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1 /*
2  * Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
19 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 1
20 #define LOG_TAG "GraphicsEnv"
22 #include <graphicsenv/GraphicsEnv.h>
24 #include <dlfcn.h>
25 #include <unistd.h>
27 #include <android-base/file.h>
28 #include <android-base/properties.h>
29 #include <android-base/strings.h>
30 #include <android/dlext.h>
31 #include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
32 #include <graphicsenv/IGpuService.h>
33 #include <log/log.h>
34 #include <nativeloader/dlext_namespaces.h>
35 #include <sys/prctl.h>
36 #include <utils/Trace.h>
38 #include <memory>
39 #include <string>
40 #include <thread>
42 // TODO(b/159240322): Extend this to x86 ABI.
43 #if defined(__LP64__)
44 #define UPDATABLE_DRIVER_ABI "arm64-v8a"
45 #else
46 #define UPDATABLE_DRIVER_ABI "armeabi-v7a"
47 #endif // defined(__LP64__)
49 // TODO(ianelliott@): Get the following from an ANGLE header:
50 #define CURRENT_ANGLE_API_VERSION 2 // Current API verion we are targetting
51 // Version-2 API:
52 typedef bool (*fpANGLEGetFeatureSupportUtilAPIVersion)(unsigned int* versionToUse);
53 typedef bool (*fpANGLEAndroidParseRulesString)(const char* rulesString, void** rulesHandle,
54                                                int* rulesVersion);
55 typedef bool (*fpANGLEGetSystemInfo)(void** handle);
56 typedef bool (*fpANGLEAddDeviceInfoToSystemInfo)(const char* deviceMfr, const char* deviceModel,
57                                                  void* handle);
58 typedef bool (*fpANGLEShouldBeUsedForApplication)(void* rulesHandle, int rulesVersion,
59                                                   void* systemInfoHandle, const char* appName);
60 typedef bool (*fpANGLEFreeRulesHandle)(void* handle);
61 typedef bool (*fpANGLEFreeSystemInfoHandle)(void* handle);
63 namespace {
isVndkEnabled()64 static bool isVndkEnabled() {
65 #ifdef __BIONIC__
66     static bool isVndkEnabled = android::base::GetProperty("ro.vndk.version", "") != "";
67     return isVndkEnabled;
68 #endif
69     return false;
70 }
71 } // namespace
73 namespace android {
75 enum NativeLibrary {
76     LLNDK = 0,
77     VNDKSP = 1,
78 };
80 static constexpr const char* kNativeLibrariesSystemConfigPath[] =
81         {"/apex/com.android.vndk.v{}/etc/llndk.libraries.{}.txt",
82          "/apex/com.android.vndk.v{}/etc/vndksp.libraries.{}.txt"};
84 static const char* kLlndkLibrariesTxtPath = "/system/etc/llndk.libraries.txt";
vndkVersionStr()86 static std::string vndkVersionStr() {
87 #ifdef __BIONIC__
88     return base::GetProperty("ro.vndk.version", "");
89 #endif
90     return "";
91 }
insertVndkVersionStr(std::string * fileName)93 static void insertVndkVersionStr(std::string* fileName) {
94     LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!fileName, "fileName should never be nullptr");
95     std::string version = vndkVersionStr();
96     size_t pos = fileName->find("{}");
97     while (pos != std::string::npos) {
98         fileName->replace(pos, 2, version);
99         pos = fileName->find("{}", pos + version.size());
100     }
101 }
readConfig(const std::string & configFile,std::vector<std::string> * soNames)103 static bool readConfig(const std::string& configFile, std::vector<std::string>* soNames) {
104     // Read list of public native libraries from the config file.
