1import os
2from typing import List, Set, Dict, Optional
4from . import VulkanType, VulkanCompoundType
5from .wrapperdefs import VulkanWrapperGenerator
8class ApiLogDecoder(VulkanWrapperGenerator):
9    """
10    This class generates decoding logic for the graphics API logs captured by
11    [GfxApiLogger](http://source/play-internal/battlestar/aosp/device/generic/vulkan-cereal/base/GfxApiLogger.h)
13    This allows developers to see a pretty-printed version of the API log data when using
14    print_gfx_logs.py
15    """
17    # List of Vulkan APIs that we will generate decoding logic for
18    generated_apis = [
19        "vkAcquireImageANDROID",
20        "vkAllocateMemory",
21        "vkBeginCommandBufferAsyncGOOGLE",
22        "vkBindBufferMemory",
23        "vkBindImageMemory",
24        "vkCmdBeginRenderPass",
25        "vkCmdBindDescriptorSets",
26        "vkCmdBindIndexBuffer",
27        "vkCmdBindPipeline",
28        "vkCmdBindVertexBuffers",
29        "vkCmdClearAttachments",
30        "vkCmdClearColorImage",
31        "vkCmdCopyBufferToImage",
32        "vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer",
33        "vkCmdDraw",
34        "vkCmdDrawIndexed",
35        "vkCmdEndRenderPass",
36        "vkCmdPipelineBarrier",
37        "vkCmdSetScissor",
38        "vkCmdSetViewport",
39        "vkCollectDescriptorPoolIdsGOOGLE",
40        "vkCreateBufferWithRequirementsGOOGLE",
41        "vkCreateDescriptorPool",
42        "vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout",
43        "vkCreateFence",
44        "vkCreateFramebuffer",
45        "vkCreateGraphicsPipelines",
46        "vkCreateImageView",
47        "vkCreateImageWithRequirementsGOOGLE",
48        "vkCreatePipelineCache",
49        "vkCreateRenderPass",
50        "vkCreateSampler",
51        "vkCreateSemaphore",
52        "vkCreateShaderModule",
53        "vkDestroyBuffer",
54        "vkDestroyCommandPool",
55        "vkDestroyDescriptorPool",
56        "vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout",
57        "vkDestroyDevice",
58        "vkDestroyFence",
59        "vkDestroyFramebuffer",
60        "vkDestroyImage",
61        "vkDestroyImageView",
62        "vkDestroyInstance",
63        "vkDestroyPipeline",
64        "vkDestroyPipelineCache",
65        "vkDestroyPipelineLayout",
66        "vkDestroyRenderPass",
67        "vkDestroySemaphore",
68        "vkDestroyShaderModule",
69        "vkEndCommandBufferAsyncGOOGLE",
70        "vkFreeCommandBuffers",
71        "vkFreeMemory",
72        "vkFreeMemorySyncGOOGLE",
73        "vkGetFenceStatus",
74        "vkGetMemoryHostAddressInfoGOOGLE",
75        "vkGetBlobGOOGLE",
76        "vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties",
77        "vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR",
78        "vkGetPipelineCacheData",
79        "vkGetSwapchainGrallocUsageANDROID",
80        "vkQueueCommitDescriptorSetUpdatesGOOGLE",
81        "vkQueueFlushCommandsGOOGLE",
82        "vkQueueSignalReleaseImageANDROIDAsyncGOOGLE",
83        "vkQueueSubmitAsyncGOOGLE",
84        "vkQueueWaitIdle",
85        "vkResetFences",
86        "vkWaitForFences",
87    ]
89    def __init__(self, module, typeInfo):
90        VulkanWrapperGenerator.__init__(self, module, typeInfo)
91        self.typeInfo = typeInfo
93        # Set of Vulkan structs that we need to write decoding logic for
94        self.structs: Set[str] = set()
96        # Maps enum group names to the list of enums in the group, for all enum groups in the spec
97        # E.g.:  "VkResult": ["VK_SUCCESS", "VK_NOT_READY", "VK_TIMEOUT", etc...]
