1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.systemui.biometrics
19 import android.graphics.Point
20 import android.graphics.RuntimeShader
21 import android.util.MathUtils
23 /**
24  * Shader class that renders a distorted ripple for the UDFPS dwell effect.
25  * Adjustable shader parameters:
26  *   - progress
27  *   - origin
28  *   - color
29  *   - time
30  *   - maxRadius
31  *   - distortionStrength.
32  * See per field documentation for more details.
33  *
34  * Modeled after frameworks/base/graphics/java/android/graphics/drawable/RippleShader.java.
35  */
36 class DwellRippleShader internal constructor() : RuntimeShader(SHADER) {
37     companion object {
38         private const val SHADER_UNIFORMS = """uniform vec2 in_origin;
39                 uniform float in_time;
40                 uniform float in_radius;
41                 uniform float in_blur;
42                 layout(color) uniform vec4 in_color;
43                 uniform float in_phase1;
44                 uniform float in_phase2;
45                 uniform float in_distortion_strength;"""
46         private const val SHADER_LIB = """
47                 float softCircle(vec2 uv, vec2 xy, float radius, float blur) {
48                   float blurHalf = blur * 0.5;
49                   float d = distance(uv, xy);
50                   return 1. - smoothstep(1. - blurHalf, 1. + blurHalf, d / radius);
51                 }
53                 float softRing(vec2 uv, vec2 xy, float radius, float blur) {
54                   float thickness_half = radius * 0.25;
55                   float circle_outer = softCircle(uv, xy, radius + thickness_half, blur);
56                   float circle_inner = softCircle(uv, xy, radius - thickness_half, blur);
57                   return circle_outer - circle_inner;
58                 }
60                 vec2 distort(vec2 p, float time, float distort_amount_xy, float frequency) {
61                     return p + vec2(sin(p.y * frequency + in_phase1),
62                                     cos(p.x * frequency * -1.23 + in_phase2)) * distort_amount_xy;
63                 }
65                 vec4 ripple(vec2 p, float distort_xy, float frequency) {
66                     vec2 p_distorted = distort(p, in_time, distort_xy, frequency);
67                     float circle = softCircle(p_distorted, in_origin, in_radius * 1.2, in_blur);
68                     float rippleAlpha = max(circle,
69                         softRing(p_distorted, in_origin, in_radius, in_blur)) * 0.25;
70                     return in_color * rippleAlpha;
71                 }
72                 """
73         private const val SHADER_MAIN = """vec4 main(vec2 p) {
74                     vec4 color1 = ripple(p,
75                         34 * in_distortion_strength, // distort_xy
76                         0.012 // frequency
77                     );
78                     vec4 color2 = ripple(p,
79                         49 * in_distortion_strength, // distort_xy
80                         0.018 // frequency
81                     );
82                     // Alpha blend between two layers.
83                     return vec4(color1.xyz + color2.xyz
84                         * (1 - color1.w), color1.w + color2.w * (1-color1.w));
85                 }"""
86         private const val SHADER = SHADER_UNIFORMS + SHADER_LIB + SHADER_MAIN
87     }
89     /**
90      * Maximum radius of the ripple.
91      */
92     var maxRadius: Float = 0.0f
94     /**
95      * Origin coordinate of the ripple.
96      */
97     var origin: Point = Point()
98         set(value) {
99             field = value
100             setFloatUniform("in_origin", value.x.toFloat(), value.y.toFloat())
101         }
103     /**
104      * Progress of the ripple. Float value between [0, 1].
105      */
106     var progress: Float = 0.0f
107         set(value) {
108             field = value
109             setFloatUniform("in_radius",
110                     (1 - (1 - value) * (1 - value) * (1 - value)) * maxRadius)
111             setFloatUniform("in_blur", MathUtils.lerp(1f, 0.7f, value))
112         }
114     /**
115      * Distortion strength between [0, 1], with 0 being no distortion and 1 being full distortion.
116      */
117     var distortionStrength: Float = 0.0f
118         set(value) {
119             field = value
120             setFloatUniform("in_distortion_strength", value)
121         }
123     /**
124      * Play time since the start of the effect in seconds.
125      */
126     var time: Float = 0.0f
127         set(value) {
128             field = value * 0.001f
129             setFloatUniform("in_time", field)
130             setFloatUniform("in_phase1", field * 3f + 0.367f)
131             setFloatUniform("in_phase2", field * 7.2f * 1.531f)
132         }
134     /**
135      * A hex value representing the ripple color, in the format of ARGB
136      */
137     var color: Int = 0xffffff.toInt()
138         set(value) {
139             field = value
140             setColorUniform("in_color", value)
141         }
142 }