1 package android.health.connect.aidl;
3 import android.content.AttributionSource;
4 import android.health.connect.aidl.ActivityDatesRequestParcel;
5 import android.health.connect.aidl.AggregateDataRequestParcel;
6 import android.health.connect.aidl.IAggregateRecordsResponseCallback;
7 import android.health.connect.changelog.ChangeLogTokenRequest;
8 import android.health.connect.changelog.ChangeLogsRequest;
9 import android.health.connect.aidl.DeleteUsingFiltersRequestParcel;
10 import android.health.connect.aidl.IAccessLogsResponseCallback;
11 import android.health.connect.aidl.IChangeLogsResponseCallback;
12 import android.health.connect.aidl.IDataStagingFinishedCallback;
13 import android.health.connect.aidl.IEmptyResponseCallback;
14 import android.health.connect.aidl.IGetChangeLogTokenCallback;
15 import android.health.connect.aidl.IGetPriorityResponseCallback;
16 import android.health.connect.aidl.IGetHealthConnectMigrationUiStateCallback;
17 import android.health.connect.aidl.IGetHealthConnectDataStateCallback;
18 import android.health.connect.aidl.RecordsParcel;
19 import android.health.connect.aidl.IMigrationCallback;
20 import android.health.connect.migration.MigrationEntityParcel;
21 import android.health.connect.aidl.IApplicationInfoResponseCallback;
22 import android.health.connect.aidl.IEmptyResponseCallback;
23 import android.health.connect.aidl.IInsertRecordsResponseCallback;
24 import android.health.connect.aidl.RecordsParcel;
25 import android.health.connect.aidl.UpdatePriorityRequestParcel;
26 import android.health.connect.aidl.IReadRecordsResponseCallback;
27 import android.health.connect.aidl.MedicalIdFiltersParcel;
28 import android.health.connect.aidl.IReadMedicalResourcesResponseCallback;
29 import android.health.connect.aidl.IActivityDatesResponseCallback;
30 import android.health.connect.aidl.IRecordTypeInfoResponseCallback;
31 import android.health.connect.aidl.ReadRecordsRequestParcel;
32 import android.health.connect.exportimport.IImportStatusCallback;
33 import android.health.connect.exportimport.IQueryDocumentProvidersCallback;
34 import android.health.connect.exportimport.IScheduledExportStatusCallback;
35 import android.health.connect.exportimport.ScheduledExportSettings;
36 import android.health.connect.migration.MigrationEntity;
37 import android.health.connect.restore.BackupFileNamesSet;
38 import android.health.connect.restore.StageRemoteDataRequest;
39 import android.net.Uri;
41 import android.os.UserHandle;
43 import java.util.List;
44 import java.util.Map;
46 /**
47  * Interface for {@link com.android.health.connect.HealthConnectManager}
48  * {@hide}
49  */
50 interface IHealthConnectService {
grantHealthPermission(String packageName, String permissionName, in UserHandle user)51     void grantHealthPermission(String packageName, String permissionName, in UserHandle user);
revokeHealthPermission(String packageName, String permissionName, String reason, in UserHandle user)52     void revokeHealthPermission(String packageName, String permissionName, String reason, in UserHandle user);
revokeAllHealthPermissions(String packageName, String reason, in UserHandle user)53     void revokeAllHealthPermissions(String packageName, String reason, in UserHandle user);
getGrantedHealthPermissions(String packageName, in UserHandle user)54     List<String> getGrantedHealthPermissions(String packageName, in UserHandle user);
56     /**
57      * Returns a Map<String, Integer> from a permission name to permission flags.
58      * @hide
59      */
getHealthPermissionsFlags(String packageName, in UserHandle user, in List<String> permissions)60     Map getHealthPermissionsFlags(String packageName, in UserHandle user, in List<String> permissions);
62     /**
63      * @hide
64      */
setHealthPermissionsUserFixedFlagValue(String packageName, in UserHandle user, in List<String> permissions, boolean value)65     void setHealthPermissionsUserFixedFlagValue(String packageName, in UserHandle user, in List<String> permissions, boolean value);
67     /* @hide */
getHistoricalAccessStartDateInMilliseconds(String packageName, in UserHandle user)68     long getHistoricalAccessStartDateInMilliseconds(String packageName, in UserHandle user);
70     /**
71      * Inserts {@code records} into the HealthConnect database.
72      *
73      * @param attributionSource attribution source for the data.
74      * @param recordsParcel represents records to be inserted.
75      * @param callback Callback to receive result of performing this operation.
76      */
insertRecords( in AttributionSource attributionSource, in RecordsParcel recordsParcel, in IInsertRecordsResponseCallback callback)77     void insertRecords(
78         in AttributionSource attributionSource,
79         in RecordsParcel recordsParcel,
80         in IInsertRecordsResponseCallback callback);
82     /**
83      * Returns aggregation results based on the {@code request} into the HealthConnect database.
