1{ 2 "methods": { 3 "addActivityIcon(android.content.ComponentName,android.graphics.drawable.Drawable)": { 4 "isImplementation": false, 5 "modifiers": [ 6 "public" 7 ], 8 "params": [ 9 "component", 10 "drawable" 11 ], 12 "returnType": "void", 13 "exceptions": [], 14 "name": "addActivityIcon(android.content.ComponentName,android.graphics.drawable.Drawable)" 15 }, 16 "addActivityIcon(android.content.Intent,android.graphics.drawable.Drawable)": { 17 "isImplementation": false, 18 "modifiers": [ 19 "public" 20 ], 21 "params": [ 22 "intent", 23 "drawable" 24 ], 25 "returnType": "void", 26 "exceptions": [], 27 "name": "addActivityIcon(android.content.Intent,android.graphics.drawable.Drawable)" 28 }, 29 "addChangedPackage(int,java.lang.String)": { 30 "isImplementation": false, 31 "modifiers": [ 32 "public" 33 ], 34 "params": [ 35 "sequenceNumber", 36 "packageName" 37 ], 38 "returnType": "void", 39 "exceptions": [], 40 "name": "addChangedPackage(int,java.lang.String)", 41 "documentation": "Adds {@code packageName} to the list of changed packages for the particular {@code\nsequenceNumber}.\n\n@param sequenceNumber has to be \u003e\u003d 0\n@param packageName name of the package that was changed\n" 42 }, 43 "addCurrentToCannonicalName(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)": { 44 "isImplementation": false, 45 "modifiers": [ 46 "public" 47 ], 48 "params": [ 49 "currentName", 50 "canonicalName" 51 ], 52 "returnType": "void", 53 "exceptions": [], 54 "name": "addCurrentToCannonicalName(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)" 55 }, 56 "addDrawableResolution(java.lang.String,int,android.graphics.drawable.Drawable)": { 57 "isImplementation": false, 58 "modifiers": [ 59 "public" 60 ], 61 "params": [ 62 "packageName", 63 "resourceId", 64 "drawable" 65 ], 66 "returnType": "void", 67 "exceptions": [], 68 "name": "addDrawableResolution(java.lang.String,int,android.graphics.drawable.Drawable)" 69 }, 70 "addPackage(android.content.pm.PackageInfo)": { 71 "isImplementation": false, 72 "modifiers": [ 73 "public" 74 ], 75 "params": [ 76 "packageInfo" 77 ], 78 "returnType": "void", 79 "exceptions": [], 80 "name": "addPackage(android.content.pm.PackageInfo)", 81 "documentation": "This method is getting renamed to {link {@link #installPackage}. " 82 }, 83 "addPackage(android.content.pm.PackageInfo,android.content.pm.PackageStats)": { 84 "isImplementation": false, 85 "modifiers": [ 86 "public", 87 "synchronized" 88 ], 89 "params": [ 90 "packageInfo", 91 "packageStats" 92 ], 93 "returnType": "void", 94 "exceptions": [], 95 "name": "addPackage(android.content.pm.PackageInfo,android.content.pm.PackageStats)", 96 "documentation": "Installs a package with its stats with the {@link PackageManager}.\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis method doesn\u0027t add any defaults to the {@code packageInfo} parameters. You should make\nsure it is valid (see {@link #installPackage(PackageInfo)}).\n" 97 }, 98 "addPackage(java.lang.String)": { 99 "isImplementation": false, 100 "modifiers": [ 101 "public" 102 ], 103 "params": [ 104 "packageName" 105 ], 106 "returnType": "void", 107 "exceptions": [], 108 "name": "addPackage(java.lang.String)", 109 "documentation": "@deprecated Use {@link #installPackage(PackageInfo)} instead. " 110 }, 111 "addPackageInternal(android.content.pm.PackageParser.Package)": { 112 "isImplementation": false, 113 "modifiers": [ 114 "public" 115 ], 116 "params": [ 117 "appPackage" 118 ], 119 "returnType": "void", 120 "exceptions": [], 121 "name": "addPackageInternal(android.content.pm.PackageParser.Package)", 122 "documentation": "Internal use only.