2// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6// You may obtain a copy of the License at
8//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14// limitations under the License.
17package {
18    default_team: "trendy_team_fwk_core_networking",
19    // See: http://go/android-license-faq
20    default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],
23filegroup {
24    name: "framework-connectivity-internal-sources",
25    srcs: [
26        "src/**/*.java",
27        "src/**/*.aidl",
28    ],
29    path: "src",
30    visibility: [
31        "//visibility:private",
32    ],
35filegroup {
36    name: "framework-connectivity-aidl-export-sources",
37    srcs: [
38        "aidl-export/**/*.aidl",
39    ],
40    path: "aidl-export",
41    visibility: [
42        "//visibility:private",
43    ],
46// TODO: use a java_library in the bootclasspath instead
47filegroup {
48    name: "framework-connectivity-sources",
49    defaults: ["framework-sources-module-defaults"],
50    srcs: [
51        ":framework-connectivity-internal-sources",
52        ":framework-connectivity-aidl-export-sources",
53    ],
54    visibility: ["//packages/modules/Connectivity:__subpackages__"],
57java_defaults {
58    name: "framework-connectivity-defaults",
59    defaults: ["framework-module-defaults"],
60    sdk_version: "module_current",
61    min_sdk_version: "30",
62    srcs: [
63        ":framework-connectivity-sources",
64        ":net-utils-framework-common-srcs",
65        ":framework-connectivity-api-shared-srcs",
66    ],
67    aidl: {
68        generate_get_transaction_name: true,
69        include_dirs: [
70            // Include directories for parcelables that are part of the stable API, and need a
71            // one-line "parcelable X" .aidl declaration to be used in AIDL interfaces.
72            // TODO(b/180293679): remove these dependencies as they should not be necessary once
73            // the module builds against API (the parcelable declarations exist in framework.aidl)
74            "frameworks/base/core/java", // For framework parcelables
75            "frameworks/native/aidl/binder", // For PersistableBundle.aidl
76        ],
77    },
78    stub_only_libs: [
79        "framework-connectivity-t.stubs.module_lib",
80    ],
81    impl_only_libs: [
82        // TODO: figure out why just using "framework-tethering" uses the stubs, even though both
83        // framework-connectivity and framework-tethering are in the same APEX.
84        "framework-location.stubs.module_lib",
85        "framework-tethering.impl",
86        "framework-wifi.stubs.module_lib",
87    ],
88    static_libs: [
89        // Not using the latest stable version because all functions in the latest version of
90        // mdns_aidl_interface are deprecated.
91        "mdns_aidl_interface-V1-java",
92        "modules-utils-backgroundthread",
93        "modules-utils-build",
94        "modules-utils-preconditions",
95        "framework-connectivity-javastream-protos",
96    ],
97    impl_only_static_libs: [
98        "net-utils-device-common-bpf",
99        "net-utils-device-common-struct-base",
100    ],
101    libs: [
102        "androidx.annotation_annotation",
103        "app-compat-annotations",
104        "framework-connectivity-t.stubs.module_lib",
105        "unsupportedappusage",
106    ],
107    apex_available: [
108        "com.android.tethering",
109    ],
112java_library {
113    name: "framework-connectivity-pre-jarjar",
114    defaults: [
115        "framework-connectivity-defaults",
116    ],
117    static_libs: [
118        "httpclient_api",
119        "httpclient_impl",
120        // Framework-connectivity-pre-jarjar is identical to framework-connectivity
121        // implementation, but without the jarjar rules. However, framework-connectivity
122        // is not based on framework-connectivity-pre-jarjar, it's rebuilt from source
123        // to generate the SDK stubs.
124        // Even if the library is included in "impl_only_static_libs" of defaults. This is still
125        // needed because java_library which doesn't understand "impl_only_static_libs".
