1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
4** Copyright 2015, The Android Open Source Project
6** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8** You may obtain a copy of the License at
10**     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16** limitations under the License.
20<!-- Resources to configure car service based on each OEM's preference. -->
22<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
24    <!--  Configuration to enable usage of dynamic audio routing. If this is set to false,
25          dynamic audio routing is disabled and audio works in legacy mode. It may be useful
26          during initial development where audio hal does not support bus based addressing yet. -->
27    <bool name="audioUseDynamicRouting">false</bool>
29    <!--  Configuration to enable usage of core audio volume API, aka using AudioManager's
30          AudioAttributes based volume API.
31          Volume application is delegated to AudioPolicyManager. -->
32    <bool name="audioUseCoreVolume">false</bool>
34    <!--  Configuration to enable usage of core audio routing API.
35          It may also be enabled with Dynamic Routing enabled, thus, overriding policy routing rules
36          when Dynamic rules can be effectively established. -->
37    <bool name="audioUseCoreRouting">false</bool>
39    <!--  Configuration to enable muting of individual volume groups. If this is set to
40          false, muting of individual volume groups is disabled, instead muting will toggle master
41          mute. If this is set to true, car volume group muting is enabled and each individual
42          volume group can be muted separately. -->
43    <bool name="audioUseCarVolumeGroupMuting">false</bool>
45    <!--  Configuration to enable IAudioControl#onDevicesToDuckChange API to inform HAL when to
46          duck. If this is set to true, the API will receive signals indicating which output devices
47          to duck as well as what usages are currently holding focus. If set to false, the API will
48          not be called. -->
49    <bool name="audioUseHalDuckingSignals">true</bool>
51    <!--  Configuration to select version of volume adjustment context priority list.
52          Version 1 includes all audio contexts arranged in the following order:
55          Version 2 is limited to the following contexts in order:
58          audioVolumeAdjustmentContextsVersion - Integer version number currently limited to
59                                                 numbers listed above. -->
60    <integer name="audioVolumeAdjustmentContextsVersion">1</integer>
62    <!--  Configuration to persist global mute state. If this is set to true,
63          Android will restore the global mute state on boot. If audioUseCarVolumeGroupMuting is
64          true, this will have no impact on persisting mute changes as mute changes will be based
65          on individual volume group.-->
66    <bool name="audioPersistMasterMuteState">true</bool>
68    <!--  Configuration to indicate the timeout in milliseconds while a car volume group will be
69          considered active for volume control changes during volume key events. The configuration
70          will be used as follows:
71          - The timeout will be used to determine if a playback (audio context associated with the
72            playback's audio usage) can still be considered for automatic volume selection after it
73            has stopped playing.
74          - The timeout will also be used as the pause duration required in between automatic volume
75            adjustments to change what user is adjusting. -->
76    <integer name="audioVolumeKeyEventTimeoutMs">3000</integer>
78    <!--  Configuration to enable callback events to volume groups. If this is set to true, clients
79          will receive callback through ICarVolumeGroupEvent to events impacting volume groups.
80          When enabled:
81          - It is strongly recommended that the vendors also support
82            IAudioControl#setModuleChangeCallback, IAudioControl#registerGainCallback for events
83            and changes to audio hardware.
84          - If both CarVolumeCallback and CarVolumeGroupEventCallback are registered by the same
85            application, then the volume group index and volume group mute callbacks shall be
86            through CarVolumeGroupEventCallback ONLY. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that
87            all the applications migrate to the new callback interface for consistent behavior. -->
88    <bool name="audioUseCarVolumeGroupEvent">false</bool>
90    <!-- Configuration to enable fade during audio focus changes. If this is set to true, car audio
91         framework will parse the car audio fade config definitions and apply the respective
92         FadeManagerConfiguration when dispatching audio focus loss.
93         Note:
94         - Although car audio framework expects valid fade config definitions when the flag is
95           enabled, the absence of the such definitions does not automatically result in a fatal
96           exception.
97         - All applications of fade configs must have matching fade definitions. It is a fatal error
98           to call out a fade config (by its name) as part of car audio configuration without
99           providing a valid definition.
