1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #include <frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/incident.pb.h>
19 #include <map>
20 #include <set>
21 #include <sstream>
22 #include <string>
25 #define FALLTHROUGH_INTENDED [[fallthrough]]
26 #endif
28 using namespace android;
29 using namespace android::os;
30 using namespace google::protobuf;
31 using namespace google::protobuf::io;
32 using namespace google::protobuf::internal;
33 using namespace std;
35 /**
36 * Implementation details:
37 * This binary auto generates .cpp files for incident and incidentd.
38 *
39 * When argument "incident" is specified, it generates incident_section.cpp file.
40 *
41 * When argument "incidentd" is specified, it generates section_list.cpp file.
42 *
43 * In section_list.cpp file, it generates a SECTION_LIST array and a PRIVACY_POLICY_LIST array.
44 * For SECTION_LIST, it generates Section.h classes only for proto fields with section option enabled.
45 * For PRIVACY_POLICY_LIST, it generates Privacy.h classes only for proto fields with privacy option enabled.
46 *
47 * For Privacy struct, it is possible to have self recursion definitions since protobuf is defining "classes"
48 * So the logic to handle it becomes very complicated when Privacy tag of a message contains a list of Privacies
49 * of its sub-messages. The code also handles multiple depth of self recursion fields.
50 *
51 * For example here is a one level self recursion message WindowManager:
52 * message WindowState {
53 * string state = 1 [(privacy).dest = LOCAL];
54 * int32 display_id = 2;
55 * repeated WindowState child_windows = 3;
56 * }
57 *
58 * message WindowManager {
59 * WindowState my_window = 1;
60 * }
61 *
62 * When generating Privacy options for WindowManager, this tool will generate cpp syntax source code:
63 *
64 * #include "section_list.h"
65 * ...
66 * Privacy WindowState__state { 1, 9, NULL, LOCAL, NULL }; // first two integers are values for field id and proto type.
67 * Privacy WindowState__child_windows { 3, 11, NULL, UNSET, NULL }; // reserved for WindowState_LIST
68 * Privacy* WindowState__MSG__UNSET[] = {
69 * &WindowState_state,
70 * // display id is default, nothing is generated.
71 * &WindowState_child_windows,
72 * NULL // terminator of the array
73 * };
74 * Privacy WindowState__my_window { 1, 11, WindowState__MSG__UNSET, UNSET, NULL };
75 *
76 * createList() {
77 * ...
78 * WindowState_child_windows.children = WindowState__MSG_UNSET; // point to its own definition after the list is defined.
79 * ...
80 * }
81 *
82 * const Privacy** PRIVACY_POLICY_LIST = createList();
83 * const int PRIVACY_POLICY_COUNT = 1;
84 *
85 * Privacy Value Inheritance rules:
86 * 1. Both field and message can be tagged with DESTINATION: LOCAL(L), EXPLICIT(E), AUTOMATIC(A).
87 * 2. Primitives inherits containing message's tag unless defined explicitly.
88 * 3. Containing message's tag doesn't apply to message fields, even when unset (in this case, uses its default message tag).
89 * 4. Message field tag overrides its default message tag.
90 * 5. UNSET tag defaults to EXPLICIT.
