1// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15package main
17import (
18	"bytes"
19	"flag"
20	"fmt"
21	"io"
22	"io/fs"
23	"os"
24	"path/filepath"
25	"sort"
26	"strings"
28	"android/soong/response"
29	"android/soong/tools/compliance"
32var (
33	failNoneRequested = fmt.Errorf("\nNo license metadata files requested")
34	failNoLicenses    = fmt.Errorf("No licenses found")
37type context struct {
38	conditions      []compliance.LicenseCondition
39	graphViz        bool
40	labelConditions bool
41	stripPrefix     []string
44func (ctx context) strip(installPath string) string {
45	for _, prefix := range ctx.stripPrefix {
46		if strings.HasPrefix(installPath, prefix) {
47			p := strings.TrimPrefix(installPath, prefix)
48			if 0 == len(p) {
49				continue
50			}
51			return p
52		}
53	}
54	return installPath
57// newMultiString creates a flag that allows multiple values in an array.
58func newMultiString(flags *flag.FlagSet, name, usage string) *multiString {
59	var f multiString
60	flags.Var(&f, name, usage)
61	return &f
64// multiString implements the flag `Value` interface for multiple strings.
65type multiString []string
67func (ms *multiString) String() string     { return strings.Join(*ms, ", ") }
68func (ms *multiString) Set(s string) error { *ms = append(*ms, s); return nil }
70func main() {
71	var expandedArgs []string
72	for _, arg := range os.Args[1:] {
73		if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "@") {
74			f, err := os.Open(strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "@"))
75			if err != nil {
76				fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
77				os.Exit(1)
78			}
80			respArgs, err := response.ReadRspFile(f)
81			f.Close()
82			if err != nil {
83				fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
84				os.Exit(1)
85			}
86			expandedArgs = append(expandedArgs, respArgs...)
87		} else {
88			expandedArgs = append(expandedArgs, arg)
89		}
90	}
92	flags := flag.NewFlagSet("flags", flag.ExitOnError)
94	flags.Usage = func() {
95		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `Usage: %s {options} file.meta_lic {file.meta_lic...}
97Outputs a space-separated Target ActsOn Origin Condition tuple for each
98resolution in the graph. When -dot flag given, outputs nodes and edges
99in graphviz directed graph format.
101If one or more '-c condition' conditions are given, outputs the
102resolution for the union of the conditions. Otherwise, outputs the
103resolution for all conditions.
105In plain text mode, when '-label_conditions' is requested, the Target
106and Origin have colon-separated license conditions appended:
107i.e. target:condition1:condition2 etc.
110`, filepath.Base(os.Args[0]))
111		flags.PrintDefaults()
112	}
114	conditions := newMultiString(flags, "c", "License condition to resolve. (may be given multiple times)")
115	graphViz := flags.Bool("dot", false, "Whether to output graphviz (i.e. dot) format.")
116	labelConditions := flags.Bool("label_conditions", false, "Whether to label target nodes with conditions.")
117	outputFile := flags.String("o", "-", "Where to write the output. (default stdout)")
118	stripPrefix := newMultiString(flags, "strip_prefix", "Prefix to remove from paths. i.e. path to root (multiple allowed)")
120	flags.Parse(expandedArgs)
122	// Must specify at least one root target.
123	if flags.NArg() == 0 {
124		flags.Usage()
125		os.Exit(2)
126	}
128	if len(*outputFile) == 0 {
129		flags.Usage()
130		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "must specify file for -o; use - for stdout\n")
131		os.Exit(2)
132	} else {
133		dir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(*outputFile))
134		if err != nil {
135			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cannot determine path to %q: %s\n", *outputFile, err)
136			os.Exit(1)
137		}
138		fi, err := os.Stat(dir)
139		if err != nil {
140			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cannot read directory %q of %q: %s\n", dir, *outputFile, err)
141			os.Exit(1)
142		}
143		if !fi.IsDir() {
144			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "parent %q of %q is not a directory\n", dir, *outputFile)
145			os.Exit(1)
146		}
147	}
149	var ofile io.Writer
150	ofile = os.Stdout
151	var obuf *bytes.Buffer
152	if *outputFile != "-" {
153		obuf = &bytes.Buffer{}
154		ofile = obuf
155	}
157	lcs := make([]compliance.LicenseCondition, 0, len(*conditions))
158	for _, name := range *conditions {
159		lcs = append(lcs, compliance.RecognizedConditionNames[name])
160	}
161	ctx := &context{
162		conditions:      lcs,
163		graphViz:        *graphViz,
164		labelConditions: *labelConditions,
165		stripPrefix:     *stripPrefix,
166	}
167	_, err := dumpResolutions(ctx, ofile, os.Stderr, compliance.FS, flags.Args()...)
