1# Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15from optparse import OptionParser
16from optparse import Option, OptionValueError
17import os
18import pkgutil
19import policy
20import re
21import shutil
22import sys
23import tempfile
25SHARED_LIB_EXTENSION = '.dylib' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else '.so'
28# Tests
30def TestDataTypeViolations(pol):
31    return pol.AssertPathTypesHaveAttr(["/data/"], [], "data_file_type")
33def TestSystemTypeViolations(pol):
34    partitions = ["/system/", "/system_ext/", "/product/"]
35    exceptions = [
36        # devices before treble don't have a vendor partition
37        "/system/vendor/",
39        # overlay files are mounted over vendor
40        "/product/overlay/",
41        "/product/vendor_overlay/",
42        "/system/overlay/",
43        "/system/product/overlay/",
44        "/system/product/vendor_overlay/",
45        "/system/system_ext/overlay/",
46        "/system_ext/overlay/",
47    ]
49    return pol.AssertPathTypesHaveAttr(partitions, exceptions, "system_file_type")
51def TestBpffsTypeViolations(pol):
52    return pol.AssertGenfsFilesystemTypesHaveAttr("bpf", "bpffs_type")
54def TestProcTypeViolations(pol):
55    return pol.AssertGenfsFilesystemTypesHaveAttr("proc", "proc_type")
57def TestSysfsTypeViolations(pol):
58    ret = pol.AssertGenfsFilesystemTypesHaveAttr("sysfs", "sysfs_type")
59    ret += pol.AssertPathTypesHaveAttr(["/sys/"], ["/sys/kernel/debug/",
60                                    "/sys/kernel/tracing"], "sysfs_type")
61    return ret
63def TestDebugfsTypeViolations(pol):
64    ret = pol.AssertGenfsFilesystemTypesHaveAttr("debugfs", "debugfs_type")
65    ret += pol.AssertPathTypesHaveAttr(["/sys/kernel/debug/",
66                                    "/sys/kernel/tracing"], [], "debugfs_type")
67    return ret
69def TestTracefsTypeViolations(pol):
70    ret = pol.AssertGenfsFilesystemTypesHaveAttr("tracefs", "tracefs_type")
71    ret += pol.AssertPathTypesHaveAttr(["/sys/kernel/tracing"], [], "tracefs_type")
72    ret += pol.AssertPathTypesDoNotHaveAttr(["/sys/kernel/debug"],
73                                            ["/sys/kernel/debug/tracing"], "tracefs_type",
74                                            [])
75    return ret
77def TestVendorTypeViolations(pol):
78    partitions = ["/vendor/", "/odm/"]
79    exceptions = [
80        "/vendor/etc/selinux/",
81        "/vendor/odm/etc/selinux/",
82        "/odm/etc/selinux/",
83    ]
84    return pol.AssertPathTypesHaveAttr(partitions, exceptions, "vendor_file_type")
86def TestCoreDataTypeViolations(pol):
87    ret = pol.AssertPathTypesHaveAttr(["/data/"], ["/data/vendor",
88            "/data/vendor_ce", "/data/vendor_de"], "core_data_file_type")
89    ret += pol.AssertPathTypesDoNotHaveAttr(["/data/vendor/", "/data/vendor_ce/",
90        "/data/vendor_de/"], [], "core_data_file_type")
91    return ret
93def TestPropertyTypeViolations(pol):
94    return pol.AssertPropertyOwnersAreExclusive()
96def TestAppDataTypeViolations(pol):
97    # Types with the app_data_file_type should only be used for app data files
98    # (/data/data/package.name etc) via seapp_contexts, and never applied
99    # explicitly to other files.
100    partitions = [
101        "/data/",
102        "/vendor/",
103        "/odm/",
104        "/product/",
105    ]
106    exceptions = [
107        # These are used for app data files for the corresponding user and
108        # assorted other files.