105     std::string fileContent;
106     if (!base::ReadFileToString(configFile, &fileContent)) {
107         return false;
108     }
110     std::vector<std::string> lines = base::Split(fileContent, "\n");
112     for (auto& line : lines) {
113         auto trimmedLine = base::Trim(line);
114         if (!trimmedLine.empty()) {
115             soNames->push_back(trimmedLine);
116         }
117     }
119     return true;
120 }
getSystemNativeLibraries(NativeLibrary type)122 static const std::string getSystemNativeLibraries(NativeLibrary type) {
123     std::string nativeLibrariesSystemConfig = "";
125     if (!isVndkEnabled() && type == NativeLibrary::LLNDK) {
126         nativeLibrariesSystemConfig = kLlndkLibrariesTxtPath;
127     } else {
128         nativeLibrariesSystemConfig = kNativeLibrariesSystemConfigPath[type];
129         insertVndkVersionStr(&nativeLibrariesSystemConfig);
130     }
132     std::vector<std::string> soNames;
133     if (!readConfig(nativeLibrariesSystemConfig, &soNames)) {
134         ALOGE("Failed to retrieve library names from %s", nativeLibrariesSystemConfig.c_str());
135         return "";
136     }
138     return base::Join(soNames, ':');
139 }
getGpuService()141 static sp<IGpuService> getGpuService() {
142     static const sp<IBinder> binder = defaultServiceManager()->checkService(String16("gpu"));
143     if (!binder) {
144         ALOGE("Failed to get gpu service");
145         return nullptr;
146     }
148     return interface_cast<IGpuService>(binder);
149 }
getInstance()151 /*static*/ GraphicsEnv& GraphicsEnv::getInstance() {
152     static GraphicsEnv env;
153     return env;
154 }
isDebuggable()156 bool GraphicsEnv::isDebuggable() {
157     // This flag determines if the application is marked debuggable
158     bool appDebuggable = prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0) > 0;
160     // This flag is set only in `debuggable` builds of the platform
161 #if defined(ANDROID_DEBUGGABLE)
162     bool platformDebuggable = true;
163 #else
164     bool platformDebuggable = false;
165 #endif
167     ALOGV("GraphicsEnv::isDebuggable returning appDebuggable=%s || platformDebuggable=%s",
168           appDebuggable ? "true" : "false", platformDebuggable ? "true" : "false");
170     return appDebuggable || platformDebuggable;
171 }
173 /**
174  * APIs for updatable graphics drivers
175  */
setDriverPathAndSphalLibraries(const std::string & path,const std::string & sphalLibraries)177 void GraphicsEnv::setDriverPathAndSphalLibraries(const std::string& path,
178                                                  const std::string& sphalLibraries) {
179     if (!mDriverPath.empty() || !mSphalLibraries.empty()) {
180         ALOGV("ignoring attempt to change driver path from '%s' to '%s' or change sphal libraries "
181               "from '%s' to '%s'",
182               mDriverPath.c_str(), path.c_str(), mSphalLibraries.c_str(), sphalLibraries.c_str());
183         return;
184     }
185     ALOGV("setting driver path to '%s' and sphal libraries to '%s'", path.c_str(),
186           sphalLibraries.c_str());
187     mDriverPath = path;
188     mSphalLibraries = sphalLibraries;
189 }
191 // Return true if all the required libraries from vndk and sphal namespace are
192 // linked to the driver namespace correctly.
linkDriverNamespaceLocked(android_namespace_t * destNamespace,android_namespace_t * vndkNamespace,const std::string & sharedSphalLibraries)193 bool GraphicsEnv::linkDriverNamespaceLocked(android_namespace_t* destNamespace,
194                                             android_namespace_t* vndkNamespace,
195                                             const std::string& sharedSphalLibraries) {
196     const std::string llndkLibraries = getSystemNativeLibraries(NativeLibrary::LLNDK);
197     if (llndkLibraries.empty()) {
198         return false;
199     }
200     if (!android_link_namespaces(destNamespace, nullptr, llndkLibraries.c_str())) {
201         ALOGE("Failed to link default namespace[%s]", dlerror());
202         return false;
203     }
205     const std::string vndkspLibraries = getSystemNativeLibraries(NativeLibrary::VNDKSP);
206     if (vndkspLibraries.empty()) {
207         return false;
208     }
209     if (!android_link_namespaces(destNamespace, vndkNamespace, vndkspLibraries.c_str())) {
210         ALOGE("Failed to link vndk namespace[%s]", dlerror());
211         return false;
212     }
214     if (sharedSphalLibraries.empty()) {
215         return true;
216     }
218     // Make additional libraries in sphal to be accessible
219     auto sphalNamespace = android_get_exported_namespace("sphal");
220     if (!sphalNamespace) {
221         ALOGE("Depend on these libraries[%s] in sphal, but failed to get sphal namespace",
222               sharedSphalLibraries.c_str());
223         return false;
224     }
226     if (!android_link_namespaces(destNamespace, sphalNamespace, sharedSphalLibraries.c_str())) {
227         ALOGE("Failed to link sphal namespace[%s]", dlerror());
228         return false;
229     }
231     return true;
232 }
getDriverNamespace()234 android_namespace_t* GraphicsEnv::getDriverNamespace() {
235     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mNamespaceMutex);
237     if (mDriverNamespace) {
238         return mDriverNamespace;
239     }
241     if (mDriverPath.empty()) {
242         // For an application process, driver path is empty means this application is not opted in
243         // to use updatable driver. Application process doesn't have the ability to set up
244         // environment variables and hence before `getenv` call will return.