100         - When the flag is disabled, all fade config definitions and any config application shall
101           be ignored. -->
102    <bool name="audioUseFadeManagerConfiguration">false</bool>
104    <!--  Configuration to enable min/max activation volume. If this is set to true, the volume of
105          the volume group with min/max activation volume setting will be set to min activation
106          volume or max activation volume if volume during activation is lower than min activation
107          volume or higher than max activation volume respectively. If this is set to false, no
108          volume level will be changed during activation.-->
109    <bool name="audioUseMinMaxActivationVolume">false</bool>
111    <!--  Configuration to enable isolated audio focus request for playback on dynamic devices. If
112          this is set to true, focus requests should only interact if the focus requests are
113          for the same zone and targeting playback will be routed to the same device. Otherwise,
114          the focus requests should interact only if the requests are for the same audio zone.-->
115    <bool name="audioUseIsolatedAudioFocusForDynamicDevices">false</bool>
117    <!--  Configuration to enable volume key events affecting volume changes on dynamic devices.
118          If this is set to true, volume changes via key events will also consider volume groups
119          containing dynamic devices for the volume/mute change. The actual volume group selected
120          will be determined by the volume priority list configured with
121          audioVolumeAdjustmentContextsVersion. Otherwise, the volume group selection via key events
122          will not consider volume groups containing dynamic devices. -->
123    <bool name="audioEnableVolumeKeyEventsToDynamicDevices">false</bool>
125    <!-- Whether to block other audio while media audio is muted with display off. When set to true,
126         other sounds cannot be played either while display is off. If false, only media is muted
127         and other sounds can be still played. -->
128    <bool name="displayOffMuteLockAllAudio">true</bool>
130    <!--  Configuration to enable or disable the default Bluetooth Device Connection Policy. This
131          policy determines when to initiate device connections, but does not control the actual
132          connection process. Disable this default to implement your own policy. -->
133    <bool name="useDefaultBluetoothConnectionPolicy">true</bool>
135    <!--  Configuration to enable or disable the default Bluetooth Power Policy. This
136          policy determines when to enable and/or disable the Bluetooth adapter based on
137          CarPowerManager power states. Disable this default to implement your own policy. -->
138    <bool name="useDefaultBluetoothPowerPolicy">true</bool>
140    <!--  Service responsible for displaying information on the car instrument cluster. -->
141    <string name="instrumentClusterRendererService" translatable="false">android.car.cluster/.ClusterRenderingService</string>
143    <!--  The name of Activity who is in charge of ClusterHome. -->
144    <string name="config_clusterHomeActivity" translatable="false">com.android.car.cluster.home/.ClusterHomeActivity</string>
146    <!-- Configures the mode in which ClusterHomeService operates.
147         Currently supported modes are:
148           0 (full mode): All VHAL properties in ClusterHalService#CORE_PROPERTIES must be
149                          available. Otherwise, the entire ClusterHomeService is disabled.
150           1 (light mode): ClusterHomeService is always enabled even without any VHAL properties.
151         -->
152   <integer name="config_clusterHomeServiceMode">0</integer>
154    <!--  Service responsible for handling the rotary controller input. This service will start
155          on boot or on user switch. Set this string to empty if you don't want to start this
156          service. -->
157    <string name="rotaryService" translatable="false">com.android.car.rotary/com.android.car.rotary.RotaryService</string>
159    <!--  Whether to enable Activity blocking for safety. When Activity blocking is enabled,
160          only allowlisted safe Activities will be allowed while car is not parked. -->
161    <bool name="enableActivityBlockingForSafety">true</bool>
162    <!--  Activity to be presented when un-safe activity is launched. Take a look at the javadoc of the
163          default implementation. -->
164    <string name="activityBlockingActivity" translatable="false">
165        com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.car.wm.activity.ActivityBlockingActivity
166    </string>
167    <string name="continuousBlankActivity" translatable="false">
168        com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.car.wm.activity.ContinuousBlankActivity
169    </string>
170    <!--  Comma separated list of activities that need to be exempted from getting
171          blocked in a UX restricted state.
172          Format of each entry is either to specify package name to allowlist the whole package or
173          use format of "packagename/activity_classname" for tagging each activities.
174          For general guidelines to design distraction optimized apps, please refer
175          to Android Auto Driver Distraction Guidelines. -->
176    <string name="activityAllowlist" translatable="false"></string>
177    <!--  Comma separated list of activities that need to be exempted from getting
178          blocked in a UX restricted state.
179          Format of each entry is either to specify package name to allowlist the whole package or
180          use format of "packagename/activity_classname" for tagging each activities.