126        "net-utils-device-common-bpf",
127        "net-utils-device-common-struct-base",
128    ],
129    libs: [
130        // This cannot be in the defaults clause above because if it were, it would be used
131        // to generate the connectivity stubs. That would create a circular dependency
132        // because the tethering impl depend on the connectivity stubs (e.g.,
133        // TetheringRequest depends on LinkAddress).
134        "framework-location.stubs.module_lib",
135        "framework-tethering.impl",
136        "framework-wifi.stubs.module_lib",
137    ],
138    visibility: ["//packages/modules/Connectivity:__subpackages__"],
141java_defaults {
142    name: "CronetJavaDefaults",
143    srcs: [":httpclient_api_sources"],
144    libs: [
145        "androidx.annotation_annotation",
146    ],
147    impl_only_static_libs: [
148        "httpclient_impl",
149    ],
152java_sdk_library {
153    name: "framework-connectivity",
154    defaults: [
155        "framework-connectivity-defaults",
156        "CronetJavaDefaults",
157    ],
158    installable: true,
159    jarjar_rules: ":framework-connectivity-jarjar-rules",
160    permitted_packages: ["android.net"],
161    impl_library_visibility: [
162        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/Tethering/apex",
163        // In preparation for future move
164        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/apex",
165        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/framework-t",
166        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/service",
167        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/service-t",
168        "//frameworks/base",
170        // Tests using hidden APIs
171        "//cts/tests/netlegacy22.api",
172        "//cts/tests/tests/app.usage", // NetworkUsageStatsTest
173        "//external/sl4a:__subpackages__",
174        "//frameworks/base/core/tests/bandwidthtests",
175        "//frameworks/base/core/tests/benchmarks",
176        "//frameworks/base/core/tests/utillib",
177        "//frameworks/base/services/tests/VpnTests",
178        "//frameworks/base/tests/vcn",
179        "//frameworks/opt/net/ethernet/tests:__subpackages__",
180        "//frameworks/opt/telephony/tests/telephonytests",
181        "//packages/modules/CaptivePortalLogin/tests",
182        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/staticlibs/testutils",
183        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/staticlibs/tests:__subpackages__",
184        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/Cronet/tests:__subpackages__",
185        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/Tethering/tests:__subpackages__",
186        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/tests:__subpackages__",
187        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/thread/tests:__subpackages__",
188        "//packages/modules/IPsec/tests/iketests",
189        "//packages/modules/NetworkStack/tests:__subpackages__",
190        "//packages/modules/Wifi/service/tests/wifitests",
191    ],
192    lint: {
193        baseline_filename: "lint-baseline.xml",
194    },
195    aconfig_declarations: [
196        "com.android.net.flags-aconfig",
197    ],
200platform_compat_config {
201    name: "connectivity-platform-compat-config",
202    src: ":framework-connectivity",
205cc_library_shared {
206    name: "libframework-connectivity-jni",
207    min_sdk_version: "30",
208    cflags: [
209        "-Wall",
210        "-Werror",
211        "-Wno-unused-parameter",
212        // Don't warn about S API usage even with
213        // min_sdk 30: the library is only loaded
214        // on S+ devices
215        "-Wno-unguarded-availability",
216        "-Wthread-safety",
217    ],
218    srcs: [
219        "jni/android_net_NetworkUtils.cpp",
220        "jni/onload.cpp",
221    ],
222    shared_libs: [
223        "libandroid",
224        "liblog",
225        "libnativehelper",
226    ],
227    header_libs: [
228        "bpf_headers",
229        "dnsproxyd_protocol_headers",
230    ],
231    stl: "none",
232    apex_available: [
233        "com.android.tethering",
234    ],
237filegroup {
238    name: "framework-connectivity-protos",
239    srcs: [
240        "proto/**/*.proto",
241    ],
242    visibility: ["//frameworks/base"],
