2  "presubmit": [
3    {
4      "name": "apex_targetprep_tests"
5    },
6    {
7      "name": "timezone_data_e2e_tests"
8    },
9    {
10      "name": "apex_apkinapex_tests"
11    },
12    {
13      "name": "CtsApexSharedLibrariesTestCases"
14    }
15  ],
16  "presubmit-large": [
17    // TODO(b/190710217): uncomment this.
18    //{
19    //  "name": "apex_rollback_tests"
20    //},
21    {
22      "name": "sdkextensions_e2e_tests"
23    },
24    {
25      "name": "sharedlibs_host_tests"
26    }
27  ],
28  "postsubmit": [
29    // The following changes are in post-submit to restrict to physical
30    // devices (currently failing on cf). TODO: Fix and move to presubmit.
31    // b/138242400
32    {
33      "name": "media_e2e_tests",
34      "keywords": ["primary-device"]
35    },
36    {
37      "name": "media_swcodec_e2e_tests",
38      "keywords": ["primary-device"]
39    },
40    {
41      "name": "apex_compression_platform_tests"
42    },
43    {
44      "name": "VendorApexHostTestCases"
45    }
46  ],
47  "imports": [
48    {
49      "path": "cts/hostsidetests/stagedinstall"
50    },
51    {
52      "path": "frameworks/base/tests/StagedInstallTest"
53    }
54  ]