1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 package com.android.contacts.vcard;
18 import android.accounts.Account;
19 import android.app.Notification;
20 import android.content.ContentResolver;
21 import android.net.Uri;
22 import android.util.Log;
24 import com.android.contactsbind.FeedbackHelper;
25 import com.android.vcard.VCardEntry;
26 import com.android.vcard.VCardEntryCommitter;
27 import com.android.vcard.VCardEntryConstructor;
28 import com.android.vcard.VCardEntryHandler;
29 import com.android.vcard.VCardInterpreter;
30 import com.android.vcard.VCardParser;
31 import com.android.vcard.VCardParser_V21;
32 import com.android.vcard.VCardParser_V30;
33 import com.android.vcard.exception.VCardException;
34 import com.android.vcard.exception.VCardNotSupportedException;
35 import com.android.vcard.exception.VCardVersionException;
37 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
38 import java.io.IOException;
39 import java.io.InputStream;
40 import java.util.ArrayList;
41 import java.util.List;
43 /**
44  * Class for processing one import request from a user. Dropped after importing requested Uri(s).
45  * {@link VCardService} will create another object when there is another import request.
46  */
47 public class ImportProcessor extends ProcessorBase implements VCardEntryHandler {
48     private static final String LOG_TAG = "VCardImport";
49     private static final boolean DEBUG = VCardService.DEBUG;
51     private final VCardService mService;
52     private final ContentResolver mResolver;
53     private final ImportRequest mImportRequest;
54     private final int mJobId;
55     private final VCardImportExportListener mListener;
57     // TODO: remove and show appropriate message instead.
58     private final List<Uri> mFailedUris = new ArrayList<Uri>();
60     private VCardParser mVCardParser;
62     private volatile boolean mCanceled;
63     private volatile boolean mDone;
65     private int mCurrentCount = 0;
66     private int mTotalCount = 0;
ImportProcessor(final VCardService service, final VCardImportExportListener listener, final ImportRequest request, final int jobId)68     public ImportProcessor(final VCardService service, final VCardImportExportListener listener,
69             final ImportRequest request, final int jobId) {
70         mService = service;
71         mResolver = mService.getContentResolver();
72         mListener = listener;
74         mImportRequest = request;
75         mJobId = jobId;
76     }
78     @Override
onStart()79     public void onStart() {
80         // do nothing
81     }
83     @Override
onEnd()84     public void onEnd() {
85         // do nothing
86     }
88     @Override
onEntryCreated(VCardEntry entry)89     public void onEntryCreated(VCardEntry entry) {
90         mCurrentCount++;
91         if (mListener != null) {
92             final Notification notification = mListener.onImportParsed(mImportRequest, mJobId,
93                     entry, mCurrentCount, mTotalCount);
94             if (notification != null) {
95                 mService.startForeground(mJobId, notification);
96             }
97         }
98     }
100     @Override
getType()101     public final int getType() {
102         return VCardService.TYPE_IMPORT;
103     }
105     @Override
run()106     public void run() {
107         // ExecutorService ignores RuntimeException, so we need to show it here.
108         try {
109             runInternal();
111             if (isCancelled() && mListener != null) {
112                 mListener.onImportCanceled(mImportRequest, mJobId);
113             }
114         } catch (OutOfMemoryError|RuntimeException e) {
115             FeedbackHelper.sendFeedback(mService, LOG_TAG, "Vcard import failed", e);
116         } finally {
117             synchronized (this) {
118                 mDone = true;
119             }
120         }
121     }
runInternal()123     private void runInternal() {
124         Log.i(LOG_TAG, String.format("vCard import (id: %d) has started.", mJobId));
125         final ImportRequest request = mImportRequest;
126         if (isCancelled()) {
127             Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Canceled before actually handling parameter (" + request.uri + ")");
128             return;
129         }
130         final int[] possibleVCardVersions;
131         if (request.vcardVersion == ImportVCardActivity.VCARD_VERSION_AUTO_DETECT) {
132             /**
133              * Note: this code assumes that a given Uri is able to be opened more than once,
134              * which may not be true in certain conditions.