\n\n@param appPackage\n" 123 }, 124 "addPackageNoDefaults(android.content.pm.PackageInfo)": { 125 "isImplementation": false, 126 "modifiers": [ 127 "public" 128 ], 129 "params": [ 130 "packageInfo" 131 ], 132 "returnType": "void", 133 "exceptions": [], 134 "name": "addPackageNoDefaults(android.content.pm.PackageInfo)", 135 "documentation": "Adds a package to the {@link PackageManager}, but doesn\u0027t set any default values on it.\n\n\u003cp\u003eRight now it will not set {@link ApplicationInfo#FLAG_INSTALLED} flag on its application, so\nif not set explicitly, it will be treated as not installed.\n" 136 }, 137 "addPermissionGroupInfo(android.content.pm.PermissionGroupInfo)": { 138 "isImplementation": false, 139 "modifiers": [ 140 "public" 141 ], 142 "params": [ 143 "permissionGroupInfo" 144 ], 145 "returnType": "void", 146 "exceptions": [], 147 "name": "addPermissionGroupInfo(android.content.pm.PermissionGroupInfo)", 148 "documentation": "Allows overriding or adding permission-group elements. These would be otherwise specified by\neither (the\nsystem)[https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/permissions/requesting.html#perm-groups] or\nby (the app\nitself)[https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/permission-group-element.html], as\npart of its manifest\n\n\u003cp\u003e{@link android.content.pm.PackageParser.PermissionGroup}s added through this method have\nprecedence over those specified with the same name by one of the aforementioned methods.\n\n@see PackageManager#getAllPermissionGroups(int)\n@see PackageManager#getPermissionGroupInfo(String, int)\n" 149 }, 150 "addPermissionInfo(android.content.pm.PermissionInfo)": { 151 "isImplementation": false, 152 "modifiers": [ 153 "public" 154 ], 155 "params": [ 156 "permissionInfo" 157 ], 158 "returnType": "void", 159 "exceptions": [], 160 "name": "addPermissionInfo(android.content.pm.PermissionInfo)" 161 }, 162 "addResolveInfoForIntent(android.content.Intent,android.content.pm.ResolveInfo)": { 163 "isImplementation": false, 164 "modifiers": [ 165 "public" 166 ], 167 "params": [ 168 "intent", 169 "info" 170 ], 171 "returnType": "void", 172 "exceptions": [], 173 "name": "addResolveInfoForIntent(android.content.Intent,android.content.pm.ResolveInfo)", 174 "documentation": "Adds extra resolve info for an intent.\n\n\u003cp\u003eNote that this resolve info will have {@link ResolveInfo#isDefault} field set to {@code\ntrue} to allow its resolution for implicit intents. If this is not what you want, then please\nuse {@link #addResolveInfoForIntentNoDefaults} instead.\n" 175 }, 176 "addResolveInfoForIntent(android.content.Intent,java.util.List\u003candroid.content.pm.ResolveInfo\u003e)": { 177 "isImplementation": false, 178 "modifiers": [ 179 "public" 180 ], 181 "params": [ 182 "intent", 183 "info" 184 ], 185 "returnType": "void", 186 "exceptions": [], 187 "name": "addResolveInfoForIntent(android.content.Intent,java.util.List\u003candroid.content.pm.ResolveInfo\u003e)", 188 "documentation": "@deprecated please use {@link #setResolveInfosForIntent} or {@link\n #addResolveInfoForIntent(Intent, ResolveInfo)} instead.\n" 189 }, 190 "addResolveInfoForIntentNoDefaults(android.content.Intent,android.content.pm.ResolveInfo)": { 191 "isImplementation": false, 192 "modifiers": [ 193 "public" 194 ], 195 "params": [ 196 "intent", 197 "info" 198 ], 199 "returnType": "void", 200 "exceptions": [], 201 "name": "addResolveInfoForIntentNoDefaults(android.content.Intent,android.content.pm.ResolveInfo)", 202 "documentation": "Adds the {@code info} as {@link ResolveInfo} for the intent but without applying any default\nvalues.\n\n\u003cp\u003eIn particular it will not make the {@link ResolveInfo#isDefault} field {@code true}, that\nmeans that this resolve info will not resolve for {@link Intent#resolveActivity} and {@link\nContext#startActivity}.