245         // For a process that is not an application process, if it's run from an environment,
246         // for example shell, where environment variables can be set, then it can opt into using
247         // udpatable driver by setting UPDATABLE_GFX_DRIVER to 1. By setting to 1 the developer
248         // driver will be used currently.
249         // TODO(b/159240322) Support the production updatable driver.
250         const char* id = getenv("UPDATABLE_GFX_DRIVER");
251         if (id == nullptr || std::strcmp(id, "1") != 0) {
252             return nullptr;
253         }
254         const sp<IGpuService> gpuService = getGpuService();
255         if (!gpuService) {
256             return nullptr;
257         }
258         mDriverPath = gpuService->getUpdatableDriverPath();
259         if (mDriverPath.empty()) {
260             return nullptr;
261         }
262         mDriverPath.append(UPDATABLE_DRIVER_ABI);
263         ALOGI("Driver path is setup via UPDATABLE_GFX_DRIVER: %s", mDriverPath.c_str());
264     }
266     auto vndkNamespace = android_get_exported_namespace("vndk");
267     if (!vndkNamespace) {
268         mDriverNamespace = nullptr;
269         return mDriverNamespace;
270     }
272     mDriverNamespace = android_create_namespace("updatable gfx driver",
273                                                 mDriverPath.c_str(), // ld_library_path
274                                                 mDriverPath.c_str(), // default_library_path
275                                                 ANDROID_NAMESPACE_TYPE_ISOLATED,
276                                                 nullptr, // permitted_when_isolated_path
277                                                 nullptr);
279     if (!linkDriverNamespaceLocked(mDriverNamespace, vndkNamespace, mSphalLibraries)) {
280         mDriverNamespace = nullptr;
281     }
283     return mDriverNamespace;
284 }
getDriverPath() const286 std::string GraphicsEnv::getDriverPath() const {
287     return mDriverPath;
288 }
290 /**
291  * APIs for GpuStats
292  */
hintActivityLaunch()294 void GraphicsEnv::hintActivityLaunch() {
295     ATRACE_CALL();
297     {
298         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mStatsLock);
299         if (mActivityLaunched) return;
300         mActivityLaunched = true;
301     }
303     std::thread trySendGpuStatsThread([this]() {
304         // If there's already graphics driver preloaded in the process, just send
305         // the stats info to GpuStats directly through async binder.
