1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--
2/* Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
4** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6** You may obtain a copy of the License at
8**     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14** limitations under the License.
18<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
20    <!-- Attributes used for launcher theme -->
21    <attr name="allAppsScrimColor" format="color" />
22    <attr name="allappsHeaderProtectionColor" format="color" />
23    <attr name="allAppsNavBarScrimColor" format="color" />
24    <attr name="allAppsTheme" format="reference" />
25    <attr name="popupColorPrimary" format="color" />
26    <attr name="popupColorSecondary" format="color" />
27    <attr name="popupColorTertiary" format="color" />
28    <attr name="popupColorBackground" format="color" />
29    <attr name="popupTextColor" format="color" />
30    <attr name="popupShadeFirst" format="color" />
31    <attr name="popupShadeSecond" format="color" />
32    <attr name="popupShadeThird" format="color" />
33    <attr name="isMainColorDark" format="boolean" />
34    <attr name="isWorkspaceDarkText" format="boolean" />
35    <attr name="workspaceTextColor" format="color" />
36    <attr name="workspaceShadowColor" format="color" />
37    <attr name="workspaceAmbientShadowColor" format="color" />
38    <attr name="workspaceKeyShadowColor" format="color" />
39    <attr name="widgetsTheme" format="reference" />
40    <attr name="iconOnlyShortcutColor" format="color" />
41    <attr name="eduHalfSheetBGColor" format="color" />
42    <attr name="overviewScrimColor" format="color" />
43    <attr name="popupNotificationDotColor" format="color" />
44    <attr name="notificationDotColor" format="color" />
45    <attr name="focusOutlineColor" format="color" />
46    <attr name="focusInnerOutlineColor" format="color" />
48    <attr name="pageIndicatorDotColor" format="color" />
49    <attr name="folderPreviewColor" format="color" />
50    <attr name="folderBackgroundColor" format="color" />
51    <attr name="folderIconRadius" format="float" />
52    <attr name="folderIconBorderColor" format="color" />
53    <attr name="folderTextColor" format="color" />
54    <attr name="folderHintTextColor" format="color" />
55    <attr name="appPairSurfaceInFolder" format="color" />
56    <attr name="isFolderDarkText" format="boolean" />
57    <attr name="workspaceAccentColor" format="color" />
58    <attr name="workspaceSurfaceColor" format="color" />
59    <attr name="dropTargetHoverTextColor" format="color" />
60    <attr name="dropTargetHoverButtonColor" format="color" />
61    <attr name="preloadIconAccentColor" format="color" />
62    <attr name="preloadIconBackgroundColor" format="color" />
63    <attr name="widgetPickerTitleColor" format="color"/>
64    <attr name="widgetPickerPrimarySurfaceColor" format="color"/>
65    <attr name="widgetPickerSecondarySurfaceColor" format="color"/>
66    <attr name="widgetPickerHeaderAppTitleColor" format="color"/>
67    <attr name="widgetPickerHeaderAppSubtitleColor" format="color"/>
68    <attr name="widgetPickerHeaderBackgroundColor" format="color"/>
69    <attr name="widgetPickerSuggestionsIconBackgroundColor" format="color"/>
70    <attr name="widgetPickerSuggestionsIconColor" format="color"/>
71    <attr name="widgetPickerTabBackgroundSelected" format="color"/>
72    <attr name="widgetPickerTabBackgroundUnselected" format="color"/>
73    <attr name="widgetPickerSearchTextColor" format="color"/>
74    <attr name="widgetPickerSelectedTabTextColor" format="color"/>
75    <attr name="widgetPickerUnselectedTabTextColor" format="color"/>
76    <attr name="widgetPickerCollapseHandleColor" format="color"/>
77    <attr name="widgetPickerAddButtonBackgroundColor" format="color"/>
78    <attr name="widgetPickerAddButtonTextColor" format="color"/>
79    <attr name="widgetCellTitleColor" format="color" />
80    <attr name="widgetCellSubtitleColor" format="color" />
82    <!-- BubbleTextView specific attributes. -->
83    <declare-styleable name="BubbleTextView">
84        <attr name="layoutHorizontal" format="boolean" />
85        <attr name="iconSizeOverride" format="dimension" />
86        <attr name="iconDisplay" format="integer">
87            <enum name="workspace" value="0" />
88            <enum name="all_apps" value="1" />
89            <enum name="folder" value="2" />
90            <enum name="widget_section" value="3" />
91            <enum name="shortcut_popup" value="4" />
92            <enum name="taskbar" value="5" />
93            <enum name="search_result_tall" value="6" />
94            <enum name="search_result_small" value="7" />
95            <enum name="prediction_row" value="8" />
96            <enum name="search_result_app_row" value="9" />
97        </attr>