\n" 203 }, 204 "addSystemAvailableFeature(android.content.pm.FeatureInfo)": { 205 "isImplementation": false, 206 "modifiers": [ 207 "public" 208 ], 209 "params": [ 210 "featureInfo" 211 ], 212 "returnType": "void", 213 "exceptions": [], 214 "name": "addSystemAvailableFeature(android.content.pm.FeatureInfo)" 215 }, 216 "addSystemSharedLibraryName(java.lang.String)": { 217 "isImplementation": false, 218 "modifiers": [ 219 "public" 220 ], 221 "params": [ 222 "name" 223 ], 224 "returnType": "void", 225 "exceptions": [], 226 "name": "addSystemSharedLibraryName(java.lang.String)", 227 "documentation": "Adds a value to be returned by {@link PackageManager#getSystemSharedLibraryNames()}. " 228 }, 229 "clearSystemAvailableFeatures()": { 230 "isImplementation": false, 231 "modifiers": [ 232 "public" 233 ], 234 "params": [], 235 "returnType": "void", 236 "exceptions": [], 237 "name": "clearSystemAvailableFeatures()" 238 }, 239 "clearSystemSharedLibraryNames()": { 240 "isImplementation": false, 241 "modifiers": [ 242 "public" 243 ], 244 "params": [], 245 "returnType": "void", 246 "exceptions": [], 247 "name": "clearSystemSharedLibraryNames()", 248 "documentation": "Clears the values returned by {@link PackageManager#getSystemSharedLibraryNames()}. " 249 }, 250 "compareSignature(android.content.pm.Signature[],android.content.pm.Signature[])": { 251 "isImplementation": false, 252 "modifiers": [ 253 "static" 254 ], 255 "params": [ 256 "signatures1", 257 "signatures2" 258 ], 259 "returnType": "int", 260 "exceptions": [], 261 "name": "compareSignature(android.content.pm.Signature[],android.content.pm.Signature[])" 262 }, 263 "doPendingUninstallCallbacks()": { 264 "isImplementation": false, 265 "modifiers": [ 266 "public" 267 ], 268 "params": [], 269 "returnType": "void", 270 "exceptions": [], 271 "name": "doPendingUninstallCallbacks()", 272 "documentation": "Runs the callbacks pending from calls to {@link PackageManager#deletePackage(String,\nIPackageDeleteObserver, int)}\n" 273 }, 274 "freeStorage(long,android.content.IntentSender)": { 275 "isImplementation": true, 276 "modifiers": [ 277 "protected" 278 ], 279 "params": [ 280 "freeStorageSize", 281 "pi" 282 ], 283 "returnType": "void", 284 "exceptions": [], 285 "name": "freeStorage(long,android.content.IntentSender)" 286 }, 287 "freeStorageAndNotify(long,android.content.pm.IPackageDataObserver)": { 288 "isImplementation": true, 289 "modifiers": [ 290 "protected" 291 ], 292 "params": [ 293 "freeStorageSize", 294 "observer" 295 ], 296 "returnType": "void", 297 "exceptions": [], 298 "name": "freeStorageAndNotify(long,android.content.pm.IPackageDataObserver)" 299 }, 300 "getAppPackage(android.content.ComponentName)": { 301 "isImplementation": false, 302 "modifiers": [ 303 "private", 304 "static" 305 ], 306 "params": [ 307 "componentName" 308 ], 309 "returnType": "android.content.pm.PackageParser.Package", 310 "exceptions": [ 311 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException" 312 ], 313 "name": "getAppPackage(android.content.ComponentName)" 314 }, 315 "getComponentEnabledSettingFlags(android.content.ComponentName)": { 316 "isImplementation": false, 317 "modifiers": [ 318 "public" 319 ], 320 "params": [ 321 "componentName" 322 ], 323 "returnType": "int", 324 "exceptions": [], 325 "name": "getComponentEnabledSettingFlags(android.content.ComponentName)", 326 "documentation": "Return the flags set in call to {@link\nandroid.app.ApplicationPackageManager#setComponentEnabledSetting(ComponentName, int, int)}.\n\n@param componentName The component name.\n@return The flags.\n" 327 }, 328 "getDeletedPackages()": { 329 "isImplementation": false, 330 "modifiers": [ 331 "public" 332 ], 333 "params": [], 334 "returnType": "java.util.Set\u003cjava.lang.String\u003e", 335 "exceptions": [], 336 "name": "getDeletedPackages()", 337 "documentation": "Returns package names successfully deleted with {@link PackageManager#deletePackage(String,\nIPackageDeleteObserver, int)} Note that like real {@link PackageManager} the calling context\nmust have {@link android.Manifest.permission#DELETE_PACKAGES} permission set.