1[build-system] 2# AVOID CHANGING REQUIRES: IT WILL BE UPDATED BY PYSCAFFOLD! 3requires = ["setuptools>=46.1.0", "wheel", "grpcio-tools"] 4build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" 5 6# [tool.setuptools_scm] 7# # For smarter version schemes and other configuration options, 8# # check out https://github.com/pypa/setuptools_scm 9# version_scheme = "no-guess-dev" 10[project] 11name = "netsim-grpc" 12authors = [ 13 { name = "Erwin Jansen", email = "jansene@google.com" }, 14 { name = "Shuo Wang Hsu", email = "shuohsu@google.com" } 15] 16license = { file = "LICENSE.txt" } 17readme = "README.md" 18version = "0.0.1" 19classifiers = ["Topic :: Software Development"] 20dependencies = [ 21 "grpcio", 22 "grpcio-tools", 23 "protobuf", 24 "importlib-metadata; python_version<'3.8'", 25] 26 27[project.optional-dependencies] 28tests = ["pytest==7.1.3", "pytest-mock", "mock==4.0.3"] 29 30[tool.pytest.ini_options] 31testpaths = ["tests"] 32addopts = ["--import-mode=importlib"] 33tests = ["pytest==7.1.3", "pytest_mock==3.8.2"] 34