2  "methods": {
3    "clearMask(int)": {
4      "isImplementation": false,
5      "modifiers": [
6        "private"
7      ],
8      "params": [
9        "mask"
10      ],
11      "returnType": "void",
12      "exceptions": [],
13      "name": "clearMask(int)"
14    },
15    "getWakeUpSensorFlag()": {
16      "isImplementation": false,
17      "modifiers": [
18        "private"
19      ],
20      "params": [],
21      "returnType": "int",
22      "exceptions": [],
23      "name": "getWakeUpSensorFlag()"
24    },
25    "newInstance(int)": {
26      "isImplementation": false,
27      "modifiers": [
28        "public",
29        "static"
30      ],
31      "params": [
32        "type"
33      ],
34      "returnType": "android.hardware.Sensor",
35      "exceptions": [],
36      "name": "newInstance(int)",
37      "documentation": "Constructs a {@link Sensor} with a given type. "
38    },
39    "setMask(int)": {
40      "isImplementation": false,
41      "modifiers": [
42        "private"
43      ],
44      "params": [
45        "mask"
46      ],
47      "returnType": "void",
48      "exceptions": [],
49      "name": "setMask(int)"
50    },
51    "setWakeUpFlag(boolean)": {
52      "isImplementation": false,
53      "modifiers": [
54        "public"
55      ],
56      "params": [
57        "wakeup"
58      ],
59      "returnType": "void",
60      "exceptions": [],
61      "name": "setWakeUpFlag(boolean)",
62      "documentation": "Controls the return value of {@link Sensor#isWakeUpSensor()}. "
63    }
64  },
65  "imports": [
66    "android.hardware.Sensor",
67    "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES",
68    "org.robolectric.RuntimeEnvironment",
69    "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements",
70    "org.robolectric.annotation.RealObject",
71    "org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow",
72    "org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers"
73  ],
74  "name": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowSensor"