1 //! libfmq Rust wrapper
3 /*
4 * Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
5 *
6 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 *
10 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 * limitations under the License.
17 */
19 use fmq_bindgen::{
20 convertDesc, convertGrantor, descFlags, descGrantors, descHandleFDs, descHandleInts,
21 descHandleNumFDs, descHandleNumInts, descNumGrantors, descQuantum, freeDesc,
22 ndk_ScopedFileDescriptor, ErasedMessageQueue, ErasedMessageQueueDesc, GrantorDescriptor,
23 MQDescriptor, MemTransaction, NativeHandle, ParcelFileDescriptor, SynchronizedReadWrite,
24 };
26 use std::ptr::addr_of_mut;
28 use log::error;
30 /// A trait indicating that a type is safe to pass through shared memory.
31 ///
32 /// # Safety
33 ///
34 /// This requires that the type must not contain any capabilities such as file
35 /// descriptors or heap allocations, and that it must be permitted to access
36 /// all bytes of its representation (so it must not contain any padding bytes).
37 ///
38 /// Because being stored in shared memory the allows the type to be accessed
39 /// from different processes, it may also be accessed from different threads in
40 /// the same process. As such, `Share` is a supertrait of `Sync`.
41 pub unsafe trait Share: Sync {}
43 // SAFETY: All types implementing the `zerocopy::AsBytes` trait implement `Share`.
44 unsafe impl<T: zerocopy::AsBytes + zerocopy::FromBytes + Send + Sync> Share for T {}
46 /// An IPC message queue for values of type T.
47 pub struct MessageQueue<T> {
48 inner: ErasedMessageQueue,
49 ty: core::marker::PhantomData<T>,
50 }
52 /** A write completion from the MessageQueue::write() method.
54 This completion mutably borrows the MessageQueue to prevent concurrent writes;
55 these must be forbidden because the underlying AidlMessageQueue only stores the
56 number of outstanding writes, not which have and have not completed, so they
57 must complete in order. */
58 #[must_use]
59 pub struct WriteCompletion<'a, T: Share> {
60 inner: MemTransaction,
61 queue: &'a mut MessageQueue<T>,
62 n_elems: usize,
63 n_written: usize,
64 }
66 impl<'a, T: Share> WriteCompletion<'a, T> {
67 /// Obtain a pointer to the location at which the idx'th item should be
68 /// stored.
69 ///
70 /// The returned pointer is only valid while `self` has not been dropped and
71 /// is invalidated by any call to `self.write`. The pointer should be used
72 /// with `std::ptr::write` or a DMA API to initialize the underlying storage
73 /// before calling `assume_written` to indicate how many elements were
74 /// written.
75 ///
76 /// It is only permitted to access at most `contiguous_count(idx)` items
77 /// via offsets from the returned address.
78 ///
79 /// Calling this method with a greater `idx` may return a pointer to another
80 /// memory region of different size than the first.
ptr(&self, idx: usize) -> *mut T81 pub fn ptr(&self, idx: usize) -> *mut T {
82 if idx >= self.n_elems {
83 panic!(
84 "indexing out of bound: ReadCompletion for {} elements but idx {} accessed",
85 self.n_elems, idx
86 )
87 }
88 ptr(&self.inner, idx)
89 }
91 /// Return the number of contiguous elements that may be stored starting at
92 /// the given index in the backing buffer corresponding to the given index.
93 ///
94 /// Intended for use with the `ptr` method.
95 ///
96 /// Returns 0 if `idx` is greater than or equal to the completion's element
97 /// count.
contiguous_count(&self, idx: usize) -> usize98 pub fn contiguous_count(&self, idx: usize) -> usize {
99 contiguous_count(&self.inner, idx, self.n_elems)
100 }
102 /// Returns how many elements still must be written to this WriteCompletion
103 /// before dropping it.
required_elements(&self) -> usize104 pub fn required_elements(&self) -> usize {
105 assert!(self.n_written <= self.n_elems);
106 self.n_elems - self.n_written
107 }
109 /// Write one item to `self`. Fails and returns the item if `self` is full.
write(&mut self, data: T) -> Result<(), T>110 pub fn write(&mut self, data: T) -> Result<(), T> {
111 if self.required_elements() > 0 {
112 // SAFETY: `self.ptr(self.n_written)` is known to be uninitialized.
