2  "methods": {
3    "getLastSmoothScrollByDistance()": {
4      "isImplementation": false,
5      "modifiers": [
6        "public"
7      ],
8      "params": [],
9      "returnType": "int",
10      "exceptions": [],
11      "name": "getLastSmoothScrollByDistance()",
12      "documentation": "Robolectric accessor for the last smoothScrollBy distance\n\n@return int distance\n"
13    },
14    "getLastSmoothScrollByDuration()": {
15      "isImplementation": false,
16      "modifiers": [
17        "public"
18      ],
19      "params": [],
20      "returnType": "int",
21      "exceptions": [],
22      "name": "getLastSmoothScrollByDuration()",
23      "documentation": "Robolectric accessor for the last smoothScrollBy duration\n\n@return int duration\n"
24    },
25    "getOnScrollListener()": {
26      "isImplementation": false,
27      "modifiers": [
28        "public"
29      ],
30      "params": [],
31      "returnType": "android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener",
32      "exceptions": [],
33      "name": "getOnScrollListener()",
34      "documentation": "Robolectric accessor for the onScrollListener\n\n@return AbsListView.OnScrollListener\n"
35    },
36    "getSmoothScrolledPosition()": {
37      "isImplementation": false,
38      "modifiers": [
39        "public"
40      ],
41      "params": [],
42      "returnType": "int",
43      "exceptions": [],
44      "name": "getSmoothScrolledPosition()",
45      "documentation": "Robolectric accessor for the last smoothScrolledPosition\n\n@return int position\n"
46    },
47    "setOnScrollListener(android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener)": {
48      "isImplementation": true,
49      "modifiers": [
50        "protected"
51      ],
52      "params": [
53        "l"
54      ],
55      "returnType": "void",
56      "exceptions": [],
57      "name": "setOnScrollListener(android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener)"
58    },
59    "smoothScrollBy(int,int)": {
60      "isImplementation": true,
61      "modifiers": [
62        "protected"
63      ],
64      "params": [
65        "distance",
66        "duration"
67      ],
68      "returnType": "void",
69      "exceptions": [],
70      "name": "smoothScrollBy(int,int)"
71    },
72    "smoothScrollToPosition(int)": {
73      "isImplementation": true,
74      "modifiers": [
75        "protected"
76      ],
77      "params": [
78        "position"
79      ],
80      "returnType": "void",
81      "exceptions": [],
82      "name": "smoothScrollToPosition(int)"
83    }
84  },
85  "imports": [
86    "android.widget.AbsListView",
87    "org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation",
88    "org.robolectric.annotation.Implements"
89  ],
90  "name": "org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowAbsListView"