> & requestMessage,const vector<RequestNamespaceParcel> & requestNamespaces,const vector<uint8_t> & sessionTranscript,const vector<uint8_t> & readerSignature,bool allowUsingExhaustedKeys,bool allowUsingExpiredKeys,bool incrementUsageCount,GetEntriesResultParcel * _aidl_return)245 Status Credential::getEntries(const vector<uint8_t>& requestMessage,
246 const vector<RequestNamespaceParcel>& requestNamespaces,
247 const vector<uint8_t>& sessionTranscript,
248 const vector<uint8_t>& readerSignature, bool allowUsingExhaustedKeys,
249 bool allowUsingExpiredKeys, bool incrementUsageCount,
250 GetEntriesResultParcel* _aidl_return) {
251 GetEntriesResultParcel ret;
253 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
254 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
255 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
256 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
257 "Error loading data for credential");
258 }
260 // If used in a session, get the binder on demand...
261 //
262 sp<IIdentityCredential> halBinder = halBinder_;
263 if (halSessionBinder_) {
264 if (halBinder) {
265 LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected HAL binder for session";
266 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
267 "Unexpected HAL binder for session");
268 }
269 Status status = halSessionBinder_->getCredential(data->getCredentialData(), &halBinder);
270 if (!status.isOk() && status.exceptionCode() == binder::Status::EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC) {
271 int code = status.serviceSpecificErrorCode();
272 if (code == IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_CIPHER_SUITE_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
273 return halStatusToError(status, ICredentialStore::ERROR_CIPHER_SUITE_NOT_SUPPORTED);
274 }
275 }
276 if (!status.isOk()) {
277 LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting HAL binder";
278 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC);
279 }
280 }
282 // Calculate requestCounts ahead of time and be careful not to include
283 // elements that don't exist.
284 //
285 // Also go through and figure out which access control profiles to include
286 // in the startRetrieval() call.
287 vector<int32_t> requestCounts;
288 const vector<SecureAccessControlProfile>& allProfiles = data->getSecureAccessControlProfiles();
290 // We don't support ACP identifiers which isn't in the range 0 to 31. This
291 // guarantee exists so it's feasible to implement the TA part of an Identity
292 // Credential HAL implementation where the TA uses a 32-bit word to indicate
293 // which profiles are authorized.
294 for (const SecureAccessControlProfile& profile : allProfiles) {
295 if (profile.id < 0 || profile.id >= 32) {
296 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(
297 ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
298 "Invalid accessProfileId in profile (must be between 0 and 31)");
299 }
300 }
302 vector<bool> includeProfile(32);
304 for (const RequestNamespaceParcel& rns : requestNamespaces) {
305 size_t numEntriesInNsToRequest = 0;
306 for (const RequestEntryParcel& rep : rns.entries) {
307 if (data->hasEntryData(rns.namespaceName, rep.name)) {
308 numEntriesInNsToRequest++;
309 }
311 optional<EntryData> eData = data->getEntryData(rns.namespaceName, rep.name);
312 if (eData) {
313 for (int32_t id : eData.value().accessControlProfileIds) {
314 if (id < 0 || id >= 32) {
315 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid accessControlProfileId " << id << " for "
316 << rns.namespaceName << ": " << rep.name;
317 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(
318 ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
319 "Invalid accessProfileId in entry (must be between 0 and 31)");
320 }
321 includeProfile[id] = true;
322 }
323 }
324 }
325 requestCounts.push_back(numEntriesInNsToRequest);
326 }
328 // Now that we know which profiles are needed, send only those to the
329 // HAL.
330 vector<SecureAccessControlProfile> selectedProfiles;
331 for (size_t n = 0; n < allProfiles.size(); n++) {
332 if (includeProfile[allProfiles[n].id]) {
333 selectedProfiles.push_back(allProfiles[n]);
334 }
335 }
337 // Calculate the highest [1] non-zero timeout and if user-auth is needed
338 // ... we need this to select an appropriate authToken.
