1 // This file is autogenerated by hidl-gen -Landroidbp. 2 3 package { 4 default_team: "trendy_team_android_media_audio_framework", 5 // See: http://go/android-license-faq 6 // A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import 7 // all of the 'license_kinds' from "hardware_interfaces_license" 8 // to get the below license kinds: 9 // SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 10 default_applicable_licenses: ["hardware_interfaces_license"], 11 } 12 13 hidl_interface { 14 name: "android.hardware.audio.effect@2.0", 15 root: "android.hardware", 16 // TODO(b/153609531): remove when no longer needed. 17 native_bridge_supported: true, 18 srcs: [ 19 "types.hal", 20 "IAcousticEchoCancelerEffect.hal", 21 "IAutomaticGainControlEffect.hal", 22 "IBassBoostEffect.hal", 23 "IDownmixEffect.hal", 24 "IEffect.hal", 25 "IEffectBufferProviderCallback.hal", 26 "IEffectsFactory.hal", 27 "IEnvironmentalReverbEffect.hal", 28 "IEqualizerEffect.hal", 29 "ILoudnessEnhancerEffect.hal", 30 "INoiseSuppressionEffect.hal", 31 "IPresetReverbEffect.hal", 32 "IVirtualizerEffect.hal", 33 "IVisualizerEffect.hal", 34 ], 35 interfaces: [ 36 "android.hardware.audio.common@2.0", 37 "android.hidl.base@1.0", 38 ], 39 gen_java: false, 40 gen_java_constants: true, 41 } 42