98        <attr name="centerVertically" format="boolean" />
99    </declare-styleable>
101    <!-- BubbleTextView specific attributes. -->
102    <declare-styleable name="FolderIconPreview">
103        <attr name="folderPreviewColor" />
104        <attr name="folderIconBorderColor" />
105    </declare-styleable>
107    <declare-styleable name="SearchResultSuggestion">
108        <attr name="customIcon" format="reference" />
109        <attr name="matchTextInsetWithQuery" format="boolean" />
110    </declare-styleable>
113    <declare-styleable name="ShadowInfo">
114        <attr name="ambientShadowColor" format="color" />
115        <attr name="ambientShadowBlur" format="dimension" />
116        <attr name="keyShadowColor" format="color" />
117        <attr name="keyShadowBlur" format="dimension" />
118        <attr name="keyShadowOffsetX" format="dimension" />
119        <attr name="keyShadowOffsetY" format="dimension" />
120    </declare-styleable>
122    <!-- PagedView specific attributes. These attributes are used to customize
123         a PagedView view in XML files. -->
124    <declare-styleable name="PagedView">
125        <!-- The page indicator for this workspace -->
126        <attr name="pageIndicator" format="reference" />
127    </declare-styleable>
129    <!-- XML attributes used by default_workspace.xml -->
130    <declare-styleable name="Favorite">
131        <attr name="className" format="string" />
132        <attr name="packageName" format="string" />
133        <attr name="container" format="string" />
134        <attr name="screen" format="string" />
135        <attr name="x" format="string" />
136        <attr name="y" format="string" />
137        <attr name="spanX" format="string" />
138        <attr name="spanY" format="string" />
139        <attr name="icon" format="reference" />
140        <attr name="title" format="string" />
141        <attr name="uri" format="string" />
142    </declare-styleable>
144    <declare-styleable name="Extra">
145        <attr name="key" format="string" />
146        <attr name="value" format="string" />
147    </declare-styleable>
148    <declare-styleable name="Include">
149        <attr name="workspace" format="reference" />
150        <attr name="folderItems" format="reference" />
151    </declare-styleable>
153    <declare-styleable name="InsettableFrameLayout_Layout">
154        <attr name="layout_ignoreInsets" format="boolean" />
155    </declare-styleable>
157    <declare-styleable name="StickyScroller_Layout">
158        <attr name="layout_sticky" format="boolean" />
159    </declare-styleable>
161    <declare-styleable name="GridDisplayOption">
162        <attr name="name" format="string" />
164        <attr name="numRows" format="integer" />
165        <attr name="numColumns" format="integer" />
166        <!--  numSearchContainerColumns defaults to numColumns, if not specified -->
167        <attr name="numSearchContainerColumns" format="integer" />
169        <!-- Support attributes in CellStyle. defaults to CellStyleDefault -->
170        <attr name="cellStyle" format="reference" />
172        <!-- numFolderRows & numFolderColumns defaults to numRows & numColumns, if not specified -->
173        <attr name="numFolderRows" format="integer" />
174        <!-- defaults to numFolderRows, if not specified -->
175        <attr name="numFolderRowsLandscape" format="integer" />
176        <!-- defaults to numFolderRows, if not specified -->
177        <attr name="numFolderRowsTwoPanelLandscape" format="integer" />
178        <!-- defaults to numFolderRows, if not specified -->
179        <attr name="numFolderRowsTwoPanelPortrait" format="integer" />
180        <attr name="numFolderColumns" format="integer" />
181        <!-- defaults to numFolderColumns, if not specified -->
182        <attr name="numFolderColumnsLandscape" format="integer" />
183        <!-- defaults to numFolderColumns, if not specified -->
184        <attr name="numFolderColumnsTwoPanelLandscape" format="integer" />
185        <!-- defaults to numFolderColumns, if not specified -->
186        <attr name="numFolderColumnsTwoPanelPortrait" format="integer" />
187        <!-- Support attributes in FolderStyle -->
188        <attr name="folderStyle" format="reference" />
190        <!-- Support attributes in AllAppsStyle. Defaults to AllAppsStyleDefault -->
191        <attr name="allAppsStyle" format="reference" />
193        <!-- numAllAppsColumns defaults to numColumns, if not specified -->
194        <attr name="numAllAppsColumns" format="integer" />
195        <!-- Number of columns to use when extending the all-apps size,
196         defaults to 2 * numAllAppsColumns -->
197        <attr name="numExtendedAllAppsColumns" format="integer" />
199        <!-- Number of rows to calculate the cell height for all apps when it's necessary.