\n" 338 }, 339 "getIntentFiltersForActivity(android.content.ComponentName)": { 340 "isImplementation": false, 341 "modifiers": [ 342 "public" 343 ], 344 "params": [ 345 "componentName" 346 ], 347 "returnType": "java.util.List\u003candroid.content.IntentFilter\u003e", 348 "exceptions": [ 349 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException" 350 ], 351 "name": "getIntentFiltersForActivity(android.content.ComponentName)", 352 "documentation": "Get list of intent filters defined for given activity.\n\n@param componentName Name of the activity whose intent filters are to be retrieved\n@return the activity\u0027s intent filters\n" 353 }, 354 "getIntentFiltersForComponent(java.util.List\u003c? extends android.content.pm.PackageParser.Component\u003e,android.content.ComponentName)": { 355 "isImplementation": false, 356 "modifiers": [ 357 "private", 358 "static" 359 ], 360 "params": [ 361 "components", 362 "componentName" 363 ], 364 "returnType": "java.util.List\u003candroid.content.IntentFilter\u003e", 365 "exceptions": [ 366 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException" 367 ], 368 "name": "getIntentFiltersForComponent(java.util.List\u003c? extends android.content.pm.PackageParser.Component\u003e,android.content.ComponentName)" 369 }, 370 "getIntentFiltersForReceiver(android.content.ComponentName)": { 371 "isImplementation": false, 372 "modifiers": [ 373 "public" 374 ], 375 "params": [ 376 "componentName" 377 ], 378 "returnType": "java.util.List\u003candroid.content.IntentFilter\u003e", 379 "exceptions": [ 380 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException" 381 ], 382 "name": "getIntentFiltersForReceiver(android.content.ComponentName)", 383 "documentation": "Get list of intent filters defined for given receiver.\n\n@param componentName Name of the receiver whose intent filters are to be retrieved\n@return the receiver\u0027s intent filters\n" 384 }, 385 "getIntentFiltersForService(android.content.ComponentName)": { 386 "isImplementation": false, 387 "modifiers": [ 388 "public" 389 ], 390 "params": [ 391 "componentName" 392 ], 393 "returnType": "java.util.List\u003candroid.content.IntentFilter\u003e", 394 "exceptions": [ 395 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException" 396 ], 397 "name": "getIntentFiltersForService(android.content.ComponentName)", 398 "documentation": "Get list of intent filters defined for given service.\n\n@param componentName Name of the service whose intent filters are to be retrieved\n@return the service\u0027s intent filters\n" 399 }, 400 "getInternalMutablePackageInfo(java.lang.String)": { 401 "isImplementation": false, 402 "modifiers": [ 403 "public" 404 ], 405 "params": [ 406 "packageName" 407 ], 408 "returnType": "android.content.pm.PackageInfo", 409 "exceptions": [], 410 "name": "getInternalMutablePackageInfo(java.lang.String)", 411 "documentation": "Testing API allowing to retrieve internal package representation.\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis will allow to modify the package in a way visible to Robolectric, as this is\nRobolectric\u0027s internal full package representation.\n\n\u003cp\u003eNote that maybe a better way is to just modify the test manifest to make those modifications\nin a standard way.\n\n\u003cp\u003eRetrieving package info using {@link PackageManager#getPackageInfo} / {@link\nPackageManager#getApplicationInfo} will return defensive copies that will be stripped out of\ninformation according to provided flags. Don\u0027t use it to modify Robolectric state.