1"""Blueberry Test Client. 2 3Simple gRPC client to test the Blueberry Mock server. 4""" 5 6from absl import app 7from absl import flags 8 9import grpc 10 11# Internal import 12from blueberry.grpc.proto import blueberry_device_controller_pb2 13from blueberry.grpc.proto import blueberry_device_controller_pb2_grpc 14 15FLAGS = flags.FLAGS 16flags.DEFINE_string('server', 'dns:///[::1]:10000', 'server address') 17 18 19def _UpdateDiscoveryMode(stub, request): 20 try: 21 print('try SetDiscoverableMode') 22 response = stub.SetDiscoverableMode(request) 23 print('complete response') 24 print(response) 25 return 0 26 except grpc.RpcError as rpc_error: 27 print(rpc_error) 28 return -1 29 30 31def main(unused_argv): 32 channel_creds = loas2.loas2_channel_credentials() 33 with grpc.secure_channel(FLAGS.server, channel_creds) as channel: 34 grpc.channel_ready_future(channel).result() 35 stub = blueberry_device_controller_pb2_grpc.BlueberryDeviceControllerStub( 36 channel) 37 38 print('request grpc') 39 request = blueberry_device_controller_pb2.DiscoverableMode( 40 mode=True) 41 print('Call _UpdateDiscoveryMode') 42 return _UpdateDiscoveryMode(stub, request) 43 44 45if __name__ == '__main__': 46 app.run(main) 47