1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2<resources> 3 4 5 <!-- Whether to allow backing into the HOOK_BEGIN activities. --> 6 <!--<bool name="allow_hook_replay"></bool>--> 7 8 9 <!-- Whether to allow background music to play. --> 10 <!-- <bool name="play_background_music"></bool> --> 11 12 13 <!-- Whether to allow background movie to play. --> 14 <!-- <bool name="play_background_movie"></bool> --> 15 16 17 <!-- Whether to allow the welcome (locale picker) to be shown. --> 18 <!--<bool name="show_welcome"></bool>--> 19 20 21 <!-- Whether to show the your-device-has-been-upgraded step in the case of a post-provisioned-upgrade run. --> 22 <!--<bool name="show_welcome_post_provisioned_upgrade"></bool>--> 23 24 25 <!-- Provide a list of locales to show atop the default locale picker. 26 Relevant only if the default locale picker is shown. --> 27 <!--<string-array name="preferred_locales"><item></item></string-array>--> 28 29 30 <!-- Provide a welcome string to display on the default locale picker. 31 Relevant only if the default locale picker is shown. --> 32 <!--<string name="welcome_message"></string>--> 33 34 35 <!-- Provide the android:maxWidth attribute for the welcome string on the default locale picker. 36 Relevant only if the default locale picker is shown. --> 37 <!--<dimen name="welcome_message_max_width"></dimen>--> 38 39 40 <!-- Provide the y offset for the welcome string on the default locale picker. A negative value 41 means lift the View upward; a positive value means push it downward. 42 Relevant only if the default locale picker is shown. --> 43 <!--<dimen name="welcome_message_offset"></dimen>--> 44 45 46 <!-- Whether to present the device-to-device bootstrap (QuickSetup) flow. --> 47 <!--<bool name="show_quicksetup"></bool>--> 48 49 50 <!-- Whether to allow the user to skip the default Network step. --> 51 <!--<bool name="show_skip_network"></bool>--> 52 53 54 <!-- Whether to allow the user to skip the Google Account Sign-in step. --> 55 <!--<bool name="show_skip_signin"></bool>--> 56 57 58 <!-- Whether to show the set-device-name step. --> 59 <!--<bool name="show_set_device_name"></bool>--> 60 61 62 <!-- Whether to show the assistant hotword step during Setup. 63 This is only relevant if the device supports hotwording. --> 64 <!--<bool name="show_assistant_hotword"></bool>--> 65 66 67 <!-- Provide a partner-specific string for the hotword step. 68 This is only relevant if the hotwording step gets shown. --> 69 <!--<string name="hotword_description_appendage"></string>--> 70 71 72 <!-- Whether the tutorials step should be shown in the case of a post-provisioned-upgrade run. --> 73 <!--<bool name="show_tutorial_post_provisioned_upgrade"></bool>--> 74 75 76 <!-- Tutorial resources 77 <array name="tutorial_drawables"> 78 <item>@drawable/tutorial_image_0</item> 79 <item>@drawable/tutorial_image_1</item> 80 </array> 81 82 <string-array name="tutorial_titles"> 83 <item>@string/tutorial_title0</item> 84 <item>@string/tutorial_title1</item> 85 </string-array> 86 87 <string-array name="tutorial_descriptions"> 88 <item>@string/tutorial_description0</item> 89 <item>@string/tutorial_description1</item> 90 </string-array> 91 92 <string name="tutorial_title0">Dinosaurs are scary</string> 93 <string name="tutorial_description0">Do not mess with them, or you might get eaten. Be aware!</string> 94 95 <string name="tutorial_title1">This movie was great</string> 96 <string name="tutorial_description1">Be sure to purchase lots of merchandise</string> 97 --> 98 99</resources> 100