339 //
340 // [1] : Why do we request the highest timeout and not the lowest? Well, we
341 // return partial results in getEntries e.g. if some data elements
342 // fail to authorize we'll still return the ones that did not fail. So
343 // e.g. consider data elements A and B where A has an ACP with 60
344 // seconds and B has an ACP with 3600 seconds. In this case we'll be
345 // fine with getting an authToken for e.g. 2400 seconds which would
346 // mean returning only B.
347 //
348 bool userAuthNeeded = false;
349 unsigned int authTokenMaxAgeMillis = 0;
350 for (auto& profile : selectedProfiles) {
351 if (profile.userAuthenticationRequired) {
352 userAuthNeeded = true;
353 if (profile.timeoutMillis > 0) {
354 if (profile.timeoutMillis > authTokenMaxAgeMillis) {
355 authTokenMaxAgeMillis = profile.timeoutMillis;
356 }
357 }
358 }
359 }
361 // Reset tokens and only get them if they're actually needed, e.g. if user authentication
362 // is needed in any of the access control profiles for data items being requested.
363 //
364 AidlHardwareAuthToken aidlAuthToken;
365 AidlVerificationToken aidlVerificationToken;
366 aidlAuthToken.challenge = 0;
367 aidlAuthToken.userId = 0;
368 aidlAuthToken.authenticatorId = 0;
369 aidlAuthToken.authenticatorType =
370 ::android::hardware::keymaster::HardwareAuthenticatorType::NONE;
371 aidlAuthToken.timestamp.milliSeconds = 0;
372 aidlAuthToken.mac.clear();
373 aidlVerificationToken.challenge = 0;
374 aidlVerificationToken.timestamp.milliSeconds = 0;
375 aidlVerificationToken.securityLevel = ::android::hardware::keymaster::SecurityLevel::SOFTWARE;
376 aidlVerificationToken.mac.clear();
377 if (userAuthNeeded) {
378 // If user authentication is needed, always get a challenge from the
379 // HAL/TA since it'll need it to check the returned VerificationToken
380 // for freshness.
381 if (!ensureChallenge()) {
382 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
383 "Error getting challenge (bug in HAL or TA)");
384 }
386 // Note: if all selected profiles require auth-on-every-presentation
387 // then authTokenMaxAgeMillis will be 0 (because timeoutMillis for each
388 // profile is 0). Which means that keystore will only return an
389 // AuthToken if its challenge matches what we pass, regardless of its
390 // age. This is intended b/c the HAL/TA will check not care about
391 // the age in this case, it only cares that the challenge matches.
392 //
393 // Otherwise, if one or more of the profiles is auth-with-a-timeout then
394 // authTokenMaxAgeMillis will be set to the largest of those
395 // timeouts. We'll get an AuthToken which satisfies this deadline if it
396 // exists. This authToken _may_ have the requested challenge but it's
397 // not a guarantee and it's also not required.
398 //
400 if (!getTokensFromKeystore2(selectedChallenge_, data->getSecureUserId(),
401 authTokenMaxAgeMillis, aidlAuthToken, aidlVerificationToken)) {
402 LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting tokens from keystore2";
403 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
404 "Error getting tokens from keystore2");
405 }
406 }
408 // Reuse the same AuthKey over multiple getEntries() calls.
409 //
410 bool updateUseCountOnDisk = false;
411 if (!selectedAuthKey_) {
412 // Note that the selectAuthKey() method is only called if a CryptoObject is involved at
413 // the Java layer. So we could end up with no previously selected auth key and we may
414 // need one.
415 //
416 const AuthKeyData* authKey = data->selectAuthKey(
417 allowUsingExhaustedKeys, allowUsingExpiredKeys, incrementUsageCount);
418 if (authKey == nullptr) {
419 // If no authKey is available, consider it an error only when a
420 // SessionTranscript was provided.
421 //
422 // We allow no SessionTranscript to be provided because it makes
423 // the API simpler to deal with insofar it can be used without having
424 // to generate any authentication keys.