113 // The dtor of data, if any, will not run because `data` is moved
114 // out of here.
115 unsafe { self.ptr(self.n_written).write(data) };
116 self.n_written += 1;
117 Ok(())
118 } else {
119 Err(data)
120 }
121 }
123 /// Promise to the `WriteCompletion` that `n_newly_written` elements have
124 /// been written with unsafe code or DMA to the pointer returned by the
125 /// `ptr` method.
126 ///
127 /// Panics if `n_newly_written` exceeds the number of elements yet required.
128 ///
129 /// # Safety
130 /// It is UB to call this method except after calling the `ptr` method and
131 /// writing the specified number of values of type T to that location.
assume_written(&mut self, n_newly_written: usize)132 pub unsafe fn assume_written(&mut self, n_newly_written: usize) {
133 assert!(n_newly_written < self.required_elements());
134 self.n_written += n_newly_written;
135 }
136 }
138 impl<'a, T: Share> Drop for WriteCompletion<'a, T> {
drop(&mut self)139 fn drop(&mut self) {
140 if self.n_written < self.n_elems {
141 error!(
142 "WriteCompletion dropped without writing to all elements ({}/{} written)",
143 self.n_written, self.n_elems
144 );
145 }
146 let txn = std::mem::take(&mut self.inner);
147 self.queue.commit_write(txn);
148 }
149 }
151 impl<T: Share> MessageQueue<T> {
type_size() -> usize152 const fn type_size() -> usize {
153 std::mem::size_of::<T>()
154 }
156 /// Create a new MessageQueue with capacity for `elems` elements.
new(elems: usize, event_word: bool) -> Self157 pub fn new(elems: usize, event_word: bool) -> Self {
158 Self {
159 // SAFETY: Calling bindgen'd constructor. The only argument that
160 // can't be validated by the implementation is the quantum, which
161 // must equal the element size.
162 inner: unsafe { ErasedMessageQueue::new1(elems, event_word, Self::type_size()) },
163 ty: core::marker::PhantomData,
164 }
165 }
167 /// Create a MessageQueue connected to another existing instance from its
168 /// descriptor.
from_desc(desc: &MQDescriptor<T, SynchronizedReadWrite>, reset_pointers: bool) -> Self169 pub fn from_desc(desc: &MQDescriptor<T, SynchronizedReadWrite>, reset_pointers: bool) -> Self {
170 let mut grantors = desc
171 .grantors
172 .iter()
173 // SAFETY: this just forwards the integers to the GrantorDescriptor
174 // constructor; GrantorDescriptor is POD.
175 .map(|g| unsafe { convertGrantor(g.fdIndex, g.offset, g.extent) })
176 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
178 // SAFETY: These pointer/length pairs come from Vecs that will outlive
179 // this function call, and the call itself copies all data it needs out
180 // of them.
181 let cpp_desc = unsafe {
182 convertDesc(
183 grantors.as_mut_ptr(),
184 grantors.len(),
185 desc.handle.fds.as_ptr().cast(),
186 desc.handle.fds.len(),
187 desc.handle.ints.as_ptr(),
188 desc.handle.ints.len(),
189 desc.quantum,
190 desc.flags,
191 )
192 };
193 // SAFETY: Calling bindgen'd constructor which does not store cpp_desc,
194 // but just passes it to the initializer of AidlMQDescriptorShim, which
195 // deep-copies it.
196 let inner = unsafe { ErasedMessageQueue::new(cpp_desc, reset_pointers) };
197 // SAFETY: we must free the desc returned by convertDesc; the pointer
198 // was just returned above so we know it is valid.