91 */
93 // The assignments will be called when constructs PRIVACY_POLICY_LIST, has to be global variable
94 vector<string> gSelfRecursionAssignments;
emptyline()96 static inline void emptyline() {
97 printf("\n");
98 }
generateHead(const char * header)100 static void generateHead(const char* header) {
101 printf("// Auto generated file. Do not modify\n");
102 emptyline();
103 printf("#include \"%s.h\"\n", header);
104 emptyline();
105 }
107 // ======================== incident_sections =============================
generateIncidentSectionsCpp(Descriptor const * descriptor)108 static bool generateIncidentSectionsCpp(Descriptor const* descriptor)
109 {
110 generateHead("incident_sections");
112 map<string,FieldDescriptor const*> sections;
113 int N;
114 N = descriptor->field_count();
115 for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
116 const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor->field(i);
117 sections[field->name()] = field;
118 }
120 printf("IncidentSection const INCIDENT_SECTIONS[] = {\n");
121 N = sections.size();
122 int i = 0;
123 for (map<string,FieldDescriptor const*>::const_iterator it = sections.begin();
124 it != sections.end(); it++, i++) {
125 const FieldDescriptor* field = it->second;
126 printf(" { %d, \"%s\" }", field->number(), field->name().c_str());
127 if (i != N-1) {
128 printf(",\n");
129 } else {
130 printf("\n");
131 }
132 }
133 printf("};\n");
135 printf("const int INCIDENT_SECTION_COUNT = %d;\n", N);
137 return true;
138 }
140 // ========================= section_list ===================================
splitAndPrint(const string & args)141 static void splitAndPrint(const string& args) {
142 size_t base = 0;
143 size_t found;
144 while (true) {
145 found = args.find_first_of(' ', base);
146 if (found != base) {
147 string arg = args.substr(base, found - base);
148 printf(" \"%s\",", arg.c_str());
149 }
150 if (found == args.npos) break;
151 base = found + 1;
152 }
153 }
replaceAll(const string & fieldName,const char oldC,const string & newS)155 static string replaceAll(const string& fieldName, const char oldC, const string& newS) {
156 if (fieldName.find_first_of(oldC) == fieldName.npos) return fieldName.c_str();
157 size_t pos = 0, idx = 0;
158 char* res = new char[fieldName.size() * newS.size() + 1]; // assign a larger buffer
159 while (pos != fieldName.size()) {
160 char cur = fieldName[pos++];
161 if (cur != oldC) {
162 res[idx++] = cur;
163 continue;
164 }
166 for (size_t i=0; i<newS.size(); i++) {
167 res[idx++] = newS[i];
168 }
169 }
170 res[idx] = '\0';
171 string result(res);
172 delete [] res;
173 return result;
174 }
printPrivacy(const string & name,const FieldDescriptor * field,const string & children,const Destination dest,const string & patterns,const string & comments="")176 static inline void printPrivacy(const string& name, const FieldDescriptor* field, const string& children,
177 const Destination dest, const string& patterns, const string& comments = "") {
178 printf("Privacy %s = { %d, %d, %s, %d, %s };%s\n", name.c_str(), field->number(), field->type(),
179 children.c_str(), dest, patterns.c_str(), comments.c_str());
180 }
182 // Get Custom Options ================================================================================
getSectionFlags(const FieldDescriptor * field)183 static inline SectionFlags getSectionFlags(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
184 return field->options().GetExtension(section);
185 }
getPrivacyFlags(const FieldDescriptor * field)187 static inline PrivacyFlags getPrivacyFlags(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
188 return field->options().GetExtension(privacy);
189 }
getPrivacyFlags(const Descriptor * descriptor)191 static inline PrivacyFlags getPrivacyFlags(const Descriptor* descriptor) {
192 return descriptor->options().GetExtension(msg_privacy);
193 }
195 // Get Destinations ===================================================================================
getMessageDest(const Descriptor * descriptor,const Destination overridden)196 static inline Destination getMessageDest(const Descriptor* descriptor, const Destination overridden) {
197 return overridden != DEST_UNSET ? overridden : getPrivacyFlags(descriptor).dest();
198 }
200 // Returns field's own dest, when it is a message field, uses its message default tag if unset.
getFieldDest(const FieldDescriptor * field)201 static inline Destination getFieldDest(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
202 Destination fieldDest = getPrivacyFlags(field).dest();
203 return field->type() != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE ? fieldDest :
204 getMessageDest(field->message_type(), fieldDest);
205 }
207 // Converts Destination to a string.
getDestString(const Destination dest)208 static inline string getDestString(const Destination dest) {
209 switch (dest) {
210 case DEST_AUTOMATIC: return "AUTOMATIC";
211 case DEST_LOCAL: return "LOCAL";
212 case DEST_EXPLICIT: return "EXPLICIT";
213 // UNSET is considered EXPLICIT by default.
214 case DEST_UNSET: return "EXPLICIT";
215 default: return "UNKNOWN";
216 }
217 }
219 // Get Names ===========================================================================================
getFieldName(const FieldDescriptor * field)220 static inline string getFieldName(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
221 // replace . with double underscores to avoid name conflicts since fields use snake naming convention
222 return replaceAll(field->full_name(), '.', "__");
223 }
getMessageName(const Descriptor * descriptor,const Destination overridden)226 static inline string getMessageName(const Descriptor* descriptor, const Destination overridden) {
227 // replace . with one underscore since messages use camel naming convention
228 return replaceAll(descriptor->full_name(), '.', "_") + "__MSG__" +
229 to_string(getMessageDest(descriptor, overridden));
230 }
232 // IsDefault ============================================================================================
233 // Returns true if a field is default. Default is defined as this field has same dest as its containing message.