200          Defaults to numRows. Requires FeatureFlags.ENABLE_RESPONSIVE_WORKSPACE to be enabled. -->
201        <attr name="numAllAppsRowsForCellHeightCalculation" format="integer" />
203        <!-- numHotseatIcons defaults to numColumns, if not specified -->
204        <attr name="numHotseatIcons" format="integer" />
205        <!-- Number of icons to use when extending the hotseat size,
206         defaults to 2 * numHotseatIcons -->
207        <attr name="numExtendedHotseatIcons" format="integer" />
209        <!-- Spacing to have at the end of the nav buttons in large screen 3 button nav,
210             defaults to @dimen/taskbar_button_margin_default -->
211        <attr name="inlineNavButtonsEndSpacing" format="reference" />
213        <attr name="dbFile" format="string" />
214        <attr name="defaultLayoutId" format="reference" />
215        <attr name="demoModeLayoutId" format="reference" />
216        <attr name="isScalable" format="boolean" />
217        <attr name="devicePaddingId" format="reference" />
219        <!-- File that contains the specs for the workspace.
220        Needs FeatureFlags.ENABLE_RESPONSIVE_WORKSPACE enabled -->
221        <attr name="workspaceSpecsId" format="reference" />
222        <!-- defaults to workspaceSpecsId, if not specified -->
223        <attr name="workspaceSpecsTwoPanelId" format="reference" />
224        <!-- File that contains the specs for all apps.
225        Needs FeatureFlags.ENABLE_RESPONSIVE_WORKSPACE enabled -->
226        <attr name="allAppsSpecsId" format="reference" />
227        <!-- defaults to allAppsSpecsId, if not specified -->
228        <attr name="allAppsSpecsTwoPanelId" format="reference" />
229        <!-- File that contains the specs for the workspace.
230        Needs FeatureFlags.ENABLE_RESPONSIVE_WORKSPACE enabled -->
231        <attr name="folderSpecsId" format="reference" />
232        <!-- defaults to folderSpecsId, if not specified -->
233        <attr name="folderSpecsTwoPanelId" format="reference" />
234        <!-- File that contains the specs for hotseat bar.
235        Needs FeatureFlags.ENABLE_RESPONSIVE_WORKSPACE enabled -->
236        <attr name="hotseatSpecsId" format="reference" />
237        <!-- defaults to hotseatSpecsId, if not specified -->
238        <attr name="hotseatSpecsTwoPanelId" format="reference" />
239        <!-- File that contains the specs for workspace icon and text size.
240        Needs FeatureFlags.ENABLE_RESPONSIVE_WORKSPACE enabled -->
241        <attr name="workspaceCellSpecsId" format="reference" />
242        <!-- defaults to workspaceCellSpecsId, if not specified -->
243        <attr name="workspaceCellSpecsTwoPanelId" format="reference" />
244        <!-- File that contains the specs for all apps icon and text size.