98        self.all_enums: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
100        # Set of Vulkan enums that we need to write decoding logic for
101        self.needed_enums: Set[str] = {"VkStructureType"}
103    def onBegin(self):
104        self.module.append("""
106# Pretty-printer functions for Vulkan data structures
109# To re-generate this file, run generate-vulkan-sources.sh
114    def onGenGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias=None):
115        """Called for each enum group in the spec"""
116        for enum in groupinfo.elem.findall("enum"):
117            self.all_enums[groupName] = self.all_enums.get(groupName, []) + [enum.get('name')]
119    def onEnd(self):
120        for api_name in sorted(self.generated_apis):
121            self.process_api(api_name)
122        self.process_structs()
123        self.process_enums()
125    def process_api(self, api_name):
126        """Main entry point to generate decoding logic for each Vulkan API"""
127        api = self.typeInfo.apis[api_name]
128        self.module.append('def OP_{}(printer, indent: int):\n'.format(api_name))
130        # Decode the sequence number. All commands have sequence numbers, except those handled
131        # by VkSubdecoder.cpp. The logic here is a bit of a hack since it's based on the command
132        # name. Ideally, we would detect whether a particular command is part of a subdecode block
133        # in the decoding script.
134        if not api_name.startswith("vkCmd") and api_name != "vkBeginCommandBufferAsyncGOOGLE":
135            self.module.append('    printer.write_int("seqno: ", 4, indent)\n')
137        for param in api.parameters:
138            # Add any structs that this API uses to the list of structs to write decoding logic for
139            if self.typeInfo.isCompoundType(param.typeName):
140                self.structs.add(param.typeName)
142            # Don't try to print the pData field of vkQueueFlushCommandsGOOGLE, those are the
143            # commands processed as part of the subdecode pass
144            if api.name == "vkQueueFlushCommandsGOOGLE" and param.paramName == "pData":
145                continue
147            # Write out decoding logic for that parameter
148            self.process_type(param)
150        # Finally, add a return statement. This is needed in case the API has no parameters.
151        self.module.append('    return\n\n')
153    def process_structs(self):
154        """Writes decoding logic for all the structs that we use"""
156        # self.structs now contains all the structs used directly by the Vulkan APIs we use.
157        # Recursively expand this set to add all the structs used by these structs.
158        copy = self.structs.copy()
159        self.structs.clear()
160        for struct_name in copy:
161            self.expand_needed_structs(struct_name)
163        # Now we have the full list of structs that we need to write decoding logic for.
164        # Write a decoder for each of them
165        for struct_name in sorted(self.structs):
166            struct = self.typeInfo.structs[struct_name]
167            self.module.append('def struct_{}(printer, indent: int):\n'.format(struct_name))
168            for member in self.get_members(struct):
169                self.process_type(member)
170            self.module.append('\n')
172    def expand_needed_structs(self, struct_name: str):
173        """
174        Recursively adds all the structs used by a given struct to the list of structs to process
175        """
176        if struct_name in self.structs:
177            return
178        self.structs.add(struct_name)
179        struct = self.typeInfo.structs[struct_name]
180        for member in self.get_members(struct):
181            if self.typeInfo.isCompoundType(member.typeName):
182                self.expand_needed_structs(member.typeName)
184    def get_members(self, struct: VulkanCompoundType):
185        """
186        Returns the members of a struct/union that we need to process.
187        For structs, returns the list of all members
188        For unions, returns a list with just the first member.
189        """
190        return struct.members[0:1] if struct.isUnion else struct.members
192    def process_type(self, type: VulkanType):
193        """
194        Writes decoding logic for a single Vulkan type. This could be the parameter in a Vulkan API,
195        or a struct member.