234 // For message fields, it only looks at its field tag and own default message tag, doesn't recursively go deeper.
isDefaultField(const FieldDescriptor * field,const Destination containerDest)235 static inline bool isDefaultField(const FieldDescriptor* field, const Destination containerDest) {
236 Destination fieldDest = getFieldDest(field);
237 if (field->type() != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE) {
238 return fieldDest == containerDest || (fieldDest == DEST_UNSET);
239 } else {
240 return fieldDest == containerDest ||
241 (containerDest == DEST_UNSET && fieldDest == DEST_EXPLICIT) ||
242 (containerDest == DEST_EXPLICIT && fieldDest == DEST_UNSET);
243 }
244 }
isDefaultMessageImpl(const Descriptor * descriptor,const Destination dest,set<string> * parents)246 static bool isDefaultMessageImpl(const Descriptor* descriptor, const Destination dest, set<string>* parents) {
247 const int N = descriptor->field_count();
248 const Destination messageDest = getMessageDest(descriptor, dest);
249 parents->insert(descriptor->full_name());
250 for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
251 const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor->field(i);
252 const Destination fieldDest = getFieldDest(field);
253 // If current field is not default, return false immediately
254 if (!isDefaultField(field, messageDest)) return false;
255 switch (field->type()) {
256 case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE:
257 // if self recursion, don't go deep.
258 if (parents->find(field->message_type()->full_name()) != parents->end()) break;
259 // if is a default message, just continue
260 if (isDefaultMessageImpl(field->message_type(), fieldDest, parents)) break;
261 // sub message is not default, so this message is always not default
262 return false;
263 case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING:
264 if (getPrivacyFlags(field).patterns_size() != 0) return false;
265 break;
266 default:
267 break;
268 }
269 }
270 parents->erase(descriptor->full_name());
271 return true;
272 }
274 // Recursively look at if this message is default, meaning all its fields and sub-messages
275 // can be described by the same dest.
isDefaultMessage(const Descriptor * descriptor,const Destination dest)276 static bool isDefaultMessage(const Descriptor* descriptor, const Destination dest) {
277 set<string> parents;
278 return isDefaultMessageImpl(descriptor, dest, &parents);
279 }
281 // ===============================================================================================================
numberInOrder(const FieldDescriptor * f1,const FieldDescriptor * f2)282 static bool numberInOrder(const FieldDescriptor* f1, const FieldDescriptor* f2) {
283 return f1->number() < f2->number();
284 }
286 // field numbers are possibly out of order, sort them here.
sortFields(const Descriptor * descriptor)287 static vector<const FieldDescriptor*> sortFields(const Descriptor* descriptor) {
288 vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields;
289 fields.reserve(descriptor->field_count());
290 for (int i=0; i<descriptor->field_count(); i++) {
291 fields.push_back(descriptor->field(i));
292 }
293 std::sort(fields.begin(), fields.end(), numberInOrder);
294 return fields;
295 }
297 // This function looks for privacy tags of a message type and recursively its sub-messages.
298 // It generates Privacy objects for each non-default fields including non-default sub-messages.
299 // And if the message has Privacy objects generated, it returns a list of them.
300 // Returns false if the descriptor doesn't have any non default privacy flags set, including its submessages
generatePrivacyFlags(const Descriptor * descriptor,const Destination overridden,map<string,bool> & variableNames,set<string> * parents)301 static bool generatePrivacyFlags(const Descriptor* descriptor, const Destination overridden,
302 map<string, bool> &variableNames, set<string>* parents) {
303 const string messageName = getMessageName(descriptor, overridden);
304 const Destination messageDest = getMessageDest(descriptor, overridden);
306 if (variableNames.find(messageName) != variableNames.end()) {
307 bool hasDefault = variableNames[messageName];
308 return !hasDefault; // if has default, then don't generate privacy flags.