135              */
136             possibleVCardVersions = new int[] {
137                     ImportVCardActivity.VCARD_VERSION_V21,
138                     ImportVCardActivity.VCARD_VERSION_V30
139             };
140         } else {
141             possibleVCardVersions = new int[] {
142                     request.vcardVersion
143             };
144         }
146         final Uri uri = request.uri;
147         final Account account = request.account;
148         final int estimatedVCardType = request.estimatedVCardType;
149         final String estimatedCharset = request.estimatedCharset;
150         final int entryCount = request.entryCount;
151         mTotalCount += entryCount;
153         final VCardEntryConstructor constructor =
154                 new VCardEntryConstructor(estimatedVCardType, account, estimatedCharset);
155         final VCardEntryCommitter committer = new VCardEntryCommitter(mResolver);
156         constructor.addEntryHandler(committer);
157         constructor.addEntryHandler(this);
159         InputStream is = null;
160         boolean successful = false;
161         try {
162             if (uri != null) {
163                 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "start importing one vCard (Uri: " + uri + ")");
164                 is = mResolver.openInputStream(uri);
165             } else if (request.data != null){
166                 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "start importing one vCard (byte[])");
167                 is = new ByteArrayInputStream(request.data);
168             }
170             if (is != null) {
171                 successful = readOneVCard(is, estimatedVCardType, estimatedCharset, constructor,
172                         possibleVCardVersions);
173             }
174         } catch (IOException e) {
175             successful = false;
176         } finally {
177             if (is != null) {
178                 try {
179                     is.close();
180                 } catch (Exception e) {
181                     // ignore
182                 }
183             }
184         }
186         mService.handleFinishImportNotification(mJobId, successful);
188         if (successful) {
189             // TODO: successful becomes true even when cancelled. Should return more appropriate
190             // value
191             if (isCancelled()) {
192                 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "vCard import has been canceled (uri: " + uri + ")");
193                 // Cancel notification will be done outside this method.
194             } else {
195                 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Successfully finished importing one vCard file: " + uri);
196                 List<Uri> uris = committer.getCreatedUris();
197                 if (mListener != null) {
198                     if (uris != null && uris.size() == 1) {
199                         mListener.onImportFinished(mImportRequest, mJobId, uris.get(0));
200                     } else {
201                         if (uris == null || uris.size() == 0) {
202                             // Not critical, but suspicious.
203                             Log.w(LOG_TAG,  "Created Uris is null or 0 length " +
204                                     "though the creation itself is successful.");
205                         }
206                         mListener.onImportFinished(mImportRequest, mJobId, null);
207                     }
208                 }
209             }
210         } else {
211             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read one vCard file: " + uri);
212             mFailedUris.add(uri);
213         }
214     }
readOneVCard(InputStream is, int vcardType, String charset, final VCardInterpreter interpreter, final int[] possibleVCardVersions)216     private boolean readOneVCard(InputStream is, int vcardType, String charset,
217             final VCardInterpreter interpreter,
218             final int[] possibleVCardVersions) {
219         boolean successful = false;
220         final int length = possibleVCardVersions.length;
221         for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
222             final int vcardVersion = possibleVCardVersions[i];
223             try {
224                 if (i > 0 && (interpreter instanceof VCardEntryConstructor)) {
225                     // Let the object clean up internal temporary objects,
226                     ((VCardEntryConstructor) interpreter).clear();
227                 }
229                 // We need synchronized block here,
230                 // since we need to handle mCanceled and mVCardParser at once.
231                 // In the worst case, a user may call cancel() just before creating
232                 // mVCardParser.
233                 synchronized (this) {
234                     mVCardParser = (vcardVersion == ImportVCardActivity.VCARD_VERSION_V30 ?
235                             new VCardParser_V30(vcardType) :
236                                 new VCardParser_V21(vcardType));
237                     if (isCancelled()) {
238                         Log.i(LOG_TAG, "ImportProcessor already recieves cancel request, so " +
239                                 "send cancel request to vCard parser too.");
240                         mVCardParser.cancel();
241                     }
242                 }
243                 mVCardParser.parse(is, interpreter);
245                 successful = true;
246                 break;
247             } catch (IOException|VCardNotSupportedException e) {
248                 // VCardNestedException (a subclass of VCardNotSupportedException) should
249                 // not be thrown here. We should instead handle it
250                 // in the preprocessing session in ImportVCardActivity, as we don't try
251                 // to detect the type of given vCard here.
252                 //
253                 // TODO: Handle this case appropriately, which should mean we have to have
254                 // code trying to auto-detect the type of given vCard twice (both in
255                 // ImportVCardActivity and ImportVCardService).
256                 FeedbackHelper.sendFeedback(mService, LOG_TAG, "Failed to read vcard", e);
257             } catch (VCardVersionException e) {
258                 if (i == length - 1) {
259                     Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Appropriate version for this vCard is not found.");
260                 } else {
261                     // We'll try the other (v30) version.
262                 }
263             } catch (VCardException e) {
264                 Log.e(LOG_TAG, e.toString());
265             } finally {
266                 if (is != null) {
267                     try {
268                         is.close();
269                     } catch (IOException e) {
270                     }
271                 }
272             }
273         }
275         return successful;
276     }
278     @Override
cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning)279     public synchronized boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
280         if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "ImportProcessor received cancel request");
281         if (mDone || mCanceled) {
282             return false;
283         }
284         mCanceled = true;
285         synchronized (this) {
286             if (mVCardParser != null) {
287                 mVCardParser.cancel();
288             }
289         }
290         return true;
291     }
293     @Override
isCancelled()294     public synchronized boolean isCancelled() {
295         return mCanceled;
296     }
299     @Override
isDone()300     public synchronized boolean isDone() {
301         return mDone;
302     }
303 }