425 //
426 // In this "no SessionTranscript is provided" mode we don't return
427 // DeviceNameSpaces nor a MAC over DeviceAuthentication so we don't
428 // need a device key.
429 //
430 if (sessionTranscript.size() > 0) {
431 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(
433 "No suitable authentication key available and one is needed");
434 }
435 } else {
436 // We did find an authKey. Store its contents for future getEntries() calls.
437 updateUseCountOnDisk = true;
438 selectedAuthKeySigningKeyBlob_ = authKey->keyBlob;
439 selectedAuthKeyStaticAuthData_ = authKey->staticAuthenticationData;
440 }
441 selectedAuthKey_ = true;
442 }
444 // Pass the HAL enough information to allow calculating the size of
445 // DeviceNameSpaces ahead of time.
446 vector<RequestNamespace> halRequestNamespaces;
447 for (const RequestNamespaceParcel& rns : requestNamespaces) {
448 RequestNamespace ns;
449 ns.namespaceName = rns.namespaceName;
450 for (const RequestEntryParcel& rep : rns.entries) {
451 optional<EntryData> entryData = data->getEntryData(rns.namespaceName, rep.name);
452 if (entryData) {
453 RequestDataItem di;
454 di.name = rep.name;
455 di.size = entryData.value().size;
456 di.accessControlProfileIds = entryData.value().accessControlProfileIds;
457 ns.items.push_back(di);
458 }
459 }
460 if (ns.items.size() > 0) {
461 halRequestNamespaces.push_back(ns);
462 }
463 }
464 // This is not catastrophic, we might be dealing with a version 1 implementation which
465 // doesn't have this method.
466 Status status = halBinder->setRequestedNamespaces(halRequestNamespaces);
467 if (!status.isOk()) {
468 LOG(INFO) << "Failed setting expected requested namespaces, assuming V1 HAL "
469 << "and continuing";
470 }
472 // Pass the verification token. Failure is OK, this method isn't in the V1 HAL.
473 status = halBinder->setVerificationToken(aidlVerificationToken);
474 if (!status.isOk()) {
475 LOG(INFO) << "Failed setting verification token, assuming V1 HAL "
476 << "and continuing";
477 }
479 status = halBinder->startRetrieval(selectedProfiles, aidlAuthToken, requestMessage,
480 selectedAuthKeySigningKeyBlob_, sessionTranscript,
481 readerSignature, requestCounts);
482 if (!status.isOk() && status.exceptionCode() == binder::Status::EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC) {
483 int code = status.serviceSpecificErrorCode();
484 if (code == IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_EPHEMERAL_PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND) {
485 return halStatusToError(status, ICredentialStore::ERROR_EPHEMERAL_PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND);
486 } else if (code == IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_READER_SIGNATURE_CHECK_FAILED) {
487 return halStatusToError(status, ICredentialStore::ERROR_INVALID_READER_SIGNATURE);
488 } else if (code == IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_ITEMS_REQUEST_MESSAGE) {
489 return halStatusToError(status, ICredentialStore::ERROR_INVALID_ITEMS_REQUEST_MESSAGE);
490 } else if (code == IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_SESSION_TRANSCRIPT_MISMATCH) {
491 return halStatusToError(status, ICredentialStore::ERROR_SESSION_TRANSCRIPT_MISMATCH);
