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README.mdD15-Dec-20247.6 KiB144128

aidl.mkD15-Dec-20245.7 KiB15184

bindgen.mkD15-Dec-20244.2 KiB10152

common_flags.mkD15-Dec-20246.6 KiB226147

gen_manifest.mkD15-Dec-20244.8 KiB12061

library.mkD15-Dec-202427.1 KiB676400

protoc_plugin.mkD15-Dec-20242.8 KiB7128

trusted_app.mkD15-Dec-202410.1 KiB275172

userspace_recurse.mkD15-Dec-202418.1 KiB461344


1Trusty userspace build system
4The userspace build system is built on top of the lk build system, along with
5the xbin extension for building multiple independent modules. Libraries are
6built independently into static library archives and their build flags are
7cached for use by future modules. When a library or app depends on another
8library, its cached flags are added to the current module flags and re-exported
9in the case of a library.
11The top-level entry point for building a userspace app is the
12`trusty-build-rule` function in user-tasks.mk. This helper function kicks off
13generation of the necessary build rules using the new module system. See the doc
14comment on the function's definition for more details on usage.
16Library rules files must include `make/library.mk` after the appropriate
17variables have been configured, and similarly, apps must include
18`make/trusted_app.mk`. These makefiles handle the generation of the appropriate
19build rules for the app or library. See the comments at the beginning of these
20makefiles for a full list of the relevant variables that can be set in
21library/app rules files to control the build.
23`library.mk` includes `userspace_recurse.mk` to handle isolation of libraries
24from each other and the main app, along with proper dependency chains and
25propagation of flags up from dependencies. Users writing rules for libraries
26should never need to interact with this makefile directly.
29Example Library Rules
32Note the use of `library.mk` rather than `module.mk`. Apps rules are structured
33the same, but must include `make/trusted_app.mk` instead of `library.mk`.
35Libraries and apps must use the MODULE_MODULE_LIBRARY_DEPS variable to add other
36libraries as dependencies. See `library.mk` for a full list of input variables
37available for use in library `rules.mk` files.
40    MODULE := $(LOCAL_DIR)
42    MODULE_SRCS := $(LOCAL_DIR)/source_file.c
44    MODULE_LIBRARY_DEPS := trusty/user/base/lib/tipc
46    include make/library.mk
48Include Diagram
51user-tasks.mk is included by lk make/build.mk as an extra build rule.
53    user-tasks.mk
54       |
55       |--> arch/$(ARCH)/toolchain.mk
56       |
57       |--> For each SDK library $(LIB) in $(TRUSTY_SDK_MODULES):
58       |      | MODULE := $(LIB)
59       |      |
60       |      |     /-------------------------------------------------\
61       |      |     |                                                 |
62       |      |     v                                                 |
63       |     make/userspace_recurse.mk                                |
64       |        |                                                     |
65       |        | Reset all GLOBAL_ and MODULE_ variables to get      |
66       |        | a clean state.                                      |
67       |        |                                                     |
68       |        |--> $(LIB)/rules.mk                                  |
69       |        |      |                                              |
70       |        |      |--> make/library.mk                           |
71       |        |      |      |                                       |
72       |        |      |      | Cache flags for this module in        |
73       |        |      |      | _MODULES_$(MODULE)_$(FLAG) variables. |
74       |        |      |      |                                       |
75       |        |      |      | For each DEPENDENCY_MODULE in         |
76       |        |      |      | $(MODULE_LIBRARY_DEPS)                |
77       |        |      |      |---------------------------------------/
78       |        |      |      |
79       |        |      |      | Cache library and ldflags for this module in
80       |        |      |      | _MODULES_$(MODULE)_$(FLAG) variables.
81       |        |      |      |
82       |        |      |      \--> make/module.mk --> make/compile.mk
83       |        |      |
84       |        |      | Restore GLOBAL_ and MODULE_ variables to saved values
85       |        |      |
86       |        |      | Add dependency's flags to current module's
87       |        |      | private flags.
88       |        |
89       |        |
90       |        | Restore GLOBAL_ and MODULE_ variables to saved values.
91       |
92       |
93       \--> For each user task $TASK in $(ALL_USER_TASKS):
94              | MODULE := $(TASK)
95              |
96             make/userspace_recurse.mk
97                |
98                | Reset all GLOBAL_ and MODULE_ variables to get
99                | a clean state.
100                |
101                |--> $(TASK)/rules.mk
102                |      |
103                |      \--> make/trusted_app.mk
104                |            | TRUSTY_APP = true
105                |            |
106                |            |    /---------------------------------------------------------------\
107                |            |    |                                                               |
108                |            |    v                                                               |
109                |            |--> make/library.mk                                                 |
110                |            |        |                                                           |
111                |            |        | Cache flags for this module in _MODULES_$(MODULE)_$(FLAG) |
112                |            |        | variables.                                                |
113                |            |        |                                                           |
114                |            |        | For each DEPENDENCY_MODULE in                             |
115                |            |        | $(MODULE_LIBRARY_DEPS):                                   |
116                |            |        |--> make/userspace_recurse.mk                              |
117                |            |        |     |                                                     |
118                |            |        |     | Reset all GLOBAL_ and MODULE_ variables to get      |
119                |            |        |     | a clean state.                                      |
120                |            |        |     |                                                     |
121                |            |        |     | TRUSTY_APP = false                                  |
122                |            |        |     |                                                     |
123                |            |        |     |--> $(DEP)/rules.mk                                  |
124                |            |        |     |      |                                              |
125                |            |        |     |      \______________________________________________/
126                |            |        |     |
127                |            |        |     |
128                |            |        |     | Restore GLOBAL_ and MODULE_ variables to saved values
129                |            |        |     |
130                |            |        |     | Add dependency's flags to current module's
131                |            |        |     | private flags.
132                |            |        |
133                |            |        | Cache library and ldflags for this module in
134                |            |        | _MODULES_$(MODULE)_$(FLAG) variables.
135                |            |        |
136                |            |        \--> make/module.mk --> make/compile.mk
137                |            |
138                |            |
139                |            | Build app ELF binary from objects and all dependency libraries
140                |            | (formerly done by xbin.mk).
141                |
142                |
143                | Restore GLOBAL_ and MODULE_ variables to saved values.