1;; complement CIL file for compatibility between ToT policy and 29.0 vendors.
2;; will be compiled along with other normal policy files, on 29.0 vendors.
5(typeattribute vendordomain)
6(typeattributeset vendordomain ((and (domain) ((not (coredomain))))))
7(allow vendordomain self (netlink_route_socket (nlmsg_readpriv)))
9(typeattributeset mlsvendorcompat (and appdomain vendordomain))
10(allow mlsvendorcompat app_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename open watch watch_reads add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir)))
11(allow mlsvendorcompat app_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open watch watch_reads)))
12(allow mlsvendorcompat privapp_data_file (dir (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock rename open watch watch_reads add_name remove_name reparent search rmdir)))
13(allow mlsvendorcompat privapp_data_file (file (ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append map unlink rename open watch watch_reads)))
15;; permission for devices (older than S) where debugfs restriction doesn't apply.
16(typeattribute debugfs_file_type)
17(typeattributeset debugfs_file_type (and debugfs_type file_type))
18(typeattribute debugfs_fs_type)
19(typeattributeset debugfs_fs_type (and debugfs_type fs_type))
21(allow dumpstate debugfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open watch watch_reads)))
22(allow dumpstate debugfs_mmc (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open watch watch_reads)))
23(allow dumpstate debugfs_wakeup_sources (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open watch watch_reads)))
24(auditallow dumpstate debugfs (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open watch watch_reads)))
26(allow init debugfs (dir (getattr relabelfrom)))
27(allow init debugfs (file (getattr relabelfrom)))
28(allow init debugfs (lnk_file (getattr relabelfrom)))
29(allow init debugfs_file_type (file (create getattr open read write setattr relabelfrom unlink map)))
30(allow init debugfs_fs_type (filesystem (mount remount unmount getattr relabelfrom associate quotamod quotaget watch)))
31(allow init debugfs_type (dir (getattr relabelto)))
32(allow init debugfs_type (file (getattr relabelto)))
33(allow init debugfs_type (lnk_file (getattr relabelto)))
35(allow system_server debugfs_wakeup_sources (file (ioctl read getattr lock map open watch watch_reads)))
37(allow vendor_init debugfs_file_type (file (create getattr open read write setattr relabelfrom unlink map)))
38(allow vendor_init debugfs_fs_type (file (open read setattr map)))