492 }
493 }
494 if (!status.isOk()) {
495 return halStatusToGenericError(status);
496 }
498 for (const RequestNamespaceParcel& rns : requestNamespaces) {
499 ResultNamespaceParcel resultNamespaceParcel;
500 resultNamespaceParcel.namespaceName = rns.namespaceName;
502 for (const RequestEntryParcel& rep : rns.entries) {
503 ResultEntryParcel resultEntryParcel;
504 resultEntryParcel.name = rep.name;
506 optional<EntryData> eData = data->getEntryData(rns.namespaceName, rep.name);
507 if (!eData) {
508 resultEntryParcel.status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_ENTRY;
509 resultNamespaceParcel.entries.push_back(resultEntryParcel);
510 continue;
511 }
513 status =
514 halBinder->startRetrieveEntryValue(rns.namespaceName, rep.name, eData.value().size,
515 eData.value().accessControlProfileIds);
516 if (!status.isOk() && status.exceptionCode() == binder::Status::EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC) {
517 int code = status.serviceSpecificErrorCode();
518 if (code == IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED) {
519 resultEntryParcel.status = STATUS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED;
520 resultNamespaceParcel.entries.push_back(resultEntryParcel);
521 continue;
522 } else if (code == IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_READER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED) {
524 resultNamespaceParcel.entries.push_back(resultEntryParcel);
525 continue;
526 } else if (code == IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_NOT_IN_REQUEST_MESSAGE) {
527 resultEntryParcel.status = STATUS_NOT_IN_REQUEST_MESSAGE;
528 resultNamespaceParcel.entries.push_back(resultEntryParcel);
529 continue;
530 } else if (code == IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_NO_ACCESS_CONTROL_PROFILES) {
531 resultEntryParcel.status = STATUS_NO_ACCESS_CONTROL_PROFILES;
532 resultNamespaceParcel.entries.push_back(resultEntryParcel);
533 continue;
534 }
535 }
536 if (!status.isOk()) {
537 return halStatusToGenericError(status);
538 }
540 vector<uint8_t> value;
541 for (const auto& encryptedChunk : eData.value().encryptedChunks) {
542 vector<uint8_t> chunk;
543 status = halBinder->retrieveEntryValue(encryptedChunk, &chunk);
544 if (!status.isOk()) {
545 return halStatusToGenericError(status);
546 }
547 value.insert(value.end(), chunk.begin(), chunk.end());
548 }
550 resultEntryParcel.status = STATUS_OK;
551 resultEntryParcel.value = value;
552 resultNamespaceParcel.entries.push_back(resultEntryParcel);
553 }
554 ret.resultNamespaces.push_back(resultNamespaceParcel);
555 }
557 // API version 5 (feature version 202301) supports both MAC and ECDSA signature.
558 if (halApiVersion_ >= 5) {
559 status = halBinder->finishRetrievalWithSignature(&ret.mac, &ret.deviceNameSpaces,
560 &ret.signature);
561 if (!status.isOk()) {
562 return halStatusToGenericError(status);
563 }
564 } else {
565 status = halBinder->finishRetrieval(&ret.mac, &ret.deviceNameSpaces);
566 if (!status.isOk()) {
567 return halStatusToGenericError(status);
568 }
569 }
570 ret.staticAuthenticationData = selectedAuthKeyStaticAuthData_;
572 // Ensure useCount is updated on disk.