181          The current implementations expects the following system packages/activities to be
182          allowlisted. For general guidelines to design distraction optimized apps, please refer
183          to Android Auto Driver Distraction Guidelines. -->
184    <string name="systemActivityAllowlist" translatable="false">com.android.systemui,com.google.android.permissioncontroller/com.android.permissioncontroller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity,com.android.permissioncontroller/com.android.permissioncontroller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity,android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity,com.android.mtp/com.android.mtp.ReceiverActivity,com.android.server.telecom/com.android.server.telecom.components.UserCallActivity</string>
185    <!--  Comma separated list of activities that will be blocked during restricted state.
186          Format of each entry is either to specify package name to allowlist the whole package
187          or use format of "packagename/activity_classname" for tagging each activities.-->
188    <string name="activityDenylist" translatable="false"></string>
189    <!-- List of play store package names that are allowed sources of app installation-->
190    <string-array translatable="false" name="allowedAppInstallSources">
191    </string-array>
192    <!-- Default home activity -->
193    <string name="defaultHomeActivity" translatable="false"><!--com.your.package/com.your.package.Activity--></string>
194    <!-- The vendor-defined HAL property used to collect VMS client metrics. Disabled by default.-->
195    <integer name="vmsHalClientMetricsProperty">0</integer>
196    <!--  The com.android.car.vms.VmsClientManager will bind to this list of clients running as system user -->
197    <string-array translatable="false" name="vmsPublisherSystemClients">
198    </string-array>
199    <!--  The com.android.car.vms.VmsClientManager will bind to this list of clients running as current user -->
200    <string-array translatable="false" name="vmsPublisherUserClients">
201    </string-array>
202    <!-- Number of milliseconds to wait before trying re-bind to a crashed publisher. -->
203    <integer name="millisecondsBeforeRebindToVmsPublisher">10000</integer>
205    <!-- Hours of uptime (excluding sleep) after which a 1% increase in the wear of the flash
206         storage in the head-unit is considered as acceptable level of wear. -->
207    <integer name="acceptableHoursPerOnePercentFlashWear">70</integer>
209    <!-- How often (in hours of uptime excluding sleep) CarService will flush to disk information
210         about the total running time of the head-unit. A shutdown or reboot of the head-unit
211          will always cause a flush of the uptime information, regardless of this setting. -->
212    <integer name="uptimeHoursIntervalBetweenUptimeDataWrite">5</integer>
214    <!-- The name of an activity to be launched by CarService whenever it detects a change in the
215         level of wear of the flash storage. Value must either be an empty string, which means that
216         no activity shall be launched, or must be in the format of a flattened ComponentName and
217         reference a valid activity. It is strongly recommended that the chosen activity be
218         protected with the android.car.permission.STORAGE_MONITORING permission. -->
219    <string name="activityHandlerForFlashWearChanges" translatable="false">com.google.android.car.defaultstoragemonitoringcompanionapp/.MainActivity</string>
221    <!-- How often (in seconds) CarService will update I/O metrics from the kernel. -->
222    <integer name="ioStatsRefreshRateSeconds">60</integer>
224    <!-- The number of I/O metrics samples to keep in memory at one time.
225         The system will keep a sliding window of samples of this size, and allow
226         retrieval of activity this many sample windows back in time. Setting this to
227         0 means no samples will be collected, effectively disabling I/O metric collection. -->
228    <integer name="ioStatsNumSamplesToStore">15</integer>
230    <!-- The maximum number of KB (1024 bytes) that can be written to storage in one sample
231         before CarService deems I/O activity excessive. A simple way to set this value
232         is - given the total writable amount (storage size * P/E cycles) - to make
233         reasonable assumptions about the expected lifetime of the vehicle and the average
234         daily driving time, and use that to allocate a per-sample budget. -->
235    <integer name="acceptableWrittenKBytesPerSample">115000</integer>
236    <!-- The maximum number of fsync() system calls that can be made in one sample before
237         CarService deems I/O activity excessive. -->
238    <integer name="acceptableFsyncCallsPerSample">150</integer>
240    <!-- The maximum number of samples (within an I/O stats sample window) that CarService
241         should consider exhibiting excessive I/O activity before broadcasting an intent
242         to signal the potential for flash wear. -->
243    <integer name="maxExcessiveIoSamplesInWindow">11</integer>
245    <!-- The number of days past until the current day considered by car watchdog to
246         reset the killable state of a package back to KILLABLE_STATE_YES if the package
247         was set to prioritize performance by the user. -->
248    <integer name="watchdogUserPackageSettingsResetDays">90</integer>
