1# NetworkFactory is included in telephony-common and services.net
2# Rename the non-jarjared, services.net version to avoid conflicts.
3# This causes two NetworkFactory classes to appear in the test package (one used
4# by services-net and one by telephony-common), similarly to what happens on a
5# real device, except that in the test they have different package names.
6rule android.net.NetworkFactory* android.net.services.NetworkFactory@1
8# Telephony-common has already included net-utils-framework-common lib and jarjars
9# the package name. FrameworksTelephonyTests also includes net-utils-framework-common
10# via net-tests-utils and tries to jarjar it again. Rename the package names with
11# a different prefix in the test jarjar rule to avoid duplicate jar entries.
12rule com.android.net.module.util.** com.android.internal.telephony.util.test.@1
13# Similarly, this is needed for the build utils.
14rule com.android.modules.utils.** com.android.internal.telephony.util.test.@1