84      *
85      * @param attributionSource attribution source for the data.
86      * @param request represents the request using which the aggregation is to be performed.
87      * @param callback Callback to receive result of performing this operation.
88      */
aggregateRecords( in AttributionSource attributionSource, in AggregateDataRequestParcel request, in IAggregateRecordsResponseCallback callback)89     void aggregateRecords(
90         in AttributionSource attributionSource,
91         in AggregateDataRequestParcel request,
92         in IAggregateRecordsResponseCallback callback);
94     /**
95      * Reads from the HealthConnect database.
96      *
97      * @param attributionSource attribution source for the data.
98      * @param request represents the request to be read.
99      * @param callback Callback to receive result of performing this operation.
100      */
readRecords( in AttributionSource attributionSource, in ReadRecordsRequestParcel request, in IReadRecordsResponseCallback callback)101     void readRecords(
102         in AttributionSource attributionSource,
103         in ReadRecordsRequestParcel request,
104         in IReadRecordsResponseCallback callback);
106     /**
107      * Updates {@param records} in the HealthConnect database.
108      *
109      * @param attributionSource attribution source for the data.
110      * @param recordsParcel represents records to be updated.
111      * @param callback Callback to receive result of performing this operation.
112      */
updateRecords( in AttributionSource attributionSource, in RecordsParcel recordsParcel, in IEmptyResponseCallback callback)113     void updateRecords(
114             in AttributionSource attributionSource,
115             in RecordsParcel recordsParcel,
116             in IEmptyResponseCallback callback);
118     /**
119      * @param packageName calling package name
120      * @param request token request
121      * @return a token that can be used with {@code getChanges(token)} to fetch the upsert and
122      *     delete changes corresponding to {@code request}
123      */
getChangeLogToken( in AttributionSource attributionSource, in ChangeLogTokenRequest request, in IGetChangeLogTokenCallback callback)124     void getChangeLogToken(
125         in AttributionSource attributionSource,
126         in ChangeLogTokenRequest request,
127         in IGetChangeLogTokenCallback callback);
129     /**
130      * @param attributionSource attribution source for the data.
131      * @param token request token from {@code getChangeLogToken}
132      */
getChangeLogs( in AttributionSource attributionSource, in ChangeLogsRequest token, in IChangeLogsResponseCallback callback)133     void getChangeLogs(
134         in AttributionSource attributionSource,
135         in ChangeLogsRequest token,
136         in IChangeLogsResponseCallback callback);
138     /**
139      * @param attributionSource attribution source for the data.
140      * @param request Delete request using the mentioned filters
141      * @param callback Callback to receive result of performing this operation
142      */
deleteUsingFilters( in AttributionSource attributionSource, in DeleteUsingFiltersRequestParcel request, in IEmptyResponseCallback callback)143     void deleteUsingFilters(
144         in AttributionSource attributionSource,
145         in DeleteUsingFiltersRequestParcel request,
146         in IEmptyResponseCallback callback);
148     /**
149      * @param attributionSource attribution source for the data.
150      * @param request Delete request using the mentioned filters
151      * @param callback Callback to receive result of performing this operation
152      */
deleteUsingFiltersForSelf( in AttributionSource attributionSource, in DeleteUsingFiltersRequestParcel request, in IEmptyResponseCallback callback)153     void deleteUsingFiltersForSelf(
154         in AttributionSource attributionSource,
155         in DeleteUsingFiltersRequestParcel request,
156         in IEmptyResponseCallback callback);
158     /**
159      * @param packageName Calling package's name
160      * @param permissionCategory PermissionCategory corresponding to which priority is requested
161      * @param callback Callback to receive result of performing this operation
162      */
getCurrentPriority( String packageName, int permissionCategory, in IGetPriorityResponseCallback callback)163     void getCurrentPriority(
164         String packageName,
165         int permissionCategory,
166         in IGetPriorityResponseCallback callback);
168     /**
169      * @param packageName Calling package's name
170      * @param request Delete request using the mentioned filters
171      * @param callback Callback to receive result of performing this operation
172      */
updatePriority( String packageName, in UpdatePriorityRequestParcel request, in IEmptyResponseCallback callback)173     void updatePriority(
174         String packageName,
175         in UpdatePriorityRequestParcel request,
176         in IEmptyResponseCallback callback);
178     /** Sets record rention period for HC DB */
setRecordRetentionPeriodInDays( int days, in UserHandle userHandle, in IEmptyResponseCallback callback)179     void setRecordRetentionPeriodInDays(
180         int days,
181         in UserHandle userHandle,
182         in IEmptyResponseCallback callback);
184     /** Gets record rention period for HC DB */
getRecordRetentionPeriodInDays(in UserHandle userHandle)185     int getRecordRetentionPeriodInDays(in UserHandle userHandle);
187     /**
188      * Returns information, represented by {@code ApplicationInfoResponse}, for all the
189      * packages that have contributed to the health connect DB.
