1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18"""This file generates project.xml and lint.xml files used to drive the Android Lint CLI tool."""
20import argparse
21import sys
22from xml.dom import minidom
24from ninja_rsp import NinjaRspFileReader
27def check_action(check_type):
28  """
29  Returns an action that appends a tuple of check_type and the argument to the dest.
30  """
31  class CheckAction(argparse.Action):
32    def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=None, **kwargs):
33      if nargs is not None:
34        raise ValueError("nargs must be None, was %s" % nargs)
35      super(CheckAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs)
36    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
37      checks = getattr(namespace, self.dest, [])
38      checks.append((check_type, values))
39      setattr(namespace, self.dest, checks)
40  return CheckAction
43def parse_args():
44  """Parse commandline arguments."""
46  def convert_arg_line_to_args(arg_line):
47    for arg in arg_line.split():
48      if arg.startswith('#'):
49        return
50      if not arg.strip():
51        continue
52      yield arg
54  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(fromfile_prefix_chars='@')
55  parser.convert_arg_line_to_args = convert_arg_line_to_args
56  parser.add_argument('--project_out', dest='project_out',
57                      help='file to which the project.xml contents will be written.')
58  parser.add_argument('--config_out', dest='config_out',
59                      help='file to which the lint.xml contents will be written.')
60  parser.add_argument('--name', dest='name',
61                      help='name of the module.')
62  parser.add_argument('--srcs', dest='srcs', action='append', default=[],
63                      help='file containing whitespace separated list of source files.')
64  parser.add_argument('--generated_srcs', dest='generated_srcs', action='append', default=[],
65                      help='file containing whitespace separated list of generated source files.')
66  parser.add_argument('--resources', dest='resources', action='append', default=[],
67                      help='file containing whitespace separated list of resource files.')
68  parser.add_argument('--classes', dest='classes', action='append', default=[],
69                      help='file containing the module\'s classes.')
70  parser.add_argument('--classpath', dest='classpath', action='append', default=[],
71                      help='file containing classes from dependencies.')
72  parser.add_argument('--extra_checks_jar', dest='extra_checks_jars', action='append', default=[],
73                      help='file containing extra lint checks.')
74  parser.add_argument('--manifest', dest='manifest',
75                      help='file containing the module\'s manifest.')
76  parser.add_argument('--merged_manifest', dest='merged_manifest',
77                      help='file containing merged manifest for the module and its dependencies.')
78  parser.add_argument('--baseline', dest='baseline_path',
79                      help='file containing baseline lint issues.')
80  parser.add_argument('--library', dest='library', action='store_true',
81                      help='mark the module as a library.')
82  parser.add_argument('--test', dest='test', action='store_true',
83                      help='mark the module as a test.')
84  parser.add_argument('--cache_dir', dest='cache_dir',
85                      help='directory to use for cached file.')
86  parser.add_argument('--root_dir', dest='root_dir',
87                      help='directory to use for root dir.')
88  group = parser.add_argument_group('check arguments', 'later arguments override earlier ones.')
89  group.add_argument('--fatal_check', dest='checks', action=check_action('fatal'), default=[],
90                     help='treat a lint issue as a fatal error.')
91  group.add_argument('--error_check', dest='checks', action=check_action('error'), default=[],
92                     help='treat a lint issue as an error.')
93  group.add_argument('--warning_check', dest='checks', action=check_action('warning'), default=[],
94                     help='treat a lint issue as a warning.')
95  group.add_argument('--disable_check', dest='checks', action=check_action('ignore'), default=[],
96                     help='disable a lint issue.')
97  group.add_argument('--disallowed_issues', dest='disallowed_issues', default=[],
98                     help='lint issues disallowed in the baseline file')
99  return parser.parse_args()
102def write_project_xml(f, args):
103  test_attr = "test='true' " if args.test else ""
105  f.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n")
106  f.write("<project>\n")
107  if args.root_dir:
108    f.write("  <root dir='%s' />\n" % args.root_dir)
109  f.write("  <module name='%s' android='true' %sdesugar='full' >\n" % (args.name, "library='true' " if args.library else ""))
110  if args.manifest:
111    f.write("    <manifest file='%s' %s/>\n" % (args.manifest, test_attr))
112  if args.merged_manifest:
113    f.write("    <merged-manifest file='%s' %s/>\n" % (args.merged_manifest, test_attr))
114  for src_file in args.srcs:
115    for src in NinjaRspFileReader(src_file):
116      f.write("    <src file='%s' %s/>\n" % (src, test_attr))
117  for src_file in args.generated_srcs:
118    for src in NinjaRspFileReader(src_file):
119      f.write("    <src file='%s' generated='true' %s/>\n" % (src, test_attr))
120  for res_file in args.resources:
121    for res in NinjaRspFileReader(res_file):
122      f.write("    <resource file='%s' %s/>\n" % (res, test_attr))
123  for classes in args.classes:
124    f.write("    <classes jar='%s' />\n" % classes)
125  for classpath in args.classpath:
126    f.write("    <classpath jar='%s' />\n" % classpath)
127  for extra in args.extra_checks_jars:
128    f.write("    <lint-checks jar='%s' />\n" % extra)
129  f.write("  </module>\n")
130  if args.cache_dir:
131    f.write("  <cache dir='%s'/>\n" % args.cache_dir)
132  f.write("</project>\n")
135def write_config_xml(f, args):
136  f.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n")
137  f.write("<lint>\n")
138  for check in args.checks:
139    f.write("  <issue id='%s' severity='%s' />\n" % (check[1], check[0]))
140  f.write("</lint>\n")
143def check_baseline_for_disallowed_issues(baseline, forced_checks):
144  issues_element = baseline.documentElement
145  if issues_element.tagName != 'issues':
146    raise RuntimeError('expected issues tag at root')
147  issues = issues_element.getElementsByTagName('issue')
148  disallowed = set()
149  for issue in issues:
150    id = issue.getAttribute('id')
151    if id in forced_checks:
152      disallowed.add(id)
153  return disallowed
156def main():
157  """Program entry point."""
158  args = parse_args()
160  if args.baseline_path:
161    baseline = minidom.parse(args.baseline_path)
162    disallowed_issues = check_baseline_for_disallowed_issues(baseline, args.disallowed_issues)
163    if disallowed_issues:
164      sys.exit('disallowed issues %s found in lint baseline file %s for module %s'
165                         % (disallowed_issues, args.baseline_path, args.name))
167  if args.project_out:
168    with open(args.project_out, 'w') as f:
169      write_project_xml(f, args)
171  if args.config_out:
172    with open(args.config_out, 'w') as f:
173      write_config_xml(f, args)
176if __name__ == '__main__':
177  main()