306         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mStatsLock);
307         if (mGpuStats.glDriverToSend) {
308             mGpuStats.glDriverToSend = false;
309             sendGpuStatsLocked(GpuStatsInfo::Api::API_GL, true, mGpuStats.glDriverLoadingTime);
310         }
311         if (mGpuStats.vkDriverToSend) {
312             mGpuStats.vkDriverToSend = false;
313             sendGpuStatsLocked(GpuStatsInfo::Api::API_VK, true, mGpuStats.vkDriverLoadingTime);
314         }
315     });
316     trySendGpuStatsThread.detach();
317 }
setGpuStats(const std::string & driverPackageName,const std::string & driverVersionName,uint64_t driverVersionCode,int64_t driverBuildTime,const std::string & appPackageName,const int vulkanVersion)319 void GraphicsEnv::setGpuStats(const std::string& driverPackageName,
320                               const std::string& driverVersionName, uint64_t driverVersionCode,
321                               int64_t driverBuildTime, const std::string& appPackageName,
322                               const int vulkanVersion) {
323     ATRACE_CALL();
325     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mStatsLock);
326     ALOGV("setGpuStats:\n"
327           "\tdriverPackageName[%s]\n"
328           "\tdriverVersionName[%s]\n"
329           "\tdriverVersionCode[%" PRIu64 "]\n"
330           "\tdriverBuildTime[%" PRId64 "]\n"
331           "\tappPackageName[%s]\n"
332           "\tvulkanVersion[%d]\n",
333           driverPackageName.c_str(), driverVersionName.c_str(), driverVersionCode, driverBuildTime,
334           appPackageName.c_str(), vulkanVersion);
336     mGpuStats.driverPackageName = driverPackageName;
337     mGpuStats.driverVersionName = driverVersionName;
338     mGpuStats.driverVersionCode = driverVersionCode;
339     mGpuStats.driverBuildTime = driverBuildTime;
340     mGpuStats.appPackageName = appPackageName;
341     mGpuStats.vulkanVersion = vulkanVersion;
342 }
setDriverToLoad(GpuStatsInfo::Driver driver)344 void GraphicsEnv::setDriverToLoad(GpuStatsInfo::Driver driver) {
345     ATRACE_CALL();
347     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mStatsLock);
348     switch (driver) {
349         case GpuStatsInfo::Driver::GL:
350         case GpuStatsInfo::Driver::GL_UPDATED:
351         case GpuStatsInfo::Driver::ANGLE: {
352             if (mGpuStats.glDriverToLoad == GpuStatsInfo::Driver::NONE ||
353                 mGpuStats.glDriverToLoad == GpuStatsInfo::Driver::GL) {
354                 mGpuStats.glDriverToLoad = driver;
355                 break;
356             }
358             if (mGpuStats.glDriverFallback == GpuStatsInfo::Driver::NONE) {
359                 mGpuStats.glDriverFallback = driver;
360             }
361             break;
362         }
363         case GpuStatsInfo::Driver::VULKAN:
364         case GpuStatsInfo::Driver::VULKAN_UPDATED: {
365             if (mGpuStats.vkDriverToLoad == GpuStatsInfo::Driver::NONE ||
366                 mGpuStats.vkDriverToLoad == GpuStatsInfo::Driver::VULKAN) {
367                 mGpuStats.vkDriverToLoad = driver;
368                 break;
369             }
371             if (mGpuStats.vkDriverFallback == GpuStatsInfo::Driver::NONE) {
372                 mGpuStats.vkDriverFallback = driver;
373             }
374             break;
375         }
376         default:
377             break;
378     }
379 }
setDriverLoaded(GpuStatsInfo::Api api,bool isDriverLoaded,int64_t driverLoadingTime)381 void GraphicsEnv::setDriverLoaded(GpuStatsInfo::Api api, bool isDriverLoaded,
382                                   int64_t driverLoadingTime) {
383     ATRACE_CALL();
385     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mStatsLock);
386     if (api == GpuStatsInfo::Api::API_GL) {
387         mGpuStats.glDriverToSend = true;
388         mGpuStats.glDriverLoadingTime = driverLoadingTime;
389     } else {
390         mGpuStats.vkDriverToSend = true;
391         mGpuStats.vkDriverLoadingTime = driverLoadingTime;
392     }
394     sendGpuStatsLocked(api, isDriverLoaded, driverLoadingTime);
395 }
397 // Hash function to calculate hash for null-terminated Vulkan extension names
398 // We store hash values of the extensions, rather than the actual names or
399 // indices to be able to support new extensions easily, avoid creating
400 // a table of 'known' extensions inside Android and reduce the runtime overhead.