\n" 412 }, 413 "getPackageArchiveInfo(java.lang.String,int)": { 414 "isImplementation": true, 415 "modifiers": [ 416 "protected" 417 ], 418 "params": [ 419 "archiveFilePath", 420 "flags" 421 ], 422 "returnType": "android.content.pm.PackageInfo", 423 "exceptions": [], 424 "name": "getPackageArchiveInfo(java.lang.String,int)" 425 }, 426 "getPackageInfoForTesting(java.lang.String)": { 427 "isImplementation": false, 428 "modifiers": [ 429 "public" 430 ], 431 "params": [ 432 "packageName" 433 ], 434 "returnType": "android.content.pm.PackageInfo", 435 "exceptions": [], 436 "name": "getPackageInfoForTesting(java.lang.String)", 437 "documentation": "@deprecated Use {@link #getInternalMutablePackageInfo} instead. It has better name. " 438 }, 439 "getPackageName(android.content.pm.ResolveInfo)": { 440 "isImplementation": false, 441 "modifiers": [ 442 "private", 443 "static" 444 ], 445 "params": [ 446 "resolveInfo" 447 ], 448 "returnType": "java.lang.String", 449 "exceptions": [], 450 "name": "getPackageName(android.content.pm.ResolveInfo)" 451 }, 452 "getPackageSetting(java.lang.String)": { 453 "isImplementation": false, 454 "modifiers": [ 455 "public" 456 ], 457 "params": [ 458 "packageName" 459 ], 460 "returnType": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowPackageManager.PackageSetting", 461 "exceptions": [], 462 "name": "getPackageSetting(java.lang.String)", 463 "documentation": "Returns the current {@link PackageSetting} of {@code packageName}.\n\n\u003cp\u003eIf {@code packageName} is not present in this {@link ShadowPackageManager}, this method will\nreturn null.\n" 464 }, 465 "getPackagesForUid(int)": { 466 "isImplementation": true, 467 "modifiers": [ 468 "protected" 469 ], 470 "params": [ 471 "uid" 472 ], 473 "returnType": "java.lang.String[]", 474 "exceptions": [], 475 "name": "getPackagesForUid(int)" 476 }, 477 "getVerificationExtendedTimeout(int)": { 478 "isImplementation": false, 479 "modifiers": [ 480 "public" 481 ], 482 "params": [ 483 "id" 484 ], 485 "returnType": "long", 486 "exceptions": [], 487 "name": "getVerificationExtendedTimeout(int)" 488 }, 489 "getVerificationResult(int)": { 490 "isImplementation": false, 491 "modifiers": [ 492 "public" 493 ], 494 "params": [ 495 "id" 496 ], 497 "returnType": "int", 498 "exceptions": [], 499 "name": "getVerificationResult(int)" 500 }, 501 "installPackage(android.content.pm.PackageInfo)": { 502 "isImplementation": false, 503 "modifiers": [ 504 "public" 505 ], 506 "params": [ 507 "packageInfo" 508 ], 509 "returnType": "void", 510 "exceptions": [], 511 "name": "installPackage(android.content.pm.PackageInfo)", 512 "documentation": "Installs a package with the {@link PackageManager}.\n\n\u003cp\u003eIn order to create PackageInfo objects in a valid state please use {@link\nandroidx.test.core.content.pm.PackageInfoBuilder}.\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis method automatically simulates instalation of a package in the system, so it adds a\nflag {@link ApplicationInfo#FLAG_INSTALLED} to the application info and makes sure it exits. It\nwill update applicationInfo in package components as well.\n\n\u003cp\u003eIf you don\u0027t want the package to be installed, use {@link #addPackageNoDefaults} instead.\n" 513 }, 514 "queryBroadcastReceivers(android.content.Intent,int,int)": { 515 "isImplementation": true, 516 "modifiers": [ 517 "protected" 518 ], 519 "params": [ 520 "intent", 521 "flags", 522 "userId" 523 ], 524 "returnType": "java.util.List\u003candroid.content.pm.ResolveInfo\u003e", 525 "exceptions": [], 526 "minSdk": 17, 527 "name": "queryBroadcastReceivers(android.content.Intent,int,int)" 528 }, 529 "queryBroadcastReceiversAsUser(android.content.Intent,int,android.os.UserHandle)": { 530 "isImplementation": true, 531 "modifiers": [ 532 "protected" 533 ], 534 "params": [ 535 "intent", 