245        Needs FeatureFlags.ENABLE_RESPONSIVE_WORKSPACE enabled -->
246        <attr name="allAppsCellSpecsId" format="reference" />
247        <!-- defaults to allAppsCellSpecsId, if not specified -->
248        <attr name="allAppsCellSpecsTwoPanelId" format="reference" />
250        <!-- By default all categories are enabled -->
251        <attr name="deviceCategory" format="integer">
252            <!-- Enable on phone only -->
253            <flag name="phone" value="1" />
254            <!-- Enable on tablets only -->
255            <flag name="tablet" value="2" />
256            <!-- Enable on multi display devices only -->
257            <flag name="multi_display" value="4" />
258        </attr>
260        <!-- By default all are false -->
261        <attr name="inlineQsb" format="integer">
262            <!-- Enable on landscape only -->
263            <flag name="portrait" value="1" />
264            <!-- Enable on portrait only -->
265            <flag name="landscape" value="2" />
266            <!-- Enable on two panel portrait only -->
267            <flag name="twoPanelPortrait" value="4" />
268            <!-- Enable on two panel landscape only -->
269            <flag name="twoPanelLandscape" value="8" />
270        </attr>
272    </declare-styleable>
274    <declare-styleable name="DevicePadding">
275        <attr name="maxEmptySpace" format="dimension" />
276    </declare-styleable>
278    <declare-styleable name="DevicePaddingFormula">
279        <attr name="a" format="float|dimension" />
280        <attr name="b" format="float|dimension" />
281        <attr name="c" format="float|dimension" />
282    </declare-styleable>
284    <declare-styleable name="PersonalWorkSlidingTabStrip">
285        <attr name="alignOnIcon" format="boolean" />
286    </declare-styleable>
288    <!--  Responsive grids attributes  -->
289    <declare-styleable name="ResponsiveSpec">
290        <attr name="dimensionType" format="integer">
291            <enum name="height" value="0" />
292            <enum name="width" value="1" />
293        </attr>
294        <attr name="maxAvailableSize" format="dimension" />
295    </declare-styleable>
297    <declare-styleable name="ResponsiveSpecGroup">
298        <attr name="maxAspectRatio" format="float" />
299    </declare-styleable>
301    <declare-styleable name="WorkspaceSpec">
302        <attr name="dimensionType" />
303        <attr name="maxAvailableSize" />
304    </declare-styleable>
306    <declare-styleable name="FolderSpec">
307        <attr name="dimensionType" />
308        <attr name="maxAvailableSize" />
309    </declare-styleable>
311    <declare-styleable name="AllAppsSpec">
312        <attr name="dimensionType" />
313        <attr name="maxAvailableSize" />
314    </declare-styleable>
316    <declare-styleable name="HotseatSpec">
317        <attr name="dimensionType" />
318        <attr name="maxAvailableSize" />
319    </declare-styleable>
321    <declare-styleable name="CellSpec">
322        <attr name="dimensionType" />
323        <attr name="maxAvailableSize" />
324    </declare-styleable>
326    <declare-styleable name="SizeSpec">
327        <attr name="fixedSize" format="dimension" />
328        <attr name="ofAvailableSpace" format="float" />
329        <attr name="ofRemainderSpace" format="float" />
330        <attr name="matchWorkspace" format="boolean" />
331        <attr name="maxSize" format="dimension" />
332    </declare-styleable>
334    <declare-styleable name="ProfileDisplayOption">
335        <attr name="name" />
336        <attr name="minWidthDps" format="float" />
337        <attr name="minHeightDps" format="float" />
339        <!-- These min cell values are only used if GridDisplayOption#isScalable is true -->
340        <attr name="minCellHeight" format="float" />
341        <attr name="minCellWidth" format="float" />
342        <!-- defaults to minCellHeight, if not specified -->
343        <attr name="minCellHeightLandscape" format="float" />
344        <!-- defaults to minCellWidth, if not specified -->
345        <attr name="minCellWidthLandscape" format="float" />
346        <!-- defaults to minCellHeight, if not specified -->
347        <attr name="minCellHeightTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
348        <!-- defaults to minCellWidth, if not specified -->
349        <attr name="minCellWidthTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
350        <!-- defaults to minCellHeight, if not specified -->
