1# generated script 2set datafile separator ',' 3 4set terminal $term size $width, 640 5set termoption noenhanced 6 7set output '$output' 8 9set grid 10set xtics rotate by 65 right 11set ydata $ydata # to set time or leave empty to default to numeric 12set timefmt "%M:%S" # assume no data point exceeds 59:59 13 14$$data << EOD 15$data 16EOD 17 18set boxwidth 0.5 relative 19set style fill solid 0.6 20set key autotitle columnhead left 21cuj = "sprintf('%.20s', stringcolumn('cuj')[*:20])" 22targets = "sprintf('%.12s', stringcolumn('targets')[*:12])" 23xl = "@cuj.':'.@targets" 24plot for[i=3:$column_count] $$data using (column(0)):i:xticlabels(@xl) \ 25 title column with linespoints 26 27unset output 28unset grid 29set terminal dumb 120 25 30replot