536 "flags", 537 "userHandle" 538 ], 539 "returnType": "java.util.List\u003candroid.content.pm.ResolveInfo\u003e", 540 "exceptions": [], 541 "minSdk": 24, 542 "name": "queryBroadcastReceiversAsUser(android.content.Intent,int,android.os.UserHandle)" 543 }, 544 "queryOverriddenIntents(android.content.Intent,int)": { 545 "isImplementation": false, 546 "modifiers": [ 547 "protected" 548 ], 549 "params": [ 550 "intent", 551 "flags" 552 ], 553 "returnType": "java.util.List\u003candroid.content.pm.ResolveInfo\u003e", 554 "exceptions": [], 555 "name": "queryOverriddenIntents(android.content.Intent,int)" 556 }, 557 "removePackage(java.lang.String)": { 558 "isImplementation": false, 559 "modifiers": [ 560 "public" 561 ], 562 "params": [ 563 "packageName" 564 ], 565 "returnType": "void", 566 "exceptions": [], 567 "name": "removePackage(java.lang.String)" 568 }, 569 "removeResolveInfosForIntent(android.content.Intent,java.lang.String)": { 570 "isImplementation": false, 571 "modifiers": [ 572 "public" 573 ], 574 "params": [ 575 "intent", 576 "packageName" 577 ], 578 "returnType": "void", 579 "exceptions": [], 580 "name": "removeResolveInfosForIntent(android.content.Intent,java.lang.String)" 581 }, 582 "reset()": { 583 "isImplementation": false, 584 "modifiers": [ 585 "public", 586 "static" 587 ], 588 "params": [], 589 "returnType": "void", 590 "exceptions": [], 591 "name": "reset()" 592 }, 593 "resolvePackageName(java.lang.String,android.content.ComponentName)": { 594 "isImplementation": false, 595 "modifiers": [ 596 "static" 597 ], 598 "params": [ 599 "packageName", 600 "componentName" 601 ], 602 "returnType": "java.lang.String", 603 "exceptions": [], 604 "name": "resolvePackageName(java.lang.String,android.content.ComponentName)" 605 }, 606 "setApplicationIcon(java.lang.String,android.graphics.drawable.Drawable)": { 607 "isImplementation": false, 608 "modifiers": [ 609 "public" 610 ], 611 "params": [ 612 "packageName", 613 "drawable" 614 ], 615 "returnType": "void", 616 "exceptions": [], 617 "name": "setApplicationIcon(java.lang.String,android.graphics.drawable.Drawable)" 618 }, 619 "setCanRequestPackageInstalls(boolean)": { 620 "isImplementation": false, 621 "modifiers": [ 622 "public" 623 ], 624 "params": [ 625 "canRequestPackageInstalls" 626 ], 627 "returnType": "void", 628 "exceptions": [], 629 "name": "setCanRequestPackageInstalls(boolean)", 630 "documentation": "Sets if the {@link PackageManager} is allowed to request package installs through package\ninstaller.\n" 631 }, 632 "setInstalledPackagesForUserId(int,java.util.List\u003cjava.lang.String\u003e)": { 633 "isImplementation": false, 634 "modifiers": [ 635 "public" 636 ], 637 "params": [ 638 "userId", 639 "packages" 640 ], 641 "returnType": "void", 642 "exceptions": [], 643 "name": "setInstalledPackagesForUserId(int,java.util.List\u003cjava.lang.String\u003e)" 644 }, 645 "setNameForUid(int,java.lang.String)": { 646 "isImplementation": false, 647 "modifiers": [ 648 "public" 649 ], 650 "params": [ 651 "uid", 652 "name" 653 ], 654 "returnType": "void", 655 "exceptions": [], 656 "name": "setNameForUid(int,java.lang.String)" 657 }, 658 "setPackageArchiveInfo(java.lang.String,android.content.pm.PackageInfo)": { 659 "isImplementation": false, 660 "modifiers": [ 661 "public" 662 ], 663 "params": [ 664 "archiveFilePath", 665 "packageInfo" 666 ], 667 "returnType": "void", 668 "exceptions": [], 669 "name": "setPackageArchiveInfo(java.lang.String,android.content.pm.PackageInfo)" 670 }, 671 "setPackagesForCallingUid(java.lang.String...)": { 672 "isImplementation": false, 673 "modifiers": [ 674 "public" 675 ], 676 "params": [ 677 "packagesForCallingUid" 678 ], 679 "returnType": "void", 680 "exceptions": [], 681 "name": "setPackagesForCallingUid(java.lang.String...)" 