109        # TODO(b/172812577): Use different types for the different purposes
110        "shell_data_file",
111        "bluetooth_data_file",
112        "nfc_data_file",
113        "radio_data_file",
114    ]
115    return pol.AssertPathTypesDoNotHaveAttr(partitions, [], "app_data_file_type",
116                                            exceptions)
117def TestDmaHeapDevTypeViolations(pol):
118    return pol.AssertPathTypesHaveAttr(["/dev/dma_heap/"], [],
119                                       "dmabuf_heap_device_type")
121def TestCoredomainViolations(test_policy):
122    # verify that all domains launched from /system have the coredomain
123    # attribute
124    ret = ""
126    for d in test_policy.alldomains:
127        domain = test_policy.alldomains[d]
128        if domain.fromSystem and domain.fromVendor:
129            ret += "The following domain is system and vendor: " + d + "\n"
131    for domain in test_policy.alldomains.values():
132        ret += domain.error
134    violators = []
135    for d in test_policy.alldomains:
136        domain = test_policy.alldomains[d]
137        if domain.fromSystem and "coredomain" not in domain.attributes:
138                violators.append(d);
139    if len(violators) > 0:
140        ret += "The following domain(s) must be associated with the "
141        ret += "\"coredomain\" attribute because they are executed off of "
142        ret += "/system:\n"
143        ret += " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(violators)) + "\n"
145    # verify that all domains launched form /vendor do not have the coredomain
146    # attribute
147    violators = []
148    for d in test_policy.alldomains:
149        domain = test_policy.alldomains[d]
150        if domain.fromVendor and "coredomain" in domain.attributes:
151            violators.append(d)
152    if len(violators) > 0:
153        ret += "The following domains must not be associated with the "
154        ret += "\"coredomain\" attribute because they are executed off of "
155        ret += "/vendor or /system/vendor:\n"
156        ret += " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(violators)) + "\n"
158    return ret
160def TestViolatorAttribute(test_policy, attribute):
161    # TODO(b/113124961): re-enable once all violator attributes are removed.
162    return ""
164    # ret = ""
165    # return ret
167    # violators = test_policy.DomainsWithAttribute(attribute)
168    # if len(violators) > 0:
169    #    ret += "SELinux: The following domains violate the Treble ban "
170    #    ret += "against use of the " + attribute + " attribute: "
171    #    ret += " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(violators)) + "\n"
172    # return ret
174def TestViolatorAttributes(test_policy):
175    ret = ""
176    ret += TestViolatorAttribute(test_policy, "socket_between_core_and_vendor_violators")
177    ret += TestViolatorAttribute(test_policy, "vendor_executes_system_violators")
178    return ret
180def TestIsolatedAttributeConsistency(test_policy):
181    permissionAllowList = {
182        # access given from technical_debt.cil
183        "codec2_config_prop" : ["file"],
184        "device_config_nnapi_native_prop":["file"],
185        "hal_allocator_default":["binder", "fd"],
186        "hal_codec2": ["binder", "fd"],
187        "hal_codec2_hwservice":["hwservice_manager"],
188        "hal_graphics_allocator": ["binder", "fd"],
189        "hal_graphics_allocator_service":["service_manager"],
190        "hal_graphics_allocator_hwservice":["hwservice_manager"],
191        "hal_graphics_allocator_server":["binder", "service_manager"],
192        "hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice":["hwservice_manager"],
193        "hal_graphics_mapper_service":["service_manager"],
194        "hal_neuralnetworks": ["binder", "fd"],
195        "hal_neuralnetworks_service": ["service_manager"],
196        "hal_neuralnetworks_hwservice":["hwservice_manager"],
197        "hal_omx_hwservice":["hwservice_manager"],
198        "hidl_allocator_hwservice":["hwservice_manager"],
199        "hidl_manager_hwservice":["hwservice_manager"],
200        "hidl_memory_hwservice":["hwservice_manager"],
201        "hidl_token_hwservice":["hwservice_manager"],
202        "hwservicemanager":["binder"],
203        "hwservicemanager_prop":["file"],
204        "mediacodec":["binder", "fd"],
205        "mediaswcodec":["binder", "fd"],
206        "media_variant_prop":["file"],
207        "nnapi_ext_deny_product_prop":["file"],
208        "servicemanager":["fd"],
209        "toolbox_exec": ["file"],
210        # extra types being granted to isolated_compute_app
211        "isolated_compute_allowed":["service_manager", "chr_file"],
212    }
214    def resolveHalServerSubtype(target):
215        # permission given as a client in technical_debt.cil
216        hal_server_attributes = [
217            "hal_codec2_server",
218            "hal_graphics_allocator_server",
219            "hal_neuralnetworks_server"]
221        for attr in hal_server_attributes:
222            if target in test_policy.pol.QueryTypeAttribute(Type=attr, IsAttr=True):
223                return attr.rsplit("_", 1)[0]
224        return target
226    def checkIsolatedComputeAllowed(tctx, tclass):
227        # check if the permission is in isolated_compute_allowed
228        allowedMemberTypes = test_policy.pol.QueryTypeAttribute(Type="isolated_compute_allowed_service", IsAttr=True) \
229            .union(test_policy.pol.QueryTypeAttribute(Type="isolated_compute_allowed_device", IsAttr=True))
230        return tctx in allowedMemberTypes and tclass in permissionAllowList["isolated_compute_allowed"]
232    def checkPermissions(permissions):
233        violated_permissions = []
234        for perm in permissions:
235            tctx, tclass, p = perm.split(":")
236            tctx = resolveHalServerSubtype(tctx)
237            # check unwanted permissions
238            if not checkIsolatedComputeAllowed(tctx, tclass) and \
239                ( tctx not in permissionAllowList \
240                    or tclass not in permissionAllowList[tctx] \
241                    or ( p == "write") \
242                    or ( p == "rw_file_perms") ):
243                violated_permissions += [perm]
244        return violated_permissions
246    ret = ""
248    isolatedMemberTypes = test_policy.pol.QueryTypeAttribute(Type="isolated_app_all", IsAttr=True)
249    baseRules = test_policy.pol.QueryExpandedTERule(scontext=["isolated_app"])
250    basePermissionSet = set([":".join([rule.tctx, rule.tclass, perm])
251                            for rule in baseRules for perm in rule.perms])
252    for subType in isolatedMemberTypes:
253        if subType == "isolated_app" : continue
254        currentTypeRule = test_policy.pol.QueryExpandedTERule(scontext=[subType])
255        typePermissionSet = set([":".join([rule.tctx, rule.tclass, perm])
256                                for rule in currentTypeRule for perm in rule.perms
257                                if not rule.tctx in [subType, subType + "_userfaultfd"]])
258        deltaPermissionSet = typePermissionSet.difference(basePermissionSet)
259        violated_permissions = checkPermissions(list(deltaPermissionSet))
260        for perm in violated_permissions:
261            ret += "allow %s %s:%s %s \n" % (subType, *perm.split(":"))
263    if ret:
264        ret = ("Found prohibited permission granted for isolated like types. " + \
265            "Please replace your allow statements that involve \"-isolated_app\" with " + \
266            "\"-isolated_app_all\". Violations are shown as the following: \n")  + ret
267    return ret
269def TestDevTypeViolations(pol):
270    exceptions = [
271        "/dev/socket",
272    ]
273    exceptionTypes = [
274        "boringssl_self_test_marker",  # /dev/boringssl/selftest
275        "cgroup_rc_file",              # /dev/cgroup.rc
276        "dev_cpu_variant",             # /dev/cpu_variant:{arch}
277        "fscklogs",                    # /dev/fscklogs
278        "properties_serial",           # /dev/__properties__/properties_serial
279        "property_info",               # /dev/__properties__/property_info
280        "runtime_event_log_tags_file", # /dev/event-log-tags
281    ]
282    return pol.AssertPathTypesHaveAttr(["/dev"], exceptions,
283                                       "dev_type", exceptionTypes)
286# extend OptionParser to allow the same option flag to be used multiple times.
287# This is used to allow multiple file_contexts files and tests to be
288# specified.
290class MultipleOption(Option):
291    ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",)
292    STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",)
293    TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",)
296    def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser):
297        if action == "extend":
298            values.ensure_value(dest, []).append(value)
299        else:
300            Option.take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser)
302TEST_NAMES = [ name for name in dir() if name.startswith('Test') ]
304def do_main(libpath):
305    """
306    Args:
307        libpath: string, path to libsepolwrap.so
308    """
309    usage = "sepolicy_tests -f vendor_file_contexts -f "
310    usage +="plat_file_contexts -p policy [--test test] [--help]"
311    parser = OptionParser(option_class=MultipleOption, usage=usage)
312    parser.add_option("-f", "--file_contexts", dest="file_contexts",
313            metavar="FILE", action="extend", type="string")
314    parser.add_option("-p", "--policy", dest="policy", metavar="FILE")
315    parser.add_option("-t", "--test", dest="test", action="extend",
316            help="Test options include "+str(TEST_NAMES))
318    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
320    if not options.policy:
321        sys.exit("Must specify monolithic policy file\n" + parser.usage)
322    if not os.path.exists(options.policy):
323        sys.exit("Error: policy file " + options.policy + " does not exist\n"
324                + parser.usage)
326    if not options.file_contexts:
327        sys.exit("Error: Must specify file_contexts file(s)\n" + parser.usage)
328    for f in options.file_contexts:
329        if not os.path.exists(f):
330            sys.exit("Error: File_contexts file " + f + " does not exist\n" +
331                    parser.usage)
333    pol = policy.Policy(options.policy, options.file_contexts, libpath)
334    test_policy = policy.TestPolicy()
335    test_policy.setup(pol)
337    results = ""
338    # If an individual test is not specified, run all tests.
339    if options.test is None or "TestBpffsTypeViolations" in options.test:
340        results += TestBpffsTypeViolations(pol)
341    if options.test is None or "TestDataTypeViolations" in options.test:
342        results += TestDataTypeViolations(pol)
343    if options.test is None or "TestProcTypeViolations" in options.test:
344        results += TestProcTypeViolations(pol)
345    if options.test is None or "TestSysfsTypeViolations" in options.test:
346        results += TestSysfsTypeViolations(pol)
347    if options.test is None or "TestSystemTypeViolations" in options.test:
348        results += TestSystemTypeViolations(pol)
349    if options.test is None or "TestDebugfsTypeViolations" in options.test:
350        results += TestDebugfsTypeViolations(pol)
351    if options.test is None or "TestTracefsTypeViolations" in options.test:
352        results += TestTracefsTypeViolations(pol)
353    if options.test is None or "TestVendorTypeViolations" in options.test:
354        results += TestVendorTypeViolations(pol)
355    if options.test is None or "TestCoreDataTypeViolations" in options.test:
356        results += TestCoreDataTypeViolations(pol)
357    if options.test is None or "TestPropertyTypeViolations" in options.test:
358        results += TestPropertyTypeViolations(pol)
359    if options.test is None or "TestAppDataTypeViolations" in options.test:
360        results += TestAppDataTypeViolations(pol)
361    if options.test is None or "TestDmaHeapDevTypeViolations" in options.test:
362        results += TestDmaHeapDevTypeViolations(pol)
363    if options.test is None or "TestCoredomainViolations" in options.test:
364        results += TestCoredomainViolations(test_policy)
365    if options.test is None or "TestViolatorAttributes" in options.test:
366        results += TestViolatorAttributes(test_policy)
367    if options.test is None or "TestIsolatedAttributeConsistency" in options.test:
368        results += TestIsolatedAttributeConsistency(test_policy)
370    # dev type test won't be run as default
371    if options.test and "TestDevTypeViolations" in options.test:
372        results += TestDevTypeViolations(pol)
374    if len(results) > 0:
375        sys.exit(results)
377if __name__ == '__main__':
378    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
379    try:
380        libname = "libsepolwrap" + SHARED_LIB_EXTENSION
381        libpath = os.path.join(temp_dir, libname)
382        with open(libpath, "wb") as f:
383            blob = pkgutil.get_data("sepolicy_tests", libname)
384            if not blob:
385                sys.exit("Error: libsepolwrap does not exist. Is this binary corrupted?\n")
386            f.write(blob)
387        do_main(libpath)
388    finally:
389        shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)