190      *
191      * @param callback Callback to receive result of performing this operation.
192      */
getContributorApplicationsInfo(in IApplicationInfoResponseCallback callback)193     void getContributorApplicationsInfo(in IApplicationInfoResponseCallback callback);
195     /** Returns information for each RecordType like health permission category, record category and
196      * contributing packages.
197      * @param callback Callback to receive result of performing this operation.
198      */
queryAllRecordTypesInfo(in IRecordTypeInfoResponseCallback callback)199     void queryAllRecordTypesInfo(in IRecordTypeInfoResponseCallback callback);
201     /**
202      * @param packageName name of the package reading access logs
203      * @param callback Callback to receive result of performing this operation
204      */
queryAccessLogs( String packageName, in IAccessLogsResponseCallback callback)205     void queryAccessLogs(
206         String packageName,
207         in IAccessLogsResponseCallback callback);
209     /**
210      * Returns a list of unique dates for which at least one record type has at least one entry.
211      *
212      * @param recordTypes List of record types classes for which to get the activity dates.
213      * @param callback Callback to receive the result of performing this operation.
214      * {@hide}
215      */
getActivityDates( in ActivityDatesRequestParcel recordTypes, in IActivityDatesResponseCallback callback)216     void getActivityDates(
217         in ActivityDatesRequestParcel recordTypes,
218         in IActivityDatesResponseCallback callback);
220     /**
221      * Marks the start of the migration.
222      *
223      * @param packageName calling package name
224      * @param callback Callback to receive a result or an error encountered while performing this
225      * operation.
226      */
startMigration(String packageName, in IMigrationCallback callback)227     void startMigration(String packageName, in IMigrationCallback callback);
229     /**
230      * Marks the end of the migration.
231      *
232      * @param packageName calling package name
233      * @param callback Callback to receive a result or an error encountered while performing this
234      * operation.
235      */
finishMigration(String packageName, in IMigrationCallback callback)236     void finishMigration(String packageName, in IMigrationCallback callback);
238     /**
239      * Writes given entities to the module database.
240      *
241      * @param packageName calling package name
242      * @param entities List of {@link MigrationEntity} to migrate.
243      * @param callback Callback to receive a result or an error encountered while performing this
244      * operation.
245      */
writeMigrationData( String packageName, in MigrationEntityParcel parcel, in IMigrationCallback callback)246     void writeMigrationData(
247         String packageName,
248         in MigrationEntityParcel parcel,
249         in IMigrationCallback callback);
251     /**
252      * @param packageName calling package name
253      * @param callback Callback to receive a result or an error encountered while performing this
254      * operation.
255      */
insertMinDataMigrationSdkExtensionVersion( String packageName, int requiredSdkExtension, in IMigrationCallback callback)256     void insertMinDataMigrationSdkExtensionVersion(
257         String packageName,
258         int requiredSdkExtension,
259         in IMigrationCallback callback);
261     /**
262      * Stages all HealthConnect remote data and returns any errors in a callback. Errors encountered
263      * for all the files are shared in the provided callback.
264      *
265      * @param pfdsByFileName The map of file names and their {@link ParcelFileDescriptor}s.
266      * @param executor       The {@link Executor} on which to invoke the callback.
267      * @param callback       The callback which will receive the outcome of this call.
268      * @throws NullPointerException if null is passed for any of the required {@link NonNull}
269      *                              parameters.
270      * @hide
271      */
stageAllHealthConnectRemoteData(in StageRemoteDataRequest stageRemoteDataRequest, in UserHandle userHandle, in IDataStagingFinishedCallback callback)272     void stageAllHealthConnectRemoteData(in StageRemoteDataRequest stageRemoteDataRequest,
273             in UserHandle userHandle, in IDataStagingFinishedCallback callback);
275     /**
276      * Copies all HealthConnect backup data in the passed FDs.
277      *
278      * <p>The shared data should later be sent for cloud backup or to another device for backup.
279      *
280      * <p>We are responsible for closing the original file descriptors. The caller must not close
281      * the FD before that.
282      *
283      * @param pfdsByFileName The map of file names and their {@link ParcelFileDescriptor}s.
284      * @hide
285      */
getAllDataForBackup(in StageRemoteDataRequest stageRemoteDataRequest, in UserHandle userHandle)286     void getAllDataForBackup(in StageRemoteDataRequest stageRemoteDataRequest, in UserHandle userHandle);
288     /**
289      * Shares the names of all HealthConnect backup files
290      *
291      * @hide
292      */
getAllBackupFileNames(in boolean forDeviceToDevice)293     BackupFileNamesSet getAllBackupFileNames(in boolean forDeviceToDevice);
295     /**
296      * Deletes all previously staged HealthConnect data from the disk.