calculateExtensionHash(const char * word)401 static uint64_t calculateExtensionHash(const char* word) {
402     if (!word) {
403         return 0;
404     }
405     const size_t wordLen = strlen(word);
406     const uint32_t seed = 167;
407     uint64_t hash = 0;
408     for (size_t i = 0; i < wordLen; i++) {
409         hash = (hash * seed) + word[i];
410     }
411     return hash;
412 }
setVulkanInstanceExtensions(uint32_t enabledExtensionCount,const char * const * ppEnabledExtensionNames)414 void GraphicsEnv::setVulkanInstanceExtensions(uint32_t enabledExtensionCount,
415                                               const char* const* ppEnabledExtensionNames) {
416     ATRACE_CALL();
417     if (enabledExtensionCount == 0 || ppEnabledExtensionNames == nullptr) {
418         return;
419     }
421     const uint32_t maxNumStats = android::GpuStatsAppInfo::MAX_NUM_EXTENSIONS;
422     uint64_t extensionHashes[maxNumStats];
423     const uint32_t numStats = std::min(enabledExtensionCount, maxNumStats);
424     for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numStats; i++) {
425         extensionHashes[i] = calculateExtensionHash(ppEnabledExtensionNames[i]);
426     }
427     setTargetStatsArray(android::GpuStatsInfo::Stats::VULKAN_INSTANCE_EXTENSION,
428                         extensionHashes, numStats);
429 }
setVulkanDeviceExtensions(uint32_t enabledExtensionCount,const char * const * ppEnabledExtensionNames)431 void GraphicsEnv::setVulkanDeviceExtensions(uint32_t enabledExtensionCount,
432                                             const char* const* ppEnabledExtensionNames) {
433     ATRACE_CALL();
434     if (enabledExtensionCount == 0 || ppEnabledExtensionNames == nullptr) {
435         return;
436     }
438     const uint32_t maxNumStats = android::GpuStatsAppInfo::MAX_NUM_EXTENSIONS;
439     uint64_t extensionHashes[maxNumStats];
440     const uint32_t numStats = std::min(enabledExtensionCount, maxNumStats);
441     for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numStats; i++) {
442         extensionHashes[i] = calculateExtensionHash(ppEnabledExtensionNames[i]);
443     }
444     setTargetStatsArray(android::GpuStatsInfo::Stats::VULKAN_DEVICE_EXTENSION,
445                         extensionHashes, numStats);
446 }
addVulkanEngineName(const char * engineName)448 void GraphicsEnv::addVulkanEngineName(const char* engineName) {
449     ATRACE_CALL();
450     if (engineName == nullptr) {
451         return;
452     }
453     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mStatsLock);
454     if (!readyToSendGpuStatsLocked()) return;
456     const sp<IGpuService> gpuService = getGpuService();
457     if (gpuService) {
458         gpuService->addVulkanEngineName(mGpuStats.appPackageName, mGpuStats.driverVersionCode,
459                                         engineName);
460     }
461 }
readyToSendGpuStatsLocked()463 bool GraphicsEnv::readyToSendGpuStatsLocked() {
464     // Only send stats for processes having at least one activity launched and that process doesn't
465     // skip the GraphicsEnvironment setup.
466     return mActivityLaunched && !mGpuStats.appPackageName.empty();
467 }
setTargetStats(const GpuStatsInfo::Stats stats,const uint64_t value)469 void GraphicsEnv::setTargetStats(const GpuStatsInfo::Stats stats, const uint64_t value) {
470     return setTargetStatsArray(stats, &value, 1);
471 }
setTargetStatsArray(const GpuStatsInfo::Stats stats,const uint64_t * values,const uint32_t valueCount)473 void GraphicsEnv::setTargetStatsArray(const GpuStatsInfo::Stats stats, const uint64_t* values,
474                                       const uint32_t valueCount) {
475     ATRACE_CALL();
477     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mStatsLock);
478     if (!readyToSendGpuStatsLocked()) return;
480     const sp<IGpuService> gpuService = getGpuService();
481     if (gpuService) {
482         gpuService->setTargetStatsArray(mGpuStats.appPackageName, mGpuStats.driverVersionCode,
483                                         stats, values, valueCount);
484     }
485 }
sendGpuStatsLocked(GpuStatsInfo::Api api,bool isDriverLoaded,int64_t driverLoadingTime)487 void GraphicsEnv::sendGpuStatsLocked(GpuStatsInfo::Api api, bool isDriverLoaded,
488                                      int64_t driverLoadingTime) {
489     ATRACE_CALL();
491     if (!readyToSendGpuStatsLocked()) return;
493     ALOGV("sendGpuStats:\n"
494           "\tdriverPackageName[%s]\n"
495           "\tdriverVersionName[%s]\n"
496           "\tdriverVersionCode[%" PRIu64 "]\n"
497           "\tdriverBuildTime[%" PRId64 "]\n"
498           "\tappPackageName[%s]\n"