351        <attr name="minCellHeightTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
352        <!-- defaults to minCellWidth, if not specified -->
353        <attr name="minCellWidthTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
355        <!-- These border spaces are only used if GridDisplayOption#isScalable is true -->
356        <!-- space to be used horizontally and vertically -->
357        <attr name="borderSpace" format="float" />
358        <!-- space to the right of the cell, defaults to borderSpace if not specified -->
359        <attr name="borderSpaceHorizontal" format="float" />
360        <!-- space below the cell, defaults to borderSpace if not specified -->
361        <attr name="borderSpaceVertical" format="float" />
362        <!-- space to be used horizontally and vertically,
363        defaults to borderSpace if not specified -->
364        <attr name="borderSpaceLandscape" format="float" />
365        <!-- space to the right of the cell, defaults to borderSpaceLandscape if not specified -->
366        <attr name="borderSpaceLandscapeHorizontal" format="float" />
367        <!-- space below the cell, defaults to borderSpaceLandscape if not specified -->
368        <attr name="borderSpaceLandscapeVertical" format="float" />
369        <!-- space to be used horizontally and vertically in two panels,
370        defaults to borderSpace if not specified -->
371        <attr name="borderSpaceTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
372        <!-- space to the right of the cell in two panels, defaults to
373        borderSpaceTwoPanelPortrait if not specified -->
374        <attr name="borderSpaceTwoPanelPortraitHorizontal" format="float" />
375        <!-- space below the cell in two panels, defaults to borderSpaceTwoPanelPortrait
376        if not specified -->
377        <attr name="borderSpaceTwoPanelPortraitVertical" format="float" />
378        <!-- space to be used horizontally and vertically in two panels,
379        defaults to borderSpace if not specified -->
380        <attr name="borderSpaceTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
381        <!-- space to the right of the cell in two panels, defaults to
382        borderSpaceTwoPanelLandscape if not specified -->
383        <attr name="borderSpaceTwoPanelLandscapeHorizontal" format="float" />
384        <!-- space below the cell in two panels, defaults to borderSpaceTwoPanelLandscape
385        if not specified -->
386        <attr name="borderSpaceTwoPanelLandscapeVertical" format="float" />
388        <!-- defaults to minCellHeight if not specified when GridDisplayOption#isScalable is true.
389         Must be defined when GridDisplayOption#isScalable is false. -->
390        <attr name="allAppsCellHeight" format="float" />
391        <!-- These min cell values are only used if GridDisplayOption#isScalable is true -->
392        <!-- defaults to minCellWidth, if not specified -->
393        <attr name="allAppsCellWidth" format="float" />
394        <!-- defaults to allAppsCellHeight, if not specified -->
395        <attr name="allAppsCellHeightLandscape" format="float" />
396        <!-- defaults to allAppsCellWidth, if not specified -->
397        <attr name="allAppsCellWidthLandscape" format="float" />
398        <!-- defaults to allAppsCellHeight, if not specified -->
399        <attr name="allAppsCellHeightTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
400        <!-- defaults to allAppsCellWidth, if not specified -->
401        <attr name="allAppsCellWidthTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
402        <!-- defaults to allAppsCellHeight, if not specified -->
403        <attr name="allAppsCellHeightTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
404        <!-- defaults to allAppsCellWidth, if not specified -->
405        <attr name="allAppsCellWidthTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
406        <!-- The following values are only enabled if grid is supported. -->
407        <!-- defaults to iconImageSize, if not specified -->
408        <attr name="allAppsIconSize" format="float" />
409        <!-- defaults to allAppsIconSize, if not specified -->
410        <attr name="allAppsIconSizeLandscape" format="float" />
411        <!-- defaults to allAppsIconSize, if not specified -->
412        <attr name="allAppsIconSizeTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
413        <!-- defaults to allAppsIconSize, if not specified -->
414        <attr name="allAppsIconSizeTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
