2  "methods": {
3    "dispatchMessage(android.os.Message)": {
4      "isImplementation": false,
5      "modifiers": [
6        "private",
7        "static"
8      ],
9      "params": [
10        "msg"
11      ],
12      "returnType": "void",
13      "exceptions": [],
14      "name": "dispatchMessage(android.os.Message)"
15    },
16    "enqueueMessage(android.os.Message,long)": {
17      "isImplementation": true,
18      "modifiers": [
19        "protected"
20      ],
21      "params": [
22        "msg",
23        "when"
24      ],
25      "returnType": "boolean",
26      "exceptions": [],
27      "name": "enqueueMessage(android.os.Message,long)"
28    },
29    "getHead()": {
30      "isImplementation": false,
31      "modifiers": [
32        "public"
33      ],
34      "params": [],
35      "returnType": "android.os.Message",
36      "exceptions": [],
37      "name": "getHead()"
38    },
39    "getScheduler()": {
40      "isImplementation": false,
41      "modifiers": [
42        "public"
43      ],
44      "params": [],
45      "returnType": "org.robolectric.util.Scheduler",
46      "exceptions": [],
47      "name": "getScheduler()"
48    },
49    "nativeDestroy(int)": {
50      "isImplementation": true,
51      "modifiers": [
52        "public",
53        "static"
54      ],
55      "params": [
56        "ptr"
57      ],
58      "returnType": "void",
59      "exceptions": [],
60      "minSdk": 18,
61      "maxSdk": 20,
62      "name": "nativeDestroy(int)"
63    },
64    "nativeDestroy(long)": {
65      "isImplementation": true,
66      "modifiers": [
67        "protected",
68        "static"
69      ],
70      "params": [
71        "ptr"
72      ],
73      "returnType": "void",
74      "exceptions": [],
75      "minSdk": 21,
76      "name": "nativeDestroy(long)"
77    },
78    "nativeInit()": {
79      "isImplementation": true,
80      "modifiers": [
81        "public",
82        "static"
83      ],
84      "params": [],
85      "returnType": "java.lang.Number",
86      "exceptions": [],
87      "name": "nativeInit()"
88    },
89    "nativeIsIdling(int)": {
90      "isImplementation": true,
91      "modifiers": [
92        "public",
93        "static"
94      ],
95      "params": [
96        "ptr"
97      ],
98      "returnType": "boolean",
99      "exceptions": [],
100      "minSdk": 19,
101      "maxSdk": 20,
102      "name": "nativeIsIdling(int)"
103    },
104    "nativeIsIdling(long)": {
105      "isImplementation": true,
106      "modifiers": [
107        "protected",
108        "static"
109      ],
110      "params": [
111        "ptr"
112      ],
113      "returnType": "boolean",
114      "exceptions": [],
115      "minSdk": 21,
116      "maxSdk": 22,
117      "name": "nativeIsIdling(long)"
118    },
119    "removeSyncBarrier(int)": {
120      "isImplementation": true,
121      "modifiers": [
122        "protected"
123      ],
124      "params": [
125        "token"
126      ],
127      "returnType": "void",
128      "exceptions": [],
129      "name": "removeSyncBarrier(int)"
130    },
131    "reset()": {
132      "isImplementation": false,
133      "modifiers": [
134        "public"
135      ],
136      "params": [],
137      "returnType": "void",
138      "exceptions": [],
139      "name": "reset()"
140    },
141    "setHead(android.os.Message)": {
142      "isImplementation": false,
143      "modifiers": [
144        "public"
145      ],
146      "params": [
147        "msg"
148      ],
149      "returnType": "void",
150      "exceptions": [],
151      "name": "setHead(android.os.Message)"
152    },
153    "setScheduler(org.robolectric.util.Scheduler)": {
154      "isImplementation": false,
155      "modifiers": [
156        "public"
157      ],
158      "params": [
159        "scheduler"
160      ],
161      "returnType": "void",
162      "exceptions": [],
163      "name": "setScheduler(org.robolectric.util.Scheduler)"
164    },
165    "shadowOf(android.os.Message)": {
166      "isImplementation": false,
167      "modifiers": [
168        "private",
169        "static"
170      ],
171      "params": [
172        "actual"
173      ],
174      "returnType": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowMessage",
175      "exceptions": [],
176      "name": "shadowOf(android.os.Message)"
177    }
178  },
179  "imports": [
180    "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2",
181    "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT",
182    "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT_WATCH",
183    "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP",
184    "android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1",
185    "org.robolectric.RuntimeEnvironment.getApiLevel",
186    "org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow.directlyOn",
187    "org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers.ClassParameter.from",
188    "org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers.callInstanceMethod",
189    "org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers.getField",
190    "org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers.setField",
191    "android.os.Handler",
192    "android.os.Message",
193    "android.os.MessageQueue",
194    "java.util.ArrayList",
195    "org.robolectric.annotation.HiddenApi",
196    "org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation",
197    "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements",
198    "org.robolectric.annotation.RealObject",
199    "org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow",
200    "org.robolectric.util.Logger",
201    "org.robolectric.util.Scheduler"
202  ],
203  "name": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowMessageQueue",
204  "documentation": "Robolectric puts {@link android.os.Message}s into the scheduler queue instead of sending\nthem to be handled on a separate thread. {@link android.os.Message}s that are scheduled to\nbe dispatched can be triggered by calling {@link ShadowLooper#idleMainLooper}.\n\n@see ShadowLooper\n"