168	if err != nil {
169		if err == failNoneRequested {
170			flags.Usage()
171		}
172		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err.Error())
173		os.Exit(1)
174	}
175	if *outputFile != "-" {
176		err := os.WriteFile(*outputFile, obuf.Bytes(), 0666)
177		if err != nil {
178			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not write output to %q from %q: %s\n", *outputFile, os.Getenv("PWD"), err)
179			os.Exit(1)
180		}
181	}
182	os.Exit(0)
185// dumpResolutions implements the dumpresolutions utility.
186func dumpResolutions(ctx *context, stdout, stderr io.Writer, rootFS fs.FS, files ...string) (*compliance.LicenseGraph, error) {
187	if len(files) < 1 {
188		return nil, failNoneRequested
189	}
191	// Read the license graph from the license metadata files (*.meta_lic).
192	licenseGraph, err := compliance.ReadLicenseGraph(rootFS, stderr, files)
193	if err != nil {
194		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to read license metadata file(s) %q: %v\n", files, err)
195	}
196	if licenseGraph == nil {
197		return nil, failNoLicenses
198	}
200	compliance.ResolveTopDownConditions(licenseGraph)
201	cs := compliance.AllLicenseConditions
202	if len(ctx.conditions) > 0 {
203		cs = compliance.NewLicenseConditionSet()
204		for _, c := range ctx.conditions {
205			cs = cs.Plus(c)
206		}
207	}
209	resolutions := compliance.WalkResolutionsForCondition(licenseGraph, cs)
211	// nodes maps license metadata file names to graphViz node names when graphViz requested.
212	nodes := make(map[string]string)
213	n := 0
215	// targetOut calculates the string to output for `target` adding `sep`-separated conditions as needed.
216	targetOut := func(target *compliance.TargetNode, sep string) string {
217		tOut := ctx.strip(target.Name())
218		if ctx.labelConditions {
219			conditions := target.LicenseConditions().Names()
220			if len(conditions) > 0 {
221				tOut += sep + strings.Join(conditions, sep)
222			}
223		}
224		return tOut
225	}
227	// makeNode maps `target` to a graphViz node name.
228	makeNode := func(target *compliance.TargetNode) {
229		tName := target.Name()
230		if _, ok := nodes[tName]; !ok {
231			nodeName := fmt.Sprintf("n%d", n)
232			nodes[tName] = nodeName
233			fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "\t%s [label=\"%s\"];\n", nodeName, targetOut(target, "\\n"))
234			n++
235		}
236	}
238	// outputResolution prints a resolution in the requested format to `stdout`, where one can read
239	// a resolution as `tname` resolves `oname`'s conditions named in `cnames`.
240	// `tname` is the name of the target the resolution applies to.
241	// `cnames` is the list of conditions to resolve.
242	outputResolution := func(tname, aname string, cnames []string) {
243		if ctx.graphViz {
244			// ... one edge per line labelled with \\n-separated annotations.
245			tNode := nodes[tname]
246			aNode := nodes[aname]
247			fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "\t%s -> %s [label=\"%s\"];\n", tNode, aNode, strings.Join(cnames, "\\n"))
248		} else {
249			// ... one edge per line with names in a colon-separated tuple.
250			fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "%s %s %s\n", tname, aname, strings.Join(cnames, ":"))
251		}
252	}
254	// Sort the resolutions by targetname for repeatability/stability.
255	targets := resolutions.AttachesTo()
256	sort.Sort(targets)
258	// If graphviz output, start the directed graph.
259	if ctx.graphViz {
260		fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "strict digraph {\n\trankdir=LR;\n")
261		for _, target := range targets {
262			makeNode(target)
263			rl := resolutions.Resolutions(target)
264			sort.Sort(rl)
265			for _, r := range rl {
266				makeNode(r.ActsOn())
267			}
268		}
269	}
271	// Output the sorted targets.
272	for _, target := range targets {
273		var tname string
274		if ctx.graphViz {
275			tname = target.Name()
276		} else {
277			tname = targetOut(target, ":")
278		}
280		rl := resolutions.Resolutions(target)
281		sort.Sort(rl)
282		for _, r := range rl {
283			var aname string
284			if ctx.graphViz {
285				aname = r.ActsOn().Name()
286			} else {
287				aname = targetOut(r.ActsOn(), ":")
288			}
290			// cnames accumulates the list of condition names originating at a single origin that apply to `target`.
291			cnames := r.Resolves().Names()
293			// Output 1 line for each attachesTo+actsOn combination.
294			outputResolution(tname, aname, cnames)
295		}
296	}
297	// If graphViz output, rank the root nodes together, and complete the directed graph.
298	if ctx.graphViz {
299		fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "\t{rank=same;")
300		for _, f := range files {
301			fName := f
302			if !strings.HasSuffix(fName, ".meta_lic") {
303				fName += ".meta_lic"
304			}
305			if fNode, ok := nodes[fName]; ok {
306				fmt.Fprintf(stdout, " %s", fNode)
307			}
308		}
309		fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "}\n}\n")
310	}
311	return licenseGraph, nil