499           "\tvulkanVersion[%d]\n"
500           "\tapi[%d]\n"
501           "\tisDriverLoaded[%d]\n"
502           "\tdriverLoadingTime[%" PRId64 "]",
503           mGpuStats.driverPackageName.c_str(), mGpuStats.driverVersionName.c_str(),
504           mGpuStats.driverVersionCode, mGpuStats.driverBuildTime, mGpuStats.appPackageName.c_str(),
505           mGpuStats.vulkanVersion, static_cast<int32_t>(api), isDriverLoaded, driverLoadingTime);
507     GpuStatsInfo::Driver driver = GpuStatsInfo::Driver::NONE;
508     bool isIntendedDriverLoaded = false;
509     if (api == GpuStatsInfo::Api::API_GL) {
510         driver = mGpuStats.glDriverToLoad;
511         isIntendedDriverLoaded =
512                 isDriverLoaded && (mGpuStats.glDriverFallback == GpuStatsInfo::Driver::NONE);
513     } else {
514         driver = mGpuStats.vkDriverToLoad;
515         isIntendedDriverLoaded =
516                 isDriverLoaded && (mGpuStats.vkDriverFallback == GpuStatsInfo::Driver::NONE);
517     }
519     const sp<IGpuService> gpuService = getGpuService();
520     if (gpuService) {
521         gpuService->setGpuStats(mGpuStats.driverPackageName, mGpuStats.driverVersionName,
522                                 mGpuStats.driverVersionCode, mGpuStats.driverBuildTime,
523                                 mGpuStats.appPackageName, mGpuStats.vulkanVersion, driver,
524                                 isIntendedDriverLoaded, driverLoadingTime);
525     }
526 }
setInjectLayersPrSetDumpable()528 bool GraphicsEnv::setInjectLayersPrSetDumpable() {
529     if (prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0) == -1) {
530         return false;
531     }
532     return true;
533 }
535 /**
536  * APIs for ANGLE
537  */
shouldUseAngle()539 bool GraphicsEnv::shouldUseAngle() {
540     // Make sure we are init'ed
541     if (mPackageName.empty()) {
542         ALOGV("Package name is empty. setAngleInfo() has not been called to enable ANGLE.");
543         return false;
544     }
546     return mShouldUseAngle;
547 }
549 // Set ANGLE information.
550 // If path is "system", it means system ANGLE must be used for the process.
551 // If shouldUseNativeDriver is true, it means native GLES drivers must be used for the process.
552 // If path is set to nonempty and shouldUseNativeDriver is true, ANGLE will be used regardless.
setAngleInfo(const std::string & path,const bool shouldUseNativeDriver,const std::string & packageName,const std::vector<std::string> eglFeatures)553 void GraphicsEnv::setAngleInfo(const std::string& path, const bool shouldUseNativeDriver,
554                                const std::string& packageName,
555                                const std::vector<std::string> eglFeatures) {
556     if (mShouldUseAngle) {
557         // ANGLE is already set up for this application process, even if the application
558         // needs to switch from apk to system or vice versa, the application process must
559         // be killed and relaunch so that the loader can properly load ANGLE again.
560         // The architecture does not support runtime switch between drivers, so just return.
561         ALOGE("ANGLE is already set for %s", packageName.c_str());
562         return;
563     }
565     mAngleEglFeatures = std::move(eglFeatures);
566     ALOGV("setting ANGLE path to '%s'", path.c_str());
567     mAnglePath = std::move(path);
568     ALOGV("setting app package name to '%s'", packageName.c_str());
569     mPackageName = std::move(packageName);
570     if (mAnglePath == "system") {
571         mShouldUseSystemAngle = true;
572     }
573     if (!mAnglePath.empty()) {
574         mShouldUseAngle = true;
575     }
576     mShouldUseNativeDriver = shouldUseNativeDriver;
577 }
getPackageName()579 std::string& GraphicsEnv::getPackageName() {
580     return mPackageName;
581 }
getAngleEglFeatures()583 const std::vector<std::string>& GraphicsEnv::getAngleEglFeatures() {
584     return mAngleEglFeatures;
585 }
getAngleNamespace()587 android_namespace_t* GraphicsEnv::getAngleNamespace() {
588     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mNamespaceMutex);
590     if (mAngleNamespace) {
591         return mAngleNamespace;
592     }
594     // If ANGLE path is not set, it means ANGLE should not be used for this process;
595     // or if ANGLE path is set and set to use system ANGLE, then a namespace is not needed
596     // because:
597     //     1) if the default OpenGL ES driver is already ANGLE, then the loader will skip;
598     //     2) if the default OpenGL ES driver is native, then there's no symbol conflict;
599     //     3) if there's no OpenGL ES driver is preloaded, then there's no symbol conflict.
