1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #pragma once
19 #include "ConfigManager.h"
20 #include "EvsCameraBase.h"
21 #include "EvsGlDisplay.h"
23 #include <aidl/android/frameworks/automotive/display/ICarDisplayProxy.h>
24 #include <aidl/android/hardware/automotive/evs/BnEvsEnumerator.h>
25 #include <aidl/android/hardware/automotive/evs/CameraDesc.h>
26 #include <aidl/android/hardware/automotive/evs/DeviceStatusType.h>
27 #include <aidl/android/hardware/automotive/evs/IEvsCamera.h>
28 #include <aidl/android/hardware/automotive/evs/IEvsEnumeratorStatusCallback.h>
29 #include <aidl/android/hardware/automotive/evs/Stream.h>
30 #include <android-base/thread_annotations.h>
31 #include <utils/Thread.h>
33 #include <atomic>
34 #include <mutex>
35 #include <optional>
36 #include <thread>
37 #include <unordered_map>
39 namespace aidl::android::hardware::automotive::evs::implementation {
41 class EvsEnumerator final : public ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::evs::BnEvsEnumerator {
42   public:
43     // Methods from ::aidl::android::hardware::automotive::evs::IEvsEnumerator
44     ndk::ScopedAStatus isHardware(bool* flag) override;
45     ndk::ScopedAStatus openCamera(const std::string& cameraId, const evs::Stream& streamConfig,
46                                   std::shared_ptr<evs::IEvsCamera>* obj) override;
47     ndk::ScopedAStatus closeCamera(const std::shared_ptr<evs::IEvsCamera>& obj) override;
48     ndk::ScopedAStatus getCameraList(std::vector<evs::CameraDesc>* _aidl_return) override;
49     ndk::ScopedAStatus getStreamList(const evs::CameraDesc& desc,
50                                      std::vector<evs::Stream>* _aidl_return) override;
51     ndk::ScopedAStatus openDisplay(int32_t displayId,
52                                    std::shared_ptr<evs::IEvsDisplay>* obj) override;
53     ndk::ScopedAStatus closeDisplay(const std::shared_ptr<evs::IEvsDisplay>& obj) override;
54     ndk::ScopedAStatus getDisplayIdList(std::vector<uint8_t>* list) override;
55     ndk::ScopedAStatus getDisplayState(evs::DisplayState* state) override;
56     ndk::ScopedAStatus getDisplayStateById(int32_t displayId, evs::DisplayState* state) override;
57     ndk::ScopedAStatus registerStatusCallback(
58             const std::shared_ptr<evs::IEvsEnumeratorStatusCallback>& callback) override;
59     ndk::ScopedAStatus openUltrasonicsArray(
60             const std::string& id, std::shared_ptr<evs::IEvsUltrasonicsArray>* obj) override;
61     ndk::ScopedAStatus closeUltrasonicsArray(
62             const std::shared_ptr<evs::IEvsUltrasonicsArray>& obj) override;
63     ndk::ScopedAStatus getUltrasonicsArrayList(
64             std::vector<evs::UltrasonicsArrayDesc>* list) override;
66     // Implementation details
67     EvsEnumerator(const std::shared_ptr<
68                   ::aidl::android::frameworks::automotive::display::ICarDisplayProxy>&
69                           proxyService);
71     void notifyDeviceStatusChange(const std::string_view& deviceName, evs::DeviceStatusType type);
73   private:
74     struct CameraRecord {
75         evs::CameraDesc desc;
76         std::weak_ptr<EvsCameraBase> activeInstance;
CameraRecordCameraRecord78         CameraRecord(const char* cameraId) : desc() { desc.id = cameraId; }
79     };
81     class ActiveDisplays {
82       public:
83         struct DisplayInfo {
84             int32_t id{-1};
85             std::weak_ptr<EvsGlDisplay> displayWeak;
86             uintptr_t internalDisplayRawAddr;
87         };
89         std::optional<DisplayInfo> popDisplay(int32_t id);
91         std::optional<DisplayInfo> popDisplay(const std::shared_ptr<IEvsDisplay>& display);
93         std::unordered_map<int32_t, DisplayInfo> getAllDisplays();
95         bool tryInsert(int32_t id, const std::shared_ptr<EvsGlDisplay>& display);
97       private:
98         std::mutex mMutex;
99         std::unordered_map<int32_t, DisplayInfo> mIdToDisplay GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
100         std::unordered_map<uintptr_t, int32_t> mDisplayToId GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
101     };
103     bool checkPermission();
104     void closeCamera_impl(const std::shared_ptr<evs::IEvsCamera>& pCamera,
105                           const std::string& cameraId);
106     ndk::ScopedAStatus getDisplayStateImpl(std::optional<int32_t> displayId,
107                                            evs::DisplayState* state);
109     static bool qualifyCaptureDevice(const char* deviceName);
110     static CameraRecord* findCameraById(const std::string& cameraId);
111     static void enumerateCameras();
112     static bool addCaptureDevice(const std::string& deviceName);
113     static bool removeCaptureDevice(const std::string& deviceName);
114     // Enumerate available displays and return an id of the internal display
115     static uint64_t enumerateDisplays();
117     static ActiveDisplays& mutableActiveDisplays();
119     // NOTE:  All members values are static so that all clients operate on the same state
120     //        That is to say, this is effectively a singleton despite the fact that HIDL
121     //        constructs a new instance for each client.
122     //        Because our server has a single thread in the thread pool, these values are
123     //        never accessed concurrently despite potentially having multiple instance objects
124     //        using them.
125     static std::unordered_map<std::string, CameraRecord> sCameraList;
126     // Object destructs if client dies.
127     static std::mutex sLock;                               // Mutex on shared camera device list.
128     static std::condition_variable sCameraSignal;          // Signal on camera device addition.
129     static std::unique_ptr<ConfigManager> sConfigManager;  // ConfigManager
130     static std::shared_ptr<::aidl::android::frameworks::automotive::display::ICarDisplayProxy>
131             sDisplayProxy;
132     static std::unordered_map<uint8_t, uint64_t> sDisplayPortList;
134     uint64_t mInternalDisplayId;
135     std::shared_ptr<evs::IEvsEnumeratorStatusCallback> mCallback;
136 };
138 }  // namespace aidl::android::hardware::automotive::evs::implementation