682 }, 683 "setPackagesForUid(int,java.lang.String...)": { 684 "isImplementation": false, 685 "modifiers": [ 686 "public" 687 ], 688 "params": [ 689 "uid", 690 "packagesForCallingUid" 691 ], 692 "returnType": "void", 693 "exceptions": [], 694 "name": "setPackagesForUid(int,java.lang.String...)" 695 }, 696 "setResolveInfosForIntent(android.content.Intent,java.util.List\u003candroid.content.pm.ResolveInfo\u003e)": { 697 "isImplementation": false, 698 "modifiers": [ 699 "public" 700 ], 701 "params": [ 702 "intent", 703 "info" 704 ], 705 "returnType": "void", 706 "exceptions": [], 707 "name": "setResolveInfosForIntent(android.content.Intent,java.util.List\u003candroid.content.pm.ResolveInfo\u003e)", 708 "documentation": "Sets extra resolve infos for an intent.\n\n\u003cp\u003eThose entries are added to whatever might be in the manifest already.\n\n\u003cp\u003eNote that all resolve infos will have {@link ResolveInfo#isDefault} field set to {@code\ntrue} to allow their resolution for implicit intents. If this is not what you want, then you\nstill have the reference to those ResolveInfos, and you can set the field back to {@code\nfalse}.\n" 709 }, 710 "setShouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(java.lang.String,boolean)": { 711 "isImplementation": false, 712 "modifiers": [ 713 "public" 714 ], 715 "params": [ 716 "permission", 717 "show" 718 ], 719 "returnType": "void", 720 "exceptions": [], 721 "name": "setShouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(java.lang.String,boolean)" 722 }, 723 "setSystemFeature(java.lang.String,boolean)": { 724 "isImplementation": false, 725 "modifiers": [ 726 "public" 727 ], 728 "params": [ 729 "name", 730 "supported" 731 ], 732 "returnType": "void", 733 "exceptions": [], 734 "name": "setSystemFeature(java.lang.String,boolean)" 735 }, 736 "setUnbadgedApplicationIcon(java.lang.String,android.graphics.drawable.Drawable)": { 737 "isImplementation": false, 738 "modifiers": [ 739 "public" 740 ], 741 "params": [ 742 "packageName", 743 "drawable" 744 ], 745 "returnType": "void", 746 "exceptions": [], 747 "name": "setUnbadgedApplicationIcon(java.lang.String,android.graphics.drawable.Drawable)" 748 }, 749 "setUpPackageStorage(android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo)": { 750 "isImplementation": false, 751 "modifiers": [ 752 "private", 753 "static" 754 ], 755 "params": [ 756 "applicationInfo" 757 ], 758 "returnType": "void", 759 "exceptions": [], 760 "name": "setUpPackageStorage(android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo)" 761 } 762 }, 763 "imports": [ 764 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED", 765 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES", 766 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_CONFIGURATIONS", 767 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_GIDS", 768 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_INSTRUMENTATION", 769 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_INTENT_FILTERS", 770 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_META_DATA", 771 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS", 772 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS", 773 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_RECEIVERS", 774 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_RESOLVED_FILTER", 775 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_SERVICES", 776 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_SHARED_LIBRARY_FILES", 777 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES", 778 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.GET_URI_PERMISSION_PATTERNS", 779 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_AWARE", 780 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_UNAWARE", 781 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_DISABLED_COMPONENTS", 