415        <!-- defaults to iconTextSize, if not specified -->
416        <attr name="allAppsIconTextSize" format="float" />
417        <!-- defaults to allAppsIconTextSize, if not specified -->
418        <attr name="allAppsIconTextSizeTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
419        <!-- defaults to allAppsIconTextSize, if not specified -->
420        <attr name="allAppsIconTextSizeTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
422        <!-- defaults to borderSpace, if not specified -->
423        <!-- space to be used horizontally and vertically -->
424        <attr name="allAppsBorderSpace" format="float" />
425        <!-- space to the right of the cell, defaults to allAppsBorderSpace if not specified -->
426        <attr name="allAppsBorderSpaceHorizontal" format="float" />
427        <!-- space below the cell, defaults to allAppsBorderSpace if not specified -->
428        <attr name="allAppsBorderSpaceVertical" format="float" />
429        <!-- space to be used horizontally and vertically,
430        defaults to allAppsBorderSpace if not specified -->
431        <attr name="allAppsBorderSpaceLandscape" format="float" />
432        <!-- space to the right of the cell, defaults to allAppsBorderSpaceLandscape
433        if not specified -->
434        <attr name="allAppsBorderSpaceLandscapeHorizontal" format="float" />
435        <!-- space below the cell, defaults to allAppsBorderSpaceLandscape if not specified -->
436        <attr name="allAppsBorderSpaceLandscapeVertical" format="float" />
437        <!-- space to be used horizontally and vertically in two panels,
438        defaults to allAppsBorderSpace if not specified -->
439        <attr name="allAppsBorderSpaceTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
440        <!-- space to the right of the cell in two panels, defaults to
441        allAppsBorderSpaceTwoPanelPortrait if not specified -->
442        <attr name="allAppsBorderSpaceTwoPanelPortraitHorizontal" format="float" />
443        <!-- space below the cell in two panels, defaults to allAppsBorderSpaceTwoPanelPortrait
444        if not specified -->
445        <attr name="allAppsBorderSpaceTwoPanelPortraitVertical" format="float" />
446        <!-- space to be used horizontally and vertically in two panels,
447        defaults to allAppsBorderSpace if not specified -->
448        <attr name="allAppsBorderSpaceTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
449        <!-- space to the right of the cell in two panels, defaults to
450        allAppsBorderSpaceTwoPanelLandscape if not specified -->
451        <attr name="allAppsBorderSpaceTwoPanelLandscapeHorizontal" format="float" />
452        <!-- space below the cell in two panels, defaults to allAppsBorderSpaceTwoPanelLandscape
453        if not specified -->
454        <attr name="allAppsBorderSpaceTwoPanelLandscapeVertical" format="float" />
456        <!-- defaults to res.hotseat_bar_bottom_space_default, if not specified -->
457        <attr name="hotseatBarBottomSpace" format="float" />
458        <!-- defaults to hotseatBarBottomSpace, if not specified -->
459        <attr name="hotseatBarBottomSpaceLandscape" format="float" />
460        <!-- defaults to hotseatBarBottomSpace, if not specified -->
461        <attr name="hotseatBarBottomSpaceTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
462        <!-- defaults to hotseatBarBottomSpace, if not specified -->
463        <attr name="hotseatBarBottomSpaceTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
465        <!-- defaults to res.hotseat_qsb_space_default, if not specified -->
466        <attr name="hotseatQsbSpace" format="float" />
467        <!-- defaults to hotseatQsbSpace, if not specified -->
468        <attr name="hotseatQsbSpaceLandscape" format="float" />
469        <!-- defaults to hotseatQsbSpace, if not specified -->
470        <attr name="hotseatQsbSpaceTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
471        <!-- defaults to hotseatQsbSpace, if not specified -->
472        <attr name="hotseatQsbSpaceTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
474        <!-- defaults to res.taskbar_icon_size, if not specified -->
475        <attr name="transientTaskbarIconSize" format="float" />
476        <!-- defaults to transientTaskbarIconSize, if not specified -->
477        <attr name="transientTaskbarIconSizeLandscape" format="float" />
478        <!-- defaults to transientTaskbarIconSize, if not specified -->
479        <attr name="transientTaskbarIconSizeTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
480        <!-- defaults to transientTaskbarIconSize, if not specified -->
481        <attr name="transientTaskbarIconSizeTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
483        <attr name="iconImageSize" format="float" />
484        <!-- defaults to iconImageSize, if not specified -->
485        <attr name="iconSizeLandscape" format="float" />
486        <!-- defaults to iconSize, if not specified -->
487        <attr name="iconSizeTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
488        <!-- defaults to iconSize, if not specified -->
489        <attr name="iconSizeTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
491        <attr name="iconTextSize" format="float" />
492        <!-- defaults to iconTextSize, if not specified -->
493        <attr name="iconTextSizeLandscape" format="float" />
494        <!-- defaults to iconTextSize, if not specified -->
495        <attr name="iconTextSizeTwoPanelPortrait" format="float" />
496        <!-- defaults to iconTextSize, if not specified -->
497        <attr name="iconTextSizeTwoPanelLandscape" format="float" />
499        <!-- If true, used to layout taskbar in 3 button navigation mode. -->
500        <!-- defaults to false if not specified -->
501        <attr name="startAlignTaskbar" format="boolean" />
502        <!-- defaults to startAlignTaskbar, if not specified -->
503        <attr name="startAlignTaskbarLandscape" format="boolean" />
504        <!-- defaults to startAlignTaskbarLandscape, if not specified -->
505        <attr name="startAlignTaskbarTwoPanelLandscape" format="boolean" />
506        <!-- defaults to startAlignTaskbar, if not specified -->
507        <attr name="startAlignTaskbarTwoPanelPortrait" format="boolean" />
509        <!-- If set, this display option is used to determine the default grid -->
510        <attr name="canBeDefault" format="boolean" />
512        <!-- Margin on left and right of the workspace when GridDisplayOption#isScalable is true -->
513        <attr name="horizontalMargin" format="float"/>
514        <!-- defaults to horizontalMargin if not specified -->
515        <attr name="horizontalMarginLandscape" format="float"/>
516        <!-- defaults to horizontalMargin if not specified -->
517        <attr name="horizontalMarginTwoPanelLandscape" format="float"/>
518        <!-- defaults to horizontalMargin if not specified -->
519        <attr name="horizontalMarginTwoPanelPortrait" format="float"/>
521    </declare-styleable>
523    <declare-styleable name="FolderStyle">
524        <!-- defaults to minCellHeight if not specified
525        when GridDisplayOption#isScalable is true. -->
526        <attr name="folderCellHeight" format="dimension" />
527        <!-- defaults to minCellWidth, if not specified -->
528        <attr name="folderCellWidth" format="dimension" />
529        <!-- space to be used horizontally and vertically between icons,
530        and to the left and right of folder -->
531        <attr name="folderBorderSpace" format="dimension" />
532        <!-- height of the footer of the folder -->
533        <attr name="folderFooterHeight" format="dimension" />
534        <!-- padding on top of the folder -->
535        <attr name="folderTopPadding" format="dimension" />
536    </declare-styleable>
538    <declare-styleable name="CellLayout">
539        <attr name="containerType" format="integer">
540            <enum name="workspace" value="0" />
541            <enum name="hotseat" value="1" />
542            <enum name="folder" value="2" />
543        </attr>
544    </declare-styleable>
546    <declare-styleable name="CellStyle">
547        <attr name="iconDrawablePadding" format="dimension" />
548    </declare-styleable>
550    <declare-styleable name="AllAppsStyle">
551        <attr name="horizontalPadding" format="dimension" />
552    </declare-styleable>
554    <declare-styleable name="ShadowDrawable">
555        <attr name="android:src" />
556        <attr name="android:shadowColor" />
557        <attr name="android:elevation" />
558        <attr name="darkTintColor" format="color" />
559    </declare-styleable>
561    <declare-styleable name="RecyclerViewFastScroller">
562        <attr name="canThumbDetach" format="boolean" />
563    </declare-styleable>
565    <declare-styleable name="LoggablePref">
566        <attr name="android:key" />
567        <attr name="android:defaultValue" />
