2  "methods": {
3    "getSource()": {
4      "isImplementation": true,
5      "modifiers": [
6        "protected"
7      ],
8      "params": [],
9      "returnType": "android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo",
10      "exceptions": [],
11      "name": "getSource()",
12      "documentation": "Returns the {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} of the event source or {@code null} if there is none.\n"
13    },
14    "getSourceRoot()": {
15      "isImplementation": false,
16      "modifiers": [
17        "public"
18      ],
19      "params": [],
20      "returnType": "android.view.View",
21      "exceptions": [],
22      "name": "getSourceRoot()"
23    },
24    "getVirtualDescendantId()": {
25      "isImplementation": false,
26      "modifiers": [
27        "public"
28      ],
29      "params": [],
30      "returnType": "int",
31      "exceptions": [],
32      "name": "getVirtualDescendantId()"
33    },
34    "getWindowId()": {
35      "isImplementation": true,
36      "modifiers": [
37        "protected"
38      ],
39      "params": [],
40      "returnType": "int",
41      "exceptions": [],
42      "name": "getWindowId()",
43      "documentation": "Returns the id of the window from which the event comes. "
44    },
45    "setSource(android.view.View)": {
46      "isImplementation": true,
47      "modifiers": [
48        "protected"
49      ],
50      "params": [
51        "root"
52      ],
53      "returnType": "void",
54      "exceptions": [],
55      "name": "setSource(android.view.View)"
56    },
57    "setSource(android.view.View,int)": {
58      "isImplementation": true,
59      "modifiers": [
60        "protected"
61      ],
62      "params": [
63        "root",
64        "virtualDescendantId"
65      ],
66      "returnType": "void",
67      "exceptions": [],
68      "name": "setSource(android.view.View,int)"
69    },
70    "setSourceNode(android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo)": {
71      "isImplementation": false,
72      "modifiers": [
73        "public"
74      ],
75      "params": [
76        "node"
77      ],
78      "returnType": "void",
79      "exceptions": [],
80      "name": "setSourceNode(android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo)",
81      "documentation": "Sets the {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} of the event source.\n\n@param node The node to set\n"
82    },
83    "setWindowId(int)": {
84      "isImplementation": false,
85      "modifiers": [
86        "public"
87      ],
88      "params": [
89        "id"
90      ],
91      "returnType": "void",
92      "exceptions": [],
93      "name": "setWindowId(int)",
94      "documentation": "Sets the id of the window from which the event comes.\n\n@param id The id to set\n"
95    }
96  },
97  "imports": [
98    "android.view.View",
99    "android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo",
100    "android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecord",
101    "org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation",
102    "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements",
103    "org.robolectric.annotation.RealObject",
104    "org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow",
105    "org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers.ClassParameter"
106  ],
107  "name": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowAccessibilityRecord",
108  "documentation": "Shadow of {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecord}.\n"