573 if (updateUseCountOnDisk) {
574 if (!data->saveToDisk()) {
575 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
576 "Error saving data");
577 }
578 }
580 *_aidl_return = ret;
581 return Status::ok();
582 }
deleteCredential(vector<uint8_t> * _aidl_return)584 Status Credential::deleteCredential(vector<uint8_t>* _aidl_return) {
585 if (halSessionBinder_) {
586 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
587 "Cannot be used with session");
588 }
590 vector<uint8_t> proofOfDeletionSignature;
592 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
593 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
594 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
595 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
596 "Error loading data for credential");
597 }
599 Status status = halBinder_->deleteCredential(&proofOfDeletionSignature);
600 if (!status.isOk()) {
601 return halStatusToGenericError(status);
602 }
603 if (!data->deleteCredential()) {
604 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
605 "Error deleting credential data on disk");
606 }
607 *_aidl_return = proofOfDeletionSignature;
608 return Status::ok();
609 }
deleteWithChallenge(const vector<uint8_t> & challenge,vector<uint8_t> * _aidl_return)611 Status Credential::deleteWithChallenge(const vector<uint8_t>& challenge,
612 vector<uint8_t>* _aidl_return) {
613 if (halApiVersion_ < 3) {
614 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED,
615 "Not implemented by HAL");
616 }
618 if (halSessionBinder_) {
619 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
620 "Cannot be used with session");
621 }
623 vector<uint8_t> proofOfDeletionSignature;
625 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
626 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
627 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
628 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
629 "Error loading data for credential");
630 }
632 Status status = halBinder_->deleteCredentialWithChallenge(challenge, &proofOfDeletionSignature);
633 if (!status.isOk()) {
634 return halStatusToGenericError(status);
635 }
636 if (!data->deleteCredential()) {
637 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
638 "Error deleting credential data on disk");
639 }
640 *_aidl_return = proofOfDeletionSignature;
641 return Status::ok();
642 }
proveOwnership(const vector<uint8_t> & challenge,vector<uint8_t> * _aidl_return)644 Status Credential::proveOwnership(const vector<uint8_t>& challenge, vector<uint8_t>* _aidl_return) {
645 if (halApiVersion_ < 3) {
646 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED,
647 "Not implemented by HAL");
648 }
650 if (halSessionBinder_) {
651 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
652 "Cannot be used with session");
653 }
655 vector<uint8_t> proofOfOwnershipSignature;
656 Status status = halBinder_->proveOwnership(challenge, &proofOfOwnershipSignature);
657 if (!status.isOk()) {
658 return halStatusToGenericError(status);
659 }
660 *_aidl_return = proofOfOwnershipSignature;
661 return Status::ok();
662 }
createEphemeralKeyPair(vector<uint8_t> * _aidl_return)664 Status Credential::createEphemeralKeyPair(vector<uint8_t>* _aidl_return) {
665 if (halSessionBinder_) {
666 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
667 "Cannot be used with session");
668 }
670 vector<uint8_t> keyPair;
671 Status status = halBinder_->createEphemeralKeyPair(&keyPair);
672 if (!status.isOk()) {
673 return halStatusToGenericError(status);
674 }
676 time_t nowSeconds = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(std::chrono::system_clock::now());
677 time_t validityNotBefore = nowSeconds;
678 time_t validityNotAfter = nowSeconds + 24 * 60 * 60;
679 optional<vector<uint8_t>> pkcs12Bytes = ecKeyPairGetPkcs12(keyPair,
680 "ephemeralKey", // Alias for key
681 "0", // Serial, as a decimal number
682 "Credstore", // Issuer
683 "Ephemeral Key", // Subject
684 validityNotBefore, validityNotAfter);
685 if (!pkcs12Bytes) {
686 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
687 "Error creating PKCS#12 structure for key pair");
688 }
689 *_aidl_return = pkcs12Bytes.value();
690 return Status::ok();
691 }
setReaderEphemeralPublicKey(const vector<uint8_t> & publicKey)693 Status Credential::setReaderEphemeralPublicKey(const vector<uint8_t>& publicKey) {
694 if (halSessionBinder_) {
695 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
696 "Cannot be used with session");
697 }
699 Status status = halBinder_->setReaderEphemeralPublicKey(publicKey);
700 if (!status.isOk()) {
701 return halStatusToGenericError(status);
702 }
703 return Status::ok();
704 }
setAvailableAuthenticationKeys(int32_t keyCount,int32_t maxUsesPerKey,int64_t minValidTimeMillis)706 Status Credential::setAvailableAuthenticationKeys(int32_t keyCount, int32_t maxUsesPerKey,
707 int64_t minValidTimeMillis) {
708 if (halSessionBinder_) {
709 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
710 "Cannot be used with session");
711 }
713 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
714 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
715 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
716 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
717 "Error loading data for credential");
718 }
719 data->setAvailableAuthenticationKeys(keyCount, maxUsesPerKey, minValidTimeMillis);
