1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 #pragma once
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <vector>
24 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
25 #include <stats.pb.h>
27 namespace android::net {
29 android::net::NetworkDnsEventReported fromNetworkDnsEventReportedStr(const std::string& str);
31 // Used for gmock printing our desired debug messages. (Another approach is defining operator<<())
32 void PrintTo(const DnsQueryEvents& event, std::ostream* os);
33 void PrintTo(const DnsQueryEvent& event, std::ostream* os);
34 void PrintTo(const android::net::NetworkDnsEventReported& event, std::ostream* os);
35 void PrintTo(const Servers& event, std::ostream* os);
36 void PrintTo(const Server& event, std::ostream* os);
37 void PrintTo(const NetworkDnsServerSupportReported& event, std::ostream* os);
39 MATCHER_P(DnsQueryEventEq, other, "") {
40     return ::testing::ExplainMatchResult(
41             ::testing::AllOf(
42                     ::testing::Property("rcode", &DnsQueryEvent::rcode,
43                                         ::testing::Eq(other.rcode())),
44                     ::testing::Property("ns_type", &DnsQueryEvent::type,
45                                         ::testing::Eq(other.type())),
46                     ::testing::Property("cache_hit", &DnsQueryEvent::cache_hit,
47                                         ::testing::Eq(other.cache_hit())),
48                     ::testing::Property("ip_version", &DnsQueryEvent::ip_version,
49                                         ::testing::Eq(other.ip_version())),
50                     ::testing::Property("protocol", &DnsQueryEvent::protocol,
51                                         ::testing::Eq(other.protocol())),
52                     ::testing::Property("retry_times", &DnsQueryEvent::retry_times,
53                                         ::testing::Eq(other.retry_times())),
54                     ::testing::Property("dns_server_index", &DnsQueryEvent::dns_server_index,
55                                         ::testing::Eq(other.dns_server_index())),
56                     // Removing the latency check, because we can't predict the time.
57                     /*  ::testing::Property("latency_micros", &DnsQueryEvent::latency_micros,
58                              ::testing::Eq(other.latency_micros())),*/
59                     ::testing::Property("linux_errno", &DnsQueryEvent::linux_errno,
60                                         ::testing::Eq(other.linux_errno())),
61                     ::testing::Property("connected", &DnsQueryEvent::connected,
62                                         ::testing::Eq(other.connected()))),
63             arg, result_listener);
64 }
66 MATCHER_P(DnsQueryEventsEq, other, "") {
67     const int eventSize = arg.dns_query_event_size();
68     if (eventSize != other.dns_query_event_size()) {
69         *result_listener << "Expected dns query event size: " << other.dns_query_event_size()
70                          << " \n";
71         for (int i = 0; i < other.dns_query_event_size(); ++i)
72             PrintTo(other.dns_query_event(i), result_listener->stream());
73         *result_listener << "Actual dns query event size: " << eventSize << "\n";
74         for (int i = 0; i < eventSize; ++i)
75             PrintTo(arg.dns_query_event(i), result_listener->stream());
76         return false;
77     }
79     for (int i = 0; i < eventSize; ++i) {
80         bool result =
81                 ::testing::Value(arg.dns_query_event(i), DnsQueryEventEq(other.dns_query_event(i)));
82         if (!result) {
83             *result_listener << "Expected event num: " << i << " \n";
84             PrintTo(arg.dns_query_event(i), result_listener->stream());
85             *result_listener << "Actual event num: " << i << " ";
86             PrintTo(other.dns_query_event(i), result_listener->stream());
87             return false;
88         }
89     }
90     return true;
91 }
93 MATCHER_P(NetworkDnsEventEq, other, "") {
94     return ::testing::ExplainMatchResult(
95             ::testing::AllOf(
96                     // Removing following fields check, because we can't verify those fields in unit
97                     // test.
98                     /*
99                     ::testing::Property("event_type",
100                                         &android::net::NetworkDnsEventReported::event_type,
101                                         ::testing::Eq(other.event_type())),
102                     ::testing::Property("return_code",
103                                         &android::net::NetworkDnsEventReported::return_code,
104                                         ::testing::Eq(other.return_code())),
105                     ::testing::Property("latency_micros",
106                        &android::net::NetworkDnsEventReported::latency_micros,
107                               ::testing::Eq(other.latency_micros())),
108                     ::testing::Property("hints_ai_flags",
109                                         &android::net::NetworkDnsEventReported::hints_ai_flags,
110                                         ::testing::Eq(other.hints_ai_flags())),
111                     ::testing::Property("res_nsend_flags",
112                                         &android::net::NetworkDnsEventReported::res_nsend_flags,
113                                         ::testing::Eq(other.res_nsend_flags())),
114                     ::testing::Property("network_type",
115                                         &android::net::NetworkDnsEventReported::network_type,
116                                         ::testing::Eq(other.network_type())),
117                     ::testing::Property("private_dns_modes",
118                                         &android::net::NetworkDnsEventReported::private_dns_modes,
119                                         ::testing::Eq(other.private_dns_modes())),
120                     */
121                     ::testing::Property("dns_query_events",
122                                         &android::net::NetworkDnsEventReported::dns_query_events,
123                                         DnsQueryEventsEq(other.dns_query_events())),
124                     ::testing::Property("uid", &android::net::NetworkDnsEventReported::uid,
125                                         ::testing::Eq(other.uid()))),
126             arg, result_listener);
127 }
129 MATCHER_P(ServerEq, other, "") {
130     return ::testing::ExplainMatchResult(
131             ::testing::AllOf(
132                     ::testing::Property("protocol", &Server::protocol,
133                                         ::testing::Eq(other.protocol())),
134                     ::testing::Property("index", &Server::index, ::testing::Eq(other.index())),
135                     ::testing::Property("validated", &Server::validated,
136                                         ::testing::Eq(other.validated()))),
137             arg, result_listener);
138 }
140 MATCHER_P(ServersEq, other, "") {
141     const int server_size = arg.server_size();
142     if (server_size != other.server_size()) {
143         return false;
144     }
146     for (int i = 0; i < server_size; ++i) {
147         if (!::testing::Value(arg.server(i), ServerEq(other.server(i)))) {
148             *result_listener << "Expected server num: " << i << " \n";
149             PrintTo(arg.server(i), result_listener->stream());
150             *result_listener << "Actual server num: " << i << " ";
151             PrintTo(other.server(i), result_listener->stream());
152             return false;
153         }
154     }
155     return true;
156 }
158 MATCHER_P(NetworkDnsServerSupportEq, other, "") {
159     return ::testing::ExplainMatchResult(
160             ::testing::AllOf(
161                     ::testing::Property("network_type",
162                                         &NetworkDnsServerSupportReported::network_type,
163                                         ::testing::Eq(other.network_type())),
164                     ::testing::Property("private_dns_modes",
165                                         &NetworkDnsServerSupportReported::private_dns_modes,
166                                         ::testing::Eq(other.private_dns_modes())),
167                     ::testing::Property("servers", &NetworkDnsServerSupportReported::servers,
168                                         ServersEq(other.servers()))),
169             arg, result_listener);
170 }
172 }  // namespace android::net