600     if (mAnglePath.empty() || mShouldUseSystemAngle) {
601         ALOGV("mAnglePath is empty or use system ANGLE, abort creating ANGLE namespace");
602         return nullptr;
603     }
605     // Construct the search paths for system ANGLE.
606     const char* const defaultLibraryPaths =
607 #if defined(__LP64__)
608             "/vendor/lib64/egl:/system/lib64";
609 #else
610             "/vendor/lib/egl:/system/lib";
611 #endif
613     // If the application process will run on top of system ANGLE, construct the namespace
614     // with sphal namespace being the parent namespace so that search paths and libraries
615     // are properly inherited.
616     mAngleNamespace =
617             android_create_namespace("ANGLE",
618                                      mShouldUseSystemAngle ? defaultLibraryPaths
619                                                            : mAnglePath.c_str(), // ld_library_path
620                                      mShouldUseSystemAngle
621                                              ? defaultLibraryPaths
622                                              : mAnglePath.c_str(), // default_library_path
623                                      ANDROID_NAMESPACE_TYPE_SHARED_ISOLATED,
624                                      nullptr, // permitted_when_isolated_path
625                                      mShouldUseSystemAngle ? android_get_exported_namespace("sphal")
626                                                            : nullptr); // parent
628     ALOGD_IF(!mAngleNamespace, "Could not create ANGLE namespace from default");
630     if (!mShouldUseSystemAngle) {
631         return mAngleNamespace;
632     }
634     auto vndkNamespace = android_get_exported_namespace("vndk");
635     if (!vndkNamespace) {
636         mAngleNamespace = nullptr;
637         return mAngleNamespace;
638     }
640     if (!linkDriverNamespaceLocked(mAngleNamespace, vndkNamespace, "")) {
641         mAngleNamespace = nullptr;
642     }
644     return mAngleNamespace;
645 }
nativeToggleAngleAsSystemDriver(bool enabled)647 void GraphicsEnv::nativeToggleAngleAsSystemDriver(bool enabled) {
648     const sp<IGpuService> gpuService = getGpuService();
649     if (!gpuService) {
650         ALOGE("No GPU service");
651         return;
652     }
653     gpuService->toggleAngleAsSystemDriver(enabled);
654 }
shouldUseSystemAngle()656 bool GraphicsEnv::shouldUseSystemAngle() {
657     return mShouldUseSystemAngle;
658 }
shouldUseNativeDriver()660 bool GraphicsEnv::shouldUseNativeDriver() {
661     return mShouldUseNativeDriver;
662 }
664 /**
665  * APIs for debuggable layers
666  */
setLayerPaths(NativeLoaderNamespace * appNamespace,const std::string & layerPaths)668 void GraphicsEnv::setLayerPaths(NativeLoaderNamespace* appNamespace,
669                                 const std::string& layerPaths) {
670     if (mLayerPaths.empty()) {
671         mLayerPaths = layerPaths;
672         mAppNamespace = appNamespace;
673     } else {
674         ALOGV("Vulkan layer search path already set, not clobbering with '%s' for namespace %p'",
675               layerPaths.c_str(), appNamespace);
676     }
677 }
getAppNamespace()679 NativeLoaderNamespace* GraphicsEnv::getAppNamespace() {
680     return mAppNamespace;
681 }
getLayerPaths()683 const std::string& GraphicsEnv::getLayerPaths() {
684     return mLayerPaths;
685 }
getDebugLayers()687 const std::string& GraphicsEnv::getDebugLayers() {
688     return mDebugLayers;
689 }
getDebugLayersGLES()691 const std::string& GraphicsEnv::getDebugLayersGLES() {
692     return mDebugLayersGLES;
693 }
setDebugLayers(const std::string & layers)695 void GraphicsEnv::setDebugLayers(const std::string& layers) {
696     mDebugLayers = layers;
697 }
setDebugLayersGLES(const std::string & layers)699 void GraphicsEnv::setDebugLayersGLES(const std::string& layers) {
700     mDebugLayersGLES = layers;
701 }
703 } // namespace android