309 }
310 // insert the message type name so sub-message will figure out if self-recursion occurs
311 parents->insert(messageName);
313 // sort fields based on number, iterate though them and generate sub flags first
314 vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fieldsInOrder = sortFields(descriptor);
315 bool hasDefaultFlags[fieldsInOrder.size()];
316 for (size_t i=0; i<fieldsInOrder.size(); i++) {
317 const FieldDescriptor* field = fieldsInOrder[i];
318 const string fieldName = getFieldName(field);
319 const Destination fieldDest = getFieldDest(field);
321 if (variableNames.find(fieldName) != variableNames.end()) {
322 hasDefaultFlags[i] = variableNames[fieldName];
323 continue;
324 }
325 hasDefaultFlags[i] = isDefaultField(field, messageDest);
327 string fieldMessageName;
328 PrivacyFlags p = getPrivacyFlags(field);
329 switch (field->type()) {
330 case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE:
331 fieldMessageName = getMessageName(field->message_type(), fieldDest);
332 if (parents->find(fieldMessageName) != parents->end()) { // Self-Recursion proto definition
333 if (hasDefaultFlags[i]) {
334 hasDefaultFlags[i] = isDefaultMessage(field->message_type(), fieldDest);
335 }
336 if (!hasDefaultFlags[i]) {
337 printPrivacy(fieldName, field, "NULL", fieldDest, "NULL",
338 " // self recursion field of " + fieldMessageName);
339 // generate the assignment and used to construct createList function later on.
340 gSelfRecursionAssignments.push_back(fieldName + ".children = " + fieldMessageName);
341 }
342 } else if (generatePrivacyFlags(field->message_type(), p.dest(), variableNames, parents)) {
343 if (variableNames.find(fieldName) == variableNames.end()) {
344 printPrivacy(fieldName, field, fieldMessageName, fieldDest, "NULL");
345 }
346 hasDefaultFlags[i] = false;
347 } else if (!hasDefaultFlags[i]) {
348 printPrivacy(fieldName, field, "NULL", fieldDest, "NULL");
349 }
350 break;
351 case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING:
352 if (p.patterns_size() != 0) { // if patterns are specified
353 if (hasDefaultFlags[i]) break;
354 printf("const char* %s_patterns[] = {\n", fieldName.c_str());
355 for (int j=0; j<p.patterns_size(); j++) {
356 // generated string needs to escape backslash too, duplicate it to allow escape again.
357 printf(" \"%s\",\n", replaceAll(p.patterns(j), '\\', "\\\\").c_str());
358 }
359 printf(" NULL };\n");
360 printPrivacy(fieldName, field, "NULL", fieldDest, fieldName + "_patterns");
361 break;
362 }
364 // else treat string field as primitive field and goes to default
365 default:
366 if (!hasDefaultFlags[i]) printPrivacy(fieldName, field, "NULL", fieldDest, "NULL");
367 }
368 // Don't generate a variable twice
369 if (!hasDefaultFlags[i]) variableNames[fieldName] = false;
370 }
371 // hasDefaultFlags[i] has been initialized in the above for-loop,
372 // but clang-tidy analyzer still report uninitized values.
373 // So we use NOLINT to suppress those false positives.
375 bool allDefaults = true;
376 for (size_t i=0; i<fieldsInOrder.size(); i++) {
377 allDefaults &= hasDefaultFlags[i]; // NOLINT(clang-analyzer-core.uninitialized.Assign)
378 }
380 parents->erase(messageName); // erase the message type name when exit the message.
381 variableNames[messageName] = allDefaults; // store the privacy tags of the message here to avoid overhead.