245java_library {
246    name: "framework-connectivity-javastream-protos",
247    proto: {
248        type: "stream",
249    },
250    srcs: [":framework-connectivity-protos"],
251    installable: false,
252    sdk_version: "module_current",
253    min_sdk_version: "30",
254    apex_available: [
255        "com.android.tethering",
256    ],
259java_genrule {
260    name: "framework-connectivity-jarjar-rules",
261    tool_files: [
262        ":connectivity-hiddenapi-files",
263        ":framework-connectivity-pre-jarjar{.jar}",
264        ":framework-connectivity-t-pre-jarjar{.jar}",
265        ":framework-connectivity.stubs.module_lib{.jar}",
266        ":framework-connectivity-t.stubs.module_lib{.jar}",
267        ":framework-connectivity-module-api-stubs-including-flagged{.jar}",
268        "jarjar-excludes.txt",
269    ],
270    tools: [
271        "jarjar-rules-generator",
272    ],
273    out: ["framework_connectivity_jarjar_rules.txt"],
274    cmd: "$(location jarjar-rules-generator) " +
275        "$(location :framework-connectivity-pre-jarjar{.jar}) " +
276        "$(location :framework-connectivity-t-pre-jarjar{.jar}) " +
277        "--prefix android.net.connectivity " +
278        "--apistubs $(location :framework-connectivity.stubs.module_lib{.jar}) " +
279        "--apistubs $(location :framework-connectivity-t.stubs.module_lib{.jar}) " +
280        "--apistubs $(location :framework-connectivity-module-api-stubs-including-flagged{.jar}) " +
281        // Make a ":"-separated list. There will be an extra ":" but empty items are ignored.
282        "--unsupportedapi $$(printf ':%s' $(locations :connectivity-hiddenapi-files)) " +
283        "--excludes $(location jarjar-excludes.txt) " +
284        "--output $(out)",
285    visibility: [
286        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/framework:__subpackages__",
287        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/framework-t:__subpackages__",
288        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/service",
289    ],
292droidstubs {
293    name: "framework-connectivity-module-api-stubs-including-flagged-droidstubs",
294    srcs: [
295        ":framework-connectivity-sources",
296        ":framework-connectivity-tiramisu-updatable-sources",
297        ":framework-nearby-java-sources",
298        ":framework-thread-sources",
299    ],
300    flags: [
301        "--show-for-stub-purposes-annotation android.annotation.SystemApi" +
302            "\\(client=android.annotation.SystemApi.Client.PRIVILEGED_APPS\\)",
303        "--show-for-stub-purposes-annotation android.annotation.SystemApi" +
304            "\\(client=android.annotation.SystemApi.Client.MODULE_LIBRARIES\\)",
305    ],
306    aidl: {
307        include_dirs: [
308            "packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/aidl-export",
309            "frameworks/native/aidl/binder", // For PersistableBundle.aidl
310        ],
311    },
314java_library {
315    name: "framework-connectivity-module-api-stubs-including-flagged",
316    srcs: [":framework-connectivity-module-api-stubs-including-flagged-droidstubs"],
319// Library providing limited APIs within the connectivity module, so that R+ components like
320// Tethering have a controlled way to depend on newer components like framework-connectivity that
321// are not loaded on R.
322// Note that this target needs to have access to hidden classes, and as such needs to list
323// the full libraries instead of the .impl lib (which only expose API classes).
324java_library {
325    name: "connectivity-internal-api-util",
326    sdk_version: "module_current",
327    libs: [
328        "androidx.annotation_annotation",
329        "framework-connectivity-pre-jarjar",
330    ],
331    jarjar_rules: ":framework-connectivity-jarjar-rules",
332    srcs: [
333        // Files listed here MUST all be annotated with @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.S)
334        // or above as appropriate so that API checks are enforced for R+ users of this library
335        "src/android/net/RoutingCoordinatorManager.java",
336        "src/android/net/connectivity/ConnectivityInternalApiUtil.java",
337    ],
338    visibility: [
339        "//packages/modules/Connectivity/Tethering:__subpackages__",
340    ],