250    <!-- The number of days past until the current day considered by car watchdog to
251         attribute recurring overuse to a package.  -->
252    <integer name="recurringResourceOverusePeriodInDays">14</integer>
254    <!-- The number of overuses a package has to exceed for car watchdog to attribute
255         recurring overuse.  -->
256    <integer name="recurringResourceOveruseTimes">2</integer>
258    <!-- The number of top UID I/O usage summaries to report on car watchdog I/O usage
259         summary atom pull.  -->
260    <integer name="uidIoUsageSummaryTopCount">10</integer>
262    <!-- The minimum number of total bytes written to disk by the system required to
263         report the stats on car watchdog I/O usage summary atom pull. Currently 500 MiB.  -->
264    <integer name="ioUsageSummaryMinSystemTotalWrittenBytes">524288000</integer>
266    <!-- The name of an intent to be notified by CarService whenever it detects too many
267         samples with excessive I/O activity. Value must either be an empty string, which
268         means that no notification will take place, or be in the format of a flattened
269         ComponentName and reference a valid BroadcastReceiver. This broadcast receiver
270         must be registered in its containing app's AndroidManifest.xml and it is
271         strongly recommended that it be protected with the
272         android.car.permission.STORAGE_MONITORING permission. -->
273    <string name="intentReceiverForUnacceptableIoMetrics" translatable="false">com.google.android.car.defaultstoragemonitoringcompanionapp/.ExcessiveIoIntentReceiver</string>
275     <!-- The path to a file that contains lifetime estimation metrics for the eMMC storage on
276          this system, in the lifetimeA lifetimeB format, as defined by the eMMC extended CSD
277          register specification. -->
278     <string name="eMmcLifetimeFilePath" translatable="false">/sys/bus/mmc/devices/mmc0:0001/life_time</string>
280     <!-- The path to a file that contains end of life estimation metrics for the eMMC storage on
281          this system, in the format defined by the eMMC extended CSD register specification. -->
282     <string name="eMmcEolFilePath" translatable="false">/sys/bus/mmc/devices/mmc0:0001/pre_eol_info</string>
284    <!-- The Model ID to advertise Bluetooth Fast Pair connections with.  Must be overlayed with
285         device specific model id. A model id of 0 will disable Fast Pair-->
286    <integer name="fastPairModelId">0x000000</integer>
288    <!-- The Anti Spoofing Public key associated with the advertised Fast Pair Model ID, base64
289         encoded. -->
290    <string name="fastPairAntiSpoofKey" translatable="false"></string>
292    <!-- Enable to allow Fast Pair to automatically accept incoming pairing requests with matching
293         Simple Secure Pairing codes without requiring further user input. -->
294    <bool name="fastPairAutomaticAcceptance">false</bool>
296    <!-- Maximum allowed time to run garage mode. Note that 15 min (=900sec) is the minimum required
297         duration and this should not be made shorter. -->
298    <integer name="maxGarageModeRunningDurationInSecs">900</integer>
300    <!-- The services that need to be started earlier in the boot sequence and in particular order.
301         Every item in this array contains a flatten component name of a service that needs to be
302         started and a list of parameters after hashtag symbol. Here's the format:
304         <item>com.bar.foo/.Service#bind={bind|start|startForeground},
305         user={all|system|foreground|visible|backgroundVisible},
306         trigger={asap|resume|userUnlocked|userPostUnlocked}</item>
308         bind: bind - start service with Context#bindService
309               start - start service with Context#startService
310               startForeground - start service with Context#startForegroundService
311               If service was bound it will be restarted unless it is constantly crashing.
312               The default value is 'start'
313         user: all - the service will be bound/started for system and all visible users
314               system - the service will be started/bound only for system user (u0)
315               foreground - the service will be bound/started only for foreground users
316               visible - the service will be bound/started only for visible users (as defined by
317                         `UserManager#isUserVisible()`).
318               backgroundVisible - the service will be bound/started only for background users that
319                                   are visible.
320               The default value is 'all'
321         trigger: indicates when the service needs to be started/bound
322               asap - the service might be bound when user is not fully loaded, be careful with
323                      this value, the service also needs to have directBootAware flag set to true
324               resume - start service when the device resumes from suspend (suspend-to-RAM, or
325                        suspend-to-disk).
326               userUnlocked - start service when user unlocked the device
327               userPostUnlocked - start service later after user unlocked. This is used when the
328                                  service is not urgent and can wait to start.
329               The default value is 'userUnlocked'
330         maxRetries: the maximum number of attempts to rebind/restart a disconnected service.