383 if (allDefaults) return false;
385 emptyline();
386 printf("Privacy* %s[] = {\n", messageName.c_str());
387 for (size_t i=0; i<fieldsInOrder.size(); i++) {
388 const FieldDescriptor* field = fieldsInOrder[i];
389 if (hasDefaultFlags[i]) continue; // NOLINT(clang-analyzer-core.uninitialized.Branch)
390 printf(" &%s,\n", getFieldName(field).c_str());
391 }
392 printf(" NULL };\n");
393 emptyline();
394 return true;
395 }
generateSectionListCpp(Descriptor const * descriptor)397 static bool generateSectionListCpp(Descriptor const* descriptor) {
398 generateHead("section_list");
400 // generate namespaces
401 printf("namespace android {\n");
402 printf("namespace os {\n");
403 printf("namespace incidentd {\n");
405 // generates SECTION_LIST
406 printf("// Generate SECTION_LIST.\n\n");
408 printf("const Section* SECTION_LIST[] = {\n");
409 for (int i=0; i<descriptor->field_count(); i++) {
410 const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor->field(i);
412 if (field->type() != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE &&
413 field->type() != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING &&
414 field->type() != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES) {
415 continue;
416 }
418 const SectionFlags s = getSectionFlags(field);
419 if (s.userdebug_and_eng_only() || s.type() == SECTION_TEXT_DUMPSYS) {
420 printf("#if ALLOW_RESTRICTED_SECTIONS\n");
421 }
423 switch (s.type()) {
424 case SECTION_NONE:
425 continue;
426 case SECTION_FILE:
427 printf(" new FileSection(%d, \"%s\"),\n", field->number(), s.args().c_str());
428 break;
430 printf(" new CommandSection(%d,", field->number());
431 splitAndPrint(s.args());
432 printf(" NULL),\n");
433 break;
435 printf(" new DumpsysSection(%d, ", field->number());
436 splitAndPrint(s.args());
437 printf(" NULL),\n");
438 break;
439 case SECTION_LOG:
440 printf(" new LogSection(%d, ", field->number());
441 splitAndPrint(s.args());
442 printf(" NULL),\n");
443 break;
444 case SECTION_GZIP:
445 printf(" new GZipSection(%d,", field->number());
446 splitAndPrint(s.args());
447 printf(" NULL),\n");
448 break;
450 printf(" new TombstoneSection(%d, \"%s\"),\n", field->number(),
451 s.args().c_str());
452 break;
454 printf(" new TextDumpsysSection(%d, ", field->number());
455 splitAndPrint(s.args());
456 printf(" NULL),\n");
457 break;
458 }
459 if (s.userdebug_and_eng_only() || s.type() == SECTION_TEXT_DUMPSYS) {
460 printf("#endif\n");
461 }
462 }
463 printf(" NULL };\n");
465 emptyline();
466 printf("// =============================================================================\n");
467 emptyline();
469 // generates PRIVACY_POLICY_LIST
470 printf("// Generate PRIVACY_POLICY_LIST.\n\n");
471 map<string, bool> variableNames;
472 set<string> parents;
473 vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fieldsInOrder = sortFields(descriptor);
474 vector<bool> skip(fieldsInOrder.size());
475 const Destination incidentDest = getPrivacyFlags(descriptor).dest();
477 for (size_t i=0; i<fieldsInOrder.size(); i++) {
478 const FieldDescriptor* field = fieldsInOrder[i];
479 const string fieldName = getFieldName(field);
480 const Destination fieldDest = getFieldDest(field);
481 printf("\n// Incident Report Section: %s (%d)\n", field->name().c_str(), field->number());
482 if (field->type() != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE) {
483 printPrivacy(fieldName, field, "NULL", fieldDest, "NULL");
484 continue;
485 }
487 skip[i] = true;
488 const string fieldMessageName = getMessageName(field->message_type(), fieldDest);
489 // generate privacy flags for each section.
490 if (generatePrivacyFlags(field->message_type(), incidentDest, variableNames, &parents)) {
491 printPrivacy(fieldName, field, fieldMessageName, fieldDest, "NULL");
492 } else if (fieldDest == incidentDest) {
493 printf("// default %s: fieldDest=%d incidentDest=%d\n", fieldName.c_str(),
494 getFieldDest(field), incidentDest);
495 continue; // don't create a new privacy if the value is default.