568        <!-- Ground truth of this Pref integer can be found in StatsLogManager -->
569        <attr name="logIdOn" format="integer" />
570        <attr name="logIdOff" format="integer" />
571    </declare-styleable>
573    <declare-styleable name="PreviewFragment">
574        <attr name="android:name" />
575        <attr name="android:id" />
576    </declare-styleable>
578    <declare-styleable name="WidgetsListRowHeader">
579        <attr name="appIconSize" format="dimension" />
580        <attr name="collapsable" format="boolean" />
581    </declare-styleable>
583    <attr name="materialColorOnSecondaryFixedVariant" format="color" />
584    <attr name="materialColorOnTertiaryFixedVariant" format="color" />
585    <attr name="materialColorSurfaceContainerLowest" format="color" />
586    <attr name="materialColorOnPrimaryFixedVariant" format="color" />
587    <attr name="materialColorOnSecondaryContainer" format="color" />
588    <attr name="materialColorOnTertiaryContainer" format="color" />
589    <attr name="materialColorSurfaceContainerLow" format="color" />
590    <attr name="materialColorOnPrimaryContainer" format="color" />
591    <attr name="materialColorSecondaryFixedDim" format="color" />
592    <attr name="materialColorOnErrorContainer" format="color" />
593    <attr name="materialColorOnSecondaryFixed" format="color" />
594    <attr name="materialColorOnSurfaceInverse" format="color" />
595    <attr name="materialColorTertiaryFixedDim" format="color" />
596    <attr name="materialColorOnTertiaryFixed" format="color" />
597    <attr name="materialColorPrimaryFixedDim" format="color" />
598    <attr name="materialColorSecondaryContainer" format="color" />
599    <attr name="materialColorErrorContainer" format="color" />
600    <attr name="materialColorOnPrimaryFixed" format="color" />
601    <attr name="materialColorPrimaryInverse" format="color" />
602    <attr name="materialColorSecondaryFixed" format="color" />
603    <attr name="materialColorTertiaryContainer" format="color" />
604    <attr name="materialColorTertiaryFixed" format="color" />
605    <attr name="materialColorPrimaryContainer" format="color" />
606    <attr name="materialColorOnBackground" format="color" />
607    <attr name="materialColorPrimaryFixed" format="color" />
608    <attr name="materialColorOnSecondary" format="color" />
609    <attr name="materialColorOnTertiary" format="color" />
610    <attr name="materialColorOnError" format="color" />
611    <attr name="materialColorOnSurfaceVariant" format="color" />
612    <attr name="materialColorOutline" format="color" />
613    <attr name="materialColorOutlineVariant" format="color" />
614    <attr name="materialColorOnPrimary" format="color" />
615    <attr name="materialColorOnSurface" format="color" />
616    <attr name="materialColorPrimary" format="color" />
617    <attr name="materialColorSecondary" format="color" />
618    <attr name="materialColorTertiary" format="color" />
619    <attr name="materialColorSurfaceInverse" format="color" />
620    <attr name="materialColorSurfaceVariant" format="color" />
621    <attr name="materialColorSurfaceDim" format="color" />
622    <attr name="materialColorSurfaceBright" format="color" />
623    <attr name="materialColorSurface" format="color" />
624    <attr name="materialColorSurfaceContainerHigh" format="color" />
625    <attr name="materialColorSurfaceContainerHighest" format="color" />
626    <attr name="materialColorSurfaceContainer" format="color" />
628    <declare-styleable name="WidgetSections">
629        <!-- Component name of an app widget provider. -->
630        <attr name="provider" format="string" />
631        <!-- If true, keep the app widget under its app listing in addition to the widget category
632             in the widget picker. Defaults to false if not specified. -->
633        <attr name="alsoKeepInApp" format="boolean" />
634        <!-- The category of an app widget provider. Defaults to -1 if not specified. -->
635        <attr name="category" format="integer" />
636        <!-- The title name of a widget category. -->
637        <attr name="sectionTitle" format="reference" />
638        <!-- The icon drawable of a widget category. -->
639        <attr name="sectionDrawable" format="reference" />
640    </declare-styleable>
642    <declare-styleable name="ArrowTipView">
643        <attr name="arrowTipBackground" format="color" />
644        <attr name="arrowTipTextColor" format="color" />
645    </declare-styleable>