199 unsafe { freeDesc(cpp_desc) };
200 Self { inner, ty: core::marker::PhantomData }
201 }
203 /// Obtain a copy of the MessageQueue's descriptor, which may be used to
204 /// access it remotely.
dupe_desc(&mut self) -> MQDescriptor<T, SynchronizedReadWrite>205 pub fn dupe_desc(&mut self) -> MQDescriptor<T, SynchronizedReadWrite> {
206 // SAFETY: dupeDesc may be called on any valid ErasedMessageQueue; it
207 // simply forwards to dupeDesc on the inner AidlMessageQueue and wraps
208 // in a heap allocation.
209 let erased_desc: *mut ErasedMessageQueueDesc = unsafe { self.inner.dupeDesc() };
210 let grantor_to_rust =
211 |g: &fmq_bindgen::aidl_android_hardware_common_fmq_GrantorDescriptor| {
212 GrantorDescriptor { fdIndex: g.fdIndex, offset: g.offset, extent: g.extent }
213 };
215 let scoped_to_parcel_fd = |fd: &ndk_ScopedFileDescriptor| {
216 use std::os::fd::{BorrowedFd, FromRawFd, OwnedFd};
217 // SAFETY: the fd is already open as an invariant of ndk::ScopedFileDescriptor, so
218 // it will not be -1, as required by BorrowedFd.
219 let borrowed = unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(fd._base as i32) };
220 ParcelFileDescriptor::new(match borrowed.try_clone_to_owned() {
221 Ok(fd) => fd,
222 Err(e) => {
223 error!("could not dup NativeHandle fd {}: {}", fd._base, e);
224 // SAFETY: OwnedFd requires the fd is not -1. If we failed to dup the fd,
225 // other code downstream will fail, but we can do no better than pass it on.
226 unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(fd._base as i32) }
227 }
228 })
229 };
231 // First, we create a desc with the wrong type, because we cannot create one whole cloth of
232 // our desired return type unless T implements Default. This Default requirement is
233 // superfluous (T::default() is never called), so we then transmute to our desired type.
234 let desc = MQDescriptor::<(), SynchronizedReadWrite>::default();
235 // SAFETY: This transmute changes only the element type parameter of the MQDescriptor. The
236 // layout of an MQDescriptor does not depend on T as T appears in it only in PhantomData.
237 let mut desc: MQDescriptor<T, SynchronizedReadWrite> = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(desc) };
238 // SAFETY: These slices are created out of the pointer and length pairs exposed by the
239 // individual descFoo accessors, so we know they are valid pointer/lengths and point to
240 // data that will continue to exist as long as the desc does.
241 //
242 // Calls to the descFoo accessors on erased_desc are sound because we know inner.dupeDesc
243 // returns a valid pointer to a new heap-allocated ErasedMessageQueueDesc.
244 let (grantors, fds, ints, quantum, flags) = unsafe {
245 use std::slice::from_raw_parts;
246 let grantors = from_raw_parts(descGrantors(erased_desc), descNumGrantors(erased_desc));
247 let fds = from_raw_parts(descHandleFDs(erased_desc), descHandleNumFDs(erased_desc));
248 let ints = from_raw_parts(descHandleInts(erased_desc), descHandleNumInts(erased_desc));
249 let quantum = descQuantum(erased_desc);
250 let flags = descFlags(erased_desc);
251 (grantors, fds, ints, quantum, flags)
252 };
253 let fds = fds.iter().map(scoped_to_parcel_fd).collect();
254 let ints = ints.to_vec();
255 desc.grantors = grantors.iter().map(grantor_to_rust).collect();
256 desc.handle = NativeHandle { fds, ints };
257 desc.quantum = quantum;
258 desc.flags = flags;
259 // SAFETY: we must free the desc returned by dupeDesc; the pointer was
260 // just returned above so we know it is valid.