496 } else {
497 printPrivacy(fieldName, field, "NULL", fieldDest, "NULL");
498 }
499 skip[i] = false;
500 }
502 // generate final PRIVACY_POLICY_LIST
503 emptyline();
504 int policyCount = 0;
505 if (gSelfRecursionAssignments.empty()) {
506 printf("Privacy* privacyArray[] = {\n");
507 for (size_t i=0; i<fieldsInOrder.size(); i++) {
508 if (skip[i]) continue;
509 printf(" &%s,\n", getFieldName(fieldsInOrder[i]).c_str());
510 policyCount++;
511 }
512 printf("};\n\n");
513 printf("const Privacy** PRIVACY_POLICY_LIST = const_cast<const Privacy**>(privacyArray);\n\n");
514 printf("const int PRIVACY_POLICY_COUNT = %d;\n", policyCount);
515 } else {
516 for (size_t i=0; i<fieldsInOrder.size(); i++) {
517 if (!skip[i]) policyCount++;
518 }
520 printf("static const Privacy** createList() {\n");
521 for (size_t i=0; i<gSelfRecursionAssignments.size(); ++i) {
522 printf(" %s;\n", gSelfRecursionAssignments[i].c_str());
523 }
524 printf(" Privacy** privacyArray = (Privacy**)malloc(%d * sizeof(Privacy**));\n", policyCount);
525 policyCount = 0; // reset
526 for (size_t i=0; i<fieldsInOrder.size(); i++) {
527 if (skip[i]) continue;
528 printf(" privacyArray[%d] = &%s;\n", policyCount++, getFieldName(fieldsInOrder[i]).c_str());
529 }
530 printf(" return const_cast<const Privacy**>(privacyArray);\n");
531 printf("}\n\n");
532 printf("const Privacy** PRIVACY_POLICY_LIST = createList();\n\n");
533 printf("const int PRIVACY_POLICY_COUNT = %d;\n", policyCount);
534 }
536 printf("} // incidentd\n");
537 printf("} // os\n");
538 printf("} // android\n");
539 return true;
540 }
542 // ================================================================================
replace_string(const string & str,const char replace,const char with)543 static string replace_string(const string& str, const char replace, const char with)
544 {
545 string result(str);
546 const int N = result.size();
547 for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
548 if (result[i] == replace) {
549 result[i] = with;
550 }
551 }
552 return result;
553 }
generateCsv(Descriptor const * descriptor,const string & indent,set<string> * parents,const Destination containerDest=DEST_UNSET)555 static void generateCsv(Descriptor const* descriptor, const string& indent, set<string>* parents, const Destination containerDest = DEST_UNSET) {
556 DebugStringOptions options;
557 options.include_comments = true;
558 for (int i=0; i<descriptor->field_count(); i++) {
559 const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor->field(i);
560 const Destination fieldDest = getFieldDest(field);
561 stringstream text;
562 if (field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE) {
563 text << field->message_type()->name();
564 } else {
565 text << field->type_name();
566 }
567 text << " " << field->name();
568 text << " (PRIVACY=";
569 if (isDefaultField(field, containerDest)) {
570 text << getDestString(containerDest);
571 } else {
572 text << getDestString(fieldDest);
573 }
574 text << ")";
575 printf("%s%s,\n", indent.c_str(), replace_string(text.str(), '\n', ' ').c_str());
576 if (field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE &&
577 parents->find(field->message_type()->full_name()) == parents->end()) {
578 parents->insert(field->message_type()->full_name());
579 generateCsv(field->message_type(), indent + ",", parents, fieldDest);
580 parents->erase(field->message_type()->full_name());
581 }
582 }
583 }
585 // ================================================================================
main(int argc,char const * argv[])586 int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
587 {
588 if (argc < 2) return 1;
589 const char* module = argv[1];
591 Descriptor const* descriptor = IncidentProto::descriptor();
593 if (strcmp(module, "incident") == 0) {
594 return !generateIncidentSectionsCpp(descriptor);
595 }
596 if (strcmp(module, "incidentd") == 0 ) {
597 return !generateSectionListCpp(descriptor);
598 }
599 // Generates Csv Format of proto definition for each section.
600 if (strcmp(module, "csv") == 0 && argc > 2) {
601 int sectionId = atoi(argv[2]);
602 for (int i=0; i<descriptor->field_count(); i++) {
603 const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor->field(i);
604 if (strcmp(field->name().c_str(), argv[2]) == 0
605 || field->number() == sectionId) {
606 set<string> parents;
607 printf("%s\n", field->name().c_str());
608 generateCsv(field->message_type(), "", &parents, getFieldDest(field));
609 break;
610 }
611 }
612 // Returns failure if csv is enabled to prevent Android building with it.
613 // It doesn't matter if this command runs manually.
614 return 1;
615 }
616 // Returns failure if not called by the whitelisted modules
617 return 1;
618 }