720 if (!data->saveToDisk()) {
721 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
722 "Error saving data");
723 }
724 return Status::ok();
725 }
getAuthKeysNeedingCertification(vector<AuthKeyParcel> * _aidl_return)727 Status Credential::getAuthKeysNeedingCertification(vector<AuthKeyParcel>* _aidl_return) {
728 if (halSessionBinder_) {
729 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
730 "Cannot be used with session");
731 }
733 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
734 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
735 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
736 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
737 "Error loading data for credential");
738 }
739 optional<vector<vector<uint8_t>>> keysNeedingCert =
740 data->getAuthKeysNeedingCertification(halBinder_);
741 if (!keysNeedingCert) {
742 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
743 "Error getting auth keys neededing certification");
744 }
745 vector<AuthKeyParcel> authKeyParcels;
746 for (const vector<uint8_t>& key : keysNeedingCert.value()) {
747 AuthKeyParcel authKeyParcel;
748 authKeyParcel.x509cert = key;
749 authKeyParcels.push_back(authKeyParcel);
750 }
751 if (!data->saveToDisk()) {
752 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
753 "Error saving data");
754 }
755 *_aidl_return = authKeyParcels;
756 return Status::ok();
757 }
storeStaticAuthenticationData(const AuthKeyParcel & authenticationKey,const vector<uint8_t> & staticAuthData)759 Status Credential::storeStaticAuthenticationData(const AuthKeyParcel& authenticationKey,
760 const vector<uint8_t>& staticAuthData) {
761 if (halSessionBinder_) {
762 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
763 "Cannot be used with session");
764 }
766 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
767 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
768 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
769 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
770 "Error loading data for credential");
771 }
772 if (!data->storeStaticAuthenticationData(authenticationKey.x509cert,
773 std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(), staticAuthData)) {
774 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(
776 "Error finding authentication key to store static "
777 "authentication data for");
778 }
779 if (!data->saveToDisk()) {
780 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
781 "Error saving data");
782 }
783 return Status::ok();
784 }
786 Status
storeStaticAuthenticationDataWithExpiration(const AuthKeyParcel & authenticationKey,int64_t expirationDateMillisSinceEpoch,const vector<uint8_t> & staticAuthData)787 Credential::storeStaticAuthenticationDataWithExpiration(const AuthKeyParcel& authenticationKey,
788 int64_t expirationDateMillisSinceEpoch,
789 const vector<uint8_t>& staticAuthData) {
790 if (halSessionBinder_) {
791 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
792 "Cannot be used with session");
793 }
795 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
796 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
797 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
798 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
799 "Error loading data for credential");
800 }
801 if (!data->storeStaticAuthenticationData(authenticationKey.x509cert,
802 expirationDateMillisSinceEpoch, staticAuthData)) {
803 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(
805 "Error finding authentication key to store static "
806 "authentication data for");
807 }
808 if (!data->saveToDisk()) {
809 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
810 "Error saving data");
811 }
812 return Status::ok();
813 }
getAuthenticationDataUsageCount(vector<int32_t> * _aidl_return)815 Status Credential::getAuthenticationDataUsageCount(vector<int32_t>* _aidl_return) {
816 if (halSessionBinder_) {
817 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
818 "Cannot be used with session");
819 }
821 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
822 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
823 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
824 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
825 "Error loading data for credential");
826 }
827 const vector<AuthKeyData>& authKeyDatas = data->getAuthKeyDatas();
828 vector<int32_t> ret;
829 for (const AuthKeyData& authKeyData : authKeyDatas) {
830 ret.push_back(authKeyData.useCount);
831 }
832 *_aidl_return = ret;
833 return Status::ok();
834 }
getAuthenticationDataExpirations(vector<int64_t> * _aidl_return)836 Status Credential::getAuthenticationDataExpirations(vector<int64_t>* _aidl_return) {
837 if (halSessionBinder_) {
838 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
839 "Cannot be used with session");
840 }
842 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
843 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
844 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
845 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
846 "Error loading data for credential");
847 }
848 const vector<AuthKeyData>& authKeyDatas = data->getAuthKeyDatas();
849 vector<int64_t> ret;
850 ret.reserve(authKeyDatas.size());
851 for (const AuthKeyData& authKeyData : authKeyDatas) {
852 // Note: value is INT64_MAX if expiration date is not set.
