3# Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18import os
20from collections import defaultdict
21from pyclibrary import CParser
23from utils import system_chre_abs_path
26class ApiParser:
27    """Given a file-specific set of annotations (extracted from JSON annotations file), parses a
28    single API header file into data structures suitable for use with code generation. This class
29    will contain the parsed representation of the headers when instantiated.
30    """
32    def __init__(self, json_obj):
33        """Initialize and parse the API file described in the provided JSON-derived object.
35        :param json_obj: Extracted file-specific annotations from JSON
36        """
38        self.json = json_obj
39        self.structs_and_unions = {}
40        self._parse_annotations()
41        self._parse_api()
43    def _parse_annotations(self):
44        # Converts annotations list to a more usable data structure: dict keyed by structure name,
45        # containing a dict keyed by field name, containing a list of annotations (as they
46        # appear in the JSON). In other words, we can easily get all of the annotations for the
47        # "version" field in "chreWwanCellInfoResult" via
48        # annotations['chreWwanCellInfoResult']['version']. This is also a defaultdict, so it's safe
49        # to access if there are no annotations for this structure + field; it'll just give you
50        # an empty list in that case.
52        self.annotations = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
53        for struct_info in self.json['struct_info']:
54            for annotation in struct_info['annotations']:
55                self.annotations[struct_info['name']
56                                 ][annotation['field']].append(annotation)
58    def _files_to_parse(self):
59        """Returns a list of files to supply as input to CParser"""
61        # Input paths for CParser are stored in JSON relative to <android_root>/system/chre
62        # Reformulate these to absolute paths, and add in some default includes that we always
63        # supply
64        chre_project_base_dir = system_chre_abs_path()
65        default_includes = ['api_parser/parser_defines.h',
66                            'chre_api/include/chre_api/chre/version.h']
67        files = default_includes + \
68            self.json['includes'] + [self.json['filename']]
69        return [os.path.join(chre_project_base_dir, file) for file in files]
71    def _parse_structs_and_unions(self):
72        # Starts with the root structures (i.e. those that will appear at the top-level in one
73        # or more CHPP messages), build a data structure containing all of the information we'll
74        # need to emit the CHPP structure definition and conversion code.
76        structs_and_unions_to_parse = self.json['root_structs'].copy()
77        while len(structs_and_unions_to_parse) > 0:
78            type_name = structs_and_unions_to_parse.pop()
79            if type_name in self.structs_and_unions:
80                continue
82            entry = {
83                'appears_in': set(),  # Other types this type is nested within
84                'dependencies': set(),  # Types that are nested in this type
85                'has_vla_member': False,  # True if this type or any dependency has a VLA member
86                'members': [],  # Info about each member of this type
87            }
88            if type_name in self.parser.defs['structs']:
89                defs = self.parser.defs['structs'][type_name]
90                entry['is_union'] = False
91            elif type_name in self.parser.defs['unions']:
92                defs = self.parser.defs['unions'][type_name]
93                entry['is_union'] = True
94            else:
95                raise RuntimeError(
96                    "Couldn't find {} in parsed structs/unions".format(type_name))
98            for member_name, member_type, _ in defs['members']:
99                member_info = {
100                    'name': member_name,
101                    'type': member_type,
102                    'annotations': self.annotations[type_name][member_name],
103                    'is_nested_type': False,
104                }
106                if member_type.type_spec.startswith('struct ') or \
107                        member_type.type_spec.startswith('union '):
108                    member_info['is_nested_type'] = True
109                    member_type_name = member_type.type_spec.split(' ')[1]
110                    member_info['nested_type_name'] = member_type_name
111                    entry['dependencies'].add(member_type_name)
112                    structs_and_unions_to_parse.append(member_type_name)
114                entry['members'].append(member_info)
116                # Flip a flag if this structure has at least one variable-length array member, which
117                # means that the encoded size can only be computed at runtime
118                if not entry['has_vla_member']:
119                    for annotation in self.annotations[type_name][member_name]:
120                        if annotation['annotation'] == 'var_len_array':
121                            entry['has_vla_member'] = True
123            self.structs_and_unions[type_name] = entry
125        # Build reverse linkage of dependency chain (i.e. lookup between a type and the other types
126        # it appears in)
127        for type_name, type_info in self.structs_and_unions.items():
128            for dependency in type_info['dependencies']:
129                self.structs_and_unions[dependency]['appears_in'].add(
130                    type_name)
132        # Bubble up "has_vla_member" to types each type it appears in, i.e. if this flag is set to
133        # True on a leaf node, then all its ancestors should also have the flag set to True
134        for type_name, type_info in self.structs_and_unions.items():
135            if type_info['has_vla_member']:
136                types_to_mark = list(type_info['appears_in'])
137                while len(types_to_mark) > 0:
138                    type_to_mark = types_to_mark.pop()
139                    self.structs_and_unions[type_to_mark]['has_vla_member'] = True
140                    types_to_mark.extend(
141                        list(self.structs_and_unions[type_to_mark]['appears_in']))
143    def _parse_api(self):
144        """
145        Parses the API and stores the structs and unions.
146        """
148        file_to_parse = self._files_to_parse()
149        self.parser = CParser(file_to_parse, cache='parser_cache')
150        self._parse_structs_and_unions()