782 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED_COMPONENTS", 783 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES", 784 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.SIGNATURE_FIRST_NOT_SIGNED", 785 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.SIGNATURE_MATCH", 786 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.SIGNATURE_NEITHER_SIGNED", 787 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.SIGNATURE_NO_MATCH", 788 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.SIGNATURE_SECOND_NOT_SIGNED", 789 "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1", 790 "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT", 791 "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1", 792 "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.M", 793 "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N", 794 "java.util.Arrays.asList", 795 "android.Manifest", 796 "android.annotation.Nullable", 797 "android.annotation.UserIdInt", 798 "android.content.ComponentName", 799 "android.content.Context", 800 "android.content.Intent", 801 "android.content.IntentFilter", 802 "android.content.IntentFilter.AuthorityEntry", 803 "android.content.IntentSender", 804 "android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo", 805 "android.content.pm.ComponentInfo", 806 "android.content.pm.FeatureInfo", 807 "android.content.pm.IPackageDataObserver", 808 "android.content.pm.IPackageDeleteObserver", 809 "android.content.pm.PackageInfo", 810 "android.content.pm.PackageManager", 811 "android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException", 812 "android.content.pm.PackageParser", 813 "android.content.pm.PackageParser.Component", 814 "android.content.pm.PackageParser.Package", 815 "android.content.pm.PackageStats", 816 "android.content.pm.PermissionGroupInfo", 817 "android.content.pm.PermissionInfo", 818 "android.content.pm.ResolveInfo", 819 "android.content.pm.Signature", 820 "android.content.pm.pkg.FrameworkPackageUserState", 821 "android.content.res.Resources", 822 "android.graphics.drawable.Drawable", 823 "android.net.Uri", 824 "android.os.Binder", 825 "android.os.Build", 826 "android.os.Build.VERSION", 827 "android.os.PatternMatcher", 828 "android.os.PersistableBundle", 829 "android.os.Process", 830 "android.os.RemoteException", 831 "android.os.UserHandle", 832 "android.util.ArraySet", 833 "android.util.Pair", 834 "com.google.common.base.Preconditions", 835 "com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap", 836 "com.google.common.collect.Multimap", 837 "java.util.ArrayList", 838 "java.util.Arrays", 839 "java.util.Collections", 840 "java.util.Comparator", 841 "java.util.HashMap", 842 "java.util.HashSet", 843 "java.util.Iterator", 844 "java.util.LinkedHashMap", 845 "java.util.List", 846 "java.util.Map", 847 "java.util.Objects", 848 "java.util.Set", 849 "java.util.TreeMap", 850 "org.robolectric.RuntimeEnvironment", 851 "org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation", 852 "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements", 853 "org.robolectric.annotation.Resetter", 854 "org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers", 855 "org.robolectric.util.TempDirectory", 856 "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowPackageManager.PackageSetting", 857 "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowPackageManager.IntentComparator", 858 "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowPackageManager.IntentFilterWrapper", 859 "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowPackageManager.ResolveInfoComparator", 860 "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowPackageManager.ComponentState" 861 ], 862 "name": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowPackageManager" 863}