297      * For testing purposes only.
298      *
299      * @hide
300      */
deleteAllStagedRemoteData(in UserHandle userHandle)301     void deleteAllStagedRemoteData(in UserHandle userHandle);
303     /**
304      * Updates the download state of the Health Connect data.
305      *
306      * @param downloadState The download state which needs to be purely one of:
307      *                      {@link HealthConnectManager#CLOUD_DOWNLOAD_STARTED}, {@link
308      *                      HealthConnectManager#CLOUD_DOWNLOAD_RETRY}, {@link
309      *                      HealthConnectManager#CLOUD_DOWNLOAD_FAILED}, {@link
310      *                      HealthConnectManager#CLOUD_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE}
311      * @hide
312      */
updateDataDownloadState(int downloadState)313      void updateDataDownloadState(int downloadState);
315     /**
316      * Asynchronously returns the current state of the Health Connect data as it goes through the Data-Restore and/or the Data-Migration process.
317      *
318      * <p>See also {@link HealthConnectDataState} object describing the HealthConnect state.
319      *
320      * @param callback The callback which will receive the current {@link HealthConnectDataState}.
321      *
322      * @hide
323      */
getHealthConnectDataState(in IGetHealthConnectDataStateCallback callback)324     void getHealthConnectDataState(in IGetHealthConnectDataStateCallback callback);
326     /**
327      * Asynchronously returns the current UI state of Health Connect as it goes through the Data-Migration process.
328      *
329      * <p>See also {@link HealthConnectMigrationUiState} object describing the HealthConnect UI state.
330      *
331      * @param callback The callback which will receive the current {@link HealthConnectMigrationUiState}.
332      *
333      * @hide
334      */
getHealthConnectMigrationUiState(in IGetHealthConnectMigrationUiStateCallback callback)335     void getHealthConnectMigrationUiState(in IGetHealthConnectMigrationUiStateCallback callback);
337     /**
338     * Configures the settings for the scheduled export of Health Connect data.
339     *
340     * @param settings Settings to use for the scheduled export. Use null to clear the settings.
341     *
342     * @hide
343     */
configureScheduledExport(in @ullable ScheduledExportSettings settings, in UserHandle userHandle)344     void configureScheduledExport(in @nullable ScheduledExportSettings settings, in UserHandle userHandle);
346     /**
347     * Gets the period in days between scheduled exports of Health Connect data.
348     *
349     * @hide
350     */
getScheduledExportPeriodInDays(in UserHandle userHandle)351     int getScheduledExportPeriodInDays(in UserHandle userHandle);
353     /**
354     * Queries the document providers available to be used for export/import.
355     *
356     * @hide
357     */
queryDocumentProviders(in UserHandle userHandle, in IQueryDocumentProvidersCallback callback)358     void queryDocumentProviders(in UserHandle userHandle, in IQueryDocumentProvidersCallback callback);
360     /**
361     * Gets the status of the currently scheduled export.
362     *
363     * @hide
364     */
getScheduledExportStatus(in UserHandle userHandle, in IScheduledExportStatusCallback callback)365     void getScheduledExportStatus(in UserHandle userHandle, in IScheduledExportStatusCallback callback);
367     /**
368      * Allows setting lower rate limits in tests.
369      *
370      * @hide
371      */
setLowerRateLimitsForTesting(in boolean enabled)372     void setLowerRateLimitsForTesting(in boolean enabled);
374     /**
375     * Gets the status of the ongoing data import.
376     *
377     * @hide
378     */
getImportStatus(in UserHandle userHandle, in IImportStatusCallback callback)379     void getImportStatus(in UserHandle userHandle, in IImportStatusCallback callback);
381     /**
382     * Imports the given compressed database file.
383     *
384     * @hide
385     */
runImport(in UserHandle userHandle, in Uri file)386     void runImport(in UserHandle userHandle, in Uri file);
388     /**
389      * Reads from the HealthConnect database.
390      *
391      * @param attributionSource attribution source for the data.
392      * @param medicalIdFiltersParcel represents the ids to be read.
393      * @param callback Callback to receive result of performing this operation.
394      */
readMedicalResources( in AttributionSource attributionSource, in MedicalIdFiltersParcel medicalIdFiltersParcel, in IReadMedicalResourcesResponseCallback callback)395     void readMedicalResources(
396         in AttributionSource attributionSource,
397         in MedicalIdFiltersParcel medicalIdFiltersParcel,
398         in IReadMedicalResourcesResponseCallback callback);
399 }