331               Retries start with 4 second initial delay, being doubled after each failed attempt.
332               The default value is 6.
334         If the service bound/started for foreground user it will be unbound/stopped when user
335         is no longer foreground.
336     -->
337    <string-array translatable="false" name="config_earlyStartupServices">
338    </string-array>
340    <!-- The consent activity that must be shown for every unknown mobile device before projection
341         gets started.  The format is: com.your.package/com.your.Activity
342         NOTE: deprecated for aareceiver, see integration guide to use aareceiver specific RROs.
343    -->
344    <string name="config_projectionConsentActivity" translatable="false"/>
346    <!-- Display Id where projection rendering activity needs to be shown, Specify -1 to use system
347         defaults
348         NOTE: deprecated for aareceiver, see integration guide to use aareceiver specific RROs.
349     -->
350    <integer name="config_projectionActivityDisplayId" translatable="false">-1</integer>
352    <!-- Bounds of the projection activity on the screen. It should be in the pixels and screen
353         coordinates in the following order: left, top, right, bottom.
354         NOTE: deprecated for aareceiver, see integration guide to use aareceiver specific RROs.
355    -->
356    <integer-array name="config_projectionActivityLaunchBounds" translatable="false"/>
358    <!-- UI mode for projection activity. See ProjectionOptions class for possible values.
359         NOTE: deprecated for aareceiver, see integration guide to use aareceiver specific RROs.
360    -->
361    <integer name="config_projectionUiMode" translatable="false">0</integer>
363    <!-- Configure whether access point created for wireless projection should be in tethered mode.
364         This will allow mobile device to use Internet provided by the vehicle during projection.
365         If this value is true then tethering is enabled. Otherwise, local-only hotspot will be
366         created. -->
367    <bool name="config_projectionAccessPointTethering" translatable="false">false</bool>
369    <!-- If projection Access Point is configured to not provide Internet access (not tethered,
370         see config_projectionAccessPointTethering) then this flag will be used to control
371         whether Wi-Fi configuration will persist reboots. By default new Wi-Fi credentials are
372         created for every local-only hotspot (LOHS) instantiation, changing this flag to true
373         will make LOHS credentials persistent. -->
374    <bool name="config_stableLocalOnlyHotspotConfig" translatable="false">true</bool>
376    <!-- The package name of a service to be launched by CarService to bind to an active media
377         service on the current  user.
378         TODO(b/139497602): Remove dependency on Media Center, handle in CarMediaService -->
379    <string name="serviceMediaConnection" translatable="false">com.android.car.media</string>
381    <!-- The package name of the default bugreport application that can use CarBugreportServiceManager.
382         There is no default bugreporting app.-->
383    <string name="config_car_bugreport_application" translatable="false"></string>
385    <!--
386        Lists all occupant (= driver + passenger) zones available in the car.
387        Some examples are:
388        <item>occupantZoneId=0,occupantType=DRIVER,seatRow=1,seatSide=driver</item>
389        <item>occupantZoneId=1,occupantType=FRONT_PASSENGER,seatRow=1,seatSide=oppositeDriver</item>
390        <item>occupantZoneId=2,occupantType=REAR_PASSENGER,seatRow=2,seatSide=left</item>
391        <item>occupantZoneId=3,occupantType=REAR_PASSENGER,seatRow=2,seatSide=right</item>
393        occupantZoneId: Unique unsigned integer id to represent each passenger zone. Each zone
394                        should have different id.
395        occupantType: Occupant type for the display. Use * part from
396                       CarOccupantZoneManager.OCCUPANT_TYPE_* like DRIVER, FRONT_PASSENGER,
397                       REAR_PASSENGER and etc.
398        seatRow: Integer telling which row the seat is located. Row 1 is for front seats.
399        seatSide: left/center/right for known side. Or can use driver/center/oppositeDriver to
400                  handle both right-hand driving and left-hand driving in one place.
401                  If car's RHD / LHD is not specified, LHD will be assumed and driver side becomes
402                  left.
403    -->
404    <string-array translatable="false" name="config_occupant_zones">
405        <item>occupantZoneId=0,occupantType=DRIVER,seatRow=1,seatSide=driver</item>
406    </string-array>
407    <!--
408        Specifies configuration of displays in system telling its usage / type and assigned
409        occupant. DEFAULT_DISPLAY, if assigned here, should be always assigned to the DRIVER zone.