853 ret.push_back(authKeyData.expirationDateMillisSinceEpoch);
854 }
855 *_aidl_return = ret;
856 return Status::ok();
857 }
extractDocType(const vector<uint8_t> & credentialData)859 optional<string> extractDocType(const vector<uint8_t>& credentialData) {
860 auto [item, _ /* newPos */, message] = cppbor::parse(credentialData);
861 if (item == nullptr) {
862 LOG(ERROR) << "CredentialData is not valid CBOR: " << message;
863 return {};
864 }
865 const cppbor::Array* array = item->asArray();
866 if (array == nullptr || array->size() < 1) {
867 LOG(ERROR) << "CredentialData array with at least one element";
868 return {};
869 }
870 const cppbor::Tstr* tstr = ((*array)[0])->asTstr();
871 if (tstr == nullptr) {
872 LOG(ERROR) << "First item in CredentialData is not a string";
873 return {};
874 }
875 return tstr->value();
876 }
update(sp<IWritableCredential> * _aidl_return)878 Status Credential::update(sp<IWritableCredential>* _aidl_return) {
879 if (halApiVersion_ < 3) {
880 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED,
881 "Not implemented by HAL");
882 }
884 if (halSessionBinder_) {
885 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
886 "Cannot be used with session");
887 }
889 sp<CredentialData> data = new CredentialData(dataPath_, callingUid_, credentialName_);
890 if (!data->loadFromDisk()) {
891 LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading data for credential";
892 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
893 "Error loading data for credential");
894 }
896 sp<IWritableIdentityCredential> halWritableCredential;
897 Status status = halBinder_->updateCredential(&halWritableCredential);
898 if (!status.isOk()) {
899 return halStatusToGenericError(status);
900 }
902 optional<string> docType = extractDocType(data->getCredentialData());
903 if (!docType) {
904 return Status::fromServiceSpecificError(ICredentialStore::ERROR_GENERIC,
905 "Unable to extract DocType from CredentialData");
906 }
908 // NOTE: The caller is expected to call WritableCredential::personalize() which will
909 // write brand new data to disk, specifically it will overwrite any data already
910 // have _including_ authentication keys.
911 //
912 // It is because of this we need to set the CredentialKey certificate chain,
913 // keyCount, and maxUsesPerKey below.
914 sp<WritableCredential> writableCredential = new WritableCredential(
915 dataPath_, credentialName_, docType.value(), true, hwInfo_, halWritableCredential);
917 writableCredential->setAttestationCertificate(data->getAttestationCertificate());
918 auto [keyCount, maxUsesPerKey, minValidTimeMillis] = data->getAvailableAuthenticationKeys();
919 writableCredential->setAvailableAuthenticationKeys(keyCount, maxUsesPerKey, minValidTimeMillis);
921 // Because its data has changed, we need to replace the binder for the
922 // IIdentityCredential when the credential has been updated... otherwise the
923 // remote object will have stale data for future calls, for example
924 // getAuthKeysNeedingCertification().
925 //
926 // The way this is implemented is that setCredentialToReloadWhenUpdated()
927 // instructs the WritableCredential to call writableCredentialPersonalized()
928 // on |this|.
929 //
930 //
931 writableCredential->setCredentialToReloadWhenUpdated(this);
933 *_aidl_return = writableCredential;
934 return Status::ok();
935 }
writableCredentialPersonalized()937 void Credential::writableCredentialPersonalized() {
938 Status status = ensureOrReplaceHalBinder();
939 if (!status.isOk()) {
940 LOG(ERROR) << "Error reloading credential";
941 }
942 }
944 } // namespace identity
945 } // namespace security
946 } // namespace android