261 unsafe { freeDesc(erased_desc) };
262 desc
263 }
265 /// Begin a write transaction. The returned WriteCompletion can be used to
266 /// write into the region allocated for the transaction.
write(&mut self) -> Option<WriteCompletion<T>>267 pub fn write(&mut self) -> Option<WriteCompletion<T>> {
268 self.write_many(1)
269 }
271 /// Begin a write transaction for multiple items. See `MessageQueue::write`.
write_many(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<WriteCompletion<T>>272 pub fn write_many(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<WriteCompletion<T>> {
273 let txn = self.begin_write(n)?;
274 Some(WriteCompletion { inner: txn, queue: self, n_elems: n, n_written: 0 })
275 }
commit_write(&mut self, txn: MemTransaction) -> bool277 fn commit_write(&mut self, txn: MemTransaction) -> bool {
278 // SAFETY: simply calls commitWrite with the txn length. The txn must
279 // only use its first MemRegion.
280 unsafe { self.inner.commitWrite(txn.first.length + txn.second.length) }
281 }
begin_write(&self, n: usize) -> Option<MemTransaction>283 fn begin_write(&self, n: usize) -> Option<MemTransaction> {
284 let mut txn: MemTransaction = Default::default();
285 // SAFETY: we pass a raw pointer to txn, which is used only during the
286 // call to beginWrite to write the txn's MemRegion fields, which are raw
287 // pointers and lengths pointing into the queue. The pointer to txn is
288 // not stored.
289 unsafe { self.inner.beginWrite(n, addr_of_mut!(txn)) }.then_some(txn)
290 }
291 }
293 #[inline(always)]
ptr<T: Share>(txn: &MemTransaction, idx: usize) -> *mut T294 fn ptr<T: Share>(txn: &MemTransaction, idx: usize) -> *mut T {
295 let (base, region_idx) = if idx < txn.first.length {
296 (txn.first.address, idx)
297 } else {
298 (txn.second.address, idx - txn.first.length)
299 };
300 let byte_count: usize = region_idx.checked_mul(MessageQueue::<T>::type_size()).unwrap();
301 base.wrapping_byte_offset(byte_count.try_into().unwrap()) as *mut T
302 }
304 #[inline(always)]
contiguous_count(txn: &MemTransaction, idx: usize, n_elems: usize) -> usize305 fn contiguous_count(txn: &MemTransaction, idx: usize, n_elems: usize) -> usize {
306 if idx > n_elems {
307 return 0;
308 }
309 let region_len = if idx < txn.first.length { txn.first.length } else { txn.second.length };
310 region_len - idx
311 }
313 /** A read completion from the MessageQueue::read() method.
315 This completion mutably borrows the MessageQueue to prevent concurrent reads;
316 these must be forbidden because the underlying AidlMessageQueue only stores the
317 number of outstanding reads, not which have and have not completed, so they
318 must complete in order. */
319 #[must_use]
320 pub struct ReadCompletion<'a, T: Share> {
321 inner: MemTransaction,
322 queue: &'a mut MessageQueue<T>,
323 n_elems: usize,
324 n_read: usize,
325 }
327 impl<'a, T: Share> ReadCompletion<'a, T> {
328 /// Obtain a pointer to the location at which the idx'th item is located.
329 ///
330 /// The returned pointer is only valid while `self` has not been dropped and
331 /// is invalidated by any call to `self.read`. The pointer should be used
332 /// with `std::ptr::read` or a DMA API before calling `assume_read` to
333 /// indicate how many elements were read.
334 ///
335 /// It is only permitted to access at most `contiguous_count(idx)` items
336 /// via offsets from the returned address.
337 ///
338 /// Calling this method with a greater `idx` may return a pointer to another
339 /// memory region of different size than the first.
ptr(&self, idx: usize) -> *mut T340 pub fn ptr(&self, idx: usize) -> *mut T {
341 if idx >= self.n_elems {
342 panic!(
343 "indexing out of bound: ReadCompletion for {} elements but idx {} accessed",
344 self.n_elems, idx
345 )
346 }
347 ptr(&self.inner, idx)
348 }
350 /// Return the number of contiguous elements located starting at the given
351 /// index in the backing buffer corresponding to the given index.