411        Some examples are:
412        <item>displayPort=0,displayType=MAIN,occupantZoneId=0,inputTypes=DPAD_KEYS|
414        <item>displayPort=1,displayType=INSTRUMENT_CLUSTER,occupantZoneId=0,
415            inputTypes=DPAD_KEYS</item>
416        <item>displayPort=2,displayType=MAIN,occupantZoneId=1,
417            inputTypes=TOUCH_SCREEN</item>
418        <item>displayPort=3,displayType=MAIN,occupantZoneId=2,
419            inputTypes=TOUCH_SCREEN</item>
420        <item>displayUniqueId=virtual:com.example:MainD,displayType=MAIN,occupantZoneId=3,
421            inputTypes=TOUCH_SCREEN</item>
423        NOTE: each item should have displayPort or displayUniqueId, if it has both, displayPort
424          will be used.
425        displayPort: Unique Port id for the physical display.
426        displayUniqueId: Unique Id for the display.
427            The unique id of the virtual display will be the form of 'virtual:<PACKAGE>:<ID>'.
428        displayType: Display type for the display. Use * part from
429                       CarOccupantZoneManager.DISPLAY_TYPE_* like MAIN, INSTRUMENT_CLUSTER and
430                       etc.
431        occupantZoneId: occupantZoneId specified from config_occupant_zones.
432        inputTypes: supported input types for the corresponding display.
434    -->
435    <string-array translatable="false" name="config_occupant_display_mapping">
436        <item>displayPort=0,displayType=MAIN,occupantZoneId=0,inputTypes=TOUCH_SCREEN|DPAD_KEYS|NAVIGATE_KEYS|ROTARY_NAVIGATION</item>
437    </string-array>
439    <!-- Specifies notice UI that will be launched when user starts a car or do user
440         switching. It is recommended to use dialog with at least TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY window
441         type to show the UI regardless of activity launches. Target package will be auto-granted
442         necessary permission for TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY window type. The UI package should
443         resolve permission by itself to use any higher priority window type.
444         Setting this string to empty will disable the feature. -->
445    <string name="config_userNoticeUiService" translatable="false">com.google.android.car.kitchensink/.UserNoticeDemoUiService</string>
447    <!-- Specifies the user picker to be launched on a secondary display when there is no user
448         allocation when the system boots and when a visible user stops.
449    -->
450    <string name="config_userPickerActivity" translatable="false">com.android.systemui/.car.userpicker.UserPickerActivity</string>
452    <!-- Configuration to enable media center to autoplay when the media source is changed.
453         There are 3 supported configurations:
454         0 - never play on change
455         1 - always play
456         2 - retain per source, play based on last remembered playback state for the new source
457         3 - retain previous state, play based on previous source's playback state -->
458    <integer name="config_mediaSourceChangedAutoplay">0</integer>
459    <!-- Configuration to enable media center to autoplay on boot -->
460    <integer name="config_mediaBootAutoplay">2</integer>
461    <!-- Setting this flag to true allows for browsing a different source than the
462         one that is currently playing audio. By default, there is only one active
463         source in the car, for both playback and browse. -->
464    <bool name="config_mediaSourceIndependentPlayback">true</bool>
466    <!--
467        Specifies optional features that can be enabled by this image. Note that vhal can disable
468        them depending on product variation.
469        Feature name can be either service name defined in Car.*_SERVICE for Car*Manager or any
470        optional feature defined under @OptionalFeature annotation.
471        Note that '/' is used to have subfeature under main feature like "MAIN_FEATURE/SUB_FEATURE".
473        Some examples are:
474        <item>storage_monitoring</item>
475        <item>com.android.car.user.CarUserNoticeService</item>
476        <item>com.example.Feature/SubFeature</item>
478        The default list defined below will enable all optional features defined.
479    -->
480    <string-array translatable="false" name="config_allowed_optional_car_features">
481        <item>car_navigation_service</item>
482        <item>cluster_service</item>
483        <item>com.android.car.user.CarUserNoticeService</item>
484        <item>diagnostic</item>
485        <item>storage_monitoring</item>
486        <item>vehicle_map_service</item>
487        <item>car_evs_service</item>
488        <item>car_telemetry_service</item>
489    </string-array>
491    <!-- Configuration to enable passenger support.