196        """
197        if type.typeName == "VkStructureType":
198            self.module.append(
199                '    printer.write_stype_and_pnext("{}", indent)\n'.format(
200                    type.parent.structEnumExpr))
201            return
203        if type.isNextPointer():
204            return
206        if type.paramName == "commandBuffer":
207            if type.parent.name != "vkQueueFlushCommandsGOOGLE":
208                return
210        # Enums
211        if type.isEnum(self.typeInfo):
212            self.needed_enums.add(type.typeName)
213            self.module.append(
214                '    printer.write_enum("{}", {}, indent)\n'.format(
215                    type.paramName, type.typeName))
216            return
218        # Bitmasks
219        if type.isBitmask(self.typeInfo):
220            enum_type = self.typeInfo.bitmasks.get(type.typeName)
221            if enum_type:
222                self.needed_enums.add(enum_type)
223                self.module.append(
224                    '    printer.write_flags("{}", {}, indent)\n'.format(
225                        type.paramName, enum_type))
226                return
227            # else, fall through and let the primitive type logic handle it
229        # Structs or unions
230        if self.typeInfo.isCompoundType(type.typeName):
231            self.module.append(
232                '    printer.write_struct("{name}", struct_{type}, {optional}, {count}, indent)\n'
233                    .format(name=type.paramName,
234                            type=type.typeName,
235                            optional=type.isOptionalPointer(),
236                            count=self.get_length_expression(type)))
237            return
239        # Null-terminated strings
240        if type.isString():
241            self.module.append('    printer.write_string("{}", None, indent)\n'.format(
242                type.paramName))
243            return
245        # Arrays of primitive types
246        if type.staticArrExpr and type.primitiveEncodingSize and type.primitiveEncodingSize <= 8:
247            # Array sizes are specified either as a number, or as an enum value
248            array_size = int(type.staticArrExpr) if type.staticArrExpr.isdigit() \
249                else self.typeInfo.enumValues.get(type.staticArrExpr)
250            assert array_size is not None, type.staticArrExpr
252            if type.typeName == "char":
253                self.module.append(
254                    '    printer.write_string("{}", {}, indent)\n'.format(
255                        type.paramName, array_size))
256            elif type.typeName == "float":
257                self.module.append(
258                    '    printer.write_float("{}", indent, count={})\n'
259                        .format(type.paramName, array_size))
260            else:
261                self.module.append(
262                    '    printer.write_int("{name}", {int_size}, indent, signed={signed}, count={array_size})\n'
263                        .format(name=type.paramName,
264                                array_size=array_size,
265                                int_size=type.primitiveEncodingSize,
266                                signed=type.isSigned()))
267            return
269        # Pointers
270        if type.pointerIndirectionLevels > 0:
271            # Assume that all uint32* are always serialized directly rather than passed by pointers.
272            # This is probably not always true (e.g. out params) - fix this as needed.
273            size = 4 if type.primitiveEncodingSize == 4 else 8
274            self.module.append(
275                '    {name} = printer.write_int("{name}", {size}, indent, optional={opt}, count={count}, big_endian={big_endian})\n'
276                    .format(name=type.paramName,
277                            size=size,
278                            opt=type.isOptionalPointer(),
279                            count=self.get_length_expression(type),
280                            big_endian=self.using_big_endian(type)))
281            return
283        # Primitive types (ints, floats)
284        if type.isSimpleValueType(self.typeInfo) and type.primitiveEncodingSize:
285            if type.typeName == "float":
286                self.module.append(
287                    '    printer.write_float("{name}", indent)\n'.format(name=type.paramName))
288            else:
289                self.module.append(
290                    '    {name} = printer.write_int("{name}", {size}, indent, signed={signed}, big_endian={big_endian})\n'.format(
291                        name=type.paramName,
292                        size=type.primitiveEncodingSize,
293                        signed=type.isSigned(),
294                        big_endian=self.using_big_endian(type))
295                )
296            return
298        raise NotImplementedError(
299            "No decoding logic for {} {}".format(type.typeName, type.paramName))
301    def using_big_endian(self, type: VulkanType):
302        """For some reason gfxstream serializes some types as big endian"""
303        return type.typeName == "size_t"
305    def get_length_expression(self, type: VulkanType) -> Optional[str]:
306        """Returns the length expression for a given type"""
307        if type.lenExpr is None:
308            return None
310        if type.lenExpr.isalpha():
311            return type.lenExpr
313        # There are a couple of instances in the spec where we use a math expression to express the
314        # length (e.g. VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo). CodeGen().generalLengthAccess() has
315        # logic o parse these expressions correctly, but for now,we just use a simple lookup table.
316        known_expressions = {
317            r"latexmath:[\lceil{\mathit{rasterizationSamples} \over 32}\rceil]":
318                "int(rasterizationSamples / 32)",
319            r"latexmath:[\textrm{codeSize} \over 4]": "int(codeSize / 4)",
320            r"null-terminated": None
321        }
322        if type.lenExpr in known_expressions:
323            return known_expressions[type.lenExpr]
325        raise NotImplementedError("Unknown length expression: " + type.lenExpr)
327    def process_enums(self):
328        """
329        For each Vulkan enum that we use, write out a python dictionary mapping the enum values back
330        to the enum name as a string
331        """
332        for enum_name in sorted(self.needed_enums):
333            self.module.append('{} = {{\n'.format(enum_name))
334            for identifier in self.all_enums[enum_name]:
335                value = self.typeInfo.enumValues.get(identifier)
336                if value is not None and isinstance(value, int):
337                    self.module.append('    {}: "{}",\n'.format(value, identifier))
338            self.module.append('}\n\n')