352 ///
353 /// Intended for use with the `ptr` method.
354 ///
355 /// Returns 0 if `idx` is greater than or equal to the completion's element
356 /// count.
contiguous_count(&self, idx: usize) -> usize357 pub fn contiguous_count(&self, idx: usize) -> usize {
358 contiguous_count(&self.inner, idx, self.n_elems)
359 }
361 /// Returns how many elements still must be read from `self` before dropping
362 /// it.
unread_elements(&self) -> usize363 pub fn unread_elements(&self) -> usize {
364 assert!(self.n_read <= self.n_elems);
365 self.n_elems - self.n_read
366 }
368 /// Read one item from the `self`. Fails and returns `()` if `self` is empty.
read(&mut self) -> Option<T>369 pub fn read(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
370 if self.unread_elements() > 0 {
371 // SAFETY: `self.ptr(self.n_read)`is known to be filled with a valid
372 // instance of type `T`.
373 let data = unsafe { self.ptr(self.n_read).read() };
374 self.n_read += 1;
375 Some(data)
376 } else {
377 None
378 }
379 }
381 /// Promise to the `ReadCompletion` that `n_newly_read` elements have
382 /// been read with unsafe code or DMA from the pointer returned by the
383 /// `ptr` method.
384 ///
385 /// Panics if `n_newly_read` exceeds the number of elements still unread.
386 ///
387 /// Calling this method without actually reading the elements will result
388 /// in them being leaked without destructors (if any) running.
assume_read(&mut self, n_newly_read: usize)389 pub fn assume_read(&mut self, n_newly_read: usize) {
390 assert!(n_newly_read < self.unread_elements());
391 self.n_read += n_newly_read;
392 }
393 }
395 impl<'a, T: Share> Drop for ReadCompletion<'a, T> {
drop(&mut self)396 fn drop(&mut self) {
397 if self.n_read < self.n_elems {
398 error!(
399 "ReadCompletion dropped without reading all elements ({}/{} read)",
400 self.n_read, self.n_elems
401 );
402 }
403 let txn = std::mem::take(&mut self.inner);
404 self.queue.commit_read(txn);
405 }
406 }
408 impl<T: Share> MessageQueue<T> {
409 /// Begin a read transaction. The returned `ReadCompletion` can be used to
410 /// write into the region allocated for the transaction.
read(&mut self) -> Option<ReadCompletion<T>>411 pub fn read(&mut self) -> Option<ReadCompletion<T>> {
412 self.read_many(1)
413 }
415 /// Begin a read transaction for multiple items. See `MessageQueue::read`.
read_many(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<ReadCompletion<T>>416 pub fn read_many(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<ReadCompletion<T>> {
417 let txn = self.begin_read(n)?;
418 Some(ReadCompletion { inner: txn, queue: self, n_elems: n, n_read: 0 })
419 }
commit_read(&mut self, txn: MemTransaction) -> bool421 fn commit_read(&mut self, txn: MemTransaction) -> bool {
422 // SAFETY: simply calls commitRead with the txn length. The txn must
423 // only use its first MemRegion.
424 unsafe { self.inner.commitRead(txn.first.length + txn.second.length) }
425 }
begin_read(&self, n: usize) -> Option<MemTransaction>427 fn begin_read(&self, n: usize) -> Option<MemTransaction> {
428 let mut txn: MemTransaction = Default::default();
429 // SAFETY: we pass a raw pointer to txn, which is used only during the
430 // call to beginRead to write the txn's MemRegion fields, which are raw
431 // pointers and lengths pointing into the queue. The pointer to txn is
432 // not stored.
433 unsafe { self.inner.beginRead(n, addr_of_mut!(txn)) }.then_some(txn)
434 }
435 }