492         If this is set to true and there is a passenger display, a user can login to the passenger
493         display and use it as a normal Android user. -->
494    <bool name="enablePassengerSupport">false</bool>
496    <!-- Class name of the custom country detector to be used. Override the default value in the
497         device specific config file.  -->
498    <string name="config_customCountryDetector" translatable="false">com.android.server.location.ComprehensiveCountryDetector</string>
500    <!-- Controls the use of bluetooth voice recognition when long pressing the voice assist
501         button. -->
502    <bool name="enableLongPressBluetoothVoiceRecognition" translatable="false">true</bool>
504    <!-- Switch guest user into new guest user before going to sleep. If this is false, it will
505         be done after waking up from sleep. This only affects if the current user is a guest user.
506         -->
507    <bool name="config_switchGuestUserBeforeGoingSleep" translate="false">true</bool>
509    <!-- Enable profile user assignment per each CarOccupantZone for per display android user
510         assignments. This feature is still experimental. -->
511    <bool name="enableProfileUserAssignmentForMultiDisplay" translatable="false">false</bool>
513    <!-- The ComponentName of the media source that will be selected as the default -->
514    <string name="config_defaultMediaSource">com.android.car.radio/.service.RadioAppService</string>
516    <!-- A configuration flag to enable ending an ongoing call using the physical Call button. -->
517    <bool name="config_callButtonEndsOngoingCall">false</bool>
519    <!-- Number of milliseconds to wait before the system goes into Suspend-to-RAM.
520         The valid range is 0 to 3 * 60 * 1000. The default duration is 3 min (= 3 * 60 * 1000). -->
521    <integer name="config_maxSuspendWaitDuration">180000</integer>
523    <!-- Number of milliseconds to wait until all listeners complete when PRE_SHUTDOWN_PREPARE is
524         notified -->
525    <integer name="config_preShutdownPrepareTimeout">5000</integer>
527    <!-- Number of milliseconds to wait until all listeners complete when SHUTDOWN_ENTER is
528         notified -->
529    <integer name="config_shutdownEnterTimeout">5000</integer>
531    <!-- Number of milliseconds to wait until all listeners complete when POST_SHUTDOWN_ENTER is
532         notified -->
533    <integer name="config_postShutdownEnterTimeout">5000</integer>
535    <!-- A configuration flag to enable auto power saving for passenger displays.
536         When it's true, the driver display is not affected and always on. When it's false, auto
537         power saving is not applied. OEMs can implement their own auto power saving logic.
538         -->
539    <bool name="config_enablePassengerDisplayPowerSaving">true</bool>
541    <!-- Number of milliseconds to wait until screen is automatically turned off.
542         The default duration is 1 min (= 1 * 60 * 1000). -->
543    <integer name="config_noUserScreenOffTimeout">60000</integer>
545    <!--
546        CarEvsService configurations that associate camera devices with service types.
548        Some examples are:
549        <item>
550            serviceType=REARVIEW,cameraId=/dev/video0,activityName=com.android.car/com.google.android.car.evs.CarEvsCameraPreviewActivity
551        </item>
552        <item>serviceType=FRONTVIEW,cameraId=/dev/video1</item>
554        serviceType: One of CarEvsService types to be enabled. Please use "*" part from
555                     CarEvsManager.SERVICE_TYPE_* such as REARVIEW and FRONTVIEW.
556        cameraId: A camera identifier that will be associated with a given service type.
557                  This should be exclusive to a single service type.
558        activityName: A component name of an activity to be launched by the system events.
559    -->
560    <string-array name="config_carEvsService" translatable="false">
561    </string-array>
563    <!--
564        A name of a camera device that provides the rearview through EVS service.
565        This configuration becomes effective if and only if config_carEvsService is empty.
566    -->
567    <string name="config_evsRearviewCameraId" translatable="false">/dev/video10</string>
569    <!--
570        The camera Activity name for EVS, if defined, the Activity will be launched by
571        CarEvsService. This configuration is effective if and only if config_carEvsService
572        is empty.
573    -->
574    <string name="config_evsCameraActivity" translatable="false"></string>
576    <!-- A configuration flag to adjust Wifi for suspend. -->
577    <bool name="config_wifiAdjustmentForSuspend">false</bool>
579    <!-- A configuration flag to adjust enabling and disabling the GNSS Location Provider for Power
580         Management purposes such as Supsend to RAM. -->
581    <bool name="config_enableCarLocationServiceGnssControlsForPowerManagement" translatable="false">true</bool>
583    <!-- A configuration flag to prevent the templated apps from showing dialogs. This is done in
584         the view of driver safety as templated apps can potentially show a dialog with custom UI
585         which can be a distraction hazard for the driver. -->
586    <bool name="config_preventTemplatedAppsFromShowingDialog">true</bool>
588    <!-- The class name of the templated activities. This is used to detect currently running
589         templated activity.-->
590    <string name="config_template_activity_class_name">
591        androidx.car.app.activity.CarAppActivity
592    </string>
594    <!-- A flag to configure whether the ExternalCarTime VHAL property should be used to send
595         ExternalTimeSuggestions to the Android TimeManager service. -->
596    <bool name="config_enableExternalCarTimeToExternalTimeSuggestion">false</bool>
598    <!-- This is the component name for the OEM customization service. OEM can choose to implement
599         this service to customize car service behavior for different policies. If OEMs choose to
600         implement it, they have to implement a service extending OemCarService exposed by car-lib,
601         and implement the needed component services.
602         If the component name is invalid, CarService would not connect to any OEM service.
603         Component name can not be a third party package. It should be pre-installed -->
604   <string name="config_oemCarService" translatable="false"></string>
606    <!-- Related to OEM customization service. How many milliseconds CarService should wait for
607         OEM service to connect. If `config_oemCarService` is set and oem service package exists,
608         then CarService would wait for this much time for OEM service to connect. If OEM service
609         doesn't connect within this time, CarService would crash itself. -->
610    <integer name="config_oemCarService_connection_timeout_ms">5000</integer>
612    <!-- Related to OEM customization service. How many milliseconds CarService should wait for
613         OEM service to be ready. This is the wait time after OEM service is connected to
614         CarService. CarService would poll OEM service for being ready, if OEM service not ready
615         within timeout, CarService would crash. -->
616    <integer name="config_oemCarService_serviceReady_timeout_ms">5000</integer>
618    <!-- Related to OEM customization service. Default timeout for calls made by CarService to
619         OEM service. After this, CarService would timeout the call. If OEM service returns the
620         results after timeout, it would be ignored. -->
621    <integer name="config_oemCarService_regularCall_timeout_ms">5000</integer>
623    <!-- Related to OEM customization service. Default timeout for critical calls made by CarService
624         to OEM service. After this timeout, CarService would itself and OEM Service. -->
625    <integer name="config_oemCarService_crashCall_timeout_ms">10000</integer>
627    <!-- Related to OEM customization service. Default thread pool size for communicating with the
628         OEM Service. The value can only be between 8 and 16. If value is higher than 16, thread
629         pool size will be 16. If value is lower than 8, thread pool size will be 8.-->
630    <integer name="config_oemCarService_thread_pool_size">8</integer>
632    <!-- Number of seconds to wait until all remote tasks are completed. Should be no smaller than
633         30 seconds -->
634    <integer name="config_allowedSystemUptimeForRemoteAccess">300</integer>
636    <!-- Assigns passenger Activities to foreground cpuset rather than the top app cpuset.
637         This is enabled only for a system having both driver and passenger zones. If the system
638         has only driver zone or passenger zones, this configuration will be ignored. -->
639    <bool name="config_assignPassengerActivityToForegroundCpuGroup">true</bool>
640    <!-- Max number of retires for notifying AP power state change. -->
641    <integer name="config_notifyApStateChange_max_retry">100</integer>
642    <!-- Number of ms to sleep between retries for notifying AP power state change. -->
643    <integer name="config_notifyApStateChange_retry_sleep_ms">100</integer>
645    <!-- Configurations for ClusterHome visibility monitoring.
646         Please refer to {@link SurfaceControl#TrustedPresentationThresholds} for the detail. -->
647    <fraction name="config_clusterHomeVisibility_minAlpha">100%</fraction>
648    <fraction name="config_clusterHomeVisibility_minRendered">99.9%</fraction>
649    <integer name="config_clusterHomeVisibility_stabilityMs">100</integer>
651    <!-- A configuration flag to adjust the enabling of persistent tethering within
652         CarWifiService. -->
653    <bool name="config_enablePersistTetheringCapabilities">false</bool>
655    <!-- The packages that should not be stopped when suspend to disk is initiated. -->
656    <string-array translatable="false" name="config_packages_not_to_stop_during_suspend">
657    </string-array>
659    <!-- The value to be set that describes how much memory will be saved when going into suspend
660     to disk. There are 4 values that can be set:
661        none: no memory savings will take place
662        low: cached processes will be stopped.
663        medium: services, cached, and can't save state processes will be stopped.
664        high: foreground services, background services, cached, and can't saved state processes
665              will be stopped.
666    -->
667    <string name="config_suspend_to_disk_memory_savings" translatable="false">low</string>