2  "methods": {
3    "finishAndRemoveTask()": {
4      "isImplementation": true,
5      "modifiers": [
6        "protected"
7      ],
8      "params": [],
9      "returnType": "void",
10      "exceptions": [],
11      "name": "finishAndRemoveTask()",
12      "documentation": "For tests, marks the task as finished. Task is not finished when created initially.\n\n@see #isFinishedAndRemoved()\n"
13    },
14    "getTaskInfo()": {
15      "isImplementation": true,
16      "modifiers": [
17        "protected"
18      ],
19      "params": [],
20      "returnType": "android.app.ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo",
21      "exceptions": [],
22      "name": "getTaskInfo()",
23      "documentation": "For tests, returns the {@link RecentTaskInfo} set using {@link #setTaskInfo(RecentTaskInfo)}.\nIf nothing is set, it returns null.\n\n@see #setTaskInfo(RecentTaskInfo)\n"
24    },
25    "hasMovedToFront()": {
26      "isImplementation": false,
27      "modifiers": [
28        "public"
29      ],
30      "params": [],
31      "returnType": "boolean",
32      "exceptions": [],
33      "name": "hasMovedToFront()",
34      "documentation": "Returns true if task has been moved to the front.\n\n@see #moveToFront()\n"
35    },
36    "isExcludedFromRecents()": {
37      "isImplementation": false,
38      "modifiers": [
39        "public"
40      ],
41      "params": [],
42      "returnType": "boolean",
43      "exceptions": [],
44      "name": "isExcludedFromRecents()",
45      "documentation": "Returns true if task has been excluded from recents.\n\n@see #setExcludeFromRecents(boolean)\n"
46    },
47    "isFinishedAndRemoved()": {
48      "isImplementation": false,
49      "modifiers": [
50        "public"
51      ],
52      "params": [],
53      "returnType": "boolean",
54      "exceptions": [],
55      "name": "isFinishedAndRemoved()",
56      "documentation": "Returns true if {@link #finishAndRemoveTask()} has been called before. "
57    },
58    "moveToFront()": {
59      "isImplementation": true,
60      "modifiers": [
61        "protected"
62      ],
63      "params": [],
64      "returnType": "void",
65      "exceptions": [],
66      "name": "moveToFront()",
67      "documentation": "For tests, marks the task as moved to the front. Task is created and marked as not moved to the\nfront.\n\n@see #hasMovedToFront()\n"
68    },
69    "newInstance()": {
70      "isImplementation": false,
71      "modifiers": [
72        "public",
73        "static"
74      ],
75      "params": [],
76      "returnType": "android.app.ActivityManager.AppTask",
77      "exceptions": [],
78      "name": "newInstance()"
79    },
80    "setExcludeFromRecents(boolean)": {
81      "isImplementation": true,
82      "modifiers": [
83        "protected"
84      ],
85      "params": [
86        "exclude"
87      ],
88      "returnType": "void",
89      "exceptions": [],
90      "name": "setExcludeFromRecents(boolean)",
91      "documentation": "For tests, marks the task as excluded from recents. Current, status can be checked using {@link\n#isExcludedFromRecents()}.\n\n@param exclude Whether to exclude from recents.\n"
92    },
93    "setTaskInfo(android.app.ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo)": {
94      "isImplementation": false,
95      "modifiers": [
96        "public"
97      ],
98      "params": [
99        "recentTaskInfo"
100      ],
101      "returnType": "void",
102      "exceptions": [],
103      "name": "setTaskInfo(android.app.ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo)",
104      "documentation": "Sets the recentTaskInfo for the task. {@link #getTaskInfo()} returns the task info set using\nthis method.\n"
105    },
106    "startActivity(android.content.Context,android.content.Intent,android.os.Bundle)": {
107      "isImplementation": true,
108      "modifiers": [
109        "protected"
110      ],
111      "params": [
112        "context",
113        "intent",
114        "options"
115      ],
116      "returnType": "void",
117      "exceptions": [],
118      "name": "startActivity(android.content.Context,android.content.Intent,android.os.Bundle)",
119      "documentation": "Starts the activity using given context. Started activity can be checked using {@link\nShadowContextWrapper#getNextStartedActivity()}\n\n@param context Context with which the activity will be start.\n@param intent Intent of the activity to be started.\n@param options Extras passed to the activity.\n"
120    }
121  },
122  "imports": [
123    "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP",
124    "android.app.ActivityManager.AppTask",
125    "android.app.ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo",
126    "android.app.IAppTask",
127    "android.content.Context",
128    "android.content.Intent",
129    "android.os.Bundle",
130    "org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation",
131    "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements",
132    "org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers"
133  ],
134  "name": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowAppTask"