1import os
2import tempfile
3from xml.etree import ElementTree
6def set_supl_over_wifi_state(ad, turn_on):
7    """Enable / Disable supl over wifi features
9    Modify the gps xml file: /vendor/etc/gnss/gps.xml
10    Args:
11        ad: AndroidDevice object
12        turn_on: (bool) True -> enable / False -> disable
13    """
14    ad.adb.remount()
15    folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
16    xml_path_on_host = os.path.join(folder, "gps.xml")
17    xml_path_on_device = "/vendor/etc/gnss/gps.xml"
18    ad.pull_files(xml_path_on_device, xml_path_on_host)
20    # register namespance to aviod adding ns0 into xml attributes
21    ElementTree.register_namespace("", "http://www.glpals.com/")
22    xml_tree = ElementTree.parse(xml_path_on_host)
23    root = xml_tree.getroot()
24    for node in root:
25        if "hal" in node.tag:
26            if turn_on:
27                _enable_supl_over_wifi(ad, node)
28            else:
29                _disable_supl_over_wifi(ad, node)
30    xml_tree.write(xml_path_on_host, xml_declaration=True, encoding="utf-8", method="xml")
31    ad.push_system_file(xml_path_on_host, xml_path_on_device)
34def _enable_supl_over_wifi(ad, node):
35    """Enable supl over wifi
36    Detail setting:
37        <hal
38            SuplDummyCellInfo="true"
39            SuplUseApn="false"
40            SuplUseApnNI="true"
41            SuplUseFwCellInfo="false"
42        />
43    Args:
44        ad: AndroidDevice object
45        node: ElementTree node
46    """
47    ad.log.info("Enable SUPL over wifi")
48    attributes = {"SuplDummyCellInfo": "true", "SuplUseApn": "false", "SuplUseApnNI": "true",
49                  "SuplUseFwCellInfo": "false"}
50    for key, value in attributes.items():
51        node.set(key, value)
54def _disable_supl_over_wifi(ad, node):
55    """Disable supl over wifi
56    Detail setting:
57        <hal
58            SuplUseApn="true"
59        />
60    Remove following setting
61        SuplDummyCellInfo="true"
62        SuplUseApnNI="true"
63        SuplUseFwCellInfo="false"
64    Args:
65        ad: AndroidDevice object
66        node: ElementTree node
67    """
68    ad.log.info("Disable SUPL over wifi")
69    for attri in ["SuplDummyCellInfo", "SuplUseApnNI", "SuplUseFwCellInfo"]:
70        node.attrib